2010 Mom's Panel Results along with lists of Round 2 & 3 Participants

Just wanted to update everyone on my situation- and first of all, thank you ALL so much for your words of encouragement. It is wonderful to be a part of such a caring and loving community.

I spoke with the doctor's office this morning, and they told me it may be November before I will be able to see a surgeon, and that I need to get my mammogram first (which makes sense) and then I need to wait 14 days after the mammogram to see the surgeon (which doesn't make sense). So, I'm still a complete wreck, and weepy (very very unlike me- I very rarely cry)- I even put a call into the nurse to see if they could give me something for the anxiety because I'm not sleeping or eating. My sweet 2 year old daughter patted me on the cheek last night as I was crying and asked, "Mama sad?" and it about broke my heart that she is feeling all of my anxiety too.

Truly, the only thing getting me through this right now is my faith and the Moms Panel. It has been the perfect distraction- at least I could keep my mind off the what-ifs while I wrote my 2nd round answers! I truly believe that all things work for good for those that love God and are called according to his purpose as Romans 8:28 says, so I'm clinging to that and I'll continue praying.

Again, thanks for all the well wishes- I am honored to call all of you Dis-friends!

Saying prayers for you and sending pixie dust your way! Your DIS friends are here for you! :grouphug:
Ewwwwwwwwww... bummer on the mold and asbestos! That is an extra 'fee' you surely didn't need!

If you can't get on-line, then maybe take the time to do some 'real life'? hehehehee... it can be nasty, but sometimes it is fun- and gives you more to write about- and photo ops!

And there are always wireless hotspots- got laptop?

Good luck!



*sigh* No laptop. I will have to wait on quite a few more tables at the pizza joint before that will happen.:sad2:

Real life? What's that? It doesn't sound like much fun! :laughing: But if you were there, it might be. Thanks for your contributions to this thread and the other. You've made them HIGHLY entertaining!;)
Twende (sorry, again if I got the wrong name) -- love the idea of a WDW Children's Panel. That would sure have a different perspective!!

OOOoo! I missed that, but LOVE it! Even more so after reading some of the stories here the last few pages! Wow!


I made it to round 2 but am sorely afraid after reading through the posts that I don't even qualify for round 3

There I feel better -- thanks for letting me get that off my chest.:grouphug:

These are all just speculations and wonderings and as Jud said, don't take them as facts.

I really think some of the posts from those of us who didn't make round 2 are just part of the "after-process". Kind of like the different stages of Grief.

Denial (They didn't choose me???)

Anger (Why didn't they choose me??)

Bargaining (I could have said ...)

Depression (I won't even apply next year ...)

Acceptance (Ok, I'm ready to move on ... and will prob apply again next year!)

Each of us will go through these phases quicker than some others. Some will never post their thoughts and others need to post their feelings in a public way.

I believe we need to accept everyone and support all the Mom's panel members, round 2s and just wannabes.

Thanks Marshay -- just needed some validation...

Missy-- praying for you -- my doctor has been following a lump in my breast for the last year.. lots of ultrasounds and mammograms but no surgery.. It is scary place to be but at least you can let out your fears to your fellow Dis'ers.

There's a lot of talent and Disney-love out here on the boards. I am sure that whoever is selected for the new panel will do us all proud!!
I made it to round to without much of any online "networking". Yes I am on these boards (thanks Captain Obvious) and do have a facebook account, but haven't added any Disney people in facebook until they started contacting me after I announced I was advancing to round two of the Mom's panel.

As for my answers, I just sort of winged it, as I think my real personality comes out better that way. I'm the kind that usually thinks before they speak, so why not type that way? :)

After tonight's deadline, maybe we could compare our second round answers? Just an idea.

PS Still waiting for the naked mud wrestling takers.
My DH gives me hard time because we took our DS to WDW in Jan 08 for the first time shortly after his 3rd birthday. He (DS) was in awe of all the characters and we spent the majority of our week getting autographs and photos with his "friends." When July 4th came along that same year, there was a rolling trash can in our town's annual parade. Our son walked out onto the curb and stopped the trash can and told me to take his picture. My hubby says that my son is now brainwashed to have his picture taken with any type of character including trash cans!! HEE HEE :banana::goodvibes
My DH gives me hard time because we took our DS to WDW in Jan 08 for the first time shortly after his 3rd birthday. He (DS) was in awe of all the characters and we spent the majority of our week getting autographs and photos with his "friends." When July 4th came along that same year, there was a rolling trash can in our town's annual parade. Our son walked out onto the curb and stopped the trash can and told me to take his picture. My hubby says that my son is now brainwashed to have his picture taken with any type of character including trash cans!! HEE HEE :banana::goodvibes
:rotfl2:LOVE IT!
*sigh* No laptop. I will have to wait on quite a few more tables at the pizza joint before that will happen.:sad2:

Real life? What's that? It doesn't sound like much fun! :laughing: But if you were there, it might be. Thanks for your contributions to this thread and the other. You've made them HIGHLY entertaining!;)

Real life? It's this nasty thing I catch glimpses of while moving from my computer over to the TV! Scary! LOL! Every time I see it, I get this overwhelming urge to go see Mickey and get straight!

I guess new floors will have to come before the laptop... though if I were needing one (this one is 6 years old and I just replaced parts cause I love it!) I would look into those new netbooks! Very handy for on the move stuff! And better to keep files on an external harddrive anyway!

Thanks for your kind words!


These are all just speculations and wonderings and as Jud said, don't take them as facts.

I really think some of the posts from those of us who didn't make round 2 are just part of the "after-process". Kind of like the different stages of Grief.

Denial (They didn't choose me???)

Anger (Why didn't they choose me??)

Bargaining (I could have said ...)

Depression (I won't even apply next year ...)

Acceptance (Ok, I'm ready to move on ... and will prob apply again next year!)

Each of us will go through these phases quicker than some others. Some will never post their thoughts and others need to post their feelings in a public way.

I believe we need to accept everyone and support all the Mom's panel members, round 2s and just wannabes.


Hmmmm... I wonder what Marshay does for a living? LOL!!!

Death of a Dream! Actually, pretty spot on!


My DH gives me hard time because we took our DS to WDW in Jan 08 for the first time shortly after his 3rd birthday. He (DS) was in awe of all the characters and we spent the majority of our week getting autographs and photos with his "friends." When July 4th came along that same year, there was a rolling trash can in our town's annual parade. Our son walked out onto the curb and stopped the trash can and told me to take his picture. My hubby says that my son is now brainwashed to have his picture taken with any type of character including trash cans!! HEE HEE :banana::goodvibes

Sounds like you are indoctrinating him just right!!

I'm curious...for those of you who live near WDW but still a drive away ... like Tampa ... do you find you make lots of day trips or do you do lots of weekend stays overnight ... or the whole - week type of vacations?

My previous company had an office in Tampa and I would have been invited to join ... but took maternity leave and never went back.

I wonder what your Disney experience is like to live in Florida, but not in Orlando area...

I would say our trips are half and half as far as day trips. It only takes about an hour to get to WDW. We stay quite often because of the AP rate at the hotels. We also bought a travel trailer in June so hubby is more apt to go to Fort Wilderness. (he loves it there!!) I do find that when we stay, hubby always wants to add a day or so. We have gone so much in the past couple of years that I have lost count. We just went over for our anniversary without DS for 4 nights. We stayed a week before school started and we have another 4 night trip coming up the first part of Nov.

It's nice to be able to go over for a couple of hours and head home if the crowds are too long and/or if it's too hot.
I'm curious...for those of you who live near WDW but still a drive away ... like Tampa ... do you find you make lots of day trips or do you do lots of weekend stays overnight ... or the whole - week type of vacations?

I wonder what your Disney experience is like to live in Florida, but not in Orlando area...

Hi Marshay!

I am not as mobile as I used to be, but my basic rule, being two hours away, and then driving a van that cost 38 in gas to make the trip, was to go for an overnight, at 25-30 for Motel 6, Main Gate East.

Now with a Honda Accord and $17 in gas, I do occasionally do a day trip- or actually more like an afternoon and evening trip, mainly if someone wants me to join them- or like for the Moms party... or maybe just to see Illuminations again!

When I first got here, 02, I used to go for 3-4 days every other week for the first two years or so.

I also had AP's to UNI and SW. I do miss SW.

Best time ever though was one year, I spent a week in Kiss- my traditional birthday week- and spent many days of that week going repeatedly through the drawing class at the Studios- back when it was in its golden age- before they messed it all up.

[BTW, I have a free PDF available, Drawing At WDW, with how to draw Mickey as well as a lot of interesting pics and stories about that matter. Email me at ejud2001 @ Yahoo.com]

My original intention moving down here was to be in Kiss, but it took a long time to sell my house in Boston and by the time I got here the prices had gone way up so I ended up in my second choice location, Citrus County- the last 'secret' of Florida!

So... actual answer to your question is yes, I am willing, and do make day trips when I have reason.


Hmmmm... I wonder what Marshay does for a living? LOL!!!

Death of a Dream! Actually, pretty spot on!



I'm a SAHM...used to work for MCI then WorldCom then Verizon as a PM. So nope, no pyschology experience ... but remember that episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer goes through the 5 stages of grief in 20 seconds? :happytv:

I would say our trips are half and half as far as day trips. It only takes about an hour to get to WDW. We stay quite often because of the AP rate at the hotels. We also bought a travel trailer in June so hubby is more apt to go to Fort Wilderness. (he loves it there!!) I do find that when we stay, hubby always wants to add a day or so. We have gone so much in the past couple of years that I have lost count. We just went over for our anniversary without DS for 4 nights. We stayed a week before school started and we have another 4 night trip coming up the first part of Nov.

It's nice to be able to go over for a couple of hours and head home if the crowds are too long and/or if it's too hot.

Thanks for replying! I just think it's so cool that you can just go for a few hours and then back home...however, I just LOVE the resorts, esp DVC, and would definitely miss that.

Hi Marshay!

I am not as mobile as I used to be, but my basic rule, being two hours away, and then driving a van that cost 38 in gas to make the trip, was to go for an overnight, at 25-30 for Motel 6, Main Gate East.

Now with a Honda Accord and $17 in gas, I do occasionally do a day trip- or actually more like an afternoon and evening trip, mainly if someone wants me to join them- or like for the Moms party... or maybe just to see Illuminations again!

When I first got here, 02, I used to go for 3-4 days every other week for the first two years or so.

I also had AP's to UNI and SW. I do miss SW.

Best time ever though was one year, I spent a week in Kiss- my traditional birthday week- and spent many days of that week going repeatedly through the drawing class at the Studios- back when it was in its golden age- before they messed it all up.

[BTW, I have a free PDF available, Drawing At WDW, with how to draw Mickey as well as a lot of interesting pics and stories about that matter. Email me at ejud2001 @ Yahoo.com]

My original intention moving down here was to be in Kiss, but it took a long time to sell my house in Boston and by the time I got here the prices had gone way up so I ended up in my second choice location, Citrus County- the last 'secret' of Florida!

So... actual answer to your question is yes, I am willing, and do make day trips when I have reason.



thanks for your input. Oh, what fun (the drawing classes). I'm terrible at drawing but doing something similar to that would be great. I've heard of others who used to do the Who wants to be a Millionaire? over and over again, too, trying to win. Or doing TSM or Buzz Lightyear to get highest points.

That's just a part of Disney us-non Floridians don't get to do (or not very easily).
Today is the day for you guys!!! At least before the deadline! :goodvibes I hope you guys are so excited!! :)

MISSY - I am praying for you. I hope that they are able to address your issues quickly so that you will have some peace of mind.
My original intention moving down here was to be in Kiss, but it took a long time to sell my house in Boston and by the time I got here the prices had gone way up so I ended up in my second choice location, Citrus County- the last 'secret' of Florida!

So... actual answer to your question is yes, I am willing, and do make day trips when I have reason.



Oh jud, i've been online too long today. When I first read this,I thought you meant the BAND , KISS!!!:crazy:
I'm a SAHM...used to work for MCI then WorldCom then Verizon as a PM. So nope, no pyschology experience ... but remember that episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer goes through the 5 stages of grief in 20 seconds? :happytv:

Ah... believe it or not- never watched the Simpsons! Did the ride though! Pretty amazing! And I think our 20 seconds are up? hehehehee...

thanks for your input. Oh, what fun (the drawing classes). I'm terrible at drawing but doing something similar to that would be great. I've heard of others who used to do the Who wants to be a Millionaire? over and over again, too, trying to win. Or doing TSM or Buzz Lightyear to get highest points.

That's just a part of Disney us-non Floridians don't get to do (or not very easily).

That is a very nice perk- to be able to go so much (over 250 days, maybe 300 in-park) that you don't HAVE to do everything! Man! Back when I was coming down from Boston, one park, one day, I did everything! I went home so exhausted! One trip did a theme park and a Dinner show every day for ten days! I did ALL of Epcot in one day!!!

But!!! And this is important!!! Drawing is easy! I know, cause I stink! But these guys who used to do the 'show', were real Disney artists and worked very hard to break it all down into understandable and doable steps. That even a 3 year old- or a 40 year old!- could do and come out with a presentable drawing! And if you repeat it a few times, an amazing thing happens- you get it! And then you have this whole new world! What was interesting in repeating so much was seeing the different things different artists came up with for the same character! And a few 'secrets' to really punch it up! I kept a pad with me and between classes or while waiting for a parade or somehting, I would repeat the lesson just learned to burn it in!

Give it a shot! Have a bit of real Disney at home!

LOL! I actually put together the PDF lesson for a little girl who was at one of our net meets at DTD, stuck with a bunch of Grups... and her Mom wrote me later thanking me and declaring that she now had Mickey heads all over the house! hehehehee...


Oh jud, i've been online too long today. When I first read this,I thought you meant the BAND , KISS!!!:crazy:


Iiiiii want to go to Disney tonight!!! And 'park' tomorrow all day!
Iiiiii want to go to Disney tonight!!! And 'park' tomorrow all day!

(insert one of them face things wagging his tongue here)


Jud you are living my dream. I teach in Dorchester, you might have heard of it? :) Live 27 miles out of Boston, and dream about living near WDW. I want to grow up and be a greeter someday, when my kids have finished college. Thats my goal and I am sticking to it :)

Man, did I love those drawing classes. We did them in Disneyland and spent an entire day learning to draw characters. I loved them. I wish they still did that.


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