A Sensible Dinner - Pearlieq's Journal

I read your journal and it sounds like your doing a great job. Of course you are gonna have bad days but we all do. Just try and turn it around as soon as you see the problem. Ill check back more later.



--1 cup frosted mini-wheats
--3/4 cup skim milk


--2 small slices of cheese/bacon/green onion frittata
--1 waffle with light syrup
--1/2 small raspberry scone (homemade)
--1 small strawberry muffin (made with Splenda)
--1 small taste of crabmeat quiche
--1/4 cup fresh orange juice (mixed with Diet 7up)
--1 small slice bacon
--2 cups fresh fruit salad
--2 mini pecan tarts

An early Easter brunch at my aunt and uncle's house. The thing that's nice about holidays at their house is that they're total health freaks so there's always good food to choose from.


--1 turkey sandwich from Jimmy Johns (lettuce & tomato only)
--1/2 bag barbecue kettle chips


25 minute walk around the neighborhood.


--Guiltless black bean burger from Chilis
--Corn on the cob

This was sooo good! It took a few bites to get used to, but especially with ketchup it was really tasty. Now I'm just wondering that happens to a person when they eat 26 grams of fiber in one sitting...
hey there. you seem to be such the sweetheart! you offer all of this support to others, and you deserve some back. just the fact that you want to be healthy is wonderful ::yes:: ..i agree with the person who posted before me..we all have our ups and downs, we make mistakes, and we fix them.. ..but seriously keep up the good work. you can do it! :thewave:
Just wanted to check in and see how your doing today.....looks great keep it up. Wish my family had healthy stuff to choose from, I have to bring the healthy stuff now.

Just wanted to say "hi!" and thank you for visiting my journal. I just finished reading yours and you really have come along way in the last few weeks with making changes in your menu. Hang in there, I know you can do it! :cheer2: :cheer2:

I see your time frames are all over the place, must be that "Chicago life-style". :rotfl2: We are not too far away, but far enough that my world is much slower paced. I have found that having time frames for my meals and snacks really helps keep me from snacking in between. Of course, there are days that it just doesn't work. You are right about listening to your body. That is something I think we all ignore until we just can't any longer. Mine says, go to bed earlier (quit the night owl) and I have been since starting my program. It really helps curb the nighttime snacking and I have found that I am sleeping so much better and have more energy the next day.

It gets easier with each passing day and setting small goals for yourself and journaling is a great way to keep on track. Remember, this is a life-style change, so it will take time to re-learn. ::yes:: (They really should have taught us better about nutrition in school. :rotfl2: ) Keep up the good work!! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Good morning! I just wanted to wish you a wonderful, healthy week! :cheer2: You can do this!~ :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


--1 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--1/2 cup skim milk
--1 apple
--1 T. peanut butter

I didn't want to eat this morning, but finally forced myself to do it in order to get my metabolism going. I woke up very stiff and sore today--I don't know why. I'd hate to think I was pushing myself beyond my limits by taking a 25 minute walk each day. That's humbling. I'm going to do some stretching today to see if I can loosen up. DH and I are going looking for a gym tonight. We've got an elipitical trainer and I like walking, but I really would like to lift and we just don't have the equipment. Hopefully we can find something reasonably priced.


--1 Lean Cuisine Chicken Florentine
--2/3 cups peas
--2 cups fresh cut pineapple
--1 cup skim milk

I'm having the strangest craving--I really, really want that bean burger from last night again. And since this is the first craving I've had that didn't involve double cheeseburgers from some evil fast food place, I figure I'm going to indulge it!


35 minute walk around the neighborhood. I've been stiff and sore all day (possibly a mattress problem?) but I finally loosened up about halfway through the walk and it started to feel pretty good. Even had the energy to go the long way back around the block. Bonus was that I ran into one of my girlfriends and we spend a good hour chit-chatting afterwards. All in all a very pleasant experience.


--1 1/2 cups frosted mini-wheats
--3/4 cup milk


--about 3/8 pound roasted turkey
--3/4 cup herbed corn
--3/4 cup new potatoes
--3/4 garlic green beans
--1/4 cup cranberry sauce

Boston Market. Yummy!!!
Way to go! It's a good sign that you're not craving the double cheeseburger!! It's better to indulge in that bean burger...so you're not eating everything else in it's place!

Have a great week!

Great job Pearliq! :cool1:

Yesterday you had great portion control, better food choices and better timing through the day. I am proud of you!! :sunny: You are going to do this!! :cheer2:

I hope you and hubby are able to find a gym that you are comfortable with. It is so nice that you have his support. Good job on the walking. As far as the bean burger, it could have been much worse. You know you are making progress when you don't crave the salt and grease from the "early days", but crave something a little better. :banana:

Finally found Montgomery. We pass by you when we go into Chicago. So nice to know that people on the board are closer than you think. Thanks for lending me your support and keep up the good work. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Your journal from yesterday looked great!!

Onward & downward!!


Thank you so much to everyone for the support! It makes such a difference to know that we're all out there to cheer each other on. I means a lot to me!


--1 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--1/2 cup skim milk
--1 snack pack prunes

Very sore again last night. It reminds me of the last time I threw my back out (which, unfortunately was right before our impromptu new years trip to WDW last year) but the difference this time is that last night, which was the worst, felt like about the 3 or 4th day of getting better last time. In other words, nowhere near as severe. I'm going to keep moving to keep it loose.


--1/2 serving turkey
--1/2 serving green beans
--1 T cranberry sauce

Not enough breakfast--it's 10am and I'm hungry again...


--1 Lifechoice chicken parmesan/vegetables meal
--1/2 cup peas
--3/4 herbed corn


30 minute walk around neighborhood. I'll be trying Curves later this week, I think. A friend of mine has a guest pass so I can check it out.


--1 english muffin
--2 T hummus
--3/4 cup Carb Clever peaches


--1 Panera turkey sandwich (tomato only)
--1/2 cup broccoli cheese soup
--1/2 french roll
--1 pickle spear
Hi There,

I started out at Curves. I really enjoyed it. There was no pressure and a ton of good vibes. It really reminded me of this board, the relationships and support that are here.

You are doing great. Your portions and choices have improved tremendously. keep up the great work.

Take care of your back. lots of stretching may help.

Take care,
Great meal choices for the day! :banana: It is nice to seem some veggies and good portion control. Don't you just love Panera's? It's my favorite "deli" place and I love the turkey sandwich. Keep up the good work. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


--2 eggs
--1 apple
--1 cup multi-grain Cheerios
--1 cup skim milk

Again I didn't feel like eating this morning and had to kind of force myself to do it. Where is this at 4pm, I ask you??? I'm experimenting today eating a large breakfast with lots of protien. I'll be curious to see what happens. Going to the grocery store today--I'm going to be picking up stuff to make hamburgers--still can't seem to kick that craving. I'm going to buy the 96% fat free ground sirloin to make them and I'm going to add garlic, Worcester (sp?) sauce, and onion to the patties to give them lots of flavor so I don't miss the cheese. Also going to find some low calorie, high-fiber buns to serve them with. Hopefully I wind up with something that satisfies the craving in a healthy way. I'm getting really sick of chicken!!!


--1 Lean Cuisine Turkey meal
--1/2 cup peas
--2 snack packs prunes

Well, the breakfast didn't last me any longer than normal, but it didn't really have a different calorie count that most of my meals. I've just been sitting here for the last 2 hours ignoring my body as it gets hungrier and hungrier. Bad me! I've got some leftover crusty sourdough bread from Panera that going to be such a yummy snack with some hummus! I'm really looking forward to it!


--1 sugar free Jello Pudding cup

*NOTE: For the duration of this update the part of a sane, rational adult woman will be played by a sulky 2 year old. Thank you.* Grocery shopping stinks. You're constantly surrounded by food you can't have. Have I ever mentioned how much I love cheap grocery store cakes? The kind with 3" of Crisco frosting and sprinkles on the sides? It is a very deep love, 2nd possibly only to cheeseburgers. Well, there were a bunch of mighty fine looking ones at the store. And I walked by them. And the cookies. And the chips. And the mac & cheese. And the other cookies. It got very wearying. I'm now sitting here on my couch pouting and drowning my sorrows in a sugar-free pudding cup. I'm trying to remind myself that as much as I love cheeseburgers and cheap grocery store cake I love me more. It's not quite working. Yet.


--2 healthy hamburgers
--1 oven-roasted potato
--3/4 cup carb clever peaches
--1 cup skim milk

This was an awesome meal! I love my healthy hamburgers--they were soo tasty and this was very, very filling for under 800 calories!
I hear ya about the chicken.....thats why I am on a fish kick now. Have you ever tried Talapia....so good. Your doing a great job with walking, I was pretty sore all week to and got discouraged but keep it up and you will get used to it or used to the pain.

Nice job on breakfast! I think the eggs will help sustain you a little longer and the energy from the protein is a great benefit.

You will not be disappointed in going with the ground sirloin, it produces much less grease than a hamburger and has much richer flavor. This is the only "hamburger" that I buy. I don't think you will miss the cheese, because a well seasoned burger is much better than a cheese burger, in my opinion.

Keep up the good work and remember, everything in moderation. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


--1 cup Quaker Oat Squares
--1/2 cup skim milk
--1 orange
--1 light string cheese

Now this morning I'm rarin' to eat. I was pretty low (for me) on calories last night. Ideally I'm trying to stay between 2000 and 2500, which is what I plan to be eating the whole way through and down into goal. It's a number I can live with, and if I've done my calculations right it's a calorie level I can support at 175 pounds if I exercise most days, which I'm working up to. Bunco again tonight--this week WILL NOT be a repeat of last week. Luckily there is no chance of last minute hosting. Again my plan is to eat a full dinner before I get there, then I will choose one dessert from the assorted goodies. I will stick to water or diet caffeine-free soda, and I will get the heck out of the kitchen!


--1 2" section of sourdough bread

Again maybe not enough breakfast. I started getting hungry again about 9:45. This seems like it's doing the trick--it's leftover so it's gotten good and crusty! I'm still trying to decide whether it's better to eat on a schedule or eat when my body tells me to. If I get a big enough breakfast I usually don't need a morning snack. I always need an afternoon snack, though. I'm finding that as long as I eat about ever 3.5/4 hours I seem to do OK. I've been surprised lately that I haven't been eating much after dinner. I used to always be a dessert/night snack person but if I get a good dinner I'm finding that I just don't want it all that much.


--2 healthy hamburgers
--2 siles 2% cheese
--7 large strawberries

I was going to save these for dinner but I just couldn't wait! Now I've got to think of something cool for dinner... *Edited to add--the cheese was a total waste of calories. Couldn't really taste any difference. Oh well. Now I know...*


30 minute walk around the neighborhood.

I must say I'm not the slightest bit hungry. Those burgers really held me well. I'm going to have a big, protein rich dinner around 6 or so, I think. Hopefully that will take any impluse to Bunco binge away. I've already promised myself that if I behave tonight I can splurge on a Bacon Egg & Cheese bagel for breakfast tomorrow morning. DH and I both have the day off and we've been planning to go to McDonalds for breakfast. If I eat well tonight I can have my treat, if not I will order something small.


--1/2 can tomato soup (made with skim milk)
--1 whole wheat pita
--2T hummus
--1/2 cup cottage cheese
--10 large strawberries

OK, this ought to get me though this evening. What tickles me is that all this food is still under 500 calories. I couldn't even eat two little pieces of cheese pizza for that! And I'd still be starving after the 30 seconds it took me to eat them. There's something to be said for low density foods.


--1/2 slice of Cheesecake Factory original cheesecake

With apologies to Lerner & Lowe: I did it! I did it! I said that I would do it and indeed I did! And man did I fight for it! I didn't spend too much time over by the food but I saw cheese sticks (another HUGE love of mine), taco dip, chips, cookies, and real coke. There were even dishes of candy on the playing tables! And she tried to send me home with food! And I stayed in control and bypassed it all. My dinner was great and it really stuck with me. I enjoyed the cheesecake, but I could have passed on it too. But, I made the rational decision that I had lots of calories to spare tonight and that I would like a treat. So I split a piece with a friend. And then STOPPED. I'm so happy! I do, however, pledge that from now on I will be more respectful and compassionate to those that watch their weight. I will make an effort to only serve healthy foods, with only the occasional rare treat. Because let me tell you, tonight felt like navigating a minefield and as a result I really couldn't quite relax 100%


--1/2 can tomato soup (made with skim milk)

Hungry again and didn't want to try to ignore it until morning.
You are doing great! :cheer2:

Remember, the best way to lose is with 3 meals and 2 snacks. It will keep your blood sugar even all day and increase the metabolism because your body won't think it is starving. It is awesome that you are figuring out what your caloric intake should be to reach your goal. You have come a long way in a few weeks. :grouphug:

Great plan for getting through BUNCO night. Going in with plan in hand and I know you can do it! :banana: :banana: :banana:

I loved your little "I love myself more than the cake" attitude. :rotfl2: It was funny, but oh so true. When you make it to goal, I promise you that I will personally make you a better cake than the store cheapie cakes. Of course, you'll have to have a party so you can only have a small slice of the cake and shove the rest onto the unsuspecting party goers. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Keep up the good work and have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


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