A small lie for a girl aged 3

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I still am not bothered by my decision to do so and I don't think that by my doing it has cause the prices to be raised, that comes from them wanting to make more of a profit. maybe if they came up with a system that they just had to use tkts per rides that they could ride it might be different but the amount they charge for a toddler is outrageous and my being able to afford it has nothing to do with it. on our next trip yes I will be paying for my child she will be 3 2/3 almost 4 so I will pay then. and anyone using a stroller has nothng to do whatsoever with profit or losing money. thats basically job security...there will always be strollers so that means then that thostroller movers will have a job! :D disney has such a high markup on things that I don't think they are hurting. sorry if you feel that I am responsible for you having to pay more for your tkt to get into the park. but I stand my ground.

<img height="200" src="http://www.howskaren.com/chipandaryn.jpg">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> First Inaugural Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders!!--yeah baby! </marquee><font></font></font>

I believe this thread has been answered. I am locking this before it gets out of hand.


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

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