We've made the decision (pg. 4)

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I'm pretty new to the boards, and I honestly spend most of my time reading the posts and just a little bit of time asking questions or opinion here and there. For the most part I've seen people answering questions in a kind manner and stating their opinions, whether for or against the OP politely and without judgement. I'm disappointed in the responses received by the OP in this thread.

She has every right to ask a question, even if deep down she already knows the answer or has made her decision. She's obviously torn both ways by this topic and just wants to hear some kind advice (whether criticisim or not). I can understand her feelings both ways and I'm sure she has her reasons for taking the two older children. Maybe she wants to give the two older ones some extra attention, maybe the two younger ones are "difficult" to handle by just her and her husband. Whatever it is, parents inflict enough guilt on themselves daily without others making it worse by their judgemental attitudes.

OP - you do what's best for your family and know that either way, the children will survive and go on to have wonderful vacations together as they get older. Good luck!
As parents, we all know our kids better than anyone else. I know deep down in my heart, that leaving the girls behind with my parents is the correct choice for our family. Whether you like it or not is is your choice, but our decision was for the best.
OP - by the way, I meant to ask - what about the idea of taking the three older ones and leaving the baby at home with grandparents? I'm just curious. I know from my own family (now have 3DDs - 11, 8 and 4 1/2) that I personally would never have taken my now 4 year old to WDW when she was 3 just b/c she was always kind of a handful (and that's putting it mildly), which is why we waited to go until now (didn't have anyone to ever leave her home). Anyway, was just mentioning that idea again!
I may have missed it somewhere, but mom2-four, is this your first trip to Disney?
As parents, we all know our kids better than anyone else. I know deep down in my heart, that leaving the girls behind with my parents is the correct choice for our family. Whether you like it or not is is your choice, but our decision was for the best.

Nobody is telling you what to do. You asked for opinions and you got them. You can't be defensive because you don't like what people had to say when you asked. I hope you have a great trip no matter what you chose.princess:
I thought about that. My 3 yr old is all over the place whenever we go out, and she refuses to listen,throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way and is constantly running off. I really am afraid for her safety, and taking her to Disney would put my DH and I over the edge. I'm really hoping as she gets older, she'll grow out of this stage so then when we do go to a place like Disney, its alot more enjoyable.
As parents, we all know our kids better than anyone else. I know deep down in my heart, that leaving the girls behind with my parents is the correct choice for our family. Whether you like it or not is is your choice, but our decision was for the best.

Your post is titled "I really hope I'm not making a mistake", which suggests that you DON'T know in your heart that you made the right decision. If you are now convinced you are doing the right thing, that's great and we all hope you and your boys have a great time. Posting on a family board about whether it is the right thing to leave half your family at home while you go to WDW is bound to generate a few opinions. We have shared our experiences and thoughts in an effort to help you, but if you have already made the best decision, why did you post here? I'm sure everyone wishes you well on your trip.
At the time I wasn't sure my choice was right. My DH and I talked for hours over this, and this is our choice.

Criticism doesn't have to be rude IMO.
I assumed it was going to be your first trip. For those that have never been, it's hard to imagine just how magical it can be for even the tiniest visitors. And I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I think you may get there and wish you had taken your younger two.

October is a pretty good time away, so it may be a little early yet to determine whether or not your daughter is going to have the same temprament as she does now. Besides, you may get there and she's so in awe of everything that she's too distracted to throw tantrums!

All I'm saying is think about it some more and reconsider. I'm rallying for your girls and trying to get them a trip to Disney! ;)
OP - your daughter sounds exactly like my daughter! She was the same way and we often didn't take her places just because of this. It's very difficult and caused us a great deal of guilt (as if we parents don't feel enough guilt about one thing or another enough) b/c we really felt bad for our two older daughters. I feel that they missed out on a lot of things we might have normally done with them if it hadn't been for their little sister (i.e. day trips to places - museums, movies, waterparks, amusement parks, etc). We often split these things up - one parent would stay home with the younger DD and the other would take the two older ones places. Still, they missed out on a lot, I think. So...either way you feel guilty. Part of you wants your two older ones to experience Disney at a key age and the other knows you just can't handle taking that younger ones. I say go and have fun - give the boys a treat. You can always go back in a year or two with all of them and in the meantime, the younger ones will have fun with their grandparents.

We're taking all three of ours this year b/c we want to go before our oldest (now 11) gets to "that age" where she doesn't like the kiddie stuff anymore. But to be honest, while my DD4 is much better now, she's still a handful and I'm hoping that it works out! I'll let you know after we return so you can see if there's hope for your 3 year old! lol!
Won't your daughter be almost 4 by then? Lots of things can change. She might be the easiest child by then. My main question is - do you really think you'll enjoy Disney when you see so many children her age having a wonderful time? I know I wouldn't be able to stand it.
Won't your daughter be almost 4 by then? Lots of things can change. She might be the easiest child by then. My main question is - do you really think you'll enjoy Disney when you see so many children her age having a wonderful time? I know I wouldn't be able to stand it.

I agree that a lot can change. And three years old? I'm not sure why people call them the terrible twos. They don't compare to the three's. Maybe they should call them the traumatic three's. A few months before turning four all three of my children underwent an amazing change. :love:
Please know I don't mean this in a rude way- it just is not something I would do. I have 4 children(12-2) and they have always all come along. I agree that you have to do what is right for your family and only you know what will work. Personally I couldn't do it. Oh and I would change my ticker to not say "family" vacation- perhaps a just the boys trip.... but not family. *sorry if that is a little mean.. but I don't think you can call it family when you are leaving half of it home.
Please know I don't mean this in a rude way- it just is not something I would do. I have 4 children(12-2) and they have always all come along. I agree that you have to do what is right for your family and only you know what will work. Personally I couldn't do it. Oh and I would change my ticker to not say "family" vacation- perhaps a just the boys trip.... but not family. *sorry if that is a little mean.. but I don't think you can call it family when you are leaving half of it home.

When my oldest children were little we went on a Disney family vacation and the kids were 2, 4, 5 and 9. Yes it was a little hard work but the memories are priceless. I can't even imagine how I would feel if I had left the youngest two at home.
While our family rule is EVERYONE goes or no one goes, I can sort of see leaving a tiny baby at home but leaving home an almost 4 year old when her brother that is only 18 months older goes is just too hard to swallow. Three and four year olds know what is going on and it would just break my heart to leave her behind. You do what you have to do but I just think this one is wrong. If you feel your family is not ready for WDW, plan a easier vacation and wait a year or two for WDW. Sorry but this is IMHO.
Ok. I can see their are alot of people here who feel their parenting ways are the only way. Some people are getting quite mean actually. You all must have been blessed with children with good temperments, lucky you. Let me say that I have been lucky also with my children however my sister has not. Vacation for them is a nightmare. We vacation together and with my parents at the beach every year. She is 3 and an absolute terror. This past year my poor nephew really didn't get to enjoy much of his vacation with his parents, he spent it with us. If we weren't there he wouldn't have been able to go to the amusement park or water park. That poor boy was so grateful, He thanked me for taking him and actually said "Emily is such a pain we can't do anything with her around!" Now is this how you want siblings to talk? If all the fun has to stop because of their sister the boys will resent her. I think the OP has made a good choice for her family, let the grandparents do something special with DD and she'll have something to brag about at the end of the week too!!:thumbsup2
I thought about that. My 3 yr old is all over the place whenever we go out, and she refuses to listen,throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way and is constantly running off. I really am afraid for her safety, and taking her to Disney would put my DH and I over the edge. I'm really hoping as she gets older, she'll grow out of this stage so then when we do go to a place like Disney, its alot more enjoyable.

Have fun on your trip!

Like I said, I totally understand a child being at a developmental point where traveling is tough. Been there, done that!
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