2 way radios vs. cell phones


SFGA Expert
Feb 27, 2001
which would you prefer to use and bring or rent?

USF,HRH Watch out I'm comming August 2001
August 2001- HRH,USF What a pair.
August 2000- Off site DW & USF
Just so that you know, U.O. kind of lays in a cell phone void. There are several outdoor locations where cell phones will not work and they will not be reliable inside almost any building. U.O. uses Nextel for all of their cell phones.
Hey, I'll be there August 2001 too!! When will you be there? I'll be at HRH August22&23 Woo Hoo!!! :) :) :) :)

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
Actually Re, that is exactly when we'll be there! We are driving down from Connecticut (the drive down isn't bad...it's the dreaded drive back that stinks!!) and leaving on the 17th of August. We'll arrive in Daytona area FL on the 18th and visit with relatives a few days. We'll leave Daytona(Port Orange really) in the early AM on the 21st to check our bags at HRH...get our room keys...and head towards the parks (haven't decided in what order yet...guess I have some time..I'm waiting for Kelly's book to help with that). Then it's back to get our room in the PM and have a swim etc. etc. We'll have a 3 day pass so we'll be leaving back to Port Orange on the 23rd....We're on the same scheldule!!

How old are the kids you're bringing? I'll have a 14, 11 1/2, and 5 year old. Maybe we'll see you hangin' about the pool!

How do you plan to make the next 4 months fly by?

I tend to obsess when I plan a trip...just ask my family!! ;)

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!

I'm sure we'll be hanging at the pool at the same time at some point. My kids are boys and in the same age range as yours . My youngest will be just a hair's breath away from 9 (his birthday is 8/28) and my older will be almost 12. And if the pool and slide are half as good as reported, we'll be there at least part of each day.

Our flight doesn't get in until 1:00pm (we're not morning people) on the 21st. So we'll either hit the pool or the parks after checking in, depending on the timing. We're going to do IOA on the 22nd and probably park hop over to USF for specific stuff. We leave on the 23rd for the 3 day Disney Cruise. First time, can't wait. Then back for 7 days at Disney.

I also obsess about vacation planning but hubby has stopped teasing me about it since we always have such a good time. Besides he doesn't want to do it and prefers to get up each day and ask 'What are we doing today?' and be happy that I know all the little tricks to miss the lines and find the cool stuff. I purchased Kelly's book and have been reading it cover to cover. Good stuff.

How to make 4 months fly by? I made the initial ressies for all of this last September and I have this little countdown thingy on my start page. So it's been fun watching it go from 300 days, to 200 days to 124 today (Yippie). I'll just keep reading these boards and adding to my things to remember to do file. Once the boys are out of school it's gonna be hard to contain the excitement.

See ya at the pool.

Hey Re,
Will that be a strawberry or banana daquari?..please make sure and get one for me too. My DH will not be going on this trip, it'll be my bestest friend and my 3 boys too! She got a terrific rate for the rental van...and helps split some of the expenses...so it's great. My DH isn't big on travel...hates long drives... doesn't like the beach or the hot Florida weather, and wants to do something in Vermont for his vacation...so it all works out that he doesn't go...though we'll miss him terribly...

As it gets closer maybe we'll decide to wear some kind of symbol to spot eachother...

WOW...a Disney Cruise...and more Disney time too. You've really gone all out for this vacation. How excited you must be!! A Disney Cruise is definately in my plan someday. Where will you be staying during your time at Disney?

Take care,

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!


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