2016 - Jennifer's January Jaunt! Semi-Live Report


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2007
Hi everyone! I'm heading to Orlando tomorrow (Sunday, January 24th) in the morning. I'm so excited!

It's my first solo trip and I'll be there 12 days. My kids, husband, friends, and family are super excited for me since it's pretty rare that I do things for myself. It's my own issue - they're always telling me to take time for me and do stuff for myself but I find it difficult so this trip is big for me!


I wrote a pre-trip report which can be found here:
Jennifer's January Jaunt - 2016 Pre-Trip Report

I've also started a dining review which can be found here:
Jennifer's January Jaunt - 2016 Dining Review

I'm spending the first couple of days at Universal Studios and then I'll hit DisneyWorld. I'm staying at Pop Century the whole time, though.

I wish that I was funny or sarcastic or quick-witted, or that I knew how to use the funny memes and gifs (anyone want to teach me?!) I am only me, kind of plain and straight-forward. I hope you will find it entertaining anyway!

Someone else did a trip report that was semi-live that I really enjoyed - he posted little blurbs through the day about what was happening, and then wrote a full report when he got back. I think I am going to try to do something similar.

I'm getting up at 4 a.m. for my 7 a.m. flight - see you tomorrow!

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4:30 and we are on the way to the airport! Everything is going as planned so far. It helps that I was totally packed a week ago!!
6:00 and I am through security with a partial pat down and a suitcase swab. Relaxing with a bagel and some milk.

They told me at the terminal that I am nowhere near a customer of size and canceled my extra seat. I hope I am comfortable on the plane and don't make someone else ubcomfortable. I really tried.
Just read your entire PTR this morning, and will follow along here! I had a 3-day solo trip in 2014, and it was A BLAST!! Such a fun way to tour the parks, much different than with the kids and hubby (I have 4 kids as well!). So, I look forward to hearing about your trip! Have fun!!
Hi joining in! I read your pre-trip report and am looking forward to reading about your solo adventure! :-)

I have always wanted to do a solo trip, but my family is too needy. You are so lucky your family is so supportive. Can't wait to hear more about your trip. :flower1:
Oh Jennifer enjoy your trip! I really liked reading your pre-trip. I appreciate your honesty and insights. I think it's so interesting that you tortured yourself about fitting the airplane seat only to be told, "don't worry, you're fine". Don't torture yourself anymore sweetie!!! Enjoy DISNEY!!!! (and Universal too)

I do have a question: How and why did you decide on a 10 day trip?

Eagerly awaiting an update...
3:15 - been at Universal Studios since about 1. It's about 55 degrees and sunny; people are wearing winter coats, hats and gloves. I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt. :) that's a benefit of being from Chicago I guess!

I don't know if it was just because I was famished, but I found the lunch at Thunder Falls to be delicious!

I'll be back to answer questions later!
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5:30 - This park (Islands of Adventure) is clearing out fast. I've explored everything I want to and actually rode almost everything, and most things I actually rode twice! I deliberately skipped Hogsmeade today because I'm going to spend tomorrow in both HP lands. The longest I waited for anything was 20 minutes and that was the Seuss train of all things.

Blue Man Group starts in an hour and a half - gotta find something to do till then.
Oh wow, so excited for you!!!! I'm so happy you're keeping us poor souls updated. And it sounds like you still have some energy left (unlike me who konked out at 7:30 pm on my early fly in day last fall). So tomorrow will be Butter Beer day then, eh? I loved the frozen one! Wow, great news on the airplane seat!!! Money saved! :) Have a wonderful time! I'll be checking back daily. See, you're really not alone down there. We're all there with you! :) *pixie dust*
They told me at the terminal that I am nowhere near a customer of size and canceled my extra seat. I hope I am comfortable on the plane and don't make someone else ubcomfortable

This is awesome, did they give you a refund or does it just go into your "southwest bank account?" To me this means more money at Disney :)

I can't wait to hear about HP land, I dont know when/if I will go. I am a huge HP nerd but a thrill seeker I am not.
I trucked myself to my room at Pop without luggage (building 2, 50's section, top floor) in case my band didn't open the door. Well, it did! And now I have to go all the way back to the car for the luggage, lol! I think I will head to the food court for dinner. Sorry to miss Boma tonight but glad I canceled the reservation when I bought the Blue Man Group tickets.

The show was amazing, by the way. :)
3:15 - been at Universal Studios since about 1. It's about 55 degrees and sunny; people are wearing winter coats, hats and gloves. I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt. :) that's a benefit of being from Chicago I guess!

I don't know if it was just because I was famished, but I found the lunch at Thunder Falls to be delicious!

I'll be back to answer questions later!

Ah yes, a fellow Chicagoan here, when the temp shoots up from 6 below zero to 20, that's balmy!!! ;)

We stayed in the 50s section of Pop some years back. We could see "the Legendary Years" from outside our room. I'm so glad you enjoyed the show and are having a nice time! :)
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Day One - January 24, 2016
Part 1 - Travel

My husband and I woke up bright and early at 4:00 a.m., and I grabbed a quick shower while he finished waking up (read - slept 10 more minutes.) Everything was already packed so there was no last minute rushing around. I shamefully (or not so shamefully!) admit that I bought a lot of new stuff for this trip and I'm enjoying it all thoroughly!

We made it to Midway airport by 5:30 a.m. and I headed into the terminal. I had purchased an extra seat because I am not a small lady by any means, and I wanted to be sure that I wouldn't be embarrassed by being forced to purchase an extra seat on the spot. And that wouldn't have even been possible because the flight was overbooked as it was. Anyway, at the terminal the nice attendant told me that I wasn't considered a 'Customer of Size' and that at most I would need a seat belt extender. I had an internal anxiety attack trying to decide what to do at that point. She was pushing pretty hard to give up the extra seat and I finally agreed. It wasn't without some pretty serious hesitation because I really hate making other people feel uncomfortable. She told me that I should be eligible for an actual refund, not just flight credit, and she put a note on my account. We'll see what happens when I call about it.

At security I was pulled aside for a pat down of my back, and my bag was pulled aside to be checked and swabbed. It was a little nerve wracking but I knew I hadn't done or packed anything wrong, so I just went with it and got it over with.

By this point, I was really hungry! But I didn't want to eat much for fear that I'd have to use the bathroom on the plane. That is NOT happening! So I just got a toasted bagel, plain (the server was surprised I didn't want butter or anything on it but I just wanted it plain today) and a carton of milk. I carried it down to the gate and ate half of the bagel and drank my milk while I waited.

Boarding started at 6:35 a.m. and I was in group A29. I easily found an open window seat at the front of the plane, got everything put where it went and settled in. Shortly a man about 10 years older than me took the aisle seat, and then he pulled his friend into the middle seat. He is clearly unhappy to be sitting in the middle next to a large person, and I am very uncomfortable as well. Probably not uncomfortable enough to need a second seat, but it wasn't fun. I had to sit with my upper body turned toward the window for the whole flight because if I tried to sit straight then my left arm was in his space. Thankfully it was a short flight (2 hours and 5 minutes instead of 2 hours and 40 minutes - we had a massive tailwind!)

I entertained myself reading the Walking Dead graphic novel (compendium 1) and playing Ticket to Ride on my phone, as well as looking out the window. The two guys next to me played Monopoly on an iPad - I wasn't expecting that for some reason.




Day One - January 24, 2016
Part 2 - Universal Studios - Islands of Adventure

After leaving the airport I freaked myself out a little bit because of the tolls. My rental car agent wasn't pushy, but I was half-listening to the one next to him talk to a customer and she was really pushing the SunPass. I declined using it but then got worried after I'd left the airport - what if the road to Universal had cashless tolls? I couldn't seem to find the information anywhere so I stopped at Public and bought a mini Surpass for the car. Only - when I went to register it I got a vehicle error message because it was already registered with the rental car company. I was really frustrated and glad that the pass was only $5. I should try to return it - I have the receipt and it isn't opened. I doubt they're refundable though. It was a huge waste of time.

Anyway, I decided to just risk it. I pulled out my quarters that I'd brought for making pressed pennies and hoped for the best. Turns out there was only one toll - $1.25 and the booth was manned in case anyone needed change. Relief! I haven't been on a toll road since.

It wasn't long before I was there!


Yes, I took the picture from the driver's seat. But you can see that we're stopped so it was perfectly safe, lol.

Because of the time of day I was arriving - about 1 p.m. - I was parked waaaaaay out in the Jaws section. No trams at Universal, but they do have moving walkways so it wasn't horrible. At least not on the first day when my feet were still pleasantly unaware of the tortures to come, ha ha! It was a long walk.

I haven't been to Universal Studios in at least 25 years. In fact, I'm not so sure I've EVER been there. So it was fun going somewhere as a 'newbie'. I'd prepaid for the photo card, a refillable cup, and a ticket to see the Blue Man Group that night to go with my 3-day pass. A trip to the guest relations stand was first priority.

After I got that taken care of, I headed into City Walk - wow that is a busy and slightly overwhelming place! I enjoyed looking at all of the restaurants and shops, but didn't really dawdle. I wanted to get a picture of the airplane bar but couldn't really find a great angle. If I go back I may try again. My husband loves those small planes; he'd get a kick out of seeing it.

I turned left into Islands of Adventure. My plan for the day was to explore all of the IOA area with the exception of Hogsmeade because I wanted to save all of the Harry Potter stuff for the next day.


But first, I had to eat because I was seriously hungry. I'd only had half of a plain bagel and a carton of milk early in the morning and I was starting to feel a little out of it, which comes shortly before feeling light-headed for me. I hate feeling light-headed so I wanted lunch. I had already decided to eat at Thunder Falls Terrace which is in the Jurassic park area.



This was really good with the exception of the macaroni and cheese, which was bland and dry. For a full review of this meal check out my dining review HERE.

After lunch I explored Jurassic Park. I loved the music from the movies that was playing overhead; it really added to the experience. It was a little chilly but I decided to risk riding the River Adventure ride because I know you get a little wet. The wait was 5 minutes but it wasn't even that - I walked right on.


I loved the ride. It was fun and even though I was worried I'd get pretty wet since I was seated in the last row on the outside, I really did only get a little wet.


Can you see me? No - that is because I am hiding. Not from the giant T-Rex, mind you, but from ... water. Because I am a dork.

I went right around and rode it again! Guess where I was seated this time...


Same exact spot, LOL! If it was a hot day, the amount that you get wet on this ride would be really refreshing. But it was a little cool (in the 50's) so I didn't ride it a third time although I seriously could have. Instead I found a spot in the sun to sit for a little while and people-watch.
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Day One - January 24, 2016
Part 3 - Universal Studios - Islands of Adventure - Pop Century

After riding the River Adventure, and since I was avoiding the Hogsmeade land, I headed back around the other way. I stopped for a selfie with Popeye's statue - don't know if you can really see what it is. I didn't really go through Toon Lagoon since it seemed like mostly water rides and I wasn't really interested in walking around soaking wet. I was wet enough from Jurassic Park.


I really like the theming in Marvel Super Hero Island. It's very bright and colorful, and the music makes you want to get up and dance. I'm not a dancer, so I didn't, and everybody thanked me without even knowing it.


I hate Wolverine but I have to admit this store is pretty cool.

I went on Spiderman, through the single rider line, and walked right on. It was a great ride, a combination of simulator and 3D movie ride. I liked it so much that I went on it again!


By this time it was about 4 p.m., and I sat on a bench with a drink and some cotton candy (of which I only ate, like, 1/3 and then, because I didn't want any more of it and I didn't want to carry it around, I threw the rest away!) and just enjoyed being in the sun, watching the people and listening to the music until my inner old woman came forward and said - it's too loud, time to move on!


I hit Seuss Landing and thought it was a great throwback to my childhood. I especially liked the Mulberry Street shop as that was my favorite book growing up. I rode The Cat in the Hat and also the Seuss Trolley train ride. These would have been great fun if I had a couple of preschoolers with me, but as it was it felt a little weird to be riding these by myself. And I kind of wished I hadn't spent 20 minutes waiting in line for the train ride.


There were a few things I would have liked to buy from the gift shops, one specifically was a mug that said Mother of All Things. If I do go back at some point on this trip, then I might spring for this mug and hope it makes it home in one piece.

I wandered through the Lost Continent and actually got in line for the Poseidon's Fury ride/show/tour. The wait time said 20 minutes, but when we actually got to the front of the line, one show had just started, and another group was waiting to go in for their 20 minute show, making the wait for me 40 minutes. No thanks - I left the line and went on to the next thing.



The problem was, there really was no 'next thing.' I'd done everything I wanted to do here but still had tickets to see The Blue Man Group at 7 p.m. - 2 hours from then!

So I just kind of hung around. By the time I made it back through the Port of Entry, wandered through some more shops, wandered around City Walk, and then figured out where the theater was, I still had an hour to kill. I spent it on a bench out of the way, and was one of the first people in when the theater doors opened. It felt good to sit down in a chair and relax for a bit. I was glad to be seated on the outside edge of my row so that people wouldn't have to step over me to get into their seats.


The show was great - parts of it were the same or at least similar to when I'd seen it quite a few years ago, but other parts were new and I had a great time. I did wish several times that I wasn't alone to see the show - my kids would have thought it was hysterical and I would have enjoyed watching them enjoy it.

After the show I was just done. But I still had to walk aaallllllll the way back to the Jaws section of the parking lot. I was so tired but I just pushed through it. Plugged the address to Pop Century into my phone GPS and away I went.


By the time I got to Pop I was ready for some food! I had cancelled my Boma dinner reservations because I knew I wouldn't make it in time after BMG. So it was 10 p.m. and there I was eating pizza, salad, and pineapple upside down cake in the Pop cafeteria.


All-in-all, a fun, busy, and tiring day! I was ready for bed and had no trouble falling asleep.
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