WISH Away the Pounds--January 2013 challenge--Everyone Welcome!

Not a lot of time today, but just wanted to catch everyone up on what to do this weekend.

BTW, loving reading about all the veggies. :)

This weekend marks our first weigh in.

To be included in this week's results I need to receive your weigh in by Sunday at 7:00pm. All I need is your current weight sent to me by pm.

The thread will be updated with percentage lost either on Sunday night or sometime Monday. Updates of percentage lost will only occur once a week.

What does this mean for you? You can choose to weigh in at any time over the next couple of days. We are reporting goals not on how much you lost in xx days, but percentage lost for the month. If you choose to skip this week's weigh in, that is ok too.

Just keep in mind that the thread will only be updated once a week. So if you send your weigh in on Tuesday (after the update) you will not see your results until the following Sunday or Monday. If you send your weight in Tuesday and then again Saturday, I will update based on the most recent weight.

If you gain and your percentage lost goes down, that will be reflected, BUT percentages will not go below 0.

Thank you for your understanding of the process. :)

Officially here are the weigh in dates for January:
January 5, 12, 19, 26, 31

Maintainers will be updated:
January 5, 12, 19 and 26.

Hope everyone has a great night!
QOTD--Jan 3, 2013--What is your favorite non-traditional veggie?
I like zucchini cut into strips, shaken in a ziplock bag with olive oil & basil, then grilled on the barbie. But just in the summer. I also like butternut squash soup, having recently discovered it after a lifelong aversion to orange food (not Doritos & Cheez Its, though...:lmao:...I mean real orange food like pumpkin pie, oranges, sweet potatoes, etc.:confused3)

Say something positive about yourself. :)

I got back on the 30 Day Shred wagon again tonight. I was about to put on my pj's, but that nagging little voice told me to put on my sneakers instead. So I did, despite my love-hate relationship with the Shred. I usually fizzle out around Day 15 (I can't stand Level 2 and I've never seen Level 3). I will be hurting tomorrow, I forgot what a task master Jillian is.:crazy2: But I did it!

And catching up...
QOTD Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How often do you weigh/ get on the scale?

Yeah, I weigh every single day, morning & night. Like someone else said, the fluctuations bother me less that way.

And you know it's coming--say something positive about yourself.

Some former students who are now college freshmen came back & visited today...they told me they were the best in their language class (that's what I teach), that they felt so prepared, etc. Needed to hear that today, very validating for a teacher:cheer2:
Positive -- I am a pretty good reading teacher. Today one of my students that has been struggling all year shouted, "Hey, this book is easy!" And it was true!

:thumbsup2 I am a reading teacher too! Nice to hear your success with a student. It is so rewarding. :) Do you teach any special programs? I am trained in Reading Recovery, SpellREAD and Leveled Literacy.

Fran! How was your Christmas break? Where is your son's top pick for college? I asked my students how many read over Christmas. Granted it was 9th-12th graders, but none of them read a book. They informed me they read the newspaper, texts, and tweets. Ugh.


Hey Jill ... nice to hear from you! My middle son has been accepted to Penn State, New Ken, Pitt Johnstown, Slippery Rock and IUP. IUP is his top choice right now. Before Christmas he was asked to interview for a scholarship and we found out a few days ago that he got it! :cool1: He doesn't know what he wants to do so IUP is a bigger school with a lot of options.

How is your crew doing? You NEED to change your signature ... you have a count down! (I am jealous. :goodvibes) I hope your planning is going well. Congrats on your husband's graduation.

You seem to be having a better school year this year. I hope it continues.
Veggie: hmmmmm I like most veggies. Except for tomatoes!!! Mt mom makes mean zucchini brownies that are to die for!!!

Positive....I have the most amazing husband...he has not only taken over all the typical chores but has been washing my hair and "trying" to fix it since I broke my arm :) has helped me get dressed and been my driver to and from work and all around. Not sure how I would manage this without hum....
Mary•Poppins;47074179 said:
:thumbsup2 I am a reading teacher too! Nice to hear your success with a student. It is so rewarding. :) Do you teach any special programs? I am trained in Reading Recovery, SpellREAD and Leveled Literacy.

Yeah! Another reading teacher!
I am a Title I K-2 reading and math teacher. I, too, am trained in Leveled Literacy and a few other reading programs that we don't use any more. I also have National Board Certification in reading. I love it when my student finally feels successful. So rewarding!pixiedust:
Happy Friday my friends!

Sorry I didn't get to pop on here again last night. It ended up being a crazy evening, despite not having the 2 hour round-trip drive for swim practice. Hopefully they will have wi-fi at tonight's swim venue and I can spend the time catching up with you all.

I faced the music on the scale today for the first time since the crazy unplanned Christmas eating-a-thon commenced. I'm up about 3 pounds... in just 12 days!! :faint: I have NO EXCUSES and NO ONE TO BLAME but myself! In fact, I was rather pleased that it was just 3 pounds and not 10!! But I'm back on track and hopefully can see those 3 gone in 2 weeks or so (I lose very slowly these days).

Did some run intervals on the TM last night, and other than my bladder issues, it felt great! I had a good pace and didn't get winded or a side-stitch at any point in time. But I definitely need some new running shoes! Mine are shot!

Hope everyone here is well and healthy and feeling great and IN CONTROL!! I know I feel so much better being back in good control of my eating.

I've got 3 minutes until my students arrive. I will be back tonight!...........P
Good Friday morning!

Here is your question of the day. :)

QOTD Friday, January 4, 2013

I have been thinking about this all week--which for those who know me, that means another deep thinking kind of question. You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, but at least put some thought into it.

How do you handle situations that you can't control? Are you a roll with the punches kind of person or if things don't go as planned does your day (week, month) spiral out of control? How does all this effect your healthy eating and exercise?

I know that there are multiple questions there, but I want you to think about it all in terms of how you handle situations and how it effects your weight.

And as always--say something positive about yourself.:goodvibes

We are having new kitchen counter tops installed this morning.:goodvibes And I have to go to the dmv this morning, but I should be back later this afternoon. :)
Good Morning!!!

Well weighed in and back into the 170's :( would love to blame it on cast and clothes but I know I have been stress eating recently so am sure it is true...

Goal: drop 5lbs. Going to be tough since any physical activity (even walking) is causing an increase in pain to arm. Hoping that after they plate the bones back together that will improve.

Goal: exercise regularly...even if it is short Hoping I can stationary bike in the interm till arm is better

Goal:work on healthier eating

Really struggling because I want to give up before I have started because I am so frustrated with the arm but trying to remain positive and find the things I can do..... And enjoy y husband waiting on me and doing all the dishes and laundry!!!!!

Prayers for your arm continuing. And nice that you can enjoy the DH waiting on you!! I think that foot massages would probably make your arm feel better, don't you??;)

Good Morning!! Happy New Year to EVERYONE!!!

My starting weight is higher than I have ever been. Quite embarrassed is the truth. But I am admitting to it now!

I have set a very conservative goal for the entire year as per the doctors orders. As he stated anything above it is an incentive for me. He wanted me more to get on an exercise program that I will continue for my LIFE. Not just for the weight loss. I suffer from Fibro and an unnamed auto-immune. I take meds that cause weight gain. The problem is that is also AN excuse.

I bought 2 yoga tapes and 1 Leslie Sansone walking.

Today will be weigh in day, but we have food for the family and company. I am going to enjoy and tomorrow morning I will be off and ready to commit 100%.

Have you done the Leslie Sansone videos before? I really enjoy them. I own several and don't do them as religiously as I used to, but they are great for days when I just can't face the TM and don't make it to the gym. Her music leaves a bit to be desired, but I find her engaging enough to tolerate the bad music. Which ones did you buy??

QOTD Jan 1, 2013 (very weird to type that!)

1. We didn't do formal intros because I wanted to hit the ground running. Give us a quick intro and tell us something fun about yourself!

2. Don't forget your positive about yourself for the day. :)

If you haven't had a chance yet, pm your starting weight and goal in the next day or so.

This is how it should look:

starting weight 150; goal 5 pounds

Maintainers: indicate your goal range (+/- 4 pounds) and how many weeks you would like to maintain along with your target weight.

Rose.... sorry I haven't PM'ed you yet. I gave myself "permission" to wait to weigh in today (since my usual weigh-in day is Friday), so that will be coming along soon.

I will have to do my intro later, as my students will be here in 90 seconds!!

My positive for today.... I am having a bad hair day AND a bad scale day, but I managed to keep it in perspective and still feel pretty good about myself today! :thumbsup2

I love this quote! Hope my picture comes through
I friended everyone on MFP that friended me- I can't friend screen names on my phone so I will friend everyone who didn't friend me over the weekend. I'm AngryCupcake12- I am looking for people to hold me accountable :)

Good Friday morning!

Here is your question of the day. :)

QOTD Friday, January 4, 2013

I have been thinking about this all week--which for those who know me, that means another deep thinking kind of question. You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, but at least put some thought into it.

How do you handle situations that you can't control? Are you a roll with the punches kind of person or if things don't go as planned does your day (week, month) spiral out of control? How does all this effect your healthy eating and exercise?

I know that there are multiple questions there, but I want you to think about it all in terms of how you handle situations and how it effects your weight.

And as always--say something positive about yourself.:goodvibes

We are having new kitchen counter tops installed this morning.:goodvibes And I have to go to the dmv this morning, but I should be back later this afternoon. :)

I am a very much roll with the punches type of person. It takes a lot to bother me. Case in point: Last summer, both of my parents were hospitalized for 3 months, my uncle died, and we had to give away my dog due to my son's allergies. I didn't break down about it until almost Christmas. Not saying that it was healthy, but I am good at keeping the head in my game and keeping myself focused no matter what happens. I did, however, not pay attention to my own health during that period. I didn't gain any weight, but I maintained my very high weight, and did not work out at all.

Something positive about myself: I had a very rough training session last night with a trainer I've never had before (mine was on vacation) and he pushed me way above my limits (and I puked). I can't wait to go back to the gym tomorrow morning so I can do better. :)
Mary•Poppins;47074179 said:
Hey Jill ... nice to hear from you! My middle son has been accepted to Penn State, New Ken, Pitt Johnstown, Slippery Rock and IUP. IUP is his top choice right now. Before Christmas he was asked to interview for a scholarship and we found out a few days ago that he got it! :cool1: He doesn't know what he wants to do so IUP is a bigger school with a lot of options.

How is your crew doing? You NEED to change your signature ... you have a count down! (I am jealous. :goodvibes) I hope your planning is going well. Congrats on your husband's graduation.

You seem to be having a better school year this year. I hope it continues.

:wave2: Wow! How awesome for your DS! Slippery rock is not too far from me. Lots of people in this area go there, especially for teaching degrees. In fact, two coworkers went there & my cousin's son just gratuated from The Rock :) IUP is a great school, too. I looked into that when I graduated but ended up at Youngstown State University (my dad's alma mater & it made him so proud).

My school year has improved some, and it is much better than last year. I can't believe it's January already.

My family is doing well. I promise I'll add a countdown today! We are having a good time planning. We watched some ride videos on you tube yesterday. Since DSs were only 7 & 4 last time, we didn't do any big rides except BTMR. I am looking forward to ToT and Space Mountain with them.

Glad to hear all is well with you & your family. And, I know you'll be at Disney soon :)

Good Friday morning!

Here is your question of the day. :)

QOTD Friday, January 4, 2013

How do you handle situations that you can't control? Are you a roll with the punches kind of person or if things don't go as planned does your day (week, month) spiral out of control? How does all this effect your healthy eating and exercise?

I know that there are multiple questions there, but I want you to think about it all in terms of how you handle situations and how it effects your weight.

And as always--say something positive about yourself.:goodvibes

We are having new kitchen counter tops installed this morning.:goodvibes And I have to go to the dmv this morning, but I should be back later this afternoon. :)

I do not do well with unexpected things. I am a organized person & when a situation arises where I have no control, I stress. I've been like this since I can remember. I think I have a better handle on it now. I do stress eat occasionally. I usually grab anything made of chocolate, so I know it effects my weight. Luckily, DH is a very calm, relaxed person & he tries to step in & help out when he knows I'm stressed. It is wonderful & I told him my goal for 2013 is to be more positive & not stress so much. 4 days in & I think I'm doing pretty good :)

Positive~I have all my lesson plans ready for next week (9 different History classes) and all worksheets & study guides are ready to go. Yay!

Jealous of the new kitchen counters. I want to redo my kitchen, but in my area, it's not worth the money. Our housing market still isn't very good. But, it is something that is on my list of things to do soon. After I get new carpet in DSs rooms!


I had a quick break during work to check in. Now I have to run, but will be back later to read up & pm Rose my weigh in. Oh, and I need a new countdown ticker :cool1:

Good Friday morning!

Here is your question of the day. :)

QOTD Friday, January 4, 2013

I have been thinking about this all week--which for those who know me, that means another deep thinking kind of question. You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, but at least put some thought into it.

How do you handle situations that you can't control? Are you a roll with the punches kind of person or if things don't go as planned does your day (week, month) spiral out of control? How does all this effect your healthy eating and exercise?

I know that there are multiple questions there, but I want you to think about it all in terms of how you handle situations and how it effects your weight.

And as always--say something positive about yourself.:goodvibes

We are having new kitchen counter tops installed this morning.:goodvibes And I have to go to the dmv this morning, but I should be back later this afternoon. :)

Happy Friday everyone!

QOTD: Normally, I would say that I don't handle situations that are out of control very well. If something goes wrong, then I get upset and, in terms of dieting, it all goes out the window. In the past one bad day would make me throw out my whole diet because clearly I "just can't do it".

But on our trip to Disney last month pretty much everything went wrong in the first few days. Our flight was cancelled once we were already boarded and had taxied out for takeoff because they found a major mechanical problem. So after spending all day in an airport with our 3 small kids we had to rebook on a flight out the next morning. This meant losing a day of vacation not to mention how chaotic the airport was with everyone trying to rebook their flights and get accomodations for the night! And our flight the next day had us up at 3AM! Once we arrived at Disney (a day late) we got to our room and I unpacked everything. We hung around the resort a bit took a walk, relaxed, excited to get to bed early and have a great day the next day... once we had put the 3 kids to sleep our neighbours decided to start smoking weed! And it was coming in under the connecting door. So we had to get a new room, at 9pm, move the sleeping kids and repack and unpack in our new room. That whole experience really tested me and my ability to "roll with the punches" and I have to say, I was amazing :) Throughout the whole thing I always kept my cool and figured that these things happen. I was also able to put it behind me and have an amazing vacation for the rest of week.

All that to say that I think I'm growing as a person. I think that becoming a mom among other things has really taught me to look at the bigger picture. And I'm more confident now that in the future, when I have a bad day on my diet/exercise routine, I will be able to brush it off as one bad day and refocus for the next day (or next meal).

My positive for the day is that I'm good at putting things together. Anytime we get new furniture (like the bunk beds for our girls and our new kitchen set) I'm always the one to put it all together because I love feeling handy!
Will post more later since I am on my phone now.

Lost my way a little bit in the last 2 days. Trying to find my way out of the forest and catch up to the wagon.

Positive for the day- I reclaimed my treadmill.

As many of you know from the last challenge we had to put the treadmill up on blocks and piled crap on it because of flooding in the basement. Well I asked and asked hubby to help clear (his) crap off of it and help get it off blocks. Yep yep yep was all I heard.
Well I just did it myself a few minutes ago. Now hopefully I can keep the coughing down to a minimum and use it today.

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I'm getting that "2:30 feeling" at 3:12 right about now. I'm hungry out of boredom but do not want to snack... need to get through the work day as I would normally start snacking right about now.
Good Friday morning!

Here is your question of the day. :)

QOTD Friday, January 4, 2013

How do you handle situations that you can't control? Are you a roll with the punches kind of person or if things don't go as planned does your day (week, month) spiral out of control? How does all this effect your healthy eating and exercise?

I know that there are multiple questions there, but I want you to think about it all in terms of how you handle situations and how it effects your weight.

And as always--say something positive about yourself.:goodvibes

I don't eat or I eat a lot. It's very hard for me to accept that anything is beyond my control. I'm kind of like the female raptor in Jurassic park--always testing the fence.

Something positive about myself--I'm smart.

Had kind of a major breakdown last night about my Dad--don't know what triggered it....? It usually happens around Christmas though--guess I was just late. Haven't talked to him in years--I miss him. I should call him but it's hard. His Christianity means a lot to him and I'm an atheist--can't help it--can't change what I am. I tried beating around the bush with him for years about the subject until I finally told him....he hasn't called me since.
Feeling kind of drained today. It's nice and sunny though and I think I'll go in to work and get some fresh dungeness for an omelette tonight. Go for a bike ride later with my husband on the river.


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