51 Marathons, 50 States + DC ((71 Days til #4 NOLA)) -- Comments Welcome!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Distance: 10.19 miles
Time: 1:37:10 (9:31/mi)

So I skipped the 9 miler yesterday and today was supposed to be 14 miles, but considering the fact that it was drizzling on the beach and it was dark outside and I was seriously alone out there...so it was a great way to clear my mind, and it was a great way to focus on my breathing. On that note, I only stopped to walk for probably a total of about a mile, maybe a mile and a half, so that was an accomplishment in and of itself!

On the other hand, I'm a little sad I didn't get all 14 miles in, but it's motivation to do better this week.

Tomorrow: yoga!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Distance: 2.05 miles
Time: 17:09
Pace: 8:15/mi

Again, not my best showing, especially since I skipped two days of activity. I have to stop letting the high of one day prevent me from doing something awesome again the next day, you know? But there was an unbearable cramp and I really had to slow down, unfortunately.

On the other hand, I got The Stick today and it's amazing. Amazing! I'm a huge fan.

Tomorrow: 8 miles
Monday, November 10, 2010

Distance: 2.53 miles
Time: 29:53
Pace: 11:32/mi

I ran with my friend today who tore his ACL, so we weren't moving very fast, or very far, but I wasn't having any problems with that because I haven't exercised in over a week, so it was rough for me. Back to the grind tomorrow...

Tomorrow: 5 miles
Monday, November 10, 2010

Distance: 2.53 miles
Time: 29:53
Pace: 11:32/mi

I ran with my friend today who tore his ACL, so we weren't moving very fast, or very far, but I wasn't having any problems with that because I haven't exercised in over a week, so it was rough for me. Back to the grind tomorrow...

Tomorrow: 5 miles
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Distance: 3.00 miles
Time: 25:57
Pace: 8:36/mi

Today felt really, really good to be getting back out. Granted, I always have this problem with shorter runs where I think it's shorter than it is, so I hit the pavement going really fast and then I hit a wall about halfway in.

Lo and behold, the minute my iPod tells me I'm at 1.5 miles, I start cramping up uncontrollably. Ugh, it was painful, but at least I finally finished a workout, you know? This is a good week to be getting back on it because it's an easy week, so hopefully I can take this upswing and start pounding out the longer, harder runs, too. It's officially 60 days away until WDW and I'm not going to let that stop me.

Tomorrow: 6 miles
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hike @ Griffith Park

Granted, today was supposed to be a 20 mile run, but my friend from Phoenix has been town all weekend, so I took him Griffith Park and we hiked to Hollywood sign. I have no idea how far we hiked, because I didn't bring my Nike+ pod, but I know I definitely got a good workout from it--we were out there for 2+ hours!

Tomorrow: yoga
Monday, November 15, 2010

Exercise: Yoga
Time: 45 minutes

Per usual, I did this one by myself in my room and it was very relaxing...I've been trying to really dig into the good feelings to keep going. I often find myself drifting during working out, wondering why I'm doing it, but today I just tried to focus on feeling good and the time went by so much faster!

...on that note, I am working out extra hard this week because I have a date on Saturday (hopefully it doesn't fall through). Eek!

Tomorrow: 3 miles
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 25:21
Pace: 8:25/mi

Today was just one of those days where I didn't even think about it, I just got out and ran. It was a little tough, but I was feeling fantastic for the first mile and a half. Around 1.5-2 miles was iffy and I walked a lot of it, and then I think I finished fairly strong.

One thing I think I've noticed is my stride has gotten much better and I feel stronger when I run. I've also noticed how to run so I think I'm wasting less energy per mile, if that makes any sense. I finally feel like a real runner! Honestly, after I had my skating accident 8 years ago, I never thought I would ever have this feeling again of being an athlete, but I'm slowly getting back up to it.

On another note, I'm trying to get in shape for my date this Saturday. The guy seems super, super nice and I really haven't had to be in shape for anyone in a while...so we'll see. I think this is the first time I've felt positive and optimistic going into something like this, so I'm hoping I can live up to some standard that he might have. The last thing I was is for him to be disappointed in me physically, you know? That may or may not be absolutely crushing.

Tomorrow: 7 miles w/ interval training
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Distance: 7 miles (w/ 2x10 intervals)
Time: 1:03:51
Pace: 9:03/mi

Honestly, I'm so proud of myself for finishing the entire distance, because after both my intervals, I thought I was going to crap out. I wasn't doing the path that I thought I was going to do (all the way down to downtown LA, run around there and come back to school), but instead I just ran around school (which, granted, is 2 miles around), so it was much more tempting to enter back into campus and call it quits. But I didn't!

I feel really empowered right now. I think my intervals were really strong (about 7:05/mi for both 10 minute sprints), and there was minimal walking (I'd say about 1 mi, 1.5 mi at most this entire time). As the marathon gets closer and closer, I'm getting more and more excited about it. I'm really nervous because I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to meet this goal that I have in my head of 3:30:00 and I know it might now happen, so I'm almost scared to run the marathon. I see my Facebook status in my head and I really just want to show people that I can run a marathon fast and that I am indeed a real athlete.

I also know that I'm pushing myself harder this week because of a guy, which I know isn't the optimal thing to do. Hell, I don't even know if he likes me anymore because I haven't heard from him in a couple of days. I'm just trying not to get caught up in that whole obsessive phase, because the last time that happened, I was absolutely crushed and I just sat on the couch for a week feeling bad for myself. I don't want to do that anymore--I really can't afford to do that anymore with almost 50 days left until the marathon.

I really just wish I could accept the fact that I'm not supposed to be with anyone and to just not worry about relationships, you know? I feel like it's just such an added stressor to life that I don't need. I think running is giving me a little bit of that feeling, because I really want to be independent. I don't want to have to depend on anyone, I don't want to have to worry about anyone. If only real life could accommodate such a thing...

Tomorrow: 5 miles
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Distance: 5 miles
Time: 40:15
Pace: 8:03/mi

I was so close to breaking 8 minutes on this run! I have to admit I was a twinge disappointed when I saw the results, but it's just more motivation to push harder next time. I really took everything that I had in the last sprint, so I felt so accomplished to finish!

On another note, I still haven't heard from that guy since Monday, so I'm hoping that my work this week isn't for nothing…not to say that it's not, because I can feel myself getting stronger literally every day, as well as more focused, but it's going to be a little crushing if one day he was all into me and the next, well, he wasn't so much. Granted, I did stalk him a little bit and I think I may have royally screwed up my chances, but I'm really hoping that I didn't. I don't know how I'm going to feel if it falls through, though.

I know it's a stupid caveat to base my feelings on, but I can't help it. I've barely even met the guy and I'm already speculating…this is awful. This is why I try to avoid relationships if I can, and yet here I am hoping that I get into one. How ridiculous is that? I feel like I'm never going to learn.

Tomorrow: yoga!
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Distance: 6.2 miles (10K)
Time: 48:47
Pace: 8:10/mi

So guess who's date fell through? Yep, that's right. Should I be surprised? I'm not really 100% sure at this point, because that's just kind of how my luck with guys is. In fact, I think I handled it much better than I thought I would because, on some level, I was definitely expecting this.

Now the question that I ask myself is should I be offended because I was left in the dust for Grindr? Is the male attention on an iPhone application really that much better than me? I'm tempted to answer a resounding yes to both, but part of me (a very, very small part) isn't letting me do that and beat myself up. So instead I took what was supposed to be my date on the beach and turned it into a run on the beach. At least I got out and did something, you know?

Tomorrow (Monday): yoga!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Distance: 4 miles

Yes, I'm writing this a little late, but I'm finally in WDW for Xmas time!! This means it's time to buckle down on the eating and make sure I'm keeping up with my running though...eek. We're literally almost at the three week mark and I'm really freaking out about what doing nothing during finals did to my fitness level. I want this 3:45 so bad I can taste it, and I'm not letting anything get in my way.

Tomorrow: 10 miles
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Distance: 10K (6.1 miles)
Time: 60:00 (on the treadmill...bleh)
Pace: 9:55/mi

So today was supposed to be 16 miles. Oops! I'm down at BWV right now and I knew it was nearly impossible slash too much work to find an outdoor path that was 16 miles long. So, instead, I hit the treadmill and could only make it 10K. It was something about being inside, about not moving, about hitting the same spot over and over again that was just really disheartening. That and the fact that my toenail hurt. So now I need to go see a podiatrist AND get back on track, haha!

Tomorrow: Yoga
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Distance: 3 miles (again, on the treadmill)
Time: 23:13
Pace: 7:43/mi

At this point, I'm just trying to get as much in as I can. I can see that 3:45:00 and I want it more than anything. But more importantly, I think I want to prove a point.

I want to show everyone that I really can do this. I think for a long time I've been a very big ideas person and I haven't necessarily followed through, but this is different. This is the time where I'm going to meet my goals and follow through on this.

I've been really upset lately because I know that, deep down, I've been doing this for a lot of other people. For those people who doubt me to prove them wrong, and, really, for every guy out there who has rejected me (not that there's been that many because I'm too afraid to put myself out there to start with).

I want a new start with this new year. I want a better attitude and a better outlook on life. I want to be a new person, and I think this is really my key to kickstarting it right.

Tomorrow: 8 miles
Thursday, December 23, 2010 / Friday, December 24, 2010

Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1:16:11
Pace: 9:27/mi

Practice: Yoga (30 minutes)

Ok, so now it's starting to be panic time. The marathon is officially 16 days away and I was struggling running 8 miles (which is only one third of the entire marathon). By the time I reach mile 8, I'm not even going to be at MK...so I'm really questioning how I'm going to finish this race, let alone in 3:45:00.

I'm hoping that my slacking in runs can be made up in these last two weeks and my adrenaline can take me over the top. Now that I don't have school to focus on, I've just been trying to stay as active as possible. Now that I'm home, I can do yoga all that I want (and now it's pretty much all I want to do!), but running is going to be a little harder with snow on the ground (in Chicago).

Other than that, though, I'm feeling good. I'm definitely more physically fit than I was this summer and I'm more confident in my ability to accomplish my goal. Here's to a strong finish!

Tomorrow: 3 miles
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Distance: 5 miles
Time: unknown

Today was a perfect example as to why I need to plan very carefully before a race. And I mean very, very carefully. I completely forgot to charge my iPod, I didn't realize that once the sun went down, the temps would drop in Chicago and the ice that I thought had melted today would reform (including the newly fallen rain) and I seem to have misplaced my mockneck compression shirt.

All in all though, it was a solid run. I think, finally, I've gotten the hang of pacing, so hopefully I can hold on to that idea for the marathon and not burn myself out too quick, because I know I'm bound to do that. Oh, and that adrenaline...I know it's going to rush and I'm going to be on a such a high, so it's something that I really have to watch out for.

Tomorrow: Yoga
Good luck with your first marathon at Disney. :thumbsup2

Disney was my first marathon as well back in 2000. Disney was my first half as well in 2001. To date I've run 5 marathons and 53 half marathons.....not too difficult to figure out my preferred distance :teacher:

The 53 halfs have been in 43 states + DC. The plan is to complete my 50th on my 50th birthday in May 2014. Yes, Rhode Island actually has a race that will fall on my 50th birthday (if the race stays active and doesn't move to a different weekend).
Monday, January 3, 2010

Practice: Yoga
Focus: Core Work (90 minutes!)

Ayyyyyyy today was difficult! This teacher was hellbent on making us all feel how great our New Year's resolutions were going to feel...after we got out of class, of course :lol. Instead, it was so much back bending and twisting and lunging...I know I'm going to be aching tomorrow. But the teacher was really, really good about showing me some specific moves to squeeze that last bit of lactic acid out of my muscles so I don't have to worry about them anymore. She was incredibly helpful, and so supportive when I told her I was running my first marathon in less than a week.

On that note, we're 6 days out!! Who new it would be so nerve-racking to be 6 days out of this?! I'm getting really nervous about hitting my goal (which I'm now thinking I might move back to 4:00:00 even...or even just finishing the damn race), but I just gotta do it. I've been reading so much about everything; what to eat, what to carry, how to run, what to wear, what to do after, etc. that it's making my head spin and I just need a break from it! My mom gave me a great piece of advice: once I've run one, I'll have some experience under my belt, and I can use that to adjust for LA in March. Smart words, I think.

To the last week of training!!

Tomorrow: 5 miles with intervals
Thursday, January 6, 2010

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 24:58
Pace: 8:15/mi

Today was a rough run, not going to lie (though now that I mention it, it seems like EVERY entry has been starting out like that!! :lol). This was the first time I had run outside the entire time I was home in Chicago, and running right before I was supposed to catch my flight to LA and added the fact that I wasn't fully packed yet...well, it was very stressful thinking about all that and trying to run.

So, solution: between NOW and SUNDAY, I'm clearing my head. I'm bringing my computer and stuff with me, but I'm not thinking about school until I get back on Tuesday. Nothing on my to-do list (except to check-in on Saturday) and no worries, because I want to look back and know that I've done everything that I could for this marathon.

It's hard to believe that this was a dream that started in June and now, here I am, having run my last miles before the marathon. Tomorrow and Saturday are going to be light cross training...and then it's 26.2. I'm nervous, I'm excited and I'm everything in between! Now is just the time to do it--I've never really been one for spontaneity, but I gotta say this feels pretty damn good!

Tomorrow: Yoga and lots of REST...LAX>IAD>MCO
Friday, January 7, 2010


So I lied about the yoga, but I certainly did not lie about the rest!! Oh, it was much much needed! And how I love it, though it's put me incredibly on edge. I can't put into words how nervous I really am for this marathon. I know I have a lot of support behind me, but I can't help but keep looking at my goal and wanting to turn around and not face it, you know? It's almost like it's easier to just cancel the whole trip and stay in bed.

But that's the easy way out, and I'm tired of taking the easy way out! My new year's resolution was to lighten up and open myself up to more things. I need to stop hiding in my shell and step out a little more. Granted, this is more like a leap off the cliff of the unknown, but I've just gotta get this done! I know once I do one, I'll be hooked, so I just have to get over the hump that is today and tomorrow.

Tomorrow: (maybe) Yoga, IAD>MCO, BCV and the Expo!!


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