A Disney Honeymoon Looking for Fun & Furry Friends ~ May 6-13, 2014 UPDATED: 8-13

It gets hazy what we did until Wishes so I may have to come back to this post and edit it another time. The only thing I can specifically remember doing was riding Astro Orbiter. Of all rides like this I would say Dumbo was number one just because of the idea/character behind it and this is number two because of the view. It's definitely a fun ride to go on at night.

By the time we got off the ride it was around 9:45 PM and we headed towards the castle. The bridge from Tomorrowland was already filling up and we were smushed for a few minutes. Eventually we were escorted into the hub and they made us move up the closest we possibly could. It was a nice view, but a lamp post was in the way so pretty much pictures just weren't happening. I think I eventually gave up and enjoyed it. I think Ryan and I were developing strained eyes by the end of the day and the fireworks up close were killing us! But it was still a pretty show.

While others moved down Main Street, we took the path to Fantasyland passing Merida's M & G. DH got a chocolate covered frozen banana, YUM!

We explored the new Fantasyland at night and here are some photos:

UP NEXT: Chatting with the Princesses
So we walked by Princess Fairytale Hall and DH asked if I wanted to go in. The standby for Aurora and "Princess" was not that long so we decided to do it. I wanted to see the hallways anyway and also meet one of the Auroras on the trip. I was secretly hoping that perhaps Anna & Elsa were still there, but it was Snow White.

Snow White asked if we came far and asked if that was a horse ride away. While we were on the topic, she asked if we saw her horse outside. I played along and said I did not see the horse. She began to worry and sworn she tied it up just outside. I told her later on I would look for it and she said to tell it to come back here. All this time DH is thinking, "What the heck is up with this Snow White? A horse isn't really a part of her story...the prince has the horse!" At least she stayed in her time period and did not ask if we saw her car outside. She was sweet and animated so I enjoyed our interaction.

sw1 by ak82984, on Flickr

sw2 by ak82984, on Flickr

I tried to look at the set of books and book ends between princesses, but Aurora was waiting for us. You have to hurry, that poor girl may fall asleep! She commented on our magic bands and said Ryan's was blue to match her blue dress and I said mine was red so it could sort of go with her pink dress.

aurora by ak82984, on Flickr

Aurora is my favorite Disney classic princess and we both worried she was overshadowed by Anna and Elsa. So we asked her how she was, with subtext, how has this been on you? But she answered normally like everything was all right. Then we hinted we were worried she was overshadowed by Anna and Elsa, but she'd always be our favorite. She was poised and praised the girls for being lovely. Well played, Briar Rose. We got our picture and were on our way.

aurora1 by ak82984, on Flickr

I did not realize it was almost 11 PM and the park was about to close. But hey, the wait time for Rapunzel and Cinderella was short too, so we went back!

When we got in their room, I was shocked because we were the only ones in there. What a treat! Cinderella was lovely and seemed to be in a bit of a silly mood because it was late at night. She interacted with Rapunzel and said how she wanted to grow her hair out, joining Rapunzel's braid to her head, and asked what we thought. I said I liked it, but she'd be beautiful either way. Now it was time to have fun and see how she really felt about her stepfamily. She said they were all lovely and they were going to clean her castle tomorrow. We didn't buy it, but we played into her kind demeanor towards her step family. However, DH had to take it a step further. "It's too bad it's not like the original story. In the original story at the end *whispers* the birds peck out the stepsisters eyes!" Cinderella was bewildered at the comment but still kept in character and was like, "Oh my, oh my. Well I think I like our story better." I agreed with her. "I am going to pretend you said they ended up singing." We got our pictures, it actually may have been before this comment and I, beat red, slinked over to Rapunzel.

cindy by ak82984, on Flickr

I could have had more fun with Rapunzel and talked about frying pans or done a smolder, but I didn't think about it during the time. DH hadn't watched the movie recently so he didn't know really what to say to her. She asked us how our day was and what we saw in the park. I told her I saw her tower and she asked if I thought it was beautiful. I agreed it was and said I was able to see it in the day and night. I told her I could not find Pasquel and she told me he's very good at hiding. We got our picture together and that was the end of chat time with the princesses.

r2 by ak82984, on Flickr

rapunzel by ak82984, on Flickr

Time to take final photos of the castle and watch the beginning of the goodnight kiss.

UP NEXT: Full day at Epcot!
I don't think I ever put enough thought into COP - but you are right in that the time-line/aging doesn't fit. As far as Rover, I think I just chocked it up to them continually replacing the dog after is passes and at the end it is really Rover IV or something.

I have watched a POV on Youtube of Space Mountain with the lights on and it is way scarier as the tracks are super intertwined and close together!:scared1:

OK, I obviously have a bad mind as I took your line of "enough with the private carpet rides already" in as dirty a way as possible ;)

Glad you keep finding your missing Mickey ears!

Your nighttime castle photo with the reflection in the water is very pretty

That's great that you got to see all 4 princesses there with practically no wait I find it funny to think of the princesses getting more relaxed and silly at the end of the night, comparing princes, the usual

Sounds like a great day at MK!
I always had great sleeps at Disney. I wonder if it was the comfortable pillows? Today we would go to Epcot, but not until we had breakfast at 1900 Park Fare! So we took a bus to Magic Kingdom to hop on a monorail around the lagoon. What a tease to see MK again. But that was not in our plans today! It was cool to go into the Contemporary Resort via Monorail (DH’s dream hotel). We were at the TTC stop and then we got a message that there a delayed train at the Polynesian stop and we had to wait. It was about ten minutes before 8 AM so I began to freak out. Luckily this made the bulk of passengers leave the monorail who decided to take the ferry over instead. Eventually things got moving and we made it in time.

We arrived a little before 8 AM and our reservation wasn’t until like 8:10 AM. But we checked in and waited in line. Mary Poppins welcomed us and we said our hellos before she went backstage again. I liked the entrance set up because you would give the door greeter your receipt and they would escort you to a table right away. I felt like at Crystal Palace, later in the trip, we all had to stand outside and wait for them to call our party. Mary Poppins welcomed us and we said our hellos before she went backstage again.

We sat at a small table pretty close to the buffet and a good spot for the characters to make their rounds. They started off with the tables right next to the buffet and when they turned the corner, they were on our side. I am glad I had time to get breakfast and stocked up on carbs! I believe they had a mango guava juice that went along with orange juice and it was delicious!
Pooh was the first one out. What’s not to love when you meet this silly ole bear? DH mentioned he had a rumbly in his tumbly before he ate breakfast and then Pooh grabbed his own belly and shook it about. It was hilarious. DH got a photo with both of them grabbing on to their bellies.

Tigger came next shortly after. I remember him being energetic and I believe he pointed at our buttons and clapped his hands. It was another fun interaction.

Our first face character was Mary Poppins. She also acknowledged our pins, inquired about "Happily Ever After" and we said we got married in October. She said we looked like a practically perfect couple. She asked if we were having a jolly holiday and we said we were indeed. DH asked where Bert was and she said he was looking after the children today. She said she hoped they were not getting into trouble and I told her I knew she would set them straight. Her dress was quite lovely in person and I admired all the details.

I saw Alice in the distance and she sat down at a big table and starting gabbing with the guests.

When she came to us, she was very energetic. I told her I met the White Rabbit the day before, but he was late from his lunch. She told me she cannot remember a time when he was actually on time. She noticed our buttons and we told her we were on our honeymoon. She said she spoke to a couple earlier about their honeymoon and asked us what way we spread honey on the moon. She also asked us how we got up there. I said we borrowed pixie dust from Peter Pan. She then got excited and told me Wendy and her were very good friends. Afterwards, I thought if “good friends aka friends of Wendy” meant she also played Wendy. Anyway she was talking about her and then looked at her side and said, “Oh yes, she’s not here right now.” She was a very good character!

The Mad Hatter came last and I was very excited as it was the only place we could meet him. We asked him how he was and he said, “I’m fine. It’s a little hot in here, but I am fine” I believe he too asked about our buttons and we said we were married in October. He went to DH and said, “And he couldn’t come up with the money until now!” We joked and said Disney was expensive and we had to wait! He said he always blame Alice for things so I agreed and said it was her fault. We got our pictures taken and made silly faces.

We wrapped it up and I believe we were only there for about an hour. We decided to explore the Grand Floridian because why not?! I resisted playing on the piano and singing the song Jesse sings to Becky on Full House.

A birdhouse for Cinderella's birds, perhaps?

I need to remove couches and chairs from him...

Since we were in no rush to go to Epcot, our first FP wasn’t until 11:20 AM, I asked if we could go to the GF Vilas. Once when I was online, I saw photos of a Mary Poppins penguin fountain and beautiful chandeliers. So I took photos of the area, along with Bert’s chalk drawings!

The coolest elevator ever!

I borrowed this idea from a fellow Disboarder or Disney blogger.

Soon we hoped on another monorail and were on our way to Epcot!
Just caught up, man I love your guys pics!! Your poses are the best, I wish I could get my husband to pose like the two of you :thumbsup2 I am just luckily if I can get him to smile...
We wrapped it up and I believe we were only there for about an hour. We decided to explore the Grand Floridian because why not?! I resisted playing on the piano and singing the song Jesse sings to Becky on Full House.


This is my absolute favorite Full House episode! I still watch the episodes on Nick at Night!

Really enjoying your trip report. Can't wait to read more!
This is my absolute favorite Full House episode! I still watch the episodes on Nick at Night!

Really enjoying your trip report. Can't wait to read more!

It's so exciting when those episodes come on! I may have read about it in the past, but I watched Indiana Jones at HS this time, I expected the wall to open, and ball to chase Indiana Jones. When they called, "Cut" I was so confused! Thanks Full House.
Sorry I fell a bit behind. I've just been busy, but I'm all caught up now :)

I love all the puns on the Jungle Cruise, but you do have to have a good skipper or it just doesn't work and it's just no fun. So glad you had a good one ;)

Glad the ears were safely recovered. I don't wear mine that often for that reason. And because taking them on and off gets tiresome to me.

Such beautiful pictures of the Castle. I never get tired of seeing it. Or the Tangled bathrooms for that matter.

I think Aurora might get some more love, hopefully, with Maleficent out now. Or at least, you know, it's a possibility. I guess time will tell.

Your DH does like to tell that fact a lot :P Poor princesses are going to get scared.

I need to get to 1900 Park Fair sometime. Maybe September, if I get lucky.

And the GF is beautiful! And that's clearly the best episode of Full House ;) Though, like you, it did give me some unrealistic expectations.
I think Aurora might get some more love, hopefully, with Maleficent out now. Or at least, you know, it's a possibility. I guess time will tell.

Your DH does like to tell that fact a lot :P Poor princesses are going to get scared.

After seeing the movie last night, I was hoping Aurora would get more love. She seemed so happy and bubbly in the movie, why not get to know her? But I am sure many will ask her if she has a good relationship with Maleficent now.

Well, he only told ONE princess that fact. Better than telling them all their darker origins, lol.
Sorry for the delay everyone. Or maybe this is the normal review pace, but I like to get entries done quickly. I know I definitely need to upload photos from my 1900 PF breakfast and then put that in the table of contents. I am in the process of moving this weekend so it has slowed me down.

Please feel free to write your comments and questions. I love hearing them.
We started on the right side of Epcot and went into their art shop. I was really looking forward to the art shops in the park and I thought I could get something unique. Unfortunately, things were either too expensive or not what I was looking for at the time. We did check their archives on the kiosk, but we never did settle on an item during our trip.

We went to the Seas building and checked it out. I wanted to see the manatees as they are one of my favorite animals. Going to zoos that have manatees, I cannot say Disney has the best, naturalistic exhibit. But it’s big enough and the fact that they treat injured manatees is commendable.

Two of my loves...

I believe we checked out the other exhibits in the area and headed over to the Lands building.

We still had a little time before our first fastpass to Soarin’ so we decided to watch the Circle of Life film. It was a decent film, good message, and nice comic relief from Timon and Pumba. We did not wait long to get on Soarin. I enjoyed the ride a lot. I liked soaring over landscapes and enjoyed the smells. I think it would be neat if they did upgrade this to show more landscapes and make the attraction a little longer.

After this we went on the Living with the Land boat ride. I must admit this day was not as exciting as the day before at Magic Kingdom. I enjoy the educated attractions, but they are not as exciting to me. None the less, it was a relaxing ride and much to see throughout the trip.

We then headed over to Spaceship Earth. I think I heard someone mutter behind me about the line congestion and it’s the fault of FP+. The FP line was not bad at all and stand by wasn’t outrageous either. This is one of the few rides I can remember riding when I was younger and I still enjoy it. Who would not want to take a journey with Judi Dench narrating along the way? I was waiting patiently for my photo to be taken and the second I look down, *flash*. Oh well, it was still fun.

I am not sure what we did in between, but we eventually headed back to the Seas building and used our last fastpass for Turtle Talk with Crush.

Well, these were taken at some point...

Here’s some advice: DO NOT WASTE A FP ON THIS ATTRACTION! Your line ends up in the same room as the stand by line and you all wait the same time. The wait seemed quite long until the next show and the room was just chaotic. However, after getting into the attraction, we did enjoy it. I figure these live shows have actors in the back with an earpiece, but they must hire people for this particular attraction that sound like Crush. Either way, it is impressive.

It is time to cool down at Club Cool! We tried all the flavors, saving Beverly for last. I enjoyed most of the flavors, although some were a bit too sweet for my taste. I volunteered to try it first and had Ryan take a picture of my reaction. This picture says it all:

The first couple of seconds I thought it tasted sweet and almost wondered why people had an issue with it. Then the bitterness kicked in. How it stays on your tongue! Ryan tried it to and this was his reaction:

Now that we were done with Future World, we went over to the World Showcase. Ryan took some photos of the country from the front of the lake:







We went through Mexico and then headed towards Norway. We checked out the building dedicated to Frozen. We were able to get a fourth FP to Maelstrom at 2 PM. The stand by line was not too long, but this helped us jump to the front. We both enjoyed the ride and I am glad we got to experience it before they change it over to a Frozen attraction. I do not really see why it is considered Tier 1, but it must be popular.

We headed back over to Mexico to check out their attraction. Another typical dark ride, but I enjoyed seeing Donald all over the place.

When we headed out, I noticed the line for Donald was not long so we got in it. We said a quick hello and got our picture taken.

We skipped over China, to return later when Mulan was there, and went to Germany. Snow White looked like she had a gathering at her wishing well. So much for making a wish today!

We explored the shops, like the Christmas one, which was a disappointment. One of the shops had really cool Mickey ears with symbols of Germany.

We both discussed that each country represented in Epcot should have their own ears! DH ended up buying a pair for his coworker.

Hey Girl!

We also checked out Italy and I want to say we got a snack here, but I cannot remember. Most likely it was gelato.
It was time to end back to meet Mulan. This is where the fun came in....

UP NEXT: Daddy Go Crazy & Surprise Characters!
You think I'd just continue with the fun just like that? Well honestly it was my original intention, but I have Italy photos to show! Darn the post photo limit.

So enjoy these photos...

I love her ears.

In between countries...

Back through Germany...

UP NEXT: A Dad and his Quest to Mulan.
Apparently on the pathways there are bridges that can go up. This is how they get the fireworks to the center of the lake each day. We waited patiently and enjoyed seeing all the cargo boats come in. But heaven forbid, a father had a daughter who had to meet Mulan and this was ridiculous! He was fussing and getting all worked up that they would convenience him like this. “When that bridge goes down, we are going to RUN!” I think DH then rushed so he could beat them out of spite. Except his plan did not work since we passed the end of the line. Anyway, it was too long so we decided to check it out in a little bit. We watched the China film and then I took photos of the beautiful architecture.

I told DH to be Mulan

The line for Mulan was still too long so we decided we would not meet her. I just took a photo from afar.

It was time to head over to America and check out their attraction. Then the most wonderful thing happened. In the alleyway just before the American pavilion, there were characters making their way down! Pooh, Pluto, and Mr. Smee! Yes, we were in the right spot at the right time for character training! And Mr. Smee? He’s a rare meet! We got in line immediately. DH said he was surprised Captain Hook let him out. He pointed back to the backstage area as to almost say, “Forget him, I do what I want!” We then went over to Pluto because we hadn’t met him in any parks and did not want to wait in the long lines. He was very animated and we had a fun time. We decided to skip Pooh because we just met him that morning.

Now we were very grateful for this special moment. And it’s more special that it does not happen at all the time. But I am selfish and if something cool happens like this once; I want it to happen again! Unfortunately, it did not, but I did enjoy this interaction.

The Voices of Liberty were singing inside before the American attraction opened up for its next showing. They sang the American anthem and it was a beautiful rendition. I always mix this up with the Hall of Presidents so I cannot give you any details about the show. Except this one had Benjamin Franklin and I was once again impressed with the animatronics.

Hello, Spaceship Earth!

UP NEXT: A trip to Europe.
Beautiful pictures!

I'm glad that you knew what you were getting into with the Beverly. We made all our friends try, but we didn't end up taking pictures, although we should have, it would have been hilarious.

Yeah, in Epcot there are only two rides that need FP+ and you can only get one or the other with the tiering. So, everything else is just to use up the space to hope to get another one.

I love the World Showcase, it's so beautiful. I could spend a whole day there just looking around all of the pavilions. Except Japan. I'm over Japan after last month ;)
Beautiful pictures!

I'm glad that you knew what you were getting into with the Beverly. We made all our friends try, but we didn't end up taking pictures, although we should have, it would have been hilarious.

Yeah, in Epcot there are only two rides that need FP+ and you can only get one or the other with the tiering. So, everything else is just to use up the space to hope to get another one.

I love the World Showcase, it's so beautiful. I could spend a whole day there just looking around all of the pavilions. Except Japan. I'm over Japan after last month ;)

Now I'm intrigued about you being over Japan.
Now I'm intrigued about you being over Japan.

Good :p But no, all will be explained in time ;) For now I'm just waiting to see the rest of your pictures, since you actually took the time to take good ones, whereas I am always in such a hurry that I never stop to appreciate the beauty enough.
I do have them posted in albums on Facebook, but you're more than welcome to wait for them on here. I hope to knock out a couple posts tomorrow.
For those following, I just updated the China post with photos from my random character interaction with Pluto and Mr. Smee! Also, the other day I finally add all the photos to the post about 1900 Park Fare.
It was time to go to the city of lovers – Paris, France. I saw Belle on the way, but her line was too long.


I hung out around the topiaries until Aurora came out. At this time DH was using his snack credit for a frozen alcoholic beverage. Yummy!

Getting our drink on.

We wanted to see the French film, but we always went when a showing just began.

So let's tour France...

Watch out Kermie!

We ventured over to England to complete the World Showcase (we saw Canada the other day).

I tried to go in the toy shop to peek on Pooh and Tigger, but I did not see them. I later saw there was a door leading to the back of the building and I assumed it was to see them. We saw Alice when we came in and Mary Poppins when we left.

Oh the paparazzi!

We either forgot or decided to do the French film another time as we headed back to Future World.

While in Canada...

UP NEXT: Sharing an aquarium view...
Since we had some time before our evening reservation at Coral Reef, we went in the standby line for Journey into Imagination with Figment. I do remember a little of this attraction as a child, but from what I remember, they did a complete revamp on this! I heard Figment annoys some people, but I found him endearing and we enjoyed the attraction. Even if we got sneezed on.

Off we go to dinner!

Inside the restaurant

We had a wait a little bit to be seated at Coral Reef restaurant, but that was to be expected since it was mid evening. Good things come to those who wait and we got a small table right next to the aquarium!

It was definitely a relaxing view during dinner. However, we had a family behind us and their young child decided to always stand one inch behind my chair to look at the fish. I think there was some screaming from them eventually too so we were glad when they finally left. However, when they did, a family sitting higher in the restaurant decided to come on down and sit on the ledge to get a good view. Once again, an inch from my chair. This is something I do not agree with. Some visitors are lucky and get a seat by the aquarium. For others, show respect and view it from your seat. You may view it IF there is a spot where no one is sitting. There were great views of giraffes at Sanaa restaurant, but I admired them from my seat and didn’t invade the personal space of the tables up front. "Excuse me sir while you eat your delicious nan bread, but that giraffe was calling me!!"

Rant over! I believe we both got the lobster and shrimp orecchiette pasta. It was good, although I wish it had more flavor. I think the cheese sauce could have been a little thicker. For desert, I got the chocolate wave and DH got coconut-mango chiffon cake. Both were very good. Would I get them if we were not on the dining plan? Probably not, but we had it and it was our honeymoon!

Since we did Illuminations a couple nights before, we decided to head back and beat the crowds to the buses. It was a little after 8 PM at this time. It was time to finally check out the pool at the resort.

UP NEXT: Downtime at the pool.


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