A (probably dumb) question: Who owns Universal Studios?

I believe segrams does. I'm not totally sure. I think i remember a report back a while, that stated segrams was sold to some overseas company, but im not totally sure.

It used to be a 50-50 venure with Rank and Seagrams. Seagrams was sold to Vivendi. Now the venure is with Rank and Vivendi.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Universal has had several owners over the years, first it was owned by MCA/Universal, then Matshusita bought most of Univeral, then Seagram's and Rank bought it, and just about 6 months ago, Vivendi bought half of it, but I thought Rank sold its half also?

Well, at least you know that Disney doesn't own Universal, some people never get that one straight!! :D
FYI: I just looked up Vivendi, and it's called "Vivendi Universal" -
Telecom Services/Foreign
"A leading European provider of communications services providing a broad range of communications, entertainment and educational services, including fixed line and mobile telphony, Internet services, film production and publishing."

I also looked up Loews Corp.
Property/Causualty Insurance.
"Subsidiaries are engaged primarily in property, casualty and life insurance; the production and sale of cigarettes; the operation of hotels; the operation of offshore oil and gas drilling rigs; and the distribution and sale of watches and clocks."
Hey there-

It's Vivendi owning Seagram and Rank sold it's part to the Blackstone group.


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