WISH Away the Pounds--January 2013 challenge--Everyone Welcome!

Good Morning!

Two more days left in 2012. :)

Today we are going to talk some more about food. Tomorrow exercise and a bonus year end question. :)

QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.
QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.

Good morning!

For me it's eat between 1200-1350 calories per day and log every single bite into My Fitness Pal. I have done Sparkpeople before but that website is just crazy and hard to navigate. MFP (for me) makes it so easy to jump on and log food. Plus I love that I can use the bar code scan feature to log food also when I do it from the MFP app.
QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.:goodvibes[/QUOTE]

I love MFP, it is so easy to use, with that said, I find logging everything I eat, everyday very tedious. So I follow MFP for 3 weeks, then I take a week off. I still try and eat healthy the week I don't log my food, but it seems like a " break " from the constant thinking about food. My real problem is cooking, I HATE it, I'd rather scrub toilets than cook. I went years on just eating chips and drinking soda/beer for the majority of my meals. Recognizing this weakness I am trying to conquer it. I try to learn one easy veg recipe a week. As a New Years gift to myself I bought 3 new cookbooks, all easy veg recipes! I will try some of them tomorrow! Good luck to all of you!
Good Morning!

Two more days left in 2012. :)

Today we are going to talk some more about food. Tomorrow exercise and a bonus year end question. :)

QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.
My plan is to re-read The French Don't Diet Plan. It talks about portion control and eating "real" foods. It was the basis for my weight loss plan the first time. I also plan on using mfp to log in food and stay in the ~1300 calorie range for the day (after taking into account activity).

To be honest, I may not start logging food religiously until after the marathon. Excuses, excuses, I know. DS is hear until ~Jan 7 and we leave 2 days later, so I am giving myself a little break until after the marathon.

Good morning!

For me it's eat between 1200-1350 calories per day and log every single bite into My Fitness Pal. I have done Sparkpeople before but that website is just crazy and hard to navigate. MFP (for me) makes it so easy to jump on and log food. Plus I love that I can use the bar code scan feature to log food also when I do it from the MFP app.
I am really excited about the scanner! :)

I had a little meltdown last night. One of those I want to quit everything meltdowns. I am pretty stressed about this race and things were starting to get a little over planned. Too many things we felt like we "had" to do marathon weekend. I have had insomnia for a couple of months now and I'm just starting to sleep again, so I think that is part of the problem. Anyhow, last night I decided I wasn't going. I am sick of running those really long distances. It is just not fun anymore. I am terrified of getting a new injury. I got a cold a few days before Christmas and have not run or exercised in almost a week. Basically my inner two year old came out last night. ;) We came up with a compromise that I think will work that involves more sleeping and less stress on the trip. I am planning a trip to the gym either today or tomorrow. :)
QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.

Morning all!!!
I'm back in the saddle again. I have gained back 9 of the 12 pounds I lost in the last challenge.
I'm setting my goal with a modest 5 pounds though, I am really sick (need to see if the Dr is open tomorrow) and I am weak, can't breathe, coughing up a lung, etc. I don't know how much exercise I can do in January until I can get my lung capacity up to normal again so the QOTD is perfect.

My plan minus exercise is getting back on to My Fitness Pal (username is the same as it is here if anyone needs a friend). It really helped keep me accountable. I also need to get back to measuring, and journalling. You bite it, you write it!
I love MFP, it is so easy to use, with that said, I find logging everything I eat, everyday very tedious. So I follow MFP for 3 weeks, then I take a week off. I still try and eat healthy the week I don't log my food, but it seems like a " break " from the constant thinking about food. My real problem is cooking, I HATE it, I'd rather scrub toilets than cook. I went years on just eating chips and drinking soda/beer for the majority of my meals. Recognizing this weakness I am trying to conquer it. I try to learn one easy veg recipe a week. As a New Years gift to myself I bought 3 new cookbooks, all easy veg recipes! I will try some of them tomorrow! Good luck to all of you!
I think the week off from tracking is a good idea. Is is hard to go back after the week off or do you find it easier since you had a break?

Hope you are feeling better soon Buffy!
Morning all!!!
I'm back in the saddle again. I have gained back 9 or the 12 pounds I lost in the last challenge.
I'm setting my goal with a modest 5 pounds though, I am really sick (need to see if the Dr is open tomorrow) and I am weak, can't breathe, coughing up a lung, etc. I don't know how much exercise I can do in January until I can get my lung capacity up to normal again so the QOTD is perfect.

My plan minus exercise is getting back on to My Fitness Pal (username is the same as it is here if anyone needs a friend). It really helped keep me accountable. I also need to get back to measuring, and journalling. You bite it, you write it!

Just sent you a request. I'm geauxgirl42 on there if anyone else needs a buddy!

Hehe love it, you bite it, you write it! :D :worship:

Hope you feel better soon!
Good Morning!

QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.

I'm on WW - I truly believe it's the easiest most sensible plan out there. Fellow WW's also turned me on to the book The Beck Diet Solution. It's a diet companion book that focuses on the behavioral side of things and gives daily activities to help overcome sabotaging thoughts that make you fall off the wagon. I've read a bit of it but haven't yet started any of the activities. I'll be getting into those this time around too.
Rose&Mike said:
I think the week off from tracking is a good idea. Is is hard to go back after the week off or do you find it easier since you had a break?

Hope you are feeling better soon Buffy!

Super easy to get back on track, one week off seems to be the magic number for me!
I have tried various different plans. I did WW for a while and I lost a lot. I've gained it all plus back. I've tried going back to WW, but I didn't like either of the 2 revisions to the program I tried. I am thinking about trying the newest WW program out beginning next week. This week revolves around work and allergy testing. I am having "patch" testing. It is very medically advanced. :rotfl2: The dermatologist is putting a bunch of patches on me and 2 days later he is checking to see if I reacted. Then, I have to go back 2 days after that. I'm not entirely sure why, but it is a good excuse to take some PTO. I'm also not entirely sure why the appt has to be in the middle of the afternoon. The person who scheduled these appts told me when they should be, so there must be some reason. :confused3

The "patches" are over 50 different things that could be making me itchy and break out in a rash. Some of them are metals and some are products you find in makeup and other beauty products. As much as its a time-consuming test, I need to have it. The day I interviewed for my job, I reacted to something. I covered it with makeup and then reacted to the makeup. By the time I got home, my face was a mess. My neighbor suggested Benedryl and that helped. (She is very into natural remedies so I thought she might have an idea or two.) I also washed my face. After about 30 minutes, I felt a lot better.

Right now, there are a limited number of products I can use. Every product I use (or food I eat) has to be gluten, oat, peanut, tree nut, and latex free. The only scent I use is "fresh scent." Avoiding all of the above is keeping my stomach happy and my skin not so itchy that I catch myself scratching.

I ate very well yesterday. I had a spinach salad for lunch and then dinner was a chicken and rice dish. I cooked the rice using the juice from the diced tomatoes. My parents said it was fine once they added salt. I never add salt, so they are used to this "routine." There were veggies with the rice and chicken and then we also had a side salad. I told my parents that they should expect me to cook more of our dinners. I'm not sure what they think about that, but I have to take a stand. A good idea for dinner is not fried beef and fried peppers, onion, and mushrooms on a roll-GF or not.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hey cclovesdis, have you tried Clinque make up? It works great for a lot of people with skin allergies. Also, their yellow soap is great for washing " itchy " areas. Good luck :)
Good Morning!
QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

My plan is really just to watch my calorie intake & eat a lot of protein.
Can I join in?? I lost 4.5st 3 years ago, now have put it all (and some) back on. Am joining Slimming World on 8th Jan (no class on 1st unfortunately). I'm hoping to lose 6lb between 8th and 31st Jan.
Weight watchers is my plan this time around. I feel like I can eat more real life food. I also appreciate the free fruits and vegetables!
Just sent you a request. I'm geauxgirl42 on there if anyone else needs a buddy!

Hehe love it, you bite it, you write it! :D :worship:

Hope you feel better soon!

Got you added!!

OMG, just so ya know, I HATE snow!!!!! Even though you burn a lot of calories. 90 minutes burned 802 calories. Not bad, but wow my lungs are on fire. Hopefully the cold air will blast the germs out of my system.

We are supposed to have a plow guy but we seem to be cursed with them, they don't last more than a season. This guy's truck broke. the guy last year has his truck catch on fire, the guy before that lost his house to foreclosure. DH wants to go buy a snow blower but honestly I hire someone because I don't want to be out there.

OK enough rambling. I'm going to go drink my tea and heat up some wonton soup. I'm getting sick of wonton soup but it's the only thing I can eat right now.
If anyone is on facebook, I <3 to run had a really great post today. It made me a little weepy when I read it. :)
I'm on WW - I truly believe it's the easiest most sensible plan out there. Fellow WW's also turned me on to the book The Beck Diet Solution. It's a diet companion book that focuses on the behavioral side of things and gives daily activities to help overcome sabotaging thoughts that make you fall off the wagon. I've read a bit of it but haven't yet started any of the activities. I'll be getting into those this time around too.
Thanks for sharing the book. :)

Good luck with the allergy testing CC.

Can I join in?? I lost 4.5st 3 years ago, now have put it all (and some) back on. Am joining Slimming World on 8th Jan (no class on 1st unfortunately). I'm hoping to lose 6lb between 8th and 31st Jan.
Welcome! :)

It sounds like everyone has been thinking about how they are going to achieve their goals. :)
QOTD December 30, 2012

You have weight watchers, nutrisystem, Dr. Oz, paleo, south beach, atkins, my fitness pal, etc. There are no shortage of ways to help you lose weight. I am a big believer in failing to plan is planning to fail.

So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.

South Beach :cheer2: Love it, have done so well with it and find it so easy to follow.

I did try WW last year but was feeling sick all of the time. Finally figured out that a lot of the things I was eating on WW were making me sick. While I don't have to avoid any particular foods I do have to carefully balance what I eat over the course of a day and even a few days.

Thanks for the links. I think I will take you up on that invite. I have heard multiple times now that it is a great place for gf recipes. :goodvibes

PM me your email address and I will send you an invite.

I had a little meltdown last night. One of those I want to quit everything meltdowns. I am pretty stressed about this race and things were starting to get a little over planned. Too many things we felt like we "had" to do marathon weekend. I have had insomnia for a couple of months now and I'm just starting to sleep again, so I think that is part of the problem. Anyhow, last night I decided I wasn't going. I am sick of running those really long distances. It is just not fun anymore. I am terrified of getting a new injury. I got a cold a few days before Christmas and have not run or exercised in almost a week. Basically my inner two year old came out last night. ;) We came up with a compromise that I think will work that involves more sleeping and less stress on the trip. I am planning a trip to the gym either today or tomorrow. :)
:hug: We all have those moments-- particularly when we have too much stress and not enough sleep. Glad you are feeling better, compromise is a great thing.

Morning all!!!
I'm back in the saddle again. I have gained back 9 of the 12 pounds I lost in the last challenge.
I'm setting my goal with a modest 5 pounds though, I am really sick (need to see if the Dr is open tomorrow) and I am weak, can't breathe, coughing up a lung, etc. I don't know how much exercise I can do in January until I can get my lung capacity up to normal again so the QOTD is perfect.
:hug: I hope you feel better soon. It stinks being sick.

I'm on WW - I truly believe it's the easiest most sensible plan out there. Fellow WW's also turned me on to the book The Beck Diet Solution. It's a diet companion book that focuses on the behavioral side of things and gives daily activities to help overcome sabotaging thoughts that make you fall off the wagon. I've read a bit of it but haven't yet started any of the activities. I'll be getting into those this time around too.
That book sounds interesting. I may have to see if my library has it.

We are supposed to have a plow guy but we seem to be cursed with them, they don't last more than a season. This guy's truck broke. the guy last year has his truck catch on fire, the guy before that lost his house to foreclosure. DH wants to go buy a snow blower but honestly I hire someone because I don't want to be out there.
OMG! :eek: Sorry Buffy but I had to :laughing: a little bit. I don't think I would want you to hire me!

Working on my menu and grocery list. Still feeling really icky so not really sure how to plan my meals for the week. I don't want to buy a lot of fresh food that ends up not getting eaten before it goes bad. But I don't want to end up stuck without the right food and sabotaging myself in the first week.

I am on the verge of a 2 year old temper tantrum like Rose&Mike! I keep trying to stay upbeat and see the positive in IBS -- almost 10 pounds lost without even trying :cool1:!, no overindulging over the holiday :cheer2:, it always goes away eventually :thumbsup2 . But the feeling miserable has caused me to pretty much waste my break. I haven't accomplished any of the things that I had hoped to and now have to go back to work on Wednesday, and am not sure how I will be feeling. I want to be eating healthy but instead I am stuck with rice, white potatoes and bananas. My coworkers will make a big flipping deal over it if I am still not feeling well. I try to hide it but it is obvious when I have to keep going to the bathroom and don't eat anything "normal" at lunch-- I really would rather they just not mention it. At this point I am just DONE. mad: DONE, DONE, DONE :worship: (that is me on the ground kicking my arms and legs and screaming)

DH has a headache so I can probably put grocery shopping off until tomorrow. Have to make a Costco run for sure tomorrow.
QOTD December 30, 2012
So removing exercise from the equation (we will talk about that tomorrow) what is your plan?

Be as specific as you feel comfortable. Some of your fellow participants might get some good ideas.

Well...we don't eat wheat, rice, or white potatoes anymore. That has been surprisingly easy for us to follow, which was a nice surprise. I am still amazed at how much better we feel when we cut these carbs from our diet.

We are also eating as "low processed" as we can. It means more cooking for me, but I am ok with that!
Count me in. I have been avoiding this like the plague. Finally made the decision last month to start in January.

I will be using MFP to log my food and will be walking and doing yoga for my exercise.

I have a Myriad of health issues and if you add them all up, it is grimm. I am having a hard time putting a weight loss goal for the month as we chose (my doctor and I) to use a year end number.

I will PM my information on the 1st. and I will put a 1 pound a week goal in. There are 4 Wednesdays after the initial weigh in so for January my goal is 4 pounds.

I did purchase a new walking CD today and a new yoga tape. I received a yoga mat for Christmas and have a treadmill. We walked about 5000-6000 steps per day at Disney and I know if I can do it there - well no more excuses at home.

As per trigger foods. They are all around my home. I have a skinny husband and 2 skinny teenagers who while watch their food intake, do partake in more snacks than I can.

This is going to be hard. I have so many meds that counteract the process, but you know what I am so sick of giving out excuses.

Finally, and I do know this is long. IF I forget to send in a weight, please bear with me. I have a problem with memory because of my illness. Just send me a PM and I will make sure to take care of it.

Looking forward to spending the month with you all.


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