We Ate WDW! 10 Days on Free DDP with LOTS of PHOTOS!! COMPLETED!

I'm loving your food review Hayley, can't wait to read the rest! :)

What exactly is on those Figaro fries?

Great reviews :goodvibes I'll be back in 24 days, I cant wait .:cool1:
i'm loving the reviews. it doesn't hurt that you two are so darn cute.

in regard to BOMA, i'm not a fan either. i LOVE ethnic food and surprisingly enough i found the food to be on the tame side.
I am really enjoying your reviews! You two are such a cute couple, as well. :)

I'm a little nervous about Boma after your review, since I have an ADR there in 2 weeks, but I guess I can always just fill up on zebra domes. :)
I'm enjoying your reviews. Cosmic Ray's became one of my favorites from our last trip. And your review of WCC, makes we want to go back.
Your food reviews were an absolute delight! :love: Great photos! I especially liked the glow-tini; I'm definitely going to try one the next time! THANKS alot for sharing!
Fantastic trippie, it keeps getting better and better! You guys are a lovely couple!
Thanks guys! I will have to tell DBF that you guys say we are a cute couple :teeth: (I'm sorry I'm not multiquoting and replying to you individually but the smilies on the 'go advanced' page really slow my laptop down!)

Please don't be worried about Boma, I am glad I tried it and there is plenty to eat there... even if you don't like the African things, there are plenty of great meats, soups and lots of dessert - which is basically what I ate and I was full up! You might even love it! Different strokes for different folks and all that. But I am so jealous you get to be there in 2 weeks!

Figaro Fries - they had cheese, bacon bits, lettuce and tomato on, and I also thought they had sour cream on but I might be wrong :)
Not really relevant I guess, but I just had to include it. It's CLUB COOL!

I was looking forward to here, and I had been kinda naughty and not told Els about that drink. Here is Els reaching for a drink:

What's that he's reaching for? YES! It's BEVERLY!

This is Els' Beverly face. He had me in stitches, I was laughing so hard at him. His description of Beverly: It tastes like death! He had his own back at me though when he made me laugh whilst I was trying Beverly and it went up my nose - EEK! He was right! I can't describe the taste, it was just awful!

These are the flavours they have in there:

And here's my rundown:
Mozambique: This was a Ginger Ale, and I don't like Ginger so this was a no for me.
Costa Rica: This tasted like a Strawberry Fanta and it was very sweet, but I liked it.
Italy: Beverly - How do people drink this?
Germany: This was a kind of orange flavoured coca cola, which we have in the UK now and we think it's absolutely awful, however this tasted nothing like it and it was actually rather nice!
Japan: Vegitabeta. We tried this at another station and this ranked 2nd as worst drink. A drink made of vegetables - I think that says it all! This had us in fits of laughter again.
Israel: This was quite like Sprite or 7UP, just more sharp and lemony.
Mexico: This was similar to Apple Tango (do you guys have that in the US?) but a lot more sweet. I love apple flavoured stuff but this was just OK, I much prefer the Tango!
There was no China in any of the stations.

This is definately worth a try - we had so much fun trying the different drinks and after a tired, cranky morning it had us laughing so hard!
I tried the Beverly in Vegas and it has to be the worst thing ever!
Too bad they didn't have China, that was my personal favorite. It tastes like yummy, delicious watermelon. Next time hopefully they'll have it for you to try.

Loving your TR!! :)
I haven't had a chance to read everything yet, but I wanted to let you know that I found you and you're doing a great job! And I must concur with other posters ... you and your dbf make a really cute couple! :goodvibes

If you don't hear much from me for a while it's because we're leaving for WDW in 6 days!!! :yay:

Keep up the good work - I'm looking forward to reading the rest. :thumbsup2
Hi Hayley :wave2: Sorry you didn't like Boma that much! We love it, ate Xmas dinner there last year and going for Thanksgiving this year - different tastes I guess :)
Next up Biergarten :yay: I made an ADR for dinner here just last week (that will be my last ADR switcheroo :rolleyes1 ). Also looking forward to Sci Fi, Ohana and Raglan Road as we'll be eating at all of these in November.
As for the non-WDW restaurants, what did you think of Ponderosa? The times we went to WDW when I was a kid and people would ask "are you looking forward to seeing Mickey?", I'd be like "I'm looking forward to breakfast at Ponderosa more" :rotfl2: Now I'm addicted to Golden Corral ;)
Have been reading your review and enjoying it very much. I have been to some of the same places that you went to and I have had the same response to most of them.
I am planning to try and get CRT for my granddaughters this next trip. We have never been there and they have always wanted to eat with Cinderella.
You paid op for this. I am thinking about doing this also to save a TS and use it for the Luau. Did you notice whether there was a child's menu at CRT?
Am looking forward to more of your review!!!
Thanks everyone :D I'm trying to get them up as fast as I can churn 'em out :)

Thank you Brenda for dropping by! I love your Dining TRs - girl, you are sooo funny! I can't believe you are off to Disney World already, but I'm looking forward to your TRs when you get back :teeth: Say Hi to Rickey Rouse for us... we're big Simpsons fans too :teeth:

A few people have asked about the offsite reviews, so I might post them up after I'm done with the good stuff :)

You can check the menus on the DISBoards, but I'm more than sure there would be a child's menu. I never saw one, but I'm sure I've seen one on the boards. Cinderella features at Breakfast and Lunch in the Castle, Dinner is not a character meal, although you do get a photo with Cindy downstairs, and photos with Suzy and Perla upstairs and we had a great time :teeth:
Biergarten, Germany

OK, Guess what? We were actually early for this one! We arrived at Biergarten around 20 minutes early. This calls for a celebration in itself! So since we were a bit early we went and pottered around in the Teddy Bear shop, admiring all the Steiffs in there. Failing to get Els to buy me a horribly expensive bear, still 10 minutes early we checked into Biergarten.

We were handed a beeper, but only waited around 5 minutes before being called. We waited for the rest of our table then took our seats. Our waiter introduced himself and he was very friendly, explaining everything about the place and the buffet. We placed our drinks order with him - Sprite for me and a Stein of beer for Els - and got up to hit the buffet.

There are 2 buffets side by side and they are one and the same - the selection was really good, lots of salads, lots of different types of sausage, then hot items, and desserts. When we returned, our drinks were waiting which is always good. Now I must apologise in advance for the pall in photos, but as we had another family sitting next to us I thought it was best not to freak them out too much - nevertheless I did get a sneaky few. Here is Els' plate and Monster beer:

You can see a selection of sausages on his plate, some leek and potato soup (which was absolutely delicious) and behind that out of view is some Schnitzel with Jager sauce. He absolutely loved the soup and the Jager sauce - which is really strange since he hates mushrooms! My Dad lived in Germany for 5 years whilst he was in the army, and he told us before we went that if there was Jagerschnitzel there to try it - and we're glad we did!

Here is my first plate:

In the centre is the leek and potato soup, which was truly yummy. Then clockwise from behind the bowl we have a piece of pork (good cut, very tender), carrots, a sausage, potatoes (much better than the ones at Boma!), Jagerschnitzel (I think the schnitzel was a bit overcooked, but it still truly was lovely), Tomato Salad (Never before have I said this about a salad and never again will I - very simple, but it really hit the spot! It was fantastic), then some more sausage varieties - all of which were good but some I liked better than others. Also behind the soup is a piece of pretzel bread :teeth: This was soooo good in the soup!

We made polite conversation with the family on the table, they were really nice, a family from the States but the dad came from Cyprus - a popular holiday destination for Brits so we talked about that for a while.

We went up to get seconds but unfortunately I don't have a photo of these. I just got another bowl of soup, pretzel bread, tomato salad (lots!) and some thin dark sausages that tasted like pepperami (so good!). Els I think went for soup, schnitzel and sausage.

We had yet to conquer the desser section, so we went up to get just a bit since we were full up. Again I don't have photos, but let me tell you, all I remember off the dessert section was the Bavarian Cheesecake - it was reeeaaally good. It didn't really have a crust like normal cheesecake but it was so light it just melted in your mouth. Oh wait, Els just reminded me we both had Apple Strudel with Vanilla Cream and that was also VERY good!

Overall: An excellent buffet and we both really enjoyed this. It is probably more geared towards meat eaters, but there are plenty of salads and of course the soup, and the like if someone in the party doesn't eat meat. The food was very fresh and it was replenished often. It also made a very welcome change from burgers! Even buffet-hating Els enjoyed this one!

Ambience: It was a very fun atmosphere, and we caught the band onstage twice during our meal. I had read somewhere that the last show was 6.55pm but then we saw another one around 20-30 mins later. The guys are really talented at what they do and their Act was slightly different both times. They do try to get the diners to join in, and with the band, steins and amazing theming of this place - it really does feel as though you're in Munich!



Enjoying the Biergarten!

H RATING: 9/10
E RATING: 9/10
WOULD WE EAT HERE AGAIN? Definately, it's the only buffet down on our 'repeats' list for next year and we're really looking forward!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do these reviews. I'm really enjoying them!! :D
Loving your dining reviews and pictures. Thank you for sharing :)


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