30 things about WDW Vacation - November wish lifestyle/weight loss challenge


The thing missing from my kitchen is a Chef... one who isn't called Lizanne and who actually knows how to cook.

The kitchen was remodeled right before I moved it, so it is really nice but small. I need to go thru all of the cupboards and drawers and do a strip-mining style cleaning, because they are all full. I recently bought an Insta-pot thinking it was the answer to my prayers, but I haven't even used it yet. But I do think it's a good choice for me, making food prep as easy as it can probably be, I just have to do it.

The trip was really nice: the weather was good with just one day that was super humid: visiting with friends was fun and I ate a lot of good food. I did try the new Pineapple Upside-down Cake and the cake itself was really good, but they put a dollop of Dole Whip on top of it and I have to say it just didn't make sense to me, the cake alone would have been enough. My highest step day was 20,000 and I think the lowest was 14,000 which I was really happy with, since my feet bothered me the entire trip. I started to come down with another cold on the flight home Saturday - so not happy about this, hopefully having just been on vacation and being all rested up will help from having it be another bad one.
I started to come down with another cold on the flight home Saturday - so not happy about this, hopefully having just been on vacation and being all rested up will help from having it be another bad one.

One of us gets sick every time we go to Disney. The first trip was the worst though. My daughter got pink eye really bad in both eyes the second day we were there. It made her eye so sensitive that she had to wear sunglasses all day even inside. I also got a bad case of strep right after we got home. his last trip I got so type of virus. I was really sick to my stomach the last even their and then the drive home. I try to use had sanitizer as much as I can. There was just way to many germs their.
One of us gets sick every time we go to Disney. The first trip was the worst though. My daughter got pink eye really bad in both eyes the second day we were there. It made her eye so sensitive that she had to wear sunglasses all day even inside. I also got a bad case of strep right after we got home. his last trip I got so type of virus. I was really sick to my stomach the last even their and then the drive home. I try to use had sanitizer as much as I can. There was just way to many germs their.

I'm terrible about running my hands along banisters, railings etc. and at one point even thought about how I was setting myself up to get sick... with that many little germ factories running around, it's pretty much a given. And if the kiddo-germs don't get you the airplane-germs will, but of course I didn't think to start taking anything ahead of time.
What do you like/not like about your current kitchen? What is working to support your healthy lifestyle goals and what isn't? What can you change to work better? Are there any kitchen tools or appliances you've been thinking about that would help with healthy meal preparations?

It's open plan with dinning/living area but the windows are not near the kitchen and that's annoying me. Also if cooking fish for example, the smell is in the living area too. But on other hand I love how big the space feels and it's comfortable space for a family of 3.

I would love double fridge but sadly no space. It's working, I don't love it but does the job.

I love my magimix food processor, it's amazing. After few failed attempts to use cheaper models I bought this and it's amazing. I love my nutri ninja type of blender, I use it for making flour out of oats for pancakes, egg white omelettes, smoothies and so much more. I have good pans and pots

but I can't figure how to use cast iron grill pan. I can't make it work for me

Glad to see you back
I recently bought an Insta-pot thinking it was the answer to my prayers, but I haven't even used it yet. But I do think it's a good choice for me, making food prep as easy as it can probably be, I just have to do it.

The trip was really nice: the weather was good with just one day that was super humid: visiting with friends was fun and I ate a lot of good food. I did try the new Pineapple Upside-down Cake and the cake itself was really good, but they put a dollop of Dole Whip on top of it and I have to say it just didn't make sense to me, the cake alone would have been enough. My highest step day was 20,000 and I think the lowest was 14,000 which I was really happy with, since my feet bothered me the entire trip. I started to come down with another cold on the flight home Saturday - so not happy about this, hopefully having just been on vacation and being all rested up will help from having it be another bad one.

oh I want to try that pineapple treat next summer! Let us know how the insta pot turns out, i am little tempted with one

I had slow cooker but I will be honest it was not a good buy for me
QOTD Tuesday 11.21

For those of us in the US, the Thanksgiving holiday is coming up on Thursday. In 1621 the Plymouth colonists (aka The Pilgrims) celebrated a harvest feast with their Indian neighbors, the Wampanoag tribe... this is generally considered to be the first Thanksgiving celebration. For the next 200 years there were days of thanksgiving in the individual states and colonies, then in 1863 Pres. Lincoln proclaimed there would be a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

In modern times, Thanksgiving has become a celebration of family, friends, food, and usually a bit of football.
Thanksgiving week used to be a slow time at WDW, but in recent years it has become a more and more popular time to visit. One of the most sought after ADRs for Thanksgiving dinner is Liberty Tree Tavern in MK, with its colonial decor and because let's face it, they serve the classic Thanksgiving meal year round. I've eaten at LTT once and thoroughly enjoyed both the food and the ambiance.




In addition to breaking bread with family and friends, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and celebrate the things we are thankful for... if we were all sitting around the dinner table and it was your turn to share what you are thankful for, what would you say?

Y'all know that gratefulness/thankfulness has been part of my goals the past few months as I feel it is so powerful to focus on what you have, which in turn opens up your life for even more. I think about it a lot but haven't yet developed a daily practice, which is my ultimate goal.

From a Thanksgiving perspective, I'd say I am thankful for my life... which includes health, family, friends, opportunities, everything. The past few years have been so transformational for me and I am so grateful to be where I am right now.
'Tis the season to be super busy! I am getting caught up reading through the past few days.

I have been a little indulgent recently due to schedule changes and holiday traditions, but the scale is still heading the right direction. I saw a number on the scale I couldn't believe yesterday-- in a new decade of poundage LOL! The final one too--- my goal is realllly close, so I am aiming to keep myself together through the holidays and get to goal by my birthday (mid January).

However, this is GOING to be a struggle... I was already looking through the Epcot Holiday festival menus and writing down what I wanted to try to get a little bit of a plan together. It wasn't until I was almost done that I realized it was ALL sweets and desserts :upsidedow Hi, I have a sugar problem :D I'm going to have to revise that list... So between that and the baking that is starting up (I'm starting tonight because my contributions include cookies, two pies, mashed potatoes, and a rice dish---- alllll the good healthy stuff Haha!), I know I will be partaking in plenty of "sometimes" foods.

BUT this is life-- and life includes this stuff, and I want enjoy some of it. So, the best I can do is come at it from a position of awareness, and book my classes at the gym.... I was soooooo tempted to just go once and then take the week off, but I went yesterday, I'm going today, and despite me reallllly not wanting to, I am going Friday morning before we leave to go to the in-laws lake house for the weekend. I know my eating won't be perfect but I CAN control my exercise, so that's the plan!

What do you like/not like about your current kitchen? What is working to support your healthy lifestyle goals and what isn't? What can you change to work better? Are there any kitchen tools or appliances you've been thinking about that would help with healthy meal preparations?

For the most part, I like our kitchen. I could do with more storage space... but I think that really stems from my kitchen needing a good clean out and reorganization. The BEST thing to happen in my kitchen to keep me on track was a George Foreman grill. I can throw a chicken breast on that thing and have a yummy low point protein in 7 minutes. I have about 4 different seasonings combinations that I rotate to keep it from getting too boring. We also grill shrimp and occasionally some red meats too. While I have that going, I steam or roast some veggies and voila!

In addition to breaking bread with family and friends, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and celebrate the things we are thankful for... if we were all sitting around the dinner table and it was your turn to share what you are thankful for, what would you say?

I am thankful for my family-- especially DH who works so hard to better our lives. For my cats (who I also consider my family:D) for brightening my every day. And for the opportunities we have had and hopefully will have more of to travel and see some of this beautiful planet we live on!
Kitchen Q- I like my kitchen for the most part. We did a small remodel on it about 4 yrs ago. I have an island with storage, hodd for vent, huge window over the sink towards the backyard, it is about 4 ft long galley stle but wider because of the island. I like the one end has a breakfast bar to the family room and the other to the dining room. I can see what is happening all over. My kids used to scooter and rollerblade thru there when they were young, 1 side of house to the other and around. We salso have a second frig in the garage which we find we cant manage without. since we have a lot of produce and the boys like having their dribks cold. I also have a side pantry for food and another for mixers, airfryer... We do have a fair amount of room with it but we have filled to much of it. This is why we always host every family function, holiday and party.

I would like a new , better spiralizer. i have a hand held one but it only soso. i was thinking of getting the one that attaches to my kitchenaid mixer but then I would have to lug it out several times a week or leave it on the counter. Anyone have one they can recommend?

Thankful ?- Just still being here, my dad used to say every day above ground is a good day. He was right.

I like the treehouse. We used to go up and watch the fireworks but the trees are so large now you can barely see anything. I think it is clever and a good workout. I like the chance to be up above the people, trees. Florida is so flat I will take it where I can find it.

So I weighed in today. I am now at 5 lb for the month, down 45.2 for the past 6 months. That makes me about half way to where I want to be. I still have Thanksgiving, a week at SeaWorld and WDW and Christmas to manage. If I finish the yr at this same weight I will be satisfied. I would have liked to finish at -50 but I think -45 is still pretty good.
LTT - I have it as my number one wishlist around 4th of July next year, but probably not 4 of July to avoid crowds.
Thankful - that we found good secondary school for my son, not only good but one of the top schools. As a family that does not practice religion, education system in Ireland treat us as second class. Most schools, in fact all in our area are run by church and have right to give priority to religious kids. I am a female working in a male world, and I was a non native working with Irish people only and the only discrimination I ever experienced is my lack of religion. Irish parents that decide to follow this path are treated the same as me from education system. I have been asked many times would I not just christen my child, we have uncle priest as why would I make his life difficult and I have spend many nights crying and worrying about it but decided to try to get him through the educational system without. We were lucky with primary, although they really didn't cater for him or the other kids - if they don't want to practice religion they were send to the library on their own and felt left out.

Anyway, I count my lucky starts that my husband went to excellent school, and put my son's name without checking with me (as at the time I felt it's too far away), that we got an early offer and my choice to bring up my child encouraging him to make his own choices and question things did not harm him.

My family is healthy, we have modest lifestyle and no real money worries, my son grows as a wonderful kind person, I am appreciated in my job. I don't have many friends, but i love the friends i have. Life is good.

Last night I finally made it to the store to buy a new vacuum cleaner. The old one was only sucking stuff up thru the hose attachment, so it was great to give the living room rug a good going over.

Last year I participated in a Peace Project that one of the gals I follow on IG put together, and I really enjoyed it. She created a special knitting pattern designed to be restful and peaceful to knit, and had daily postings on her blog about peace to contemplate. The 2017 edition will be starting December 1 and she's added a few things. One is a Peace Walk around the world, so there is a group posting their weekly walking miles... to get around the world takes 24,901 miles and the total is currently at 15,628 so I've joined in and contributed the 40 miles I walked last week at Disney. Being part of this goal is really going to give me the extra push I need to keep my step count up. And being part of the project will really help to make December and the holiday season special and I am really looking forward to it.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm not hosting!!! I'm contributing Cranberry Sauce, which is already made, and a Cranberry Custard pie, which will go in the oven tomorrow morning.

Happy Wednesday everyone!
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Good grief! Time just slipped away. I must say I had the blues--worrying about a child 3,000 miles away is not fun. I ate over my calories two days and one day didn't get my steps in. And you know what? I didn't care!! It was one of those times where I just needed to focus on breathing in and breathing out, not about walking or what I shoved in my mouth. And I did log every single, ugly bite of deliciousness.

So my Wednesday wahoo is that my DS20 is safe. He's spending the holiday (a very unexpected and expensive travel cost) with my brother who just happens to be a psychologist. So very, very convenient! I'd like to be walking on the beach in Florida, too! DS23 wanted to know if he had a couple bad days would we fly him to Florida!! Ah, he's a funny one!

I don't usually get the post vacation blues. I try not to go too off track. In fact, sometimes we eat more fruits and veggies while traveling than at home! Almost always the day we get back is the day I am back to eating healthy again.

My kitchen. Oh, don't even get me started. We've lived in this house 19 years; we've done absolutely nothing to it. We're afraid to start because it'll be a money pit. DH hates it. I think it's perfectly functional and works for me. It is dark because the previous owners added on off the kitchen. The window just became a empty spot to look out onto the addition. The countertops are tile and I'm firmly of the belief that grout was invented by the devil! When we first moved in I asked DH to slap some Formica over it. Not in the budget.

Thanksgiving: I think that I'm thankful that all our needs are met and we are able to buy last minute flights to Florida for DS!

Glad people are seeing the light at the end of tunnels, tests show things are benign. Thankful I have you guys to keep me on track!
23rd of November! Happy Thanksgiving All!
No question today, I hope you all have wonderful day!
Friday 24th of November
Near the end of your vacation - do you change you review and change your plans?
The month is nearly gone
One thing you did great last week! (or 5!)
One think you will do better or differently last week
Is your goal still working for you? If it doesn't - you can change it at any time!
I hope you all are smashing it



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