UPDATED!!! Gmax THRILLING September Adventure! Featuring LOTS of DISers!


<font color=blue>LOVES Old English Roses china at
Jul 4, 2005
Cast: Glendamax and GmaxMom
Date: Sat. September 6 - Sat. September 13th 2008
Resort: Animal Kingdom Villas (Lodge)

Day 1 - This Page
Day 2 - Pages 1 & 5
Day 3 - Pages 5 & 6
Day 4 - Pages 6, 8, 9
Day 5 - Page 9
Day 6 - Pages 11, 13, 15, 16, 21



I have a bad history with my WDW trips: Relationship drama, people dropping out, people not paying their part of the trip, getting sick. Well this trip had a bit of drama too. Less than 24 hours before my flight left, my Boyfriend broke up with me. No, I won't rehash everything. But I will say that I did see it comming, but did not think that he would call it off THAT DAY. You know, the day before when your excitment is bursting at the seams, and you're thinking, "this time tomorrow, I'll be ______". So needless to say, I was a zombie packing, riding to the airport, getting on the plane, and arriving at the resort. And now, I had to put on a happy face for an ENTIRE WEEK, because you know me, EVERYDAY I'd scheduled to meet up with DISers. God help me . . . Help me to remember the skills I'd acquired in my theater classes during my college years.

Take a deep breath, remember your lines, keep your itinerary sheet handy, smile. You're Gmax . . . Glendamax, and you're excited to be here. Ok, it's time to walk into the resort. The show is about to begin . . .


Arrival Day:

My Mother and I arrived in Orlando around 12noon on Southwest. Fortunantly, we arrived on time, inspite of the storms and hurricanes.

Unlike my previous trips, I had to head to baggage claim, then onto Alamo. This would be the first time I'd rented a car while staying on property. Special thanks to MainStMandy for getting me the reservation, and Antss for driving directions and toll info!

It was wonderful arriving "home". This would be my Mother's first stay. So I was excited for her to see everything for the first time.





Surprisingly, our room was ready. Originally, there were going to be 4 of us. So I booked a one bedroom standard view. As some of you may know, the standard view rooms are closer to the lobby. I'd take that over seeing animals outside my balcony ANYDAY!


View from the room:


LONG Balcony:




Separate "room" for toilet!


Art in Room:



Back to the room. . . It's actually like a one bedroom apartment. It was awesome having a full kitchen, an eating area, separate bedroom, HUGE bathroom, and a "water closet". I'm actually tempted to book this room even when I'm solo!

After being so overwhelmed by the room, we headed out for the supermarket. My main goal - breakfast. I figured that if I ate the same exact healthy breakfast as I do at home, AND take my vitamins, I wouldn't get sick this time. Well folks . . . I didn't! For the first time in YEARS, I did not get sick from my September WDW trip!

Now that we were well stocked. It was almost time for our first dinner date: Boma with Vandyfan and Punkin . . .
Welcome back Glenda,

As always I love reading your trip reports.

Your room is soooo nice.

It wasn't very nice of the boyfriend to do that to you ,but then again
I guess he turned out to be not very nice after all. Sorry that happened
to you right before your trip.

:hug: :hug:
THe last post reached its image limit, so here's the second part of the video:

Well folks, as you can imagine, I was still in a zoombie-like state. I tried my best to think about this report, and make sure to document everything, and take pics of everything, but let's face it, I didn't. I just tried to get through one event at a time, and if I took a picture or recorded some video, that was extra.

So now, onto dinner. It was at my FAVORITE place, with two DISers I was really looking forward to meet - Vandyfan and Punkin. You see, MeMom has been sending me PM's about how nice they are, and how excited she was that I was going to meet them. AND MadiMouse - who I went to WDW with in June - had been chatting with Punkin, and told me how nice she was. Also, this was going to be my chance to FINALLY meet Lan! However, she told me she couldn't come, and maybe we could meet us afterwards. So it was time to try to snap out of it, and meet our first set of DISers . . .

We didnt see them when we arrived at Boma, so we just hung out and "people watched" till we spotted them. Soon, they rounded the corner, and we hugged like old friends. We had a great time at dinner, and the food was great! Again, I asked the waitress if they were serving the Peanut Rice . . . NO. So yes folks, that makes THREE years since I've been to Boma on the night they serve it. THREE YEARS. Our waitress Maureen must've seen the look of disgust on my face, because during the meal, she bought some out for me. They've since changed the receipe, and it does not include peants, but it's still pretty good.

My favorites during the meal were the prime rib, jungle juice, and coconut rice. Boma fans know that I'm being very conservative in my list because of course, the salads, soups and PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN MINI CHEESECAKES were off the hook too!

During dinner, Vandy and Punkin told us about their day, and gave us a tip. They sat on the last row of the safari truck, so they could get unobstrucked camera shots behind them. HOWEVER, they said that it was very bumpy, and they were bouncing out of their seats! Still, an excellent tip if you like to take pics (that's for you Code!).

As we were eating away, Punkin looks up at my Mother and goes, "So do you still hate Glenda's hair"? HA!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!! My Mother looked at me like, "how does she know that"? We all laughed! Actually, I think my Mother hates it less now. I think I actually heard her say, "It looks nice" one day.


Well, of course we took some pics, and we couldnt leave out their husabnds . . .


Now this one looks like I JUMPED in "their" pic . . .


I think this one is better, I took it MYSELF of course! HA!


On the way out, a DISer stopped me. I actually remembered her from September '07. TIGGERBELL! So we all took a pic! Good thing I have LONG arms!


After dinner, we had a choice of going to a park. Insted, we decided to stay in. My Mother and I sat on the LONG wonderful balcony and enjoyed the view. We talked about about "things", and how the glass was half-full. It was really relaxing!

I tried calling Lan but they were shopping at Downtown Disney. By 9pm they were still on a roll, and I was ready to go to bed. After all, I didn't have any decent sleep since Thursday before I went to work. I was really sad that I didn't get a chance to meet Lan. She was my first real "DISer friend" I started chatting with on this site 3 years ago, and we've never met. Hopefully next year, we'll get to finally meet.

That night, I took my allergy medicine - which knocks me out - and went to sleep. What a good feeling going to sleep in Disney World! :angel:
Hi Glenda! :yay:

How crummy of your boyfriend to break-up with you right before vacation.. :guilty:

Your dinner with Dawn and Erica looks like it was fun, glad you guys clicked so well. I love reading their reports, they look like two fun chicks to hang out with. :thumbsup2

For the video, you should try youtube. I was having some problems with video and photobucket so that is what I did.
Day 2 - Sunday, 9/6

Today I woke up well rested. Lan was going to try to meet us before she had to go home that day, but couldnt. She would have to be there REALLY early, and we were just getting up at 7am. So I had to say goodbye to Lan over the phone, who was sooooo close by . . .

This day, we were heading to Animal Kingdom (AK). I stopped in the lobby to get my Mother's park hopper ticket. Well, the CM told me that I did NOT get a DVC discount on the ticket ($290). Hmmm . . . Then she couldnt get my Disney Visa to go through. Hmmm . . . So I had to get another card - thank Goodness I had one - and she got it go through. While on the shuttle bus, I called Visa, and they said there was nothing wrong with my card, there was plenty of credit on it, and that the problem was with her.

Well as a result of all of that, we missed rope drop at AK, which is my favorite one. Oh well, at least I had some DISers to meet!!!!

We made our way over to Expedition Everest to meet (ok guys get ready to correct me): MainStMandy and Mom, Antss, Poohbear (Nancy Fancy Pants), Wirki and husband, Tiggerbell and Sister.

We all hugged each other and stared at each other with HUGE eyes, since we were FINALLY getting see each other in person! It was GREAT. My Mother announced that she was NOT riding, and waited for us in the area where you can watch the train come out of the mountain. Fortunantly, there was virtually no wait to ride.




I sat with Tiggerbell! While going up the lift hill, Wirki turned around and told me to look over to the right and wave at my Mother! I ditn even realize you could see that area up there.

I did REALLY well this time: what I realized is that the backwards part only has one dip-like part that makes me scream - which is not that bad, and by raising my butt out of the seat a bit, it makes the drop do-able, and I'm able to keep my eyes open! So the drop isnt bad at all for me now! So there! I've conquered Everest!

After we exited the train, we walk/ran over to see our pics. I wasnt able to get a good "red-neck" shot of it. I'm not too disappointed though, cuz I just looked a bit normal. I don't remember looking terrified. I tried takin the pic twice . .


After seeing the pic, we hung out a bit in the shop, still excited from our ride.


Tiggerbell and Sis


Poohbear at the counter


Wirki and Husband


MainStMandy and Me!


MainStMandy and Mom


Me and Antss!​

Wirki, and Tiggerbell went their ways while the rest of us met up with my Mother . . .


This would be the first of many shots that my Mother decided to talk through insted of smiling. Yes, she knew it was a PHOTO, not VIDEO!​

After picking up my Mother, we all headed over to the Safari! . . .
While snaking through the non-existant line for the safari, MadiMouse called! She and her family were just waking up in DisneyLand! It was so good hearing from her! But of course, at that moment I wished she was with us!

The safari is something I usually skip, but hey, anything is "funner" with a group of DISers!

Notice the animal in the pic below, that JUMPED into the truck. It's directly behind me! HA!!!! And no, I have NO IDEA why I look soooooo crazy!


Here's MainStMandy, Poohbear and Me!


We acted up so badly on the safari, and laughed soooo much, that even the CM took notice.

In this clip, we are "fearing" for our lives . . .

In this touching, moving clip to my friend Kim, AMANDA is making faces!

Antss, the blogger she is, kept updating her files . . .


I did manage to take some pics of the animals . . .




After the Safari, as we were heading over to Dino, I had my first siting of Devine! YAY!!!!




I also have video . . .

Our walk over was fun, chatting back and forth. Here's a shot of MainStMandy's tattoos. I've always wanted one, but since it IS permanent, I still dont know what I'll get.


Here's a shot of the Crocs backpack that Poohbear has "My Precious . . ."


On our way, we passed the back side of the Tree of Life. Very beautiful . . .

OH! And I had to get a shot of myself in my "Hanna Montana" sunglasses I bought the day before at the supermarket for $10.


"Hi, I'm Gmax. And I AM the best of both worlds . . ." :lmao:

Just before we made it to our next stop, MainStMandy's mom, found some ice dumped by a CM, and decided to give herself a treat!


Finally, we made it over to DINOSAUR!




One of the Dinos had gotten loose from the ride . . .


This time, I was sitting on the far left. Which turns out to be the LEAST scary seat of all. Boooooo!!!! So I wasn't scared this time, and the pic wasnt funny. Well, next time, insted of avoiding the scary seat, I'll volunteer for it!

Next, it was time to help find NEMO . . .

Scroll Down . . .
Yay... another trip report from Glenda!! Great to hear you did NOT get sick.

Looking forward to more,
By the time the Dinos finished chasing us, it was 11am. So we then headed over to the Nemo show. We got great seats - the first 2 rows in the second section.


What? Was I supposed to be in the picture?




Now while we were waiting for the show to start, we all try to spot Nemo in the bubbles on the stage, took pictures and chatted. It was then that I ate the snack that Antss gave me - fruity yoguart bites! They were REALLY good. They tasted a bit like skittles! Thanks Antss!

Later, a Black male CM in his early 50s comes over and starts talking to the family on the row down from us. When he finishes with them, he comes over to us and asks "So where are you all from"? After everyone answers, he looks at me and says "Oh Baltimore". And starts talking about when he lived here. Meanwhile, Antss and MainStMandy are one row behind me doing a full sports commentary and laughing: "says Glenda as she tilts her head and smiles . . . " "Oh really, yes I DO live near there she says . . ." Could he hear them? I don't know. But I think I did a great job NOT bursting into laughter as he was talking to me! This was trully one of the most fun moments of the trip!

Soon the theater was starting to fill up. One woman walked in with a NEWBORN infant facing downward on one of her arms with its leg dangling. We ALL gasped, because that baby looked like it was only about a week or 2 old. WHY in the world would anyone bring a baby THAT NEW to DISNEY WORLD! I mean, if I'm taking a bunch a vitamins, and using "High School Musical" Hand Sanitizer (thanks Antss), how much MORE open to germs is that NEWLY rinsed off INFANT!!!! ALL of us were in shock, and confused. It was an awful site to see . . .

Well soon, the show started. My favorite is Crush. I LOVE that guy's voice! And of course, I was glad that we had GREAT seats!






I have a great clip of Crush singing . . . Oh well . . .

Everyone enjoyed the show! I was really glad that my Mother enjoyed it too!

After the show, it was time for us to use our Expedition Everest (EE) Fast Passes! Poohbear decided to sit this one out, and hung out with my Mother while we all got on. I had 2 extra fast passes, so I gave them to a couple. The women looked a bit miffed that I stopped them, but the guy took them anyway. MainStMandy said that commented that the passes had expired, and went in the regular stand-by line. Well folks, if she wasnt so ignorant, we could've easily told her that you can use the fast pass all day. You just use it BEFORE the time on the pass. Oh well.

So we zipped through the line, and I rode with Antss - IN THE SECOND ROW!!! It was really fun, but this time I felt like the ground was still moving when I got off. Good thing it was time for lunch!

We headed over to Yak and Yeti. I thought the food was just ok. The line we were in was sooooo slow! While standing there, DISer Skater spotted me! She was there with her children! This makes the 3rd year in a row we've seen each other. Skater we need to plan to meet up next year!


Skater had seen my thread about cutting my hair, and asked me take off my hat so she could see it. Too bad she didnt do so BEFORE I took my "Gommer Pile" pic with her son! HA!


After Skater and her family got their food, I lost them - I didnt see them for the rest of the trip :(

Finally we got our food, ate, and was ready to get out of there. MainStMandy and her Mom had more energy than we did, cuz they were on their way to see the Lion King show at 2pm. While we took everything that said "exit".


As Antss, Poohbear, Ma and I were following the "exit" signs, I got stopped by a man and his wife . . . It was CODE!!!! I couldn't believe it! I LOVE his pics! We stopped to chat, and took a few pics . . .


Code and Mrs. Code, it was sooo cool to meet you! :wave2:

On the way out (in the shade) I saw a HUGE Ant Eater! It was really cool-looking. It almost looked animatronic!

On our way out of the park, I stopped to renew my AP, since there wasnt a line. I put on my Gommer hat and glasses, took some pics, then headed for the bus stop!



It was sooooo hot while we were taking pics, that my Mother said, "I know this must sound like a stupid question, but do you think ALL of Florida is this HOT!" I dont remember what I said, but I was thinking that this is EXACTLY why I try to be out of AK at 12 noon! Good thing we almost to the bus!

We got back to the room around 2pm. I showered IMMEDIATELY! It felt soooo good! I then got my journal, and went in the livingroom to chat with my Mother while I made notes for the day. Well folks, she was KNOCKED OUT! So I went back to the bedroom, watched Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire while drinking a Mike's Hard Lemonade, WHILE looking at the beautiful view outside my room . . . .

Ahhhhhhhh . . . .

Scroll Down . . .
Aaaah - my honorary Dis daughter's report! Going back to read now... I just had to hurry up and post in hopes of making Page 1 before everyone else wakes up!
After a much needed break in the room, we got our red Chevy Cobalt from the Valet Guys (it's FREE for DVC owners!), and headed over to EPCOT.

I took a pic of the parking space so we wouldnt forget where we parked. After all, I'm new at this!


EPCOT is probably my favorite park because of the music. I love the music piped in throughout the park!



Since there was no line for Spaceship Earth, and MadiMouse and I missed it the last time, I figured we'd jump in line.










I took video of the cartoon they show in the head-set at the end of the ride (See Page 21) . The last time I'd been on SE, they didnt have the "special personal" cartoon at the end. So if you havent done it yet, I won't ruin it for you - it's cute. My Mother and I really enjoyed it.

After SE, we stopped at Club Cool! I thought it would be nice for my Mother to have a cool refreshing taste of Beverly! HA!





Needless to say, she HATED it!!! (again, there's a video clip - see page 21) Even after she tasted others, the taste still stayed in her mouth! HA!!!! I did manage to get a smile out of her afterwards and take a few shots before moving on.






After leaving Club Cool, we saw these kids playing in the water.



I started to ask her if I was that young, would she let me play in it too. Then I stopped her and said that I knew she wouldnt, because she would claim that the cold water would make me sick - especially since she didnt let me play in the water hose when I was little. Well, that was the WRONG thing to say. She said that she was just about to tell me what a wonderful time she was having, but now she changed her mind, cause I brought up yet another case of her being mean. Here's a pic of her fussing at me . . .


After I told her that I took the pic to report our conversation, she lightened up a bit!

Well, we then rounded the corner to the World Showcase. After all, we had an important destination -


See ya at LeCelier Next!
(Oooh I wonder whom else will be there?)
Go to Page 5!
Welcome back Glenda,

As always I love reading your trip reports.

Hey June! You're first inline! Thanks for stopping in! :goodvibes

Hi Glenda! :yay:
Your dinner with Dawn and Erica looks like it was fun, glad you guys clicked so well. I love reading their reports, they look like two fun chicks to hang out with. :thumbsup2

For the video, you should try youtube. I was having some problems with video and photobucket so that is what I did.

I guess that's what I'll have to do. I purposefully took certain videos for this report! And dinner with the "DISer Chicks" was alot of fun! Looks like I've given them a new nickname!

Yay... another trip report from Glenda!! Great to hear you did NOT get sick.
Hey Margaret! I am soooo glad! I'm still taking alot of vitamins though. Will probably start taking less next week. I just REALLY wanted to make sure that I was ok!

Aaaah - my honorary Dis daughter's report! Going back to read now... I just had to hurry up and post in hopes of making Page 1 before everyone else wakes up!
HA! Hey Mom! Glad you made page one! Thanks for telling me how to edit the title!

Well DISers, that's all the installments I have for today. While this report probably won't be as detailed as the rest, I hope it'll be a little entertaining. And don't worry, I won't depress you all throughout the WHOLE thing!

LURKERS, stop Lurking and post! Even if it's just to say "Hello"!
Hi! I'm going to post these here because it wasn't until Day 8 of our trip that we ran into each other (and Day 9 & Day 10!).

First, at Boma, I was waiting on a bench for our buzzer to go off. In front of me, I spot 2 pairs of Crocs coming from one direction and meeting up with 2 pairs of Crocs coming from the other direction. I'm thinking about how that can be written - I don't know, it just stuck me funny.

What was even funnier was when I looked up and realized I knew 3 of the 4 owners of the Crocs! So I got up and came over. I was thrilled that you remembered me from a 20 second meeting in a bathroom a year ago!


The next day, we parked next to a disser and she's the one who told me about the meet at EE. I hadn't planned to be at the meet - but EE was our first stop!



We also ran into Code & Mrs. Code that morning, so imagine our surprise when he showed up in a show!!! (Are they doing a report? I'd like to post these on there, too)




Then later in the day, we were having lunch at Yak & Yeti, and we spotted some people out the window!

I am so sad that we didnt get to meet and now we need a do-over. My friend wasn't feeling well and I laid down also. So that was it for Boma dinner. Then that night, we got caught up in the madness of DTD. Well I am heading back to Disney on this Wed:banana: Yeah another quick trip that I dont report about.

I felt so bad that we didnt met and for what had happen to Glendamax before she left home. That was not right.
i'm here!!!!! i'm off to work right now but i'll be back to catch up later. holy crap....you've written so much already! you are wonder woman TR writer supreme. :goodvibes
No computer at home :( Next installment will be tonight! See YA!
Wahoo I made into your trip report!!! I miss you Glendamax.

I am so sorry you former BF choice that time to be a butthead!! :hug: :hug:

please call me if you need to talk!!
YAY I'm here...lol those pictures made me laugh so hard. We had SUCH a blast. Promise I will cal you this week...we need to catch up;)
OK Now I am really throwing a temper fit! Not only did my Brother's family and my sister head to disney that week but now a bunch of disers too! And it was my birthday!! Don't you all know it is all about me?:rotfl2:

I love the pictures and am laughing at the my precious comment for the crocs backpack! Glenda you crack me up!

Your mom is the cutest thing even when she is fussing at you!
Enjoying it as always!:thumbsup2
Ohhh.. another G-Max TR! :goodvibes You have the best TR! So glad your mom got to go with you this time!!! :yay:

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