All caught up - I'm sooo excited to be reading another one of your reports! I am already dying laughing about those nasty feet!!! That grosses me out so much - people can be so odd on flights - I don't want to see your feet near me at all!!!

Looking forward to more awesome details!!!!!
All caught up - I'm sooo excited to be reading another one of your reports! I am already dying laughing about those nasty feet!!! That grosses me out so much - people can be so odd on flights - I don't want to see your feet near me at all!!!

Looking forward to more awesome details!!!!!

Thanks.....glad to see you here.......

Oh Cyndi it was an awful sight!! Feet are never pretty........and I don’t want to see anyone’s from a distance, never mind up close like that!

Yes, why are people so thoughtless like that......maybe she’ll think twice next time......but not sure she will sadly.

CC can tell some tremendous stories about what folks think is acceptable on flights.......make your hair curl!!!
Woohoo :flower:- another fabulous trip report from Carole and Tom! As I say each time - my favourite part is the flight over with pictures- luv all your inflight stories (crazy foot lady/ engine issues). You write with such flair it hooks us all in:flower1: I think it was a great idea to hire a car service for your drives to and from the airport. No stress.
Please tell Tom his pictures are wonderful- he has a great eye.



This is the best part of the flight...….getting off and heading into the airport. We started off the plane and thanked the CC at the door we headed down to immigration......we landed and got off the plane by 4.15pm which was only ten minutes later than our scheduled landing, so he did make up some time on the flight, and I do remember Tom mentioning at one point how fast he was flying....it tells you all that info on the Sky Map too. So, considering we had a late start, we were here in a decent time.

Immigration can be a nightmare if another Jumbo or more lands in front of you......but we now have Global Entry, so no worries about that for us.....and as we walked through the line was fairly long for those that don't have it. I think a Peruvian airline lands around the same time...….so we took pleasure in walking to the left, up to the machine that very quickly delivered our slip of paper to say we were good to go, quick chat to a very friendly Immigration officer who asked if we had any food and we told him British Chocolate.....and he was very personable and was joking about enjoying some......it`s nice when they`re human. I understand their job is grave and they do an amazing job, but sometimes they can be very severe and it`s lovely when they are very friendly once the essential checks are done. We always declare chocolate and candy, but they`re really only interested if it`s something not allowed really.....but we follow the rules and declare anything....as someone once told us....if it is edible....you declare it. So, we do. We were only ever sent to secondary checks once and the officer there asked what we had and why we had been sent over........we said chocolate and cookies.....he looked at us and said yeah you`re good, have a great trip...….so, not a big deal.

We wished our officer today a good day and headed over to the luggage carousel, I went to the bathroom and freshened up a little......ironically I sprayed some deodorant and immediately heard an alarm going off and thought it was the stuff from the deodorant had set off the smoke alarms......pure coincidence......it was the alarm to say the carousel was starting up!!!

I wandered back out and saw Tom pull both our cases off the carousel at the same time......what were the chances of that!!! Ours never come off first...….it was now 4.40pm......twenty five minutes since landing and we were heading out to the people mover...…..quickest time out of immigration ever.

I did then see the woman who was behind me on the plane who told me she had long legs as we headed past everyone else......and no she didn't. She was around 3" shorter than me and I`m only 5`7. Long legs my eye!!!!!

There was a people mover waiting so we hopped on and soon we were whizzing along to the main terminal and straight to the car hire desk downstairs.

Last few trips we have upgraded to the Maserati and really enjoyed driving that car......and it was there to upgrade again......but we decided as we have just bought a Porsche SUV back home we would try their Cayenne instead......of course we knew with it being a rental it wouldn't be the all singing all dancing full of gadgets one we had bought.....but it was a change...….so we asked for that one and set off over to the garage.

We did have to wait as they only had one and it was coming from another part of the airport...….and it was around 20 minutes.....but it arrived and it was Black with a tan interior......the one we have ordered is black but with a dark interior......and we saw it was of course a much older model......but, we would still enjoy driving it I`m sure.

We set off and began driving on the roads that are so, so familiar to us now......after so many years and visits, we could almost drive this road with our eyes closed.

I had left my camera in the hand luggage bag in the trunk so didn't get my usual Orlando Eye and Star Flyer picture as we approach Universal...…..but soon we were approaching our favourite sight.....RPR and Sapphire Falls...….we do still find it a little strange not pulling in to RP and driving past to go to Sapphire......but we do and pulling in is almost the same as pulling into RP now...……

So, we drop the car off and head inside to our alternative favourite hotel......the beautiful Sapphire Falls.....we are a little later as we had the wait for the car, so by the time we check in our friend has gone home. He goes between both hotels so we knew he might not be there anyway, but one of his assistants came out to welcome us back home which was lovely......I know we`ll see him tomorrow...….but we have a lovely catch up and then we head off to our room which is Guest House 2 again...……

And we love this suite....and the view of the lagoon and RP is our favourite side of the hotel to be......this suite has a lot of space and very light and airy...….and having two separate bathrooms is ideal!!!!

The open space as soon as you walk in immediately you see you have a huge amount of space...….I love the colours of the rooms and again, despite it being quite late and beginning to dull down, it is so light...…..


Extra bathroom as you enter the suite...…


We do use this beautiful table for food, especially if we have pastries for breakfast or room service......


We have a very comfortable pull out sofa, ideal for families...…and snoozing of course!!!




The small kitchen has no cutlery or dishes, but anything you need they can send to you if you need it......the fridge is a standard size that holds quite a lot, with no freezer compartment but the ice machines are on every floor...…


We love this bedroom......the bed is huge and like all of the Loews beds we have ever slept on, incredibly comfortable...…there is a good sized closet where the safe is kept and extra storage for cases. There are drawers and storage in the cabinet too....ideal for even all my stuff......

Turndown service had already been, usually they close the drapes and make the rooms all cosy, but I guess since we were checking in they didn't do it today...…..those bottles of water are very much appreciated......and if you have used the towels from the morning change, they do make sure they are replenished, but this suite gives you so many towels it`s very rare you run out. But, lovely service.




The main bathroom is huge!!!! Huge...…..there is a massive walk in shower, and a shower over the separate bathtub...…..and double sinks which are essential in a bathroom.....although I think Tom was going to use the other bathroom for shaving and such.....meant I had this one to myself...….

We do share our master bathroom at home, and it is fairly large, but having this just for me is perfect.....although I do have to share the shower...……guess I`ll survive.....lol.....



I do like the separate toilet again of course...….it`s such a good idea for families who would be sharing.....



I don't believe we have ever used the shower over the bathtub any time we`ve had this suite......the main shower is spacious and we stick to that one.


Once we had wandered round a little and unpacked a little.....well, that was the idea....we said we`d make a start then finish up later when we came back from StrongWater Bar, but we ended up fully packed and everything put away, it is good to get that job out of the way...….

StrongWater Bar is always our first night choice over in this hotel...….we love this bar and are always made so welcome, although they make everyone so welcome, it is a lovely bar.....we know so many of them now as we do come in here a lot......food, drinks and service are just the best!!

We are immediately greeted by Fernando, he is the manager and welcomes us back with big hugs and escorts us to a lovely table at the back of the bar......we do like it up in this area as you can see the fire pit and have a lovely view out of the window......and the lovely Brittany is looking after us tonight and she beams when she sees us sitting tonight...…she is so lovely and such a genuine girl.

We catch up quickly and have a good old chat before ordering a Rum Mule for me.....I was so looking forward to this one...although haven't found a cocktail yet we don't like....they are all lovely...….and Tom went for a beer tonight...…..we would order food later...…..it was so lovely to be back again and we feel so much at home here.....it is like being in Cheers....so many know us and come up to say hello and welcome back...…nice though.


We have our first drink and then I order a French Berry daiquiri and food wise we opt for Choripapa which is potatoes, sausage and and a little bit of a sauce that is a tiny bit spicy......and Caribbean ceviche which are delicious...….and two of our favourite dishes. Although like the cocktails, we have a few favourites.



We love the style of food in here. Smaller plates and easily suited to share......we often have several dishes between us...…

The music is gentle. Its`s usually the same couple who sing on a Saturday night, but tonight the singer Elizabeth, has been replaced by the lady who sings at the Caribbean Carnivale show here in Sapphire......she is also a beautiful singer. Very gentle music and not too loud or intrusive.


I had taken a few sips of the daiquiri before I remembered to take a picture......it is delicious and fairly strong......like all of their cocktails, you can really taste the rum so it`s never a diluted cocktail...…


Fernando comes over for a chat and a catch up and we tell him yes, we`re here for two weeks so will see a lot of this bar.....and he tells us of a special they are doing from Chef Carlos.....it`s a giant pork chop at around 2.5lbs, again, ideal for sharing...….marinated for 24 hours then cooked in a sous vide, then griddled and comes with plantain slices and rice and beans......he made it sound so delicious we knew we would opt for that before the two weeks is up.....they only do so many, so we told him when would be in for one and he said he`d make sure it was there...….that sounded good!!!! I don't have a sous vide but, think I may consider investing in one....so many folks rave about them.

I then got my favourite of the list......the Rum Revival...….it is beautiful and has blueberries and a basil, very slight basil taste, but so nice......and we were congratulating ourselves for managing to stay awake without dropping at this point......it was only around 9pm, but we had flagged long before that at times.....and this was where Fernando told us we were losing an hour tonight......we had no idea.....I usually know when the time changes here, but hadn't noticed this time. So I was glad he mentioned it...….


We were chatting away the evening and commenting how lovely it is in here, when Brittany appeared with Fernando and said they wanted us to try their brand new dessert that was going on the new season menu soon......they are pastelitos…..very light pastry with brie and guava sauce inside and is served with a side of espresso ice cream...……..

I have to say, espresso ice cream isn't something I would usually choose...I didn't think I even liked it as I`m not a fan of coffee desserts...….but I`ll try it as this chef makes some amazing dishes.....

And it looked beautiful.......


It was gorgeous!!!! The whole thing together works beautifully...…..I usually eat brie on it`s own with crackers, or in a grilled sandwich. I have never used it in a dessert before and this was stunning......and we were so grateful to Brittany for gifting us this dessert.....we truly loved every bit of it....and I know we would order it again in a heartbeat...……

But, how kind...…..

We certainly were incredibly grateful as they do make you feel special in here......all of them......and for tonight we headed out and went back to our room after thanking them again for the lovely hospitality you receive in here...….

Now I was yawning...…….but strangely wished I had got some food to take away as I do like to nibble...….

Opened our doors and saw we had been sent a gift from our friend while we were out...….always so considerate and kind beyond belief...….and we loved this cheese plate!!!!!!


Fruit, cheese and crackers was the perfect snack right now...…..and we happily munched some of it, and put some in the fridge for the morning as we planned to go buy some pastries from the grab and go and eat them in our room, so this would complement those perfectly.....if I could stop nibbling those grapes!!!!!

We are always blown away by the kind gestures from so many people while we are here....especially from our friend who is simply the nicest, kindest man on earth......and another reason we feel so much at home here.....people we have known for many years always making us feel so welcome.

And the beautiful surroundings of course...…….

I had already sent our friend an email to thank him for everything as always...….and said he`d see us tomorrow......looking forward to it already.

For tonight, we lasted till around 11pm, which was good for us......until we realised it was of course midnight as we moved our watches forward before going to bed......we had already lost an hour and we`ve just arrived!!!!

We hit the shower and finally, clambered into that huge bed that looked so inviting, especially when you`ve been awake for what feels like a gazillion hours....in reality it was only 19 hours or so...….but, we had snoozed on the plane which helps.…….

We fully closed the drapes so the light wouldn't wake us in the morning....we planned to take our time and chill out this trip...…..and we honestly fell asleep instantly thinking of the kind words someone had told us earlier.....

Woohoo :flower:- another fabulous trip report from Carole and Tom! As I say each time - my favourite part is the flight over with pictures- luv all your inflight stories (crazy foot lady/ engine issues). You write with such flair it hooks us all in:flower1: I think it was a great idea to hire a car service for your drives to and from the airport. No stress.
Please tell Tom his pictures are wonderful- he has a great eye.


YAY...….Glad you`re back!!!!

I will tell Tom.....he does have a better eye than me...although it doesn't help me I can`t see what I`m taking without my glasses on.....lol.....funny thing is he takes his glasses off to see up close!!!

I do enjoy the flight part too......well, except for horrible foot lady......and yes, the car service was fabulous....and happy we have them booked for May and the return journey in September...…

Thanks....glad you`re enjoying it so far...…..:wave2:
Loving your report so far! I would have been imaging the worst during the boarding delay - just my nature LOL. Glad it turned out well!

What days are you going to be there in Dec? I have a family trip planned then and would love to finally meet if our schedules match up!
Loving your report so far! I would have been imaging the worst during the boarding delay - just my nature LOL. Glad it turned out well!

What days are you going to be there in Dec? I have a family trip planned then and would love to finally meet if our schedules match up!

WELCOME along EveDallas :wave2:

Glad to see you here too.........oh it wasn’t fun at the time I have to say, my mind was all over the place, but I guessed if they were pouring bubbly it couldn’t be too bad.....could it.....lol........

We arrive Nov 29th till Dec 10th this year.......RP for that trip........oooh when are you there??? It would be nice to meet up for sure.......:thumbsup2
WELCOME along EveDallas :wave2:

Glad to see you here too.........oh it wasn’t fun at the time I have to say, my mind was all over the place, but I guessed if they were pouring bubbly it couldn’t be too bad.....could it.....lol........

We arrive Nov 29th till Dec 10th this year.......RP for that trip........oooh when are you there??? It would be nice to meet up for sure.......:thumbsup2

We'll be there Dec. 7th - 13th. We'll definitely have to plan a meet then - I've been following your trip reports for so long I feel like I know you already :rotfl:
Sounds like a great first day! I love the tile in the master bathroom, so pretty. I'm so sorry we didn't get a chance to meet in March. I ended up getting sick the day after we arrived from the plane I think and I was laid up for most of our trip. I'm sorry you didn't care for Disney Springs, but at least you had a chance to try it. We are going back down to Orlando 9/27-10/5. Not sure if you will be there but I hope we can try to meet up again. We've been talking about going to city walk for a walk around and maybe dinner.
Sounds like a great first day! I love the tile in the master bathroom, so pretty. I'm so sorry we didn't get a chance to meet in March. I ended up getting sick the day after we arrived from the plane I think and I was laid up for most of our trip. I'm sorry you didn't care for Disney Springs, but at least you had a chance to try it. We are going back down to Orlando 9/27-10/5. Not sure if you will be there but I hope we can try to meet up again. We've been talking about going to city walk for a walk around and maybe dinner.

Oh no, that's not good.......it`s never fun being ill on a trip!!!

Hope you`re much better now....but shame you missed some trip time.

I`m starting a thread over on the regular Universal board for folks visiting in September as there`s quite a few of us going around the same time......so hopefully we can catch a quick hello or something...….that would be nice...…

It was a nice first day......any day we get to Orlando is a good one though.....lol......

Another awesome trip report from

Thanks mac...….

Hope it is awesome......lol......I always think we didn't do too much.....and this time we did have a lot of down time some days......hard to talk about doing nothing...…:thumbsup2 But, I`ll have a bash...…:D

Waking up on your first full day of vacation knowing you have the whole trip ahead of you is the best feeling...and although we both slept so well, we always do sleep so well in these hotels, I still woke up at around 5am....which was now 9am in the UK...…..but usually 10 before the time change!!!! Confuses me at the best of time...….and once I`m awake I very rarely get back to sleep......so, as Tom was still sound asleep I got up and went through to the living room and opened up the drapes and it was still pitch black outside, but already the place was springing to life with security around the boat deck getting ready for the day and someone was actually jogging already...……

I sat at the dining room table and just watched as the dawn rose and you do see the most beautiful sunrise from this vantage point over RPR......I did take some pictures, but they don't show up very well with the glare of the sun and the windows....but it is lovely. And sitting here watching the sunrise was incredibly relaxing although soon I was disturbed by the sound of Tom rumbling to life wondering if I had gone out already, I do love an early morning walk, although haven't done it in a long time.....I have always been so lucky and have lived right beside the sea, so some very nice morning walks can easily be enjoyed. It`s funny as I don't really like being in the water, but love living right beside it.

So, as Tom was now awake, I went back through and got in the shower and wondered what the weather was going to be like...….eh, I think that`ll be an easy one today......sun is shining......the temps are not too bad for today.....this week looks amazing....with a little blip from Saturday to Tuesday then beautiful again.....I don't care.....it looks lovely...…..

Once we are both dressed Tom heads down to the Dutch Trading Co to get coffee and a couple of pastries.....I also bring out the rest of the cheese and fruit to enjoy for breakfast too...….and surprisingly as it`s the weekend, he`s not away too long...…..the line can be so busy in there on a morning...…


The mix of the fruit, cheese and pastries is perfect for breakfast this morning and we quickly devour almost everything along with a lovely cup of coffee...…

We then facetime Kyle and he has snow!!!! He shows us outside from our windows and yep, it is turning to rain now mainly, but you can see the fields all white in the distance.....and looks cold!!! He`s in for the rest of the day now and no plans to go anywhere......I then show him the view from our windows here...….he does grumble a bit....lol......no difference!!!

We chat for a while and have a good old catch up, well as much as you can after three days......but he always has some work updates which is nice. But, we say our goodbyes and we clean up the breakfast things and kind of take our time...….

I get an email from our friend to say we`ll meet in the Sapphire lobby as he`s over at RP right now, so we have a little bit of time before that. And then all of a sudden, not sure what we were doing....I know Tom had the tv on by now and found some obscure 1950`s sci fi movie on so he would have been there for the day if he could...…(not really) I looked at the time and had a mild panic...……all I had to do was grab my bag and I was ready...….and wait for Tom...

lol......we are never late. I hate lateness and thankfully it took Tom about 20 seconds before he was ready to go too...….

We wandered down to the lobby and took a seat while we waited......I got an email saying he was on his way.....such a busy guy and we always appreciate the time he makes for us...…..at that, one of his other assistants came out to meet us......we had never met for some reason and it was lovely to finally put a face to a name......we chatted for a while until our friend made it over......always a joy to see him!!!

We had a really good chat and catch up and we knew he was going to be busy these few days ahead.....but I was sure we`d see him once the busy few days was over. Another couple of hugs from him and we set off and we went out to the car....the valet guys are the best and we immediately recognised some of the same faces from last September and our other trips last year...….one guy only works the weekend and he made a beeline for us as soon as he saw us......always good to catch up with the same folks.

Our first day is always a lazy day...….we don't do much usually and get some shopping and a few gifts for folks from various stores......and we always start in Walmart, then ABC Wines and Publix.

Walmart I freely admit isn't the nicest store to go to, but they have a fabulous selection of items and have many products and lines we can`t get over here. I do buy the Aussie shampoo and conditioner to do me while I am here and a lovely fruity shower gel......I do take back the large shampoo and conditioners but today I just buy what I need for our trip. We pick up some cookies and potato chips for the room and various other snacks....we do like a ready supply of "stuff" and some of the Pepperidge Farm cookies we take back to Kyle....yep, the double chocolate ones.....he loves them.

ABC Wines and Spirits is a store we love......we could easily spend thousands of dollars in here as again, some of the better rums we just can`t get easily in the UK.....we could order online but it would be almost three times the cost at least......so we love how everything is so much of a bargain over here for us......although our rum selection was well stocked as we had brought back many bottles over our last few trips......so we buy our gifts and a large bottle of Appleton Estate rum for us......oh ginger beer and the bottle of sharp lime juice.....we did plan to have one or two rum mule`s while we were here...….funnily enough we ended up not opening the bottle for us after all and took it home......very strange!!!!

Publix didn't take us long either......we picked up a few items only they sell and by then it was lunchtime....and despite our decent breakfast, we were hungry......it was almost 1pm by now and I did feel this morning had just flown by.....I didn't want the whole trip to go past like this, so I decided I wouldn't be rushing anywhere again this trip.....well, I hoped!!!!

We decided not to drop the stuff off at the hotel instead just driving straight to the Ale House on Kirkman.....one of our favourite places...…..

The bridge over Kirkman is really coming along well.....it has taken quite a long time to do a bridge.....or so it seems. But, this is a very welcome addition for anyone who has ever crossed this road.....it`s safe with sidewalks and lights, but some don't understand how the roads work and we have seen some take a chance!!!! That's always scary to see.


We love the Ale House.......lunch or dinner, food is always fabulous and is very inexpensive without feeling cheap in any way...….staff are amazingly friendly and very chatty whether you sit at the bar or at the tables or booths......and this was going to be our first lunch of the trip.


We sometimes sit at the bar, but today we opt for a booth and Tom as the driver opts for strawberry lemonade and I of course go for a good chardonnay...…..well, we are on vacation!!!

We quickly decide to order the cobb salad with blackened chicken and shrimp for Tom, and I decide to have the Big Red sandwich with one of their spicier sauces...….lush!!!!


Tom did wish he had asked for the salad without blue cheese as neither of us like it......but the rest of his salad was beautiful...….our waitress had asked Tom which salad dressing he would like and by some miracle I answered for him with honey mustard......Tom did joke all without moving his lips!!!! Lol......I love honey mustard......and I know Tom doesn't eat a lot of dressing so I would enjoy a little of it too as they do give you a large pot of it.



The big red is beautifully cooked...….chicken breast is tender and with the extra hot sauce, it is perfect.....I do take most of the cheese off as I don't eat a lot of cheese like that, and it is just lovely....especially having the cool dressing to compliment it…...I also don't eat a lot of the bun as it`s just too much and far too filling......friends think I`m weird when we eat burgers......apart from the donut burger from Teak, I never really eat the bun anywhere...…but, here, the chicken is a large portion and is very filling.


It can get busy in here, regardless of whether it`s the weekend or not, it`s that kind of place....and today it isn't too bad, but you can see it filling up nicely.

We pay the check and head outside into the sunshine and it was already 85F today......and felt it!!!! We are used to hot weather but this felt weird......Kyle has snow and here we are in March enjoying this type of heat......but it was hotter than we expected.....and I am not allowed to ever complain it`s too hot here.....ever!!!!

This is the weather I love, as we usually have this type of weather...…

So, standing enjoying the heat we take a picture of the Porsche...…..it is quite an old model after all. But, for driving around for two weeks it`ll be fine...….


It`s around 2pm now and we head back to the hotel, we both feel we need a snooze as we do feel exhausted funnily enough...…time difference can sometimes hit harder than others.

We drop the car off with the valet guys and head inside where it`s cool...….lovely......and head to our room to have a chill out for a little while.....put everything away first and then we have an hour of sleep.....we do try not to have any more, so as not to knock us off the sleep pattern fully, but it`s just enough to refresh us for the evening...…..

In the room there are two leaflets for room service in Sapphire.....as well as the regular room service menu, they have these two extra offerings...….we did try the pizza last year on one trip and it was very nice.....



The view from our window is one we love...….the lagoon and RP is the perfect view for us.....and on such a beautiful day it`s stunning...…..


We don't need to get changed or anything as we haven't actually done anything today, so we freshen up a little and head over to RP to the Club Lounge and see the folks we know so well over there...….

The walk is a pleasant one at around 10 minutes using the inside walk through the ballroom and convention area......it`s usually deserted or very few folks around unless of course there is a convention going on.....but today we barely pass anyone except a bemused security officer who we are sure thinks oh heck it`s them.....they`re back......we do wander a lot back and forward and I`m sure they must wonder why we are always wandering from one to the other!!

We get into the lounge and do see a couple of familiar faces and one new face we don't know......definitely a few changes going on.....but it is lovely to see some of the staff we do know...….and then one of the supervisors, Samuel comes in, and we are over the moon to see him.....such a lovely guy. And he tells us he is moving on too...…...that is fabulous for him but we`ll miss him a lot.....although he is only moving within RP so he`ll still be around.....just not as a concierge supervisor...….but, really happy for him and his promotion...…

We are a little early and it`s nice to get in before the crowds descend for 4.30 and food is being served.....so we can catch up and have a nice chat...….


The lounge is lovely......we really enjoy it and the changes still look fabulous...….


At 4.30 the wines and beer that are complimentary are put out along with the evening appetisers….always a hot dish along with salad, crudites, crackers and cheese selection.....all of these are available till 6.30pm.


The liquor has a $5 room charge per drink and is set back so folks don't assume it`s complimentary either......we do sometimes hear folks ask and when they hear there`s a charge they sometimes don't bother, but most will still enjoy their favourite tipple.



Teas, coffee, juices, water and sodas are available all day while the lounge is open...... and of course the addition of the chilled cabinet has been a great success as guests do like soda`s and water to be already cold.



Tonight is the vegetarian option...….

The salad is lovely, but the main choice doesn't appeal to us in any way...…no meat!!!


It`s a vegetarian pesto pasta......they have always served a vegetarian choice once a week in here, and you can contact the staff before hand to let them know of any dietary requirements...….they are excellent at accommodating here.




We do like to snack on a little salad or some cheese while we are here enjoying a glass of wine, but very rarely eat our main meal here as it is so early and there are so many places we want to eat in......food is very good and they have some lovely choices, like lemon or orange chicken, pulled pork which is delicious and the very lovely chicken mac n cheese...….we are tempted to have a few pieces those nights I have to say......it`s usually a few hours later till we eat anyway.

Food is well replenished and staff do make sure of that.

Breakfast is very good though and plenty of choice for everyone.

We sit for a while as we are only going into Citywalk tonight, we chat and catch up and find out the manager is going to be in tomorrow morning as is one of the girls we have known for a while...…so we`ll be back across in the morning...…

We head down to the boats and don't have too long to wait, it is a little busier than usual, but it is Spring Break...……it is so pretty here, with all the lush greenery and the water views, and when the sun is still sparkly, it is stunning.

I do like the boat journey to Citywalk, only takes a few minutes and you`re there...….the walk can be quicker if the boat isn't there waiting, but it is handy...especially on the way home at night or after a long day in the parks...….but takes around 6-7 minutes to walk from RP to IOA and only a few minutes more to Studios.

We had already decided not to do Mardi Gras or similar tonight, so Margaritaville for cocktails and a lighter dinner was our first choice. Citywalk looked busy as it usually is around this time of the evening....

The bar is a fun place to sit in here....one of our favourites…….and as soon as we sit down we wonder where our favourite barman is..….Greg has been here for a long time and makes the best Blackberry Margarita....or any margarita for that matter...…..but the other guy is still there and we chat to him as we kind of know him, but not as well as greg.

The bar is fun.....everyone kind of chats to everyone else and we have had some amazing conversations over the years up here...…...and tonight our first drink is the blackberry one for me and Tom gets a Raspberry fruity concoction that I can`t remember it`s name.....but he liked it...….



We sat for an hour or so and then ordered some food......the menu in here is not too extensive, but there is plenty of choice and some good options. So, we think we`ll share a couple of items between us.....so Tom chooses the club sandwich and I choose my favourite dish of lava lava shrimp.....it`s an appetiser but it is a very good size...….and so tasty!!!!



I have to say, they were both lovely......although somehow sharing the sandwich I ended up with only ham.....I much prefer turkey, but it was still lovely....and the shrimp were delicious....

He did ask if we had room for dessert, which we didn't....the desserts in here don't really appeal to us very much anyway...….so we had another cocktail...…..that's the best dessert!!!!


Sitting at the bar you do get a close up view of the volcano erupting too...….lol.....I didn't realise so many folks still video that as it goes off...…..it is cute...….but then I forget sometimes that there are first timers here all the time and just because we`ve seen it a million times, others haven't. And it is a lovely touristy thing to do...…..


So, after our last drink and a good chat with a guy called Chuck from Abilene.....not sure if it was Kansas or Texas......but he was funny.....he was here for Mardi Gras......he hated Mardi Gras but his wife loved it....so he was in the bar while she was in the park watching the parade that had long finished.......then he realised how late he was to meet her....said he`d blame us.....yes, it was our fault you didn't answer her 5 messages to you......lol...…

We walked down to the boats and waited a few moments for one as it was busy.....we weren't sure we`d make the first boat that pulled in as line was long for all hotels.....but we did. And I was glad as we were tired again......I would be glad after tomorrow as we usually adjusted fairly quickly....especially when it`s not September hot...…..

Back in the hotel, we went straight to our room and watched a little tv before climbing into bed.

And another night we were asleep instantly...…..and we had decided we would do some park time tomorrow, whenever we woke up......no plans to wake up early, although we did want to see some of the staff over in the lounge....so we couldn't be too late up...…

We loved this trip already!!!!

Great start Carole :thumbsup2

I'm going to have to get the lava lava shrimp the next time we go to Margaritaville and my usual It's 5 o'clock somewhere of course.

I thought of Kyle last night since Danielle went to the Cheesecake Factory in Atlanta for a belated birthday dinner with her friends...she called and asked if I wanted anything so I had to get a slice of Linda's fudge cake ....yum...it was my dinner and breakfast this morning.
Great start Carole :thumbsup2

I'm going to have to get the lava lava shrimp the next time we go to Margaritaville and my usual It's 5 o'clock somewhere of course.

I thought of Kyle last night since Danielle went to the Cheesecake Factory in Atlanta for a belated birthday dinner with her friends...she called and asked if I wanted anything so I had to get a slice of Linda's fudge cake ....yum...it was my dinner and breakfast this morning.

Thanks Vicki...….

lol.....I`d love to like that cake......but I think Kyle`s glad I don't as I`d want to "steal" a bit for sure.....he loves it as you know...…Hope Danielle had a lovely dinner there......

The lava shrimp is amazing and very reminiscent of boogity shrimp from Nascar days....I know you enjoyed that dish too...….::yes:: And would go well with 5 o` clock somewhere...….well, anything really goes with that.....lol.....
I’m going to concentrate on the booze :)

Nice beer selection in the club, think it’s fair to charge for the hard stuff or some might go a bit overboard.

Is that a miami vice Tom appears to be enjoying @ buffet’s?


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