1st Trip (of many!) as Mr. & Mrs.--the TR-- UPDATE 9/9: Life Update--We're Moving!!

Looking forward to reading more! Can't wait to see the pictures of AKL!
Love the update!!! HOW EXCITING!!!! Can't to read more, especially about renting DVC points. We are thinking about doing this next Christmas and would love to hear a first hand experience.
I am loving your TR! You two look so excited and it's putting a smile on my face. It's like I'm right there with you two! :goodvibes
Ahh, y'all are so freakin' cute!! I love the pictures, especially the one of y'all exiting the plane and the one of the watch marking the time y'all landed. Very good idea!

After walking around and looking for the Airtran check-in desk, we finally had to ask someone where to go. We felt like little 12 year olds: “Excuse me, sir. Where is the Airtran check-in?” After he told us, and we headed back out the door, we kept joking around and saying things like, “Excuse me, sir. Where is the potty?” and “Excuse me, sir. Is this the airport?” and “Excuse me, sir. Where is my airplane?” :lmao:


DH and I get like this with each other sometimes, especially when we are traveling! Of course, he usually knows more about airports than me (especially the New Orleans airport since he has flown out of there so many times), and he just kind of laughs at me because I get SO nervous at the airport! I'm always afraid something won't make it through security, or I'll lose my boarding pass (I check my bag for it about 1,253 times to make sure it's still there), or that we'll get on the plane and some other people will be sitting in our seat! None of that has ever happened, but I think I stress him out at the airport just a little. :rotfl: So usually the goofiness emerges when we have reached our destination, not at the airports!

I'm getting so excited just reading all this! I can't wait to see pics of the resort! I think it's one we may try to visit when resort hopping our first day to check out the decorations (well, AKL anyway, probably not the DVC parts).
How cute - you guys are so excited! You should come along on our trip to amp up my kids :banana::banana:

Isn't it just the greatest feeling to see that WDW sign :love: Can't wait to see what room you got and the view and how check-in went!
You guys are so adorable - making me smile while I read along and see all your neat photos - can't wait to read more!:surfweb:
Texas is awesome--you really should look into it! :thumbsup2 Or Oklahoma ;) I know--I miss Target a lot!!! I think it's funny that a lot of Targets and Wal-Marts are right by each other... The camera is awesome!! The video has sound. It's not the absolute greatest quality of videos, but it's the best (in my opinion) for videos on a camera (instead of a video camera). I'll post some video from it on here, so you can see what it's like. Does your digital camcorder have a memory card? Because you could just stick that in your computer :confused3 But definitely look into the Cannon. I love it!!!

You give me so much stuff to look into! :upsidedow Its okay though!!
I have put the memory card in my computer and it doesn't read it right. I wonder if I should try a different computer or what the problem is. I know its a special memory card for videos. :confused3 I don't know what the problem is. I'll have to post these 2 videos on it to show you though...one is me "grounding" my friends baby. He's 5 weeks older than Landon and he kept making noises after I would talk and its just funny. The other one is Landon laughing at me putting a pillow in a pillowcase. Lol its so cute, it was the first time he really cracked up...I don't know why he thought it was funny, but he did!

ANYWHO...I really feel like I'm there with you! You took pictures of everything! Its great. I probably would've but I had to take care of Landon...and my parents didn't feel the need to take pictures of every thing...clearly they don't Dis! lol! I LOVE IT though!! You've got me all excited! I can't wait to read about the rest of your trip! :woohoo:
OH my gosh, such an exciting day already! LOVE the frozen yogart store! It's like Cold Stone but you get to choose everything, so cool. Must go look that place up! Love Richard and his tu-tu and M's face having "issues" with his cooties :rotfl: Oooh, so excited to hear about your AKL reaction!
Yay! So excited already! Oh my gosh you and Michael are cracking me up already with the faces! Don't you just love the MCO airport? Dbf and I get SO excited riding the "monorail." AKL was beautiful when we went in december, hope you got a great room/view! :thumbsup2
I've already subscribed and am anxious to read more. You two are adorable! Thanks for sharing your trip with all of us.:lovestruc
Hahaha you guys must have the patience of saints because Scott and I would have been pretty cranky waiting in that line at the airport!!! :eek:
You guys are too cute! That was a great post! I love how excited you guys are. It sums up my feelings exactly whenever I go on vacation to Disney!:yay: Can't wait to read along for the rest of your trip!
Hey, just got all caught up and you can count me in!! :thumbsup2

I'm sooo excited to hear about your trip. My BF and I are staying at AKV in Kidani Nov 29-Dec 5 and are soo excited. I am interested to see what you thought of the resort and the buses. We're thrilled to be able to stay there thanks to renting DVC pts too! The best invention ever :laughing:

My BF and I took an "we're really excited to be here" picture like you guys took too, the one with your mouths open LOL Can't wait to read more :surfweb:
I'm here Staci!!! I promise to catch up in the morning but I wanted you to know I'm here and can't wait to read all about your trip!!
LOVE the update (as usual). My husband and I went on a cruise 3 months after we were married, and we felt the same way about asking permission, etc. :lmao:

However, it was even more of a reality check when the bill came and we could not just pass it off to my Mom. HA!

Here is the website for the beignets...


Click "Shop" then "coffee and beignets". The mix is only like $3 a box and it makes lots. Pretty easy to make as well. You will love it. Might as well order some of their famous coffee while you are on the site!

Anxious to see how you start your vacation off! popcorn::
You guys look like you are having so much fun!!! Can't wait to see more!!!

It was a blast!!! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to reading more! Can't wait to see the pictures of AKL!

I can't wait to post them! Hopefully today or tomorrow. They're GORGEOUS!

Love the update!!! HOW EXCITING!!!! Can't to read more, especially about renting DVC points. We are thinking about doing this next Christmas and would love to hear a first hand experience.

Renting points is the greatest invention! Ever!!! :thumbsup2 Honestly, we're planning on renting every trip from now on!!

I am loving your TR! You two look so excited and it's putting a smile on my face. It's like I'm right there with you two! :goodvibes

Thanks! We were ecstatic! :woohoo: Seeing your pictures made me feel the same way. Madison's face just lights up!

Ahh, y'all are so freakin' cute!! I love the pictures, especially the one of y'all exiting the plane and the one of the watch marking the time y'all landed. Very good idea!


DH and I get like this with each other sometimes, especially when we are traveling! Of course, he usually knows more about airports than me (especially the New Orleans airport since he has flown out of there so many times), and he just kind of laughs at me because I get SO nervous at the airport! I'm always afraid something won't make it through security, or I'll lose my boarding pass (I check my bag for it about 1,253 times to make sure it's still there), or that we'll get on the plane and some other people will be sitting in our seat! None of that has ever happened, but I think I stress him out at the airport just a little. :rotfl: So usually the goofiness emerges when we have reached our destination, not at the airports!

I'm getting so excited just reading all this! I can't wait to see pics of the resort! I think it's one we may try to visit when resort hopping our first day to check out the decorations (well, AKL anyway, probably not the DVC parts).

Thanks! We have fun. YAY! I'm glad to know we're not the only ones :rotfl: Sometimes we feel so goofy. We don't stress as much as joke around. It makes for very interesting traveling :upsidedow You HAVE TO go check out AKL!!!!! It's GORGEOUS! :cloud9:
How cute - you guys are so excited! You should come along on our trip to amp up my kids :banana::banana:

Isn't it just the greatest feeling to see that WDW sign :love: Can't wait to see what room you got and the view and how check-in went!

We were about to lose it we were so excited! YEAH!!! We'll be there...just tell us when and where to meet you! :thumbsup2 :rotfl: It was an awesome feeling!! I can't wait to share our pics and everything--hopefully today or tomorrow I'll have a new update ready :thumbsup2

You guys are so adorable - making me smile while I read along and see all your neat photos - can't wait to read more!:surfweb:

Thanks!! Can't wait to share more...

You give me so much stuff to look into! :upsidedow Its okay though!!
I have put the memory card in my computer and it doesn't read it right. I wonder if I should try a different computer or what the problem is. I know its a special memory card for videos. :confused3 I don't know what the problem is. I'll have to post these 2 videos on it to show you though...one is me "grounding" my friends baby. He's 5 weeks older than Landon and he kept making noises after I would talk and its just funny. The other one is Landon laughing at me putting a pillow in a pillowcase. Lol its so cute, it was the first time he really cracked up...I don't know why he thought it was funny, but he did!

ANYWHO...I really feel like I'm there with you! You took pictures of everything! Its great. I probably would've but I had to take care of Landon...and my parents didn't feel the need to take pictures of every thing...clearly they don't Dis! lol! I LOVE IT though!! You've got me all excited! I can't wait to read about the rest of your trip! :woohoo:

Sorry! :upsidedow But I love OK and TX... and I know you would too! See if you need a different memory card reader to hook into your computer. If you take both to Best Buy or something like that, they should be able to help you. Haha--I would love to see those videos :goodvibes I've always been a picture freak. I just love them! One summer when I was in HS, I spent $800 on film and developing!! :scared1: YAY! I can't wait to write more and share it...

OH my gosh, such an exciting day already! LOVE the frozen yogart store! It's like Cold Stone but you get to choose everything, so cool. Must go look that place up! Love Richard and his tu-tu and M's face having "issues" with his cooties :rotfl: Oooh, so excited to hear about your AKL reaction!

Oh my gosh--it was amazing!! And I just went to another one this weekend in OKC...it's called the Orange Tree. Apparently there's one called Pink Swirls and one called the Lemon Tree up there too. You might check--I bet there's one at least semi-close to you! :thumbsup2 I'm glad you liked those pics--he has some pretty goofy faces! :rotfl:

Yay! So excited already! Oh my gosh you and Michael are cracking me up already with the faces! Don't you just love the MCO airport? Dbf and I get SO excited riding the "monorail." AKL was beautiful when we went in december, hope you got a great room/view! :thumbsup2

We crack ourselves up too--hints the funny faces :laughing: YES! It was so exciting getting there. I love that they have little Disney stuff there... I would LOVE to see AKL in December!! Hopefully I'll have an update today or tomorrow.

I've already subscribed and am anxious to read more. You two are adorable! Thanks for sharing your trip with all of us.:lovestruc

YAY! Thanks so much for reading! :goodvibes I'm already loving sharing this and can't wait to write more!! :thumbsup2


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