I’m going to concentrate on the booze :)

Nice beer selection in the club, think it’s fair to charge for the hard stuff or some might go a bit overboard.

Is that a miami vice Tom appears to be enjoying @ buffet’s?

I had to search....lol.....it was a Frozen Raspberry Tropical Fruit Margarita......I lost the receipt for that one.....and he loved it.....

Yes, it`s not a bad selection considering it`s complimentary...….and yes, I think it`s fair to charge for hard liquor. The Executive Lounge at the Radisson we stay at still has it out for personal pouring...….we have seen some hearty pours in there!!! I`m surprised it`s still help yourself in there.

We have a regular wine glass, but we see some filling glasses to the brim......weird as you can get as much as you want in all honesty....two glasses is fine for us in there...….:thumbsup2
Schumi, you make all the food and drinks sound fantastic

Thanks mac...….

You know we enjoy our food and nice drinks a lot ::yes::...….and we did have quite a few nice meals.....and one that wasn't!!!!

We slept great again last night, as we usually do...….and felt incredibly refreshed when we woke up this morning......so much so I almost did myself an injury getting out of bed so quickly......I do forget I`m not 25 some days!!!!

Ouch!!! I did first go and open up all the drapes and saw it was SUCH a beautiful morning outside already......today was going to be a hot one!!!!!

Tom was also awake and it didn't take us long to get ready this morning......we were heading over to Club Lounge at RP for breakfast and we would see Kayla the lounge manager......she is such fun and we really get on well with her.

So, walked across and as always there`s not many people around and we are heading up to the lounge in a flash.....

We walk in and immediately hugs abound from the ones we know well....and a couple of new faces too who look a little bemused at the recognition from others......we`ll get to know them before the trip is out.....but we also find out one of our favourites Elida is also moving on.....only to front desk where she will be phenomenal.....but again, we will miss her in the lounge as she really is a breath of fresh air....but there are still some lovely people in the lounge that have been here a while and the new staff do look really nice.

We take a seat and I get some fruit and a couple of little mini muffins.....and of course coffee.....Tom has his usual croissants with honey and coffee too....lounge wasn't too busy either which was nice.



The lounge is beautiful since the new changes, and for breakfast it is excellent......there is so much choice....if you can`t make a breakfast out of all they offer I`m not really sure why...….they have a choice of several cereals, white and brown bread, preserves, cream cheese, honey, muffins, bagels, croissants, muffins, doughnuts, mini pastries, cinnamon bun, oatmeal, fresh cut fruit, yoghurt, boiled eggs, assorted cheeses and various deli meats. Along with assorted teas, coffee, water and juices.

Even the fussiest of people should surely make a breakfast out of the selection they have.


We sit and chat to the staff as we wait for Kayla to finish her meetings and eventually she comes in and it is so lovely to see her again......we hug and chat away and have a good old catch up...….and we could have sat here all day......but of course she has work to do and we are heading off to the parks......and the lovely thing about our trips is we don't need to rush anywhere...we really can take our time....like today, I think it was just after 10am by the time we get in the parks...….but we have all day.

We take the boat as we plan to do the Studios which is a break from pattern for us, we usually do IOA on our first day, but we did want to do Mummy today......one of our very favourite rides.

The boat wasn't too busy from RP this morning, I guess many had already left for the parks......so it was a pleasant little sail into Citywalk……

The weather was beautiful today. It would get up to 88F and already it felt like it.....but perfect for us......no humidity was perfect...….

Do like to see the Mardi Gras sign up...……


We had a little line to get in which surprised us as the park felt fairly empty as we wandered through....and we headed over to the far left and the line was much shorter at the far gate. We do wander through the store first off and see some of the merchandise for sale this year......I don't think we would buy any MG at all this year....I did think of the shot glass, but didn't get around to it and just forgot......think we have enough shot glasses bought from HHN over the years...….



Our first stop today is Minions as it usually is when we enter this park.....we saw the regular line showed 85 minutes....oh my!!! And the sun was hot on the folks that were waiting. The EP line was very short, maybe less than half way down where the line stands, and we were on in less than 5 minutes.

This ride has 2 waiting areas once you`re inside, but has two very funny pre shows......so your time does pass quickly and before you know it you`re on the ride. And a very cute ride it is too. I`m not sure I`d wait 85 minutes for it though. But, it is so much fun. Once the ride is completed you can get your picture taken with the minion and a lot of the times Gru is there too......lovely picture opportunity....I also love the Minion store as you exit...….as of course most rides end in the gift shop!!!! But there are some of the cutest items for sale all emblazoned with those darn cute minions or the girls.

I have to confess to feeling very old when I didn't recognise some (most) of the acts from this year.....I knew Steve Miller Band...who doesn't know Abracadabra......well, if you`re anywhere near my age!!! But for the rest, I vaguely knew some....Ziggy Marley was a big no-no as I hate the music of Bob Marley so doubt I`d like his son`s any better...….and I`m not a huge concert fan anyway...…far too crowded for me.


So, when my friends daughter asked me who they all were later...……

We did go on RRR, found a locker easy as it wasn`t too busy in that area. Some folks find lockers a problem, but we never have. Takes a few seconds really and necessary as you can`t take anything on this ride except your lanyard with the EP in it.....one tip is to tuck the lanyard into your shirt as you ride as it does billow around with the force of the ride.

I can`t remember what the regular line was offhand, Tom thought it was 35 minutes, but really not sure......we waited maybe less than 10 minutes, but we were chatting to the folks behind us and didn't notice how long it took, but it was quick......and we got the front row......which was just about perfect for us. And of course I chose Gloria as always who constantly reassured me I would indeed survive...…...

This is such a good ride when you ride the front.....not as bumpy by far as the rear of the vehicles......and on the front the climb and first drop are amazing!!! You really don't feel as if you are going to fall out once you`ve done it a few times, but the first time, I`d have to say yes, you do think you`re going to fall out.....but so much fun. You never go upside down on this ride and many times we have heard folks say you do.....but you don't actually ever go upside down...…

I can do this ride once usually, maybe twice......Tom and Kyle could go on time after time and not feel the slightest bit off.....but for me, I don't like to push my luck...….



This area is just so quiet this morning......we expected it to be a lot busier form reports from others who had commented....but maybe we had still to come across the crowds. But, we were loving this weather!!! We kept saying to each other......it`s only March!!!! We weren't exactly in the arctic temps back home, but we certainly felt we had escaped some harsh weather and loved it was as hot as it was here...……


We passed Jimmy Fallon as another ride along with F&F we don't need to ride again, and had a wander through the Mardi Gras area and looked forward to going tomorrow night...…the parade was so much fun last year and I knew we would go more than once this year again.

It is so colourful and lively, but during the day it`s very sedate and almost peaceful walking through......there`s a jazz band play (another type of music I detest) lol......and a fabulous atmosphere every night...….


Once it hits 4pm, this below becomes one of the livelier bar areas where you can get one their cocktails created just for Mardi Gras......to be honest we didn't even buy one this year......last time it was just so sweet and not the strongest in alcohol, so we passed this year...….but they do the decorations nicely and all lit up it looks so much better...…..


We got pictures of most of the food stands.....again, during the day they don't look much but once the food is sizzling away they are much more appealing.



Central Park area is so pretty...….and with the additions for MG it is photograph delight...….and again we wondered where everyone was......it was weirdly quiet here...…..


Not really a complaint of course, but just unusual...….



When it`s quiet like this it is ideal to get as many pictures as you can, as later it just gets so busy.....


We turn now to head to the Mummy and there are actually people around us again......I always think it would be fun to be in a theme park all alone.....but actually it would be kind of creepy really. But, maybe once it would be fun...….




The Mummy was showing 40 minutes, which was the longest I`d seen that line for a long time......not planning on going through the regular line today which is fun to do now and again, but only if it doesn't have a line at all....today we walked in and at the part where they take you image to match it against your AP, mine didn't match.....oops.....but he said to try again....another no......I began to wonder if I was going to get on this ride today, it had worked fine on RRR, but on the third try it worked...….always a worry...….

There was barely a line, maybe 10 people in front of us...….when we got to the front though we asked for the front of the vehicle and she said yeah wait to the side which is usual, and we looked behind us and the EP line was so much longer...….glad we came in when we did...….


Love The Mummy...…..love everything about it, from the line to the theming is amazing.....some folks don't consider it a coaster, but it really is a lot of fun and can be so fast......there`s a decent drop where you do get airtime and you do feel yourself coming out of your seat....fabulous...….what a ride!!!!

We plan to do this once, then we are tempted to do it again.....it was so fast and thrilling this morning. So, we do......we head quickly back in and get on the front again as it is the best seat and wooo hooo…..we`re off again...…..this time behind us we had a screamer though!!!! Boy was she loud......she even screamed when the Mummies all jumped up at us in the fire room...….lol...…

But, we were glad we did it again.....and so quickly too.

The Studios is full of street entertainment as you wander around...….The blues brothers area is usually taken over at other times by a group of young singers who perform a little show......they are very good.....and quite entertaining....and you can pass 10 minutes or so watching them perform.


We take our time and wander slowly around the park and seeing how happy most folks around us look...

Louie`s is another place that is lovely to eat in, pizza is so good and slices are huge......but again, we missed it out this time again and I wish we hadn't......but hindsight is a wonderful thing.....I`m sure we`ll visit next time though...….


The view over the lagoon is beautiful...….directly opposite is the viewing area for the night show, it is nice what they have done over there and arranged a specific area to watch, we prefer to be to the side though....not as direct a view, but less crowded. And you can still see everything there is to see.




We do walk past the Fast & Furious without a second glance......we have no interest whatsoever in going back on this ride again...….cool garage in the line, but not good enough to warrant doing that ride again!!!!

Definitely not fans of F&F...…..


Wandering round to Lombards area, it`s so pretty...….and on a day like today, with the vivid blue skies we have it is extra beautiful.….


Once we hit the Potter area, it does seem to be a little busier, but still not as busy as we had expected it to be......maybe as it was Monday.....I was sure the crowds would fill up as the week went on.



It was only just 11am, and we had done a few rides and enjoyed the sunshine and heat of the day so far.....this is why we visit Universal so often...….love it!!!!

Potter up next...…..
My DD and I went on F&F for the first time on our recent visit.
Have to agree, a big thumbs down!!!

(But we do actually like the Jimmy Fallon ride:moped:)
My DD and I went on F&F for the first time on our recent visit.
Have to agree, a big thumbs down!!!

(But we do actually like the Jimmy Fallon ride:moped:)

lol....well, there`s got to be someone who likes Fallon...….:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I don't think I`ve met anyone yet who does like F&F...….and everyone says oh but you are a car enthusiast, you must have enjoyed the garage bit....er, maybe a little.....but nope, won`t ride it again......
Looks pretty deserted there to me, something I’ve never encountered lol. You are lucky.

Dan & shay from my area, country artists...no, i can’t name a single song lol

Going to guess Macklemore & Pitbull packed them in, bummed we missed it for first time in ages this year.
Walking into Potter is always an experience.....when you first see the bricks and hear them it is immediately magical......you do feel as if you are entering the real Diagon Alley...….even after all our visits, we still feel that same excitement as we enter this spectacular area....

And we time it nicely today and walk in just to see the dragon spew it`s fire out to the waiting crowds...…


Everyone loves seeing that...….and it is a joy to see all the reactions to it, especially if it`s their first time seeing everything Diagon Alley has to offer it`s fans...…

Even the most die hard detractors of Universal usually admit this is something special...….every single store window display is worth looking at and exploring, so much detail and the humour is there too.

We aren't planning to hang around for long today, but we do have a quick visit into Knockturn Alley as we do love that area...…

We usually come out this way but duck in as it looks busier in the street leading up to the dragon today.....it is crowded.....so this was where everyone was......it is so cool in here....both atmosphere and temperature....there really is a welcome relief from the heat when we visit in September......and we always enjoy seeing the products for sale in Borgin and Burke`s. The merchandise is certainly a little unique....


The word phaelanges always makes us smile...…..


I love the view up this alley.....with the right light you can make out the pawnbroker sign and the Slytherin insignia...….again, the detail is out of this world.



And now...............….Welcome to Spring Break………..this was the busiest we had ever seen Diagon Alley...….

And probably the crowds we`d expected to see during Spring Break...…


Although this was busier than we were used to, you could still get from one place to another without too much difficulty...….although I would prefer it to be quieter like we are used to.....

We just kind of wandered and got some pictures of this area before heading to Gringotts to ride that once today...…



The detail with the smoke coming out of the chimney is so cute to see......I still love seeing a real fire today, not that I`d have one with no other form of heat, but they are lovely when fully lit and so cosy.



The spells are fun to watch...….above the window can be lit up, which is much better to see at night than during the day....but many folks still do the spell.

The umbrella one is easily one of the most popular to watch....folks love to see the water fall around people....and kids love it.…..the interactive wands are so cool to watch folks using them.




We want to ride Gringotts now, so I leave my bag in a locker along with the camera as it doesn't fit into Tom`s pockets......we really meant to walk back through the line and not ride to get some pictures of both lines, but like a lot of things this trip, we just never got around to it...….

The ride was fun as always...….regular line was showing 60 minutes, and we took around 25 minutes from entering the building to exiting...….so the line may have been less than 10 minutes as it does take a bit of time to get through this one. We were in the middle of the ride vehicle today and on with first timers which is always nice to see.....but they weren't impressed at all which I was surprised about......it is a good ride and the line is something rather special....but, guess you can`t please everyone...….

We walked back out and listened to their conversation.....seems they weren't impressed with much at Universal.....lol...….

Unlike the folks in front of us.....who were also first timers and had loved it!!!! They were positively bouncing around and wanted to go back on...….I wish I could have given them four free EP for that ride.....they seemed like such nice people...….and were enthusing about everything Potter...…..so lovely to see.


The colours are so vivid in the area...….so much to photograph......we didn't watch the Beedle show as we have seen it many times, and honestly.....not my favourite show.....but if you haven't seen it, you should watch it.....it is quite cute and kids will love it.


I love this picture!!!!!

And genuinely hadn't really noticed it before this trip...…it`s quite creepy..


We wanted to go into the "Travel Agents" as it had been too busy last few times we visited......strange as it was so busy outside, but this place was very quiet when we went in...….


It is very unique and has some brand new displays that not many will have seen...…






If you haven't visited this little place, then pop in next time you are in Diagon Alley......the TM there love to chat about the store and how it came about.


Back out into the sunshine, we are reminded of the heat of the day......and it is pleasantly hot.....having no humidity certainly makes the heat easier to deal with.....



Cute House Elf...


We went back outside and headed towards the Knight Bus...….it is so cool....and of course purple, so I love it......and always tell folks to go to the back and not just where the conductor is at the front.

Today as we walk round to it, we see a young lady taking pictures of the bus in a very animated way......I ask her if she`d like me to take her picture on the back of the bus and I see she is actually shaking.....although she is smiling, I ask her if she`s alright ..….she tells us she is a huge Potter fan and this is her first visit ever.....awww bless her..….she must be maybe 19 or 20, not much older and I couldn't believe she was actually shaking...… I took her picture with her phone and she was grinning from ear to ear as if she couldn't really believe she was finally here.....she said she hadn't gone into Diagon Alley yet, and I`d guess she would absolutely burst into tears when she did......she was the most excited adult I had ever seen around Potter. And at that she headed off for her first exploration of her obsession.

I wished I had seen her reaction to be honest, it would have been very touching.



It is identical in every way when you look inside...….




And of course the picture everyone looks for......Kreacher glancing menacingly out of the upstairs window....he really is the most unpleasant looking House Elf...….


Coming up......lunch and a Dis meet later...……
Looks pretty deserted there to me, something I’ve never encountered lol. You are lucky.

Dan & shay from my area, country artists...no, i can’t name a single song lol

Going to guess Macklemore & Pitbull packed them in, bummed we missed it for first time in ages this year.

It did get busier today....but yes, we do find some quieter places at times...….:thumbsup2

lol.....glad it`s not just me....I have heard of Macklemore and Pitbull, but genuinely couldn't pick them out from a crowd of three!!!
You got some great pictures, especially the one of Kreacher! Last week was pretty crowded, too, but we still got to do everything we wanted. Oh, and we enjoyed Blue Man Group! Not something I would really go see again, but it was great fun for a one-time thing. My kids liked it a lot.

We headed down to MIB and passed what is a very pretty area of the park, but often overlooked......I was trying to describe it to someone later and they hadn't even noticed it as they passed...…


And of course the famous towers...….





We did go in and do MIB and the line was fairly short with EP...…..we got on and sat on the back of the car and the folks in front were full of enthusiasm......now I`m not a MIB ride fan....don't mind the ride, but have no interest in scoring points......much to the annoyance of Tom and Kyle...….although I did once whoop them without even trying...….that still annoys them.....lol.....it was fun and I did make a feeble attempt at shooting....not really my thing though.....but, Tom was intent on getting a high score and basically beating the two in front of us......who says he`s not competitive anymore...…..lol......and thankfully he did get a higher score......and we beat the other car!!!! No help from me though I have to say...……

It was quite spinny today, so for now I called it a day......I can get away with quite a bit, but never want to push it too far.......we did want to do either Mummy or RRR again before we left.


Lunch was quite the discussion today. We thought about Louie`s, Lombards, Citywalk…….all places we enjoy...….but big mouth here.......that would be me wondered if we should try Finnegans again...…..

It had been many years since we had eaten here.....and I hadn't liked it much and neither had they to be honest...….but we did like it for cocktails and drinks......and food at times looked good. So, I kind of ignored the little voice in the back of my head saying "don't go" and we went.

We got seated immediately and Tom ordered a beer as we weren't driving anywhere today, and I ordered a rum neuralyser……..needn't have worried it was too strong a drink to have at lunch...….very poor pour.....but Tom enjoyed his beer...…


Tom ordered the webb burger with fries and I went for the fish and chips....which weren't chips they were wedge fries...…

We waited ages on our drinks, and then he said he`d bring us bread......he forgot...….eventually we asked if we could get the bread before the meals came......we needn't have worried...….but he did bring the bread and I do like the apple butter.…..so we had a little bit of that, but the bread isn't very nice.


We were about to ask where our food was as we had waited ages and then a new waiter appeared and couldn't have been nicer. He apologised for the wait and said our food was next out....and it was...…..but it was too long a wait considering they weren't even half full today.

Tom`s burger arrived first and didn't look the most appealing......the meat looked mushy somehow when he bit into it......then it was full of grease when he did bite into it and wasn't very appealing looking…...he enjoyed the wedges a little though.


I did notice they describe the chips as wedge fries......and chips they certainly weren't. but, the fish although tasty, was full of grease when you bit into it...…..it was a good sized portion though.....that's about the best I could say about both meals.


I wish I hadn't suggested it...…..but, at least we knew now we were right and didn't like the food here at all......no more chances for us......but it`s always busy so they must be doing something right. We left most of the food on our plate and really didn't bother complaining......we paid the check and left. Vowing only to return for cocktails at the bar...…..

We had a walk through the Mardi Gras area again and marvelled as a little girl of around 6 or 7 did cartwheels all the way along the walkway here....she was fabulous and so precise for just having fun...….we gave her a big wave as she turned and bowed to the delight of us and the others around. Cute as a button.

Trying to get a picture of the two of these at night is nigh on impossible......folks like to sit there and rightly so.....so we grab a few pictures of it now...…



They do have some lovely decorations in the area where their main bar is.....very Mardi Gras style...….



We were planning to go back on RRR this afternoon before leaving the park, but our lunch was sitting heavy on us.....although we hadn't finished most of it...….but we needn't to walk it off I think......and not go on a coaster that can throw you around a bit...….

We wandered through the store and saw the lovely cakes they have made for Mardi Gras......very festive, but didn't feel like one today.….I was sure we`d pick one up before we left.



We walked out of the park and down to the boat......it was gloriously hot and so pleasant to walk in.....even so it was the boat for us today...…..


We had to wait maybe 5 minutes for one to come back as we had just missed one.....sometimes we will get the RP boat if it`s there and walk the rest of the way.....but the Capt said another was on it`s way and should be here soon...….and at that it did appear...…



We got on the boat and there were a few of us heading back. The boats are usually quiet during this time of day, and before long we were leaving the dock to head for Sapphire...…

Few minutes later we were heading into the hotel and up to our room.....we did think of going to the pool for an hour, but the sun was still so hot...…..so we put the tv on and watched some of the Greatest Showman while we showered and got changed to go back out later...……

We hadn't done much today, but had so enjoyed it...…….

Next up is Club Lounge and our Dis meet with J`aime Paris...…….
You got some great pictures, especially the one of Kreacher! Last week was pretty crowded, too, but we still got to do everything we wanted. Oh, and we enjoyed Blue Man Group! Not something I would really go see again, but it was great fun for a one-time thing. My kids liked it a lot.

Glad you got to do what you wanted at least.....it was so busy......but the weather was beautiful for you too....

BMG is funny......some love it, some don't......yes, I wouldn't go watch it again, but I can say I`ve done it....and yes, kids do tend to love it...….

Yes, I like that one of Kreacher.....not sure how Tom gets so tall to take it......:)
The young lady reacted just as I did when I went to WWoHP in IOA. I haven't been able to get back as I haven't been able to get away for much time in the last several years.
I was breathless when walking into Hogsmeade, then near tears once in Hogwarts. I could have sat for hours (actually could have moved in to Hogwarts...LOL) and did sit for a long time drinking my Butterbeer near the Owl Post, listening to the music and watching the crowds go by.....:cloud9:

I love Disney too though.....I guess I'm in my second childhood.:dogdance:

My 15 minutes of fame are almost up:D

lol...….yep....did plan to have all of today done, but things got in the way.....darn it...…:rotfl:And now my eyes are stinging between laptop and Rapeseed that's growing around us now.....fields of it everywhere!!!! We have a lot of Lavender grow around here, but Rapeseed is just as prevalent now too...…..

Our Strong Water meet be up tomorrow though...….:thumbsup2
The young lady reacted just as I did when I went to WWoHP in IOA. I haven't been able to get back as I haven't been able to get away for much time in the last several years.
I was breathless when walking into Hogsmeade, then near tears once in Hogwarts. I could have sat for hours (actually could have moved in to Hogwarts...LOL) and did sit for a long time drinking my Butterbeer near the Owl Post, listening to the music and watching the crowds go by.....:cloud9:

I love Disney too though.....I guess I'm in my second childhood.:dogdance:

Oh you`re allowed to love both...….::yes::

It really is an amazing place.....and certainly we have seen extreme motion on lots of occasions when entering the Potter areas and seeing folks reactions for the first time.....

Yes I`d love to live in Hogwarts secret apartment.....lol....I`m convinced there is one up there...….nice rumour to start...….:laughing: but watching the people in there and seeing everyone coming and going is something we can spend time doing too.....love people watching.

Hope you can get back for a good length of visit soon...….:goodvibes
New to the boards. How do you go about getting access to the club lounge at Royal Pacific when you are staying at Sapphire Falls? Is that something new they do?
You got some great pictures, especially the one of Kreacher! Last week was pretty crowded, too, but we still got to do everything we wanted. Oh, and we enjoyed Blue Man Group! Not something I would really go see again, but it was great fun for a one-time thing. My kids liked it a lot.


Did you tell me when you were going back??

I’m not sure I’m mixing you up with someone else.........:)


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