3 days and counting


Earning My Ears
Oct 21, 2002
We are just 3 days till we leave for DW and I have a million questions! I will just start with a few. I have received conflicting info on whether we can bring our strollers right onto the airplane. Ours are not exactly umbrella type strollers, but they are not full size either. Has anyone been able to do this and do they have to fit in the overhead compartments or are they stored by the flight attendants? Also, I forget if hairdryers are available at the Dixie Landings and what about irons and ironing boards?

We are going with our two year old grandsons. Do you think the Buzz Lightyears attraction is too scary for them? Also, how does the safari work? We avoided that last time since it was hot. I assume you go out in buses of some type?

I will try to help, although I'm certainly not an expert. Last year our flight was held up a bit because someone brought a stroller onto the plane. It was not an umbrella stroller. We had to wait while they took it off and stored it in cargo. There was absolutely not enough room overhead.
I believe from what I've heard from people, you call housekeeping and ask for your hair dryer etc. and they will bring it to you, but sometimes they don't have enough to go around. I'm thinking I might just bring my own.
I can't honestly see where Buzz Lightyear would scare anyone. This ride is so brightly colored and fun. It's our favorite!
You go on the safari in a safari type jeep. It's a little bouncy as you are on some authentic terrain. It's wonderful. You hardly notice the bumps because there's so much to look at.
Hope I've help a little bit! Have a great trip. I wish we had only 3 days left:rolleyes:
I can't help you with stroller info, but when we stayed at Dixie Landings in Jan. 2001, I don't recall there being a hairdryer or iron/ironing board there.

Our son was not quite 5 when we last went, and he loved Buzz Lightyear (we must have ridden it a dozen times). But he completely wigged out in the Bug's Life 3D movie in the AK. Husband had to take him out. My advice is to carefully read the warning posters outside each attraction. The safari ride is bumpy but okay.

Overall, the most recurring problem our son had at all the Disney parks was the sound level on many of the attractions. He went through the AT&T sphere thing at Epcot with his fingers in his ears. I never anticipated this problem as he doesn't seem to be sensitive to sound at any other time. We wound up going to a Lowe's somewhere on Sand Lake Road (I think) and buying him a set of earplugs.

We are leaving for Orlando on Saturday and have the earplugs packed!

Have fun with your grandsons!


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