TR: 4 Adults, 3 Kids, 2 B-days, and our 1st family DL Trip! 5.25 - 6.1! (**Updated 7/7!**)

Chapter 5, Part 2: It's My Birthday and I Can Pitch a Fit in Front of the Castle if I Want To!

When I last left off, the girls had just finished their BBB appointments and a ride on the teacups with their Daddy! Next up was a ride on Dumbo, and then we went off in search of a place to eat lunch! My mom had been wanting to eat at the Big Thunder Ranch BBQ so that was our first stop. We didn't think the girls would eat much off of the menu, so my Dad and mom stayed to eat there and we decided to go try Rancho Del Zocalo.

As we finished our lunch, my parents stopped by to see us for a few minutes as they were on their way back to the hotel for a little bit. Since our morning had been a bit later, and slower than our previous park days we decided to stay and go on more rides! MDD requested Snow White since we hadn't done that yet and then we rode on the carousel after. Since we were at the castle, I had the girls take some pictures in front while they were still in their dresses (and 2 of the 3 still had their hair intact). We get to a good spot and suddenly ODD flat out changed her mind and laid down on the drawbridge in protest. Then YDD couldn't decide whether she was angry about sitting or standing so DH was trying to get her to pick one or the other. It was the one posed shot I wanted (and really even asked for, outside of character pics) on our trip so there may have been some promises of ice cream cones if they let me get a few nice shots. They agreed to that, but of course I had to share this gem ;-)


A few minutes later I got this shot, so the tantrums were very short lived:

A few of the outtakes:

Naturally pictures in front of the castle led to a castle walk through, and then they were eager to cash in on that promise of ice cream ;-) As we started to head towards Main Street the Soundsational parade was going past so we watched for about ten minutes and saw the floats with Ariel, Donald, and the Princesses go by.



Their dresses are from Etsy Seller Knottedwear! I am so impressed with how well they are made. I don't think I captured it in any pictures very well, but ODD's Rapunzel dress has glitter on the bodice that sparkles like rainbows in the sunlight! So gorgeous! They are designed to grow a size with them so at the rate my girls grow, I'm guessing they'll get a couple of years out of them if not more.

Our afternoon concluded with a stop at Haagen Daaz for ice cream cones that we enjoyed in a shady spot in the middle of DTD, before heading back to the room for some much needed rest! Though for myself it was less resting, and more going back to DTD for last minute birthday present shopping.

That night we headed to CA to see WOC! We had pulled fast passes earlier in the day while we were there for breakfast and were in the blue section. It was already quite full, so we were in the very very back but still pretty centered. For the actual show my mom, dad, and DH each had a girl on their shoulders so they could see over the crowd a bit better and we all really enjoyed it!


The mostly shadowed figure doing jazz hands in the middle right pic was YDD on DH's shoulders, she was super excited by the colors and water and music ;-)

Since we had a later breakfast, and then a later lunch and the ice cream in the early evening we were discussing quick dinner options as everyone was hungry. ODD was really anxious to open the rest of her presents, so going back to the hotel and ordering a pizza to eat while opening presents was the plan. It was the perfect way to end such a fun day of celebrating!

Day 5 iPhone pics!

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Top L: YDD and her Baymax balloon! Middle L: My birthday girls :hug: Bottom L: A hug from Cinderella, Top R: Ice cream in DTD! Bottom M: MDD window shopping on our way back to the hotel (she's just missing the black dress, coffee & pastry ;)). Bottom R: A WOC pic from my phone.

Up Next...

Chapter 6: Koalas, and Hippos, and Lemon Trees...Oh My!
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I got the chance to read your latest trip report. It was interesting that you were there during my two trips (May 26-28 & May 30 to June 1st). You did quite a lot during your visit from all the character interactions with your daughters, selfie shots, rides and shows. All of your pictures are very nice and all enjoyable to see where everyone is happy at the DLR.

What a small world! It was fun to be there that week to see the new stuff for the 60th :) I'm only a little over halfway through too! Three more days to post! We did get to do a ton on our trip, but it was spread out pretty well so it wasn't overwhelming and the girls did great. Though we somehow managed to completely miss the two areas of Disneyland they probably would've loved the best (Toon Town and the Princess Fantasy Faire). Now we have even more reasons to come back :)

Thank you! I enjoy photography as a hobby, and taking pics at Disneyland was so much fun. Especially being able to capture many of the fun moments we had :) I do regret not remembering to have my Dad or DH use my camera during the trip like I had planned on, so I could have been in more pictures instead of just selfies.
Oh they are so cute! I think that if at least one your children doesn't have a melt down you're very lucky! We had a big melt down one year with my son Loren. His clothes had not be exactly right for him. We were spending the long days at the park and going back to the hotel during the heat of the day. Now instead of napping my DH would take them to the pool. I napped Loren was tired this was our fourth day there and he was dragging. His shoes hurt, his socks weren't right, on and on. Finally he and I sat down and he just melted. At that moment Mickey and Minnie came around the corner. Minnie seeing him crying stopped to see him. She wiped his tears and kissed the top is his head and hugged him. That was the end of his melt down. He was instantly in love with her and frankly she saved our evening. Oh yeah one meltdown is nothing!
LOVE your photos!! I have to say though.....your TR is going too fast :scared: I have to agree that those dresses are gorgeous, and I like them so much better than the BBB ones. Your girls are adorable!
Oh they are so cute! I think that if at least one your children doesn't have a melt down you're very lucky! We had a big melt down one year with my son Loren. His clothes had not be exactly right for him. We were spending the long days at the park and going back to the hotel during the heat of the day. Now instead of napping my DH would take them to the pool. I napped Loren was tired this was our fourth day there and he was dragging. His shoes hurt, his socks weren't right, on and on. Finally he and I sat down and he just melted. At that moment Mickey and Minnie came around the corner. Minnie seeing him crying stopped to see him. She wiped his tears and kissed the top is his head and hugged him. That was the end of his melt down. He was instantly in love with her and frankly she saved our evening. Oh yeah one meltdown is nothing!

So true! Someone is always melting down or throwing a fit about something on a daily basis so we were pleasantly surprised with how well they did on our trip! It was really only one day (ODD & YDD's birthday) that we had meltdowns and they were all ODD - she woke up in a mood that day and was "sick" and having the "baddest birthday ever" until something would go her way and then she was miraculously better and all smiles. Oh the drama! Haha! Otherwise they did so well the rest of the time :)

I love how Minnie wiped his tears and gave him a kiss, so sweet!

LOVE your photos!! I have to say though.....your TR is going too fast :scared: I have to agree that those dresses are gorgeous, and I like them so much better than the BBB ones. Your girls are adorable!


I know, my intent was to tackle one day a week or so. It's been too much fun putting a post for each day together though, and I have no patience so when I got on a roll I couldn't stop :goodvibes
I probably won't get the last few days worth of posts up quite as fast now that summer finally decided to come back to Alaska and we're seeing temps in the low 80s! I don't want to spend too much time inside:banana::beach:
Eepo_O Had no idea you lived so far away! No wonder you chose DL vs DW to visit! Don't mind what I said about going fast on the TR......just make it stretch longer with more pics! Haha
By the should do a mini side TR in the midst of this one, and show us what summer is like in Alaska for you guys!
Gorgeous photos! My husband and I are (hopefully) heading to DL this fall for the first time - can't wait!


Thank you! How fun, I'm really hoping our next trip can be during the fall in a year or two :) You'll have to share about your trip!

Eepo_O Had no idea you lived so far away! No wonder you chose DL vs DW to visit! Don't mind what I said about going fast on the TR......just make it stretch longer with more pics! Haha

DL is definitely more convenient for us - it's about half the cost, half the travel time, and the ability to fly direct (instead of one or two layovers)! I do hope we can get to WDW when the girls are older, we visit Seattle often since that is where DH and I are from and our families still live so we'd probably plan a "trip within a trip" type of thing or tack a long layover in Seattle on either end to break it up a bit. I've only been to WDW once on a spring break trip with my college roommates, we did 2 park days and stayed in a cheap motel offsite so it was just a quick glimpse of the parks (and we never went to Epcot!) so it would be so fun to go back and have the full experience!

Haha! Fair enough :) I was going back through all of my pics yesterday and found a bunch that I'd overlooked the first time through so I might just have to post a thread of "pictures from our trip that I didn't share earlier!" too :-D

By the should do a mini side TR in the midst of this one, and show us what summer is like in Alaska for you guys!

Love this idea! Right now it is the week with the longest days of the year, and I took a picture last night that shows how light it still is even at the "darkest" part of the evening. I'll post it from my phone after this!
A brief detour from the TR to share a pic from home! We live up in Anchorage and it is the time where we have the longest days of the year!

Right now the sunset is around 11:40pm and rises again at 4:20am! While it isn't daylight for 24 hours, it also never gets completely dark! Especially on a clear night (cloudy nights look darker).

This is from right around the "darkest" part of the evening at 2am.


We now resume our regularly scheduled trip report!
Chapter 6: Koalas, and Hippos, and Lemon Trees...Oh My!

Saturday was our San Diego day :) We have relatives who live just a bit north of the city so we would be stopping at their house for brunch and a visit and then spending the rest of the day at the Zoo! On our way we had stopped at Starbucks for breakfast, but one of the things that YDD had eaten or drank didn't sit well and she got sick in the car twice on the way there. Not the best start to our morning, poor YDD doesn't get sick often so on top of her not feeling great it really scared her. Usually it is MDD who gets carsick, so we had her sitting in the middle row of the car (instead of the back like the other two) and had given her Dramamine before the trip. I was so thankful we had give her meds, but I also put my coffee cup under her nose to attempt to mask the other smell so we wouldn't have a chain of sick kiddos (or adults, MDD gets her motion sickness from me!) Definitely an eventful start to the morning!

Once we arrived at my relatives' house we were able to get her clothes in the laundry, clean her carseat off and put her in a clean outfit. She was back to 100% in minutes!

They live in a gorgeous home with a beautiful orchard of mostly lemon and orange trees, though I believe there were also some lime and avocado trees as well. While the adults visited, the girls had an absolute blast picking oranges & lemons and bringing them to the patio table to count and sort.



After enjoying a delicious brunch and a great visit, it was time to head on to the Zoo!

Since we only had about 4 hours or so, we didn't see everything but we definitely had a great time and the girls all got to see their favorite animals! Highlights were watching a mama hippo helping her baby learn to swim, the koalas, an adorable baby giraffe (less than 2 weeks old!) and all of the fun things to play on at the various exhibits.


YDD being far too excited about a snake:

Swinging off of an elephant tracking collar

MDD's favorite animals are flamingoes, so of course we had to make a stop to see them. If you look closely, she's even wearing flamingoes on her dress :)

This is one of those pictures that I didn't realize how hilarious it was until I had put it on the computer and looked at it more closely. We were watching the baby hippo swim, so it had gotten quite crowded being a popular exhibit! MDD was up front by the glass and was trying to come back to where I was standing and got squished between the two ladies really briefly. I just so happened to get that moment on camera and her face sums it up quite nicely :rotfl2:

Baby giraffe kisses :lovestruc (though not having the other giraffe's behind in the background would have been nice...:teeth:)

While we were watching the giraffes, my ODD witnessed a rather interesting exchange between two of the adult giraffes (I will clarify that it was not related to creating more giraffes, but it was definitely gross so I'll spare the details!) However her facial expressions when she told me about it right after were absolutely priceless.


We stayed almost to closing, and then decided to head back up to Anaheim for a late dinner at Bubba Gump's :)

Silly girls waiting for our table. My attempts to get YDD to turn around were unsuccessful, she was far too concerned with trying to figure out how to get in the box of chocolates :rotfl:
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No iPhone photo collage for today, the above is one of the only pics I took without my big camera!

Next up:

Chapter 7: And Then There Were 5...
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It looks like YDD recovered. Thankfully. The rest of the day looks rather fun!
Picking those lemons and oranges looks like so much fun. Your girls are going to love looking back at all these pictures when they are older. You got to see quite a bit at the zoo, and I can tell they had a blast! The bottom picture is priceless.....which is funnier....the expression on your mdd's face, or the complete concentration of your ydd with that box of chocolates?!:p
It looks like YDD recovered. Thankfully. The rest of the day looks rather fun!

YDD has one of the fastest bounce back rates I've ever seen in the kid. A recent story related to this, that coincidentally involves bouncing. Just last week, I was putting away laundry in our bedroom and YDD was in there "helping" (or really, more the opposite of helping, ha!). While I was distracted, she climbed up onto our headboard and jumped onto the middle of the bed and must have hit just the right spot because it rebounded and sent her back into the air and onto the floor off the end of the bed. I looked up just as she hit the middle of the bed and then went flying again and onto the ground. I'm :eek: , rushing to see if she is alright, and YDD just pops right up with a huge smile and declares "I'm fine!". Then tried to jump off the headboard again :rotfl:(to her disappointment I caught the 2nd attempt before she was successful)
Picking those lemons and oranges looks like so much fun. Your girls are going to love looking back at all these pictures when they are older. You got to see quite a bit at the zoo, and I can tell they had a blast! The bottom picture is priceless.....which is funnier....the expression on your mdd's face, or the complete concentration of your ydd with that box of chocolates?!:p

I hope they do, if they inherit my love of looking at and taking pictures than I will have an epic collection for them to enjoy ;-) I thought we did pretty well getting around the zoo for only being there a few hours too. We skipped the entire Northern exhibit intentionally since it would pretty much be the same as taking a trip to the Alaska Zoo.

That picture cracks me up as well, while they are all different in personality they all have their own different sense of humor and it's fun to watch.
YDD has one of the fastest bounce back rates I've ever seen in the kid. A recent story related to this, that coincidentally involves bouncing. Just last week, I was putting away laundry in our bedroom and YDD was in there "helping" (or really, more the opposite of helping, ha!). While I was distracted, she climbed up onto our headboard and jumped onto the middle of the bed and must have hit just the right spot because it rebounded and sent her back into the air and onto the floor off the end of the bed. I looked up just as she hit the middle of the bed and then went flying again and onto the ground. I'm :eek: , rushing to see if she is alright, and YDD just pops right up with a huge smile and declares "I'm fine!". Then tried to jump off the headboard again :rotfl:(to her disappointment I caught the 2nd attempt before she was successful)

You gave me a good giggle!
I'm really enjoying your trip report! Your little girls are so cute. We really enjoy Ariel's Grotto also. It's nice to have the princesses come to you. It's making me so excited for our August trip.
I love the look on your daughters' faces! :goodvibes Also love that they seem to have an appreciation for some of the classics like Pirates, etc.

I have to make a note to watch the lights come on at Radiator Springs during our trip! ... and also that it shouldn't be planned for the same night we want to see Pain the Night!!!

Love the idea of the iPhone picture collage from the day! :thumbsup2

Glad you enjoyed the update to BTMRR and you got there within the FP window!

We are planning on eating at Ariel's Grotto - though were thinking of doing lunch there. Though "a week's worth of sugar in a waffle boat on a blue frosting sea with a cup of syrup to drench it in" is tempting me to move it to a breakfast :rotfl2:

That is such a cool story of Cinderella knowing she was your YDD's favorite!

That is great things worked out for you to see MDD meet Aurora - always love when you have that specific moment that makes the trip and all the planning (and all the $) seem worth it :goodvibes

That is great that they gave you the extra sash and said you could bring YDD back for some pixie dust!

Man, that is just brutal to have to spend your birthday in Disneyland and have to ride the tea cups 2 times in a row in only one of your favorite colors! She will be scared for life I tell ya! ;)


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