YOLO Part Cruise: Land, Sea and Halloween! Updatedx2 4/27 TRIP VIDEO

Congratulations on your acceptance to the DCP!!! Sorry the position wasn't your first choice, but I like your attitude about it. I'm sure you will have a awesome time! Did Brittany apply too?
Congrats on going to the audition. So many people don't try to go for their dream. So awesome you guys tried! Another experience on your life belt. When the time is right, you'll get your turn.
Love your reports and hope you do some kind of report for your DCP experience.
Yay CP!!! Congratulations Sam.

Thank you so much! I am so excited!!!​

Congrats on CP!!! Oh and I have an idea for your 24 hour event costumes....you guys should be Ralph, Vanellope, Felix, and Calhoun from Wreck-It Ralph! Have fun in May and with your CP pixiedust:

Thank you!
We were actually thinking of being the sugar rush racers but we are not sure. Thank you for your idea, I love wreck it ralph!​

GREAT updates!! I really do have to try out Sanna one of these days! Sucks that the service was so bad for you guys!! The butter chicken sounds amazing though, I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up getting it lol

Also LOVE AKL, I've been able to stay there twice now and would stay there forever if I could lol!

and of course CONGRATULATIONS on everything that is DCP related in your life right now!! I'm so happy for you!! I do hope you hear good things back from the audition!! Man, weird to think that we could've been at the same one lol! We just chose Phoenix cause it was cheapest lol!! YAY!!

Sanaa is so good! You must try it and get the butter chicken. So DELICIOUS!
Thank you so much! I cannot wait!​


Thank you!!!!​

Congratulations on your acceptance. YOLO, but if done right, once is enough!!!

Thank you so much! I am excited!!​


I've got to get caught up on your TR but I just read your last post

:cheer2::cheer2:Woo Hoo!:cheer2::cheer2:


I'm so happy you got accepted. I know how hard it is. great job!!

Oh and I love that you auditioned.

Iron Man (ZERO dancing or entertainment experience whatsoever) decided on a whim to audition in Phila in 2012 and had the same experience with a monster turnout.

Amazingly, he made the first cut. I have no idea how. Unfortunately he didn't move to round 3 either.

Keep trying. Who knows?? We're pulling for you.

p.s. I'll be in the world the last week in Aug for a conference so if Ma and Pa are planning a quick trip around then, we'll be up for a mini meet!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am so excited!
We are actually planning on going down a week before a start for a family vaca.​
Saw your post on Instagram last night, and could not be happier for you!!! Literally some of the sweetest and friendliest CM's I have ever met were in custodial, so I'm sure they can see that you are a real people-person! I hope you will post lots of pictures from your CP on IG because I will definitely want to live through you. :goodvibes

Thank you! I can't wait! Oh yes of course I will post a lot on IG!​

Sam - what are parents for if not to help their children chase there dreams. One day poop scooper next day Micky mouse. I bet Gma never thought 41 years ago when she loaded her 4 kids into a small camper van and drove to a place she heard "had real dancing and floating ghosts" that she would end up with disney obsessed grandchild - one of whom might just be Mickey Mouse some day. We are so proud of you as you continue to chase your dream.

Ps: sorry PI we will have to take Sam beginning of August but we are still waiting for update on that AC.

Love ya Ma :hug:

Congrats on your acceptance! I have two roommates who are custodial and one of them really seems to love it! Too bad you aren't coming sooner, I leave August 1st.

I've heard such good things about the role! I might possibly be coming down a week before, but I will also be down there at the end of May!​

Oh my gosh Sam that is so exciting! I start my CRP (for Canada) on July 8 and am down there for a whole year.
It will be nice to have a fellow DISer down there, hopefully we can have a fun meet up or two!

Yay! Congrats! We will definitely have to meet up and hang out at the parks while we are there!​

congratulations again. i'm guessing they didn't check your Disney rap sheet and see that little deal with the comb. i'm glad for you. you will definately be an asset to the Disney company. by the way, is Brittany going to join you for the DCP?

Thank you, again! Luckily they did not. Brittany applied and had her phone interview she is now just waiting to hear back!​

Congratulations on your acceptance to the DCP!!! Sorry the position wasn't your first choice, but I like your attitude about it. I'm sure you will have a awesome time! Did Brittany apply too?
Congrats on going to the audition. So many people don't try to go for their dream. So awesome you guys tried! Another experience on your life belt. When the time is right, you'll get your turn.
Love your reports and hope you do some kind of report for your DCP experience.

Thank you! I read up about the role and it seems to have a lot of pros. Brittany did apply! She is just waiting back for an answer.
I am thinking about doing a report for the program, probably a weekly update rather than a day to day report. I do know that I want to do maybe a video a month sort of thing as well. But we shall see how much time I will actually have.​
The Beginning To Our MNSSHP

As we were pulling into Fort Wilderness Alicia reminded us about the golf cart and how we could hop on and get back to our cabin fast. Well Sam’s crabby moment in Disney happened…as we were getting off the bus Danielle and Adam booked it to the cart. So Alicia took them and the rest of us had to wait for a bus. I was only crabby because our costumes for the party were more intricate then Danielle and Adam’s but whatever that past is the past.

Once we got back to the cabin I had no clue where to even begin. I decided to do Brittany’s hair first. We were smart this time around and I practiced doing her hair prior to this day, so I already had an idea of what I was doing with it…braids galore!

While I was doing Brittany’s hair Alicia was getting her costume on. That way when I was done Brittany could do Alicia’s hair and I could get dressed. We had a pretty good system.

By this time the rest of the fam was ready to go to MK. We weren’t even close to being ready so they decided to head down to the boat dock. Andy took them on the golf cart and Kiss rode Gma’s scooter down.

Ma wanted to have a theme for her and Pa. While Wendy and Captain Hook aren’t really a couple they came from the same movie. Pa only had to bring one costume and Ma used Alicia’s Wendy dress so it worked out nicely.

While everyone left us girls had a party in the cabin

Andy and Kiss came back to the cabin and waited for us to be ready.
Alish did my hair while Brittany got dressed and then we were all ready to go.


Clopin drove as Gaston rode shot gun being the co pilot.

Before we could leave we had to take some pics of us in our costumes

Alicia and Andy went as Esmeralda and Clopin

I went as Drizella (my dream disney job! She may be an ugly step sister but personally it looks like such a fun character compared to the princesses…sorry not sorry)
Brittany went as Rapunzel (her favorite princess besides belle)
Kiss went as Gaston (He didn’t want to be a villain and complained the whole time up until the trip.)

We all piled onto the golf cart


Drizella Selfie

Esmeralda selfie

The ride down to the boat dock was quite the adventure. If you are planning on going to a MNSSHP be prepared for plenty of looks. Especially at the resorts since most people wont be dressed up.

While we were still driving around FW the rest of the group was already making their way over to the kingdom

I would like to thank Gma for all her hard work over the summer sewing all our costumes. She made mine, Brittany’s, Alicia’s, and Pa’s. Ma made Andy’s and KCs. I’m so glad I have a crafty family who can pull together Halloween Costumes.

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I guess I missed the post, but here is what I think? Someone is now part of the College program? Sweet! Our son did that. Then a Disney Internship, then got a full time job at the Grand Floridian, then Concierge at the GF. Congrats!
I guess I missed the post, but here is what I think? Someone is now part of the College program? Sweet! Our son did that. Then a Disney Internship, then got a full time job at the Grand Floridian, then Concierge at the GF. Congrats!

Yes! I got accepted yesterday for custodial it was one of my low interest role, but I will take what I can get!​
And A Ghost Will Follow You Home!
The boat to MK was nowhere to be found so we took this time to have a full-blown photo shoot on the dock. Haters gonna hate.
First up Esmeralda and Clopin

Can we just talk about how Ma threw together Andy’s costume at the last minute. She found scraps and sewed them together in hopes that it would work. Well it did!

Punzie solo

We had some difficulty with Brittany’s costume because we didn’t know what colors to use. Some costumes were more pink and others were purple. We then spent so much time at Joann’s searching for the sleeve material. And although we ran out of time to paint the skirt design it turned out pretty good!

And a selfie while we are at it

Then it was time for some Drizella and Rapunzel photo ops together


Drizella is unimpressed

Then there was Gaston…who had no intention on joining in on our shenanigans

But we made him because nobody joins in shenanigans like Gaston

So Kiss really had no intention on being Gaston. But while it got closer and closer to the vacation he kept asking me who he should be. I of course said Gaston because he has the hair and look to pull off Gaston. Well his school ended up doing Beauty and the Beast and he asked me who he should try out for. Once again I told him Gaston and Gaston he become! And must I just say he was quite the Gaston

At about 5:30 the boat was pulling in and we hopped in line.
While we entered the boat the CM said he was dressed up as a Boat Driver. Why didn't I think of that?!

For some reason we thought it would be a good idea to sit in front of the boat outside…in hopes of a breeze. Well that didn’t happen and we were literally melting in the sun. Welcome to Florida!

The sun was blinding us as well as melting us

We finally made it to the MK and since the park was still open to guests we got plenty of stares. As we were entering a CM asked me to make my ugly face…I was taken back a little but prepared myself for the night to come.

Our family was already running around the park and we planned to meet up near the haunted mansion because they were on It’s A Small World.

Disney representing our peeps

Entering the park on a MNSSHP night is one of the most exciting things. This time was such a better experience than last year because it was not down pouring. We also got to see people in their costumes instead of ponchos. Overall this was the night I have been dreaming of!

We found our family outside of HM.

Even Drizella needs her own Fairy Godmother (Sorry Cinderella)

Since we were already outside the mansion we decided to go on since it wasn’t party time yet. This was Gma’s first time in Disney with a scooter so she normally parks the scooter and waits in line. This time around she decided to take the scooter in and only half of us could “skip” the line with her. So us YOLOers were not choosen..suprise surprise, but it turns out that we got on and off before them.

At the end we met up outside and took a group photo because Danielle and Adam got the photopass CD for their honeymoon.

We are a big disney loving family…and Brittany :rotfl

And a ghost will follow you home! (pure terror)

We still had a good 45 minutes before MNSSHP actually started (Your party ticket allows you to enter the park at 4 but the party starts at 7) this left a good amount of time to get the photos I wanted to get of people in their costumes.

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Yes! I got accepted yesterday for custodial it was one of my low interest role, but I will take what I can get!

Custodial host was exactly the first job Jerry had.....over by the United Kingdom in Epcot. Make the most of it as he did, and who knows where you will land.
You all look amazing! It must have been so fun going in a big group. And congratulations on your college program acceptance! :goodvibes
WOW! I have seen pictures of all of you in your costumes before, but in the context of a trip report they are truely amazing. The group photos are just the best!!!
Your whole family looked awesome! What a great job your grandmother did making the costumes. It looked like a really fun time.
I love all the costumes you guys did such a great job! Can't wait to hear about the rest of the party!
I know I already congratulated you on twitter, but CONGRATS again!! That is so exciting!!

LOVED all the costumes. You guys are so lucky to have a creative family!
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR CP ACCEPTANCE!!!!!! I am so so happy for you. I'm glad you plan on keeping some kind of record of it cause I love your TRs and trip videos so I would definitely like to read about your CP. Custodial wouldn't be my first choice either but honestly I think it can be a really fun role. I have heard people say you have the most freedom and guest interaction. I think it would be especially fun to work during the Halloween & Christmas parties cause of the atmosphere, costumes, etc. Your Disney love is really clear so I am sure you will be wonderful as a CM! I really hope Brittany gets in, she will be great too and it will be the best for you guys to do it together. I'm so excited for you!

Anyway, love your updates as usual. You now have Sanaa calling my name!

YAY MNSSHP! THE BEST. How much longer til I can go again??

I love that Andy was up for wearing that costume, a lot of guys wouldn't be. It came out perfect though, he and Alicia look great!

I agree the step sisters would totally be more fun to be friends with than the princesses where you have to be perfect all the time. You honestly look AWESOME as Drizella and they should really cast you. I hope you get your dream role! Brittany looks adorable as Rapunzel too.

Your grandma & mom are incredibly talented! All of your costumes are just so well done. Very impressive!

But we made him because nobody joins in shenanigans like Gaston
:rotfl: that and the "Drizella is not impressed" pictures are just the best.

I am so sorry that your last MNSSHP had so much rain! That would totally devastate me, but it seems like you had a wonderful do-over.
say it ain't so. say you didn't have a crabby moment. say you were just getting in charactor for the party. as Mickey would say, "Everybody looked swell" in their attire. your ma and gma done good. i thought the step sister was supposed to be ugly. you do ugly up pretty nice. i usually grab a seat in the back of the boat. i think it has something to do with always sitting on the back pew at church. old habits die hard. everybody looked scared silly in that ghost photo except Gaston. but then again nothing scares Gaston. he is the MAN.
in my step sister comment i did not mean to imply you were ugly. far from it. i got to thinking it sounded like i was implying that. holy cow. it ain't the first time i've used the wrong phrasing and i'm pretty sure it won't be the last. anyways, for the record, you ain't ugly. my apologies if you took it that way.
I've been following, but not sure if I've posted here before, or not. Anyway...Congratulations on your CP acceptance!

I'm amazed at your Gma & Ma's costume talents (Alicia's, too, for that matter since I've read her reports, too). I can make little girl things, but it must be hard to make clothes for curvy bodies. :)

I'll be there during Disney 24, too! Party of 12, actually. We're trying to decide on the costume thing, too. My DD (who is 2yrs 9m old) says I have to be Aurora. She and her daddy will be Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. :)
Just wanted to say I am thoroughly enjoying reading your trip report! My 10 year old son and I have been reading bits of it every night before bed. You've convinced him that he wants to be part of your family!
Custodial host was exactly the first job Jerry had.....over by the United Kingdom in Epcot. Make the most of it as he did, and who knows where you will land.

I've heard such great things about this role. I heard about the high guest interaction, roaming around your area and pin trading! I can't wait!​

You all look amazing! It must have been so fun going in a big group. And congratulations on your college program acceptance! :goodvibes

Thank you so much! It was definitely a great night!
Thank you again!​

WOW! I have seen pictures of all of you in your costumes before, but in the context of a trip report they are truely amazing. The group photos are just the best!!!

oh thank you! Our summer was filled with costume making.​

Your whole family looked awesome! What a great job your grandmother did making the costumes. It looked like a really fun time.

Thank you! If you asked her she would have said that mine was a pain in the butt to make. After she made mine she worked on Brittany's and told me how much nicer hers was to make.​

I love all the costumes you guys did such a great job! Can't wait to hear about the rest of the party!

Thank you so much!​

I know I already congratulated you on twitter, but CONGRATS again!! That is so exciting!!

LOVED all the costumes. You guys are so lucky to have a creative family!

Thank You! I cannot wait!
At first Gma didn't think she could make my costume but I kept telling her she could! I'm really glad she could because I love it!​

say it ain't so. say you didn't have a crabby moment. say you were just getting in charactor for the party. as Mickey would say, "Everybody looked swell" in their attire. your ma and gma done good. i thought the step sister was supposed to be ugly. you do ugly up pretty nice. i usually grab a seat in the back of the boat. i think it has something to do with always sitting on the back pew at church. old habits die hard. everybody looked scared silly in that ghost photo except Gaston. but then again nothing scares Gaston. he is the MAN.
in my step sister comment i did not mean to imply you were ugly. far from it. i got to thinking it sounded like i was implying that. holy cow. it ain't the first time i've used the wrong phrasing and i'm pretty sure it won't be the last. anyways, for the record, you ain't ugly. my apologies if you took it that way.

There will always be that 1 crabby moment. It is bound to happen. the back of the boat is nice but with the front of the boat you can get off quicker. No worries!​

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR CP ACCEPTANCE!!!!!! I am so so happy for you. I'm glad you plan on keeping some kind of record of it cause I love your TRs and trip videos so I would definitely like to read about your CP. Custodial wouldn't be my first choice either but honestly I think it can be a really fun role. I have heard people say you have the most freedom and guest interaction. I think it would be especially fun to work during the Halloween & Christmas parties cause of the atmosphere, costumes, etc. Your Disney love is really clear so I am sure you will be wonderful as a CM! I really hope Brittany gets in, she will be great too and it will be the best for you guys to do it together. I'm so excited for you!

Anyway, love your updates as usual. You now have Sanaa calling my name!

YAY MNSSHP! THE BEST. How much longer til I can go again??

I love that Andy was up for wearing that costume, a lot of guys wouldn't be. It came out perfect though, he and Alicia look great!

I agree the step sisters would totally be more fun to be friends with than the princesses where you have to be perfect all the time. You honestly look AWESOME as Drizella and they should really cast you. I hope you get your dream role! Brittany looks adorable as Rapunzel too.

Your grandma & mom are incredibly talented! All of your costumes are just so well done. Very impressive!

But we made him because nobody joins in shenanigans like Gaston
:rotfl: that and the "Drizella is not impressed" pictures are just the best.

I am so sorry that your last MNSSHP had so much rain! That would totally devastate me, but it seems like you had a wonderful do-over.

THANK YOU! I cannot wait! I'm going to try my very hardest to do something for my dcp I know a lot of people say there's no time to keep up. So we shall see. I would LOVE to work the halloween party! That would be awesome! And good news Brittany got accepted for attractions so we will get to experience everything today which will be nice to already have a roommate!

I ask myself that question all the time! But really is it fall yet? Can I dress up and go to the party soon?

Oh my gosh that is the sweetest thing ever! Unfortunately I am to short to be friends with Drizella. But it's ok.​

I've been following, but not sure if I've posted here before, or not. Anyway...Congratulations on your CP acceptance!

I'm amazed at your Gma & Ma's costume talents (Alicia's, too, for that matter since I've read her reports, too). I can make little girl things, but it must be hard to make clothes for curvy bodies. :)

I'll be there during Disney 24, too! Party of 12, actually. We're trying to decide on the costume thing, too. My DD (who is 2yrs 9m old) says I have to be Aurora. She and her daddy will be Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. :)

First off Hello!:wave2:
Secondly thank you!
I wish I got the costume making talent but unfortunately I did not.
Maybe we will run into each other! As far as I know we are going to try to spend the whole 24 hours at MK (except when we go to dinner at Le Cellier) so we shall see how that goes. That is going to be the cutest thing!​
Just wanted to say I am thoroughly enjoying reading your trip report! My 10 year old son and I have been reading bits of it every night before bed. You've convinced him that he wants to be part of your family!

Oh my gosh that is the sweetest thing EVER! :hug:
He is more than welcome to join our family! The more the merrier!​


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