2042-MS answers...not


DIS Veteran
Jul 23, 2001
Before these boards went down there was a thread about what is going to happen in 2042 and the year or so leading up to it...since this is not explained or clearly stated anywhere I wrote to Member Services for an answer.... They punted...They said ask your guide. Well we bought resale so we don't have a guide. Anyone care to ask their guide? I know this is far off but the fact that no one knows is a little disconcerting...

We have an August Use Year-will we get 6 months to use our Aug 2041 points? Or will we not get any points after 2040? What about other use years? Presumably banking and borrowing will disappear towards the end. Will there be a lottery at the end to get reservations in that last year? What is the plan? And please don't accept that by then DVC II will be up and running because that really does not answer the question...
PKS, I just pray that all of us are HEALTHY enough to be around in 2042. Regardless of your age, ..........never,never, never take health for granted. I'll start worrying about my 2042 point totals in 2040.

For now, I'm concerned about the opening of the Red Sox season under new management.........Box seats have now gone UP to $55/game...........OUCH!!!:( :( :(
We just take 1 yr at a time...........after 9/11........thats about all you can do..............A lot of things can change and happen between now and 2042.:rolleyes:
Every member has a guide....even if you don't know who it is. If you have a question, you can call and ask who your guide is and they will connect you to them.

MS is basically concerned with travel agent type activities. They cannot speak to any of the sales/real estate issues. DVC guides are licensed real estate agents.

As to what will happen in 2042 you have the only answer they are likely to give at this time. The program will end. As Eros says, worrying about what is going to happen 40 years from now is pointless worry. Even if they gave you an answer now, it could very well change long before 2042 comes to pass.

2042 it all ends....unless they come up with additional offers down the line. ;)
As Pam noted, you were likely assigned a guide even if you haven't heard about it. Email members services and ask who your guide is and their phone number or call and ask. Frankly, I don't think there's a formal answer to the 2042 end as I doubt it has been formalized. Don't waste your time trying to get the final answer as it's (1) not available and (2) more fun speculating.
In 2042 I'll be 83 years old. While I certainly hope for the miracle of medical science to have me healthy and fit at that time, reality suggests that at 83 someone could wheel me through Wal-Mart and tell me it is Test Track and I wouldn't know the difference :earseek:
Wouldn't it be nice if Disney would turn one of the DVC Resorts into a "Retirement Type Village" where we could have skilled or semi-skilled nursing care while enjoying our DVC points in the late 2030's or early 2040's. Just a thought.
I'll consider myself the luckiest person in the world if my most pressing concern at 75 is the fact that my points will be gone! I can only hope my children continue to take me to WDW (or Wal-Mart) after my points expire.
Judging from MS recent history and the current info we receive from them, We will pobably receive a postcard in 2043 letting us know that the program ended last year! Erin
We will probably be retired to FL before 2042....but if we're not yet that's when we'll do it. If we live just a few miles away it probably won't seem like a big issue to us. Plus we'll be 70 and 72......having just lost my fil at the age of 71 I guess we can't say that both of us will even be around at that point.

Oh, very funny Erin! I have yet to receive a new member guidebook (after requesting a new one twice!) so you may be right. Actually I think I can expect that book in 2043 too....
Never mind my age ... my son will be 59 and my daughter will be 56, I'll let them worry about it.
In 2042 I will be, god willing, 92. The DVC question will my childrens worry, along with Social Security and Bill Clinton's latest adventures.
It's not that hard to speculate about how things will go as we get close to the end.

The program ends at the end of January, 2042. My memory is telling me that the month of January is never sold as a use year month, but I could be mis-remembering - anyway, I'll ignore that for now.

Since the program ends, people in their 2041 use year won't be able to borrow points - there are no points to borrow from. Likewise you won't be able to bank points (what would be the point?)

MS will not accept point reservations going beyond the last day in January.

Likewise various exchange programs will be eliminated or terminated prior to 2042; I wouldn't be surprised to see various exchanges terminated as early as 2040.

Beyond that, I don't see anything changing except that it might be difficult to get reservations anytime in 2041 unless you book at the 11 month window, as everyone will be trying to use all the points they have remaining.

It's not even an issue for people that have use months late in the year, as all they will need to do is borrow from 2041, just as they would do now.

Also, I really don't expect DVC to suspend borrowing from 2041, it would be too unfair for the members with use months late in the year.
It should be interesting for those members with a December use year. They will have a total of 31 days to use all their points. I wouldn't want to be assigned to answer the phones at MS during that time.

Originally posted by Dumbo
It should be interesting for those members with a December use year. They will have a total of 31 days to use all their points. I wouldn't want to be assigned to answer the phones at MS during that time.


Why wouldn't those members with a December use year just borrow them into the previous use year? I sure would! It'd be just like having a double allotment in their 2040 use year, wouldn't it??:D
December use year members will have as much time as everyone else to use their points.

All they will need to do is borrow the points from 2041 into 2040.
My memory is telling me that the month of January is never sold as a use year month,

Your memory is working just fine....that is correct. Nice job reasoning out the concluding year, too. That all makes sense. Now, if I can just "remember" when 2041 rolls around. ;)
Originally posted by CarolMN

Why wouldn't those members with a December use year just borrow them into the previous use year? I sure would! It'd be just like having a double allotment in their 2040 use year, wouldn't it??:D
It's obvious there will not be enough rooms to go around for everyone to get and use a full allotment for the 2041 use year therefore there will need to be some way to adjust for that shortfall. Either the resort will need to operate longer to allow usage (which won't happen) or there will be some sort of limitation on how many points owners will receive that last year or 2. My best guess is a reduced amount of points for that last year or possibly two and no more banking the last 3-4 years. The alternative would be to have a lottery much like a couple of years ago.

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