A Sensible Dinner - Pearlieq's Journal

Goooooooood Morning Pearlieq! :sunny: Isn't it a bright sunny day in the Midwest? :sunny: :sunny:

I think you did really well yesterday, even if you had to rely on the Grace of God. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Every bit helps you know. Personally, if he is stepping in, then I would take it as a sign that he wants you to succeed. :angel:

Curves really does make the time fly by. Who would have guessed that you didn't have to watch the clock while exercising, asking yourself "am I done yet!". :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Pearlieq, reading your last post made me hungry ;) . You find great ways to put good food together. I noticed you had Grand Light ice cream. Is that Edy's Grand Light? I love that stuff. French Silk is my favorite. I think it tastes like regular ice cream! And I have to try some of that turkey sausage you keep talking about. I am craving my old fatty meats!!!
Rachie0507 said:
Pearlieq, reading your last post made me hungry ;) . You find great ways to put good food together. I noticed you had Grand Light ice cream. Is that Edy's Grand Light? I love that stuff. French Silk is my favorite. I think it tastes like regular ice cream! And I have to try some of that turkey sausage you keep talking about. I am craving my old fatty meats!!!

Oh my goodness--isn't it awesome! It's so thick and creamy! It tastes just as good (if not better!) than a lot of real ice cream I've had.

Definitely try the turkey sausage--it's not quite real smoked sausage but it's darn close! I buy the Jennie O kind and it's 70 calories per serving so even if you ate half the darn package (which I maybe kinda did yesterday...) it's only about 240 calories--and that's a big, big serving.


--1 cup Stonyfield farm FF yogurt
--1 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--9 strawberries

I was wondering what to have for breakfast this morning, when I remembered this thing my aunt used to give me when I stayed at her house as a child. It's such a yummy blend--you get the creamy from the yogurt, the crunchy from the oat squares, and the tart/sweet of the strawberries. Plus, this makes a huge portion for not too many calories.

I'm really hoping to have a better day than yesterday. I wasn't too thrilled with how crave-y and snacky I was. I did clear out any last temptations so at least it would be harder to overeat, but really don't like the place I'm in mentally when that happens. Part of the problem is I'm really bored. I work from home and the project I was working on is stalled, so I have nothing to do, but I can't leave or anything since it could start up again or there could be something new for me to do at any minute. I think today I'll try to make a point to get up and do something every hour. At least that might break up the monotony.


--about 2/3 serving ham
--1 serving country fritatta
--1/2 serving new potatoes
--1 serving green beans
--1 whole wheat bun
--1 apple

Hopefully this is a big full lunch that will keep the snack monster at bay. Kinda a little bummed again today. Not too much, I'm just noticing I'm not as chipper as usual. I got some house chores done this morning and it felt good to be productive, so I'm going to try to do some more after lunch.


--2 eggs
--1 WW english muffin

I've been pretty hungry this afternoon. Lunch was petty big, so I wanted to keep this as close to 250 calories as possible. I hope I got a good value out of it. I'm finding that even though I tell myself that I want to eat 2000-2500 calories a day, I find myself pushing to stay close to the 2000 mark, and I'm not sure that's really healthy. Sometimes I try to cut down too much and wind up snapping back and bingeing. Plus, 2000 is a lot less than I thought it would be. I always thought it was a pretty generous amount, but after a 350-400 calorie breakfast that only covers cereal, fruit, and milk, a 600-700 calorie lunch that leaves me getting hungry 2 hours later, and another 300-400 calorie snack to try to tide me over until dinner, I've only got between 500-700 calories for dinner. That's not much. And that also means there's no room for an evening snack or dessert. I need to get past the mental block and realize it's OK to eat 2200 or 2300 calories a day, especially when I'm exercising each day.


--1 Beef & Cheddar from Arby's
--1/2 order medium curly fries
--1 orange
--1 cup Edys Grand Light strawberry

This was such a nice treat. Yummy!
Pearlieq, you are doing an awesome job!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Your food choices just keep getting better and better. You're realizing that you're not always driven to eat because of hunger - I know my eating can be VERY emotionally driven too. :rolleyes: You were able to head off a major binge - way to go!!

Keep up the great work! :sunny:
Your breakfast sounds good. I work from home as well, but am finding that if I make a point to take breaks and walk around or work a little on a personal project then it breaks up the monotony. It also keeps me from overeating. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi Pearlieq,

Your breakfast and lunch are great. I'm sending :sunny: :flower: :sunny: :flower: :sunny: your way to help you feel more chipper! :goodvibes

I hope your work project picks up and you can avoid the boredom that leads to snacking.

Hi Pearlieq,

You re doing great. You're examining your meal choices and planning your calories carefully. WTG! I also have a tendency to eat when bored.

Take care,


--1 cup Stonyfield Farms FF yogurt
--1 cup Quaker Oat Sqares
--10 medium strawberries

I really like this breakfast--it's tasty!

So, I had to set some ground rules for myself since I was going nuts on the scale. I decided I would only weigh myself on Wednesdy and Saturday. So, I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 346.0 which is only down .5 pounds from Saturday. I'm trying really, really hard not to take that personally. I've exercised every day but Sunday. I've been under my calorie limit every single day. I should have more than a .5 pound loss in half a week. So, now we're going to start dreaming up reasons as to why--maybe I'm retaining water from TOM, maybe I'm building muscle at Curves, maybe I had on my extra-heavy underwear this morning and it threw off the scale. Right? Everyone? <crickets...>


--1 cup manwich made with ground sirloin and turkey breast
--1 whole wheat bun
--2 black plums


--1 sugar free Jello pudding cup


--7 strawberries


Curves. We're getting pizza tonight! I'm so excited! I've been wanting plain cheap old Dominoes and I actually have more than enough calories for it tonight. Yay!


--1/2 medium cheese handtossed pizza
--1 black plum
--1 large handful baby carrots
--1 T light ranch dressing

The pizza was sooooo good! It had to be meant to be too because as I was pawing through the drawer to find the phone number, I found a certificate we got in the mail eons ago for a free medium pizza! Score!
Hi Pearlieq :wave:

I completely understand what you mean about the scale! A couple of weeks ago, I started South Beach Diet and did Phase 1 for two weeks. Lost about 7 pounds. That was great! I went off program for awhile and gained some back. Now, I am still off program, eating tons of junk, and I showed a 3 pound loss. :confused3 The scale does not make sense to me at all. :confused3

It sounds like you are watching what you eat and getting exercise in so I am sure that the scale will cooperate with you soon. :hug: Hang in there! I know you can do it! :cheer2:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: That's it! I didn't think to switch to the light weight undies before weighing myself this morning! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Seriously though, you are doing great and remember, you want the weight to come off slowly because you are doing a lifestyle change. Sometimes the scale doesn't move, but you can FEEL the difference in your clothing........even the undies........ :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

You are doing GREAT!! I only weigh myself about 2 times a week. Always on Wednesday, because that is when I started my program, so I keep track weekly by measuring and weighing. The numbers don't always look right, but the clothes are looser.

Keep up the good work and remember you are getting healthier. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
:rotfl2: It has to be the undies. ::yes::

You are doing great. My suggestion is that you take measurements weekly. When the scale doesn't cooperate, the tape measure usually does.

Enjoy your pizza tonight,

You are doing all the right things. Sometimes that darn scale is just evil! Keep up the good work and now that it is spring around here maybe it is time to switch to the lightweight undies! :rotfl2:
How long have you been going to Curves? I've been going since January 1st and here is what I can tell you - I lost abot 4 lbs and then I lost nothing buy my body fat % has gone down. I weight 10 lbs more now then I did last year at this time - but I am in smaller jeans and look GREAT! Keep it up at Curves and watching the calories and it will payoff. Be sure to also get your weight and measurement done every month at Curves so they can calculate your body fat% loss.

3/31/05 - Goodbye March!


--1 cup frosted mini wheats
--1 cup milk
--12 strawberries

I ran out of yogurt yesterday, which is a bummer since I've gotten hooked on that breakfast. Time to go to the store!


--Chicken Burrito - Fresco Style
--Beef Gordita - Fresco Style

This wasn't as big as I thought it would be, but still pretty filling and full of fiber. We'll see how long it lasts.


--1 snack pack prunes
--1 small bag honey roasted nuts


--3 1/2 ribs
--1 cheese roll
--1 large cob of corn
--10 skinny asparagus spears

Gosh this dinner was crap-tastic. I'm still ticked off about it. Grr! We went to Walter Payton's Roundhouse, which is supposed to be a good restaurant. We asked for non-smoking, so they basic stuck us over the wall from the cigar bar. We asked our oh-so-friendly waitress if it would be possible to move and she just walked away! Then she went to deal with another table. We finally had to grab our drinks and stand up before she would move us. Then it took her forever to come back and take our order--meanwhile, two empty glasses... Dave's steak was medium-rare instead of medium-well, and they took the peice of meat he cut into and put it back on the grill and brought it back to him! Classy... It was all dry from the cut he made. They refused to substitute vegetables for the fries that were supposed to come with my ribs. So they charged me $4 for about 10 skinny pieces of asparagus. It was just a disaster. And a $60 disaster to boot! That one smarts!


--1 Jello pudding cup
Hang in there, Pearlieq! You're doing the right things so that scale MUST eventually cooperate. I have to agree with taking your measurements. When the scale isn't moving, the tape measure usually shows progress. Are your clothes starting to feel looser?

Hope you have a wonderful day today! :sunny:
The crazy storms have passed, but I think you got more than we did. Now it is cloudy and very windy. Great day for a fire to cozy up to.

I agree, that Pizza was meant to be. Good for you on throwing in the fruit and veggies with the pizza. :banana: I don't usually do that, but it would be better if I did.

Keep up the good work! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi there,

Time to hed to te store for more yogurt. It is healthy, full of calcium, and it satisfies you.

I hope you have a great day.
4/1/05 -- Hello April!


--1/2 cup Stonyfield FF yogurt
--1/2 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--7 medium strawberries.

I went to the store and got more yogurt. Couldn't live without it. I woke up really late today and I'm just not that hungry. I'm kind of forcing myself to eat. I took a smaller breakfast today because I have a hot date with DH for lunch in just a couple of hours.


--1 omelet made with egg substitute, spinach, low-fat mozzarella, and salsa
--1 english muffin with 2 t. butter and 2 t. blackberry jam
--1/2 cup mixed fruit.

This was so so so good! I definitely like salsa with eggs, which sounds like an odd combination but is really tasty. The english muffin was divine. It had been so long since I had had butter. I think I was whimpering at the table.


--1 whole wheat pita
--1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese
--1 small banana
--1/4 orange/mango/peach juice with diet sierra mist


--2 healthy hamburgers
--2 whole wheat dinner rolls
--ketchup, pickles
--1 tomato
--1 1/2 spicy baked potatoes
--1 cup honey glazed carrots
--1 1/2 cups milk
--1/4 cup orange/mango/peach juice

I love these Natural Ovens rolls. They're big enough for little sandwiches, they have 1/2 the calories of the better buns, but only 1 less gram of fiber. I found a sugar-free angel food cake at the grocery store today, so I cut up some strawberries, added some Splenda, and mashed them up. We'll have strawberry shortcake later. Maybe. I'm pretty full.
septbride2002 said:
How long have you been going to Curves? I've been going since January 1st and here is what I can tell you - I lost abot 4 lbs and then I lost nothing buy my body fat % has gone down. I weight 10 lbs more now then I did last year at this time - but I am in smaller jeans and look GREAT! Keep it up at Curves and watching the calories and it will payoff. Be sure to also get your weight and measurement done every month at Curves so they can calculate your body fat% loss.


Congrats on your success with your workouts!

I've only been going to Curves for a week now--before that I was walking. I actually had them do my measurements last night so we can keep track of that. They did have me hop on the scale, and at least their scale was cooperating a bit, so maybe I'll have an OK loss to report tomorrow.

If not, my clothes definitely feel looser, which is nice. I also feel more energetic, heathier, and generally in better spirits.


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