This is the dawning of the rest of our lives... AT DISNEY WORLD!!!! COMPLETED 1/6!!!!

Yay Epcot! You're absolutely right, high tailing it on over to Epcot is really the only way to get there!

(BTW...have you heard that they are showing the new Stacey Fantasyland footage now? I've been stalking youtube to see if anyone put anything up, but so far nothing...I have to see it!!! :eek:)

Can you believe I've still never been on the Ellen ride? I don't know why, when we were there, we never even went to that side of Future World...I think I was subconsciously angry at Test Track for being closed so long, so I stayed away! I would really like to try the Ellen ride someday, maybe in Feb. when I'm there with my sister!

I love that your mom loved the Kim Possible mission! Isn't it so much fun? I finally tried them on this past trip, now that they are Phineas and Ferb, and they are adorable! Oh, and you must watch Phineas and Ferb, it's SO good! I'm obsessed with Perry the Platypus...and I want to be Vanessa Doofenshmirtz for Halloween someday...just watch it! :thumbsup2

It's so weird that your trip was almost an entire year ago...I was there at the same time and it really does not seem like it was a year ago, and now that December is here again, I want to go again!!! Like right now! Ughhh...I'm trying to get myself to Disneyland next year, but I feel like it's never going to happen because I'm going to keep dropping Disneyland for WDW! I just can't imagine the holidays without a Disney trip!

(ps-I started my November TR, if you want to stop by! :yay:)
That's hilarious how your mom instantly thought that the mission was awesome!!! I am determined to do one next year, I swear! DF always thinks it'll be silly, but they look fun!

Hahahahahahahaha that's amazing that they were randomly singing the All That theme song!!! You should have joined in with some other old-school TV theme songs...Legends of the Hidden Temple or Clarissa Explains It All, perhaps?? :thumbsup2

It's really fun and entertaining! What happens is so unexpected. You gotta check it out.

Oh my God, you're so right. Na na na na... na na na na na na ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!! Those shows are the best.

Yay Epcot! You're absolutely right, high tailing it on over to Epcot is really the only way to get there!

(BTW...have you heard that they are showing the new Stacey Fantasyland footage now? I've been stalking youtube to see if anyone put anything up, but so far nothing...I have to see it!!! :eek:)

Can you believe I've still never been on the Ellen ride? I don't know why, when we were there, we never even went to that side of Future World...I think I was subconsciously angry at Test Track for being closed so long, so I stayed away! I would really like to try the Ellen ride someday, maybe in Feb. when I'm there with my sister!

I love that your mom loved the Kim Possible mission! Isn't it so much fun? I finally tried them on this past trip, now that they are Phineas and Ferb, and they are adorable! Oh, and you must watch Phineas and Ferb, it's SO good! I'm obsessed with Perry the Platypus...and I want to be Vanessa Doofenshmirtz for Halloween someday...just watch it! :thumbsup2

It's so weird that your trip was almost an entire year ago...I was there at the same time and it really does not seem like it was a year ago, and now that December is here again, I want to go again!!! Like right now! Ughhh...I'm trying to get myself to Disneyland next year, but I feel like it's never going to happen because I'm going to keep dropping Disneyland for WDW! I just can't imagine the holidays without a Disney trip!

(ps-I started my November TR, if you want to stop by! :yay:)

Yeah, they are playing the new Stacey footage! I kinda want to wait to see it person next time I'm in Disney though. Sadly I hear the part with her saying TEST TRACK BABY is gone.

Definitely check out Ellen's ride!

It sounds really cute. I know a lot of people love it. Glad you finally got to do the mission!! I can't wait to try it again. :-)

Oh man I want to go right now so bad! If I had the money I would seriously just go. I don't even care. I want to do Christmas at Disney again so bad! Next year I feel like I have to do 2 trips, one in Oct & one in Dec. I just don't see any other way. Unless I move there. HAH.

I AM DYING TO GO TO DISNEYLAND. I can't even describe how badly. I need to make it out to LA sometime next year so I am really hoping I can go for AT LEAST one day.

Yay! I'll check it out!
Wow, I can't believe it has been a year since this trip. Last December was seriously one of my favorite months of my life. It was such an exciting time because I had a new school to look forward to, a Disney audition to go to, a family Disney trip, and I was in great shape. :laughing: Ahh I wish I could go back! :cloud9:

I bet you can finish it! OMG ON DECEMBER 14TH I WILL ONLY HAVE 2 DAYS OF THE SEMESTER LEFT. Ahh this is so freaking exciting.

I'm so excited for my DCP just so I can go on every attraction without having to fit in all of the "important" stuff. Like... I want to take the time to ride ellen or do all of the frumpy world showcase movies or the hall of presidents. No one ever wants to see them because we're on such a strict time schedule, but now I will have time! YAY! :yay: I haven't seen Ellen in YEARS.

LOL HE BROUGHT HIS OWN TEA OVER. Definitely a higher class brit. You were right. :laughing:

I'm glad you just did the mission even if your Mom didn't want to. Because then she got into it and then you were both happy and AHH I LOVE THAT DISNEY CAN DO THAT TO PEOPLE.
Don't forget Alex Trebek. He's there too. ;)

The way you felt about your mom not wanting to do the Kim Possible mission is how I feel about the Contempo cupcakes! So far (that I know) only one person has taken my advice. SOMEDAY everyone will understand. :lmao:

Oh man, they really need to start showing All That reruns. (They should NEVER make a new version because it would definitely be terrible.)
Look at you, breaking the rules at 50's and not getting busted for it!

Ooohhhh, good choice going with a Red Velvet cupcake at Starring Rolls! I did exactly the same thing (lunch at 50's, dessert at Starring Rolls), in November! :thumbsup2 I want one right now.

Hahaha, cupcake on your eyebrow. Listen, I know. They're that good. There's no shame in it.

I can't believe your trip was almost a year ago already. Where does the time go anymore? Seriously.

Who doesn't love Ellen? And Universe of Energy (sorry, I'm so old school, it will always be that to me). "Stupid Judy!"

Hahahahahaha. Man. All That was classic!
Wow, I can't believe it has been a year since this trip. Last December was seriously one of my favorite months of my life. It was such an exciting time because I had a new school to look forward to, a Disney audition to go to, a family Disney trip, and I was in great shape. :laughing: Ahh I wish I could go back! :cloud9:

I bet you can finish it! OMG ON DECEMBER 14TH I WILL ONLY HAVE 2 DAYS OF THE SEMESTER LEFT. Ahh this is so freaking exciting.

I'm so excited for my DCP just so I can go on every attraction without having to fit in all of the "important" stuff. Like... I want to take the time to ride ellen or do all of the frumpy world showcase movies or the hall of presidents. No one ever wants to see them because we're on such a strict time schedule, but now I will have time! YAY! :yay: I haven't seen Ellen in YEARS.

LOL HE BROUGHT HIS OWN TEA OVER. Definitely a higher class brit. You were right. :laughing:

I'm glad you just did the mission even if your Mom didn't want to. Because then she got into it and then you were both happy and AHH I LOVE THAT DISNEY CAN DO THAT TO PEOPLE.

Last December was great, but this one is way better because YOU ARE MOVING TO DISNEY WORLD NEXT MONTH. Seriously, how do you get anything done? I would just be sitting there constantly screaming with joy and jumping up and down. I don't even know. I would just pass out.

Yeah I agree. I had a lot of extra time being stuck in Disney and I still haven't seen the France and China movies in Epcot. I just never feel like doing it.

hahaha I can totally imagine this dude buying tea in bulk to make sure he'd never have to drink the rubbish we have here. :laughing:

I know! It all worked out. I knew she would love the mission... she's a kid at heart. It just took some Disney magic to make her see how awesome it really is!

Don't forget Alex Trebek. He's there too. ;)

The way you felt about your mom not wanting to do the Kim Possible mission is how I feel about the Contempo cupcakes! So far (that I know) only one person has taken my advice. SOMEDAY everyone will understand. :lmao:

Oh man, they really need to start showing All That reruns. (They should NEVER make a new version because it would definitely be terrible.)

OH RIGHT! Poor Trebek. Always getting made fun of by Sean Connery and now I forget him.

I tried to get a Contempo cupcake, but they didn't have the one I wanted at the time :( Ah well, I will try again next trip.

They show All That re-runs on Teen Nick and have been since last summer! They call it "The 90's Are All That" and it's a block of 90's nick programming that starts airing at midnight every night. YEAH IT'S AMAZING.

Look at you, breaking the rules at 50's and not getting busted for it!

Ooohhhh, good choice going with a Red Velvet cupcake at Starring Rolls! I did exactly the same thing (lunch at 50's, dessert at Starring Rolls), in November! :thumbsup2 I want one right now.

Hahaha, cupcake on your eyebrow. Listen, I know. They're that good. There's no shame in it.

I can't believe your trip was almost a year ago already. Where does the time go anymore? Seriously.

Who doesn't love Ellen? And Universe of Energy (sorry, I'm so old school, it will always be that to me). "Stupid Judy!"

Hahahahahaha. Man. All That was classic!

I know, right! They didn't say anything. They must know not to yell at the Queen of the Polynesian. :D

Yup. It's my fave. I know the desserts at 50's are supposed to be epic, but I needed my beloved cupcake!

I think it's understandable and even acceptable to get cupcake on various places of your body when eating at Starring Rolls hahaha

I just don't know! Le sigh.

Really, the way I feel is like, if you don't love Ellen... go back to whatever weird planet you came from bc we don't want you here. LOL.
LOVE Ellen!!! That ride is a classic!

We did the Kim Possible mission in 2010- LOVED it! We were in China most of the time.
LOVE Ellen!!! That ride is a classic!

We did the Kim Possible mission in 2010- LOVED it! We were in China most of the time.

I agree! I'll be sad when the inevitably change/close it!

I've heard the China one is especially cool for some reason. I eventually would like to experience it in all the countries!
DECEMBER 13, 2011
Day 9, Part 5 In Which I Am A Repetitive Depressive Eater

So much for finishing this thing before Dec 14!!! I'm just so busy. It's lame.

A year ago today... I WAS IN DISNEY! Hopefully I will be back next year for Disney Halloween AND Disney Christmas so I don't have to go through these awful holiday withdrawals. Once you experience Disney Holidays, non-Disney Holidays just seem... meh. I mean, if Mickey Mouse isn't involved, what's the point?



After joining in to the All That sing along outside of Germany, my mom and I made our way around the WS and hung out in Japan.


In a World Showcase of lovely pavilions, Japan has to be one of the loveliest.


Not that my camera fully captured that... but you get the idea ;)


Can you see SSE and the Christmas tree in that one? Ahh I love it! I miss that beautiful tree. I wish I was standing under it right now!

After enjoying the outdoor areas of the pavilion, we headed into Mitsukoshi. Of course, we wanted to buy everything. My mom had a mini-meltdown in here the same way I did in the UK shop. There were just so many things that she was interested in that it was hard to even focus on one thing because then she'd see something else and run over there. It's a fun shop!

It just keeps going back and back and back too. That place swallows you up. The most fun area though, is of course the Pick A Pearl!


For those not familiar, let me explain. They have live oysters here and you can choose one. The Japanese Cast Member then (VERY EXCITEDLY) opens the oyster and out comes the pearl. You choose a setting and they make a piece of jewelery for you right there. It's pretty awesome.


The CM in the picture above was so good at her job, I just wanted to hug her. This girl was born to work for Disney. She was just so happy. She was so bouncy. SHE WAS SO EXCITED. You would think that she was getting paid one million dollars an hour to pick these pearls. She got the whole crowd into it, not just the person picking the pearl. It was so fun to even be there watching. I don't know where she is or what she's doing now, but I hope she works with the public, because it would be a crime for her jolliness to be kept from the world. Seriously. She was a ray of sunshine!


My mom thought it was extremely cool and asked if I wanted to do it. I told her that I thought we should plan to definitely do it next time, since I really wanted to find the perfect setting. A lot of Dissers recommend buying a setting of your choice before arriving at Disney, to save money and have a larger selection. They will set your pearl in anything you want, it doesn't have to be purchased there. So we decided to pick out settings before our next trip and do it then! Yet another thing to look forward to. :cloud9:


That's the guy who places the pearl in the setting for you. He was extremely jolly as well. It was just lovely to see. I love Disney. Everything is made into an experience. You don't just buy jewelry like everywhere else, you have it picked out of a live mollusk right before your eyes. SIGH.

After lingering in Mitsukoshi for awhile, we were getting quite hungry. Originally, I believe I had planned for us to finally try Paradiso 37, but we changed our minds yet again!

We had been talking about how much we loved the food at T-Rex, and so we decided we'd go back. It seems kind of silly to me now, because there are just so many restaurants in Disney that I want to try that doing the same one twice in one trip seems a bit unnecessary.

But dude. We LOVED T-Rex. When we first went it just hit the spot so perfectly. My mom was craving the steak we had and I wanted to try one of the million other things on the menu that sounded awesome. SO we (slowly) journeyed back in time 65 million years to dine with pterodactyls.

We walked through the International Gateway to the Beach Club as Illuminations exploded in the sky above us, and sat down on the beach to soak in the atmosphere for awhile. I took my Crocs off, dug my feet in the sand, and took a load off.


It was a perfect moment. You know... just one of those "We're in Disney, and I feel at peace, and my feet are in the sand, and I'm staring at the Boardwalk, and fireworks are going off, and I'm about to eat more awesome food, and I never want to leave, and this is the best place in the world, and this is where I belong, and I love everything" kind of moments.

Before long, we headed into the lobby because I really wanted to show Mom the Christmas decorations, especially the gingerbread carrousel and house. I took a lot more pictures of them than I had the other day, but as I explained, I don't have them.

Here's a picture I stole from Google though!


Just so you can get an idea.

My favorite thing is the nautical theme on the trees. I would like to do a tree like this someday.


Eventually, we headed out to the bus stop to catch a bus to Downtown Disney. At this point I started to get really super overtired and really bummed out that we were leaving. The whole thing was very womp womp.

Once we got to T-Rex, it was pretty late and almost empty. We were seated in the middle of the restaurant and had a pretty solid view of the Ice Age room changing colors.


(These are from Google too!)


SO PRETTY. I really want to sit in there and eat but I feel like it would be too distracting and I would just look around saying "ooOOoOoOoOOOooOOh" in the Toy Story green alien voice the whole time. And then I'd have to start doing "You have saved our lives! We are eternally grateful!" too, and it would just never end.

So instead, we dined under a pterodactyl. Which is normal for us, but I mean, it was still cool.

My mom ordered the same thing as we both got the other night: The Triceratop Filet - Charbroiled center cut aged tenderloin filet, topped with a stack of butter and served with garlic mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables. She said it was not as delicious as the time before, but still good. Also... I recently checked out the T-Rex menu and they have REMOVED THIS. No no no no no NO. Don't you hate when that happens?

I got the Triassic Tortellini - Tri-coloured cheese tortellini with sun-dried tomatoes, peas and mushrooms tossed in an Alfredo cream sauce. YUUUUUUUUM. Omg, I loved this. Oh so much. I asked for it without mushrooms though because I am not a fan of eating fungus (????????) I actually (sort of) have a photo of it I can show you:


I say "sort" of because that is not my food. I got this on Google. Sorry if you are one of the people who's photos I am mercilessly stealing. Anyway, there were LARGE shavings of parmesano reggiano on top of mine which made it all the more perfect. SO GOOD. The Alfredo sauce wasn't as flavorful as it could be though, but I never really expect much when I order pasta at a non-Italian restaurant, so I wasn't really surprised and it didn't bother me.

Anyway... the experience wasn't as good our second round at T-Rex, but it was never going to be. I was super depressed about leaving. Really, I think I sighed a total of 100 times.

My mom doesn't really get why this happens to me. Even though she loves Disney, it can't compare to my overwhelming Disney obsession, so she doesn't become depressed about leaving. She's a normal non-obsessed person that can just go, enjoy it, and then go home without falling into an endless pit of sorrow. I mean, it's not like she wants to leave or anything (let's not get crazy) but you know, she accepts that vacations end. I don't. I just become delusional and try to figure out a way to get back to Disney in like... a week.

I posted on Twitter:
I honestly think I'd be okay with leaving if I could stay like just another 3 weeks.

I remember saying this to my mom and I think I got a pretty big eye roll. LOL. She's always reminding me that I get to go to Disney so often compared to so many people who have never even been there, and that I am so lucky. And I know that, and I appreciate that. But... you have to be a true Disney devotee like myself to understand. There will never be enough time in Disney, and when you have to leave, it's just painful! So yeah... womp womp.

I remember at one point, we started talking about real life things back home and about our coming week and work and blah blah and I was like NOPE. NOPE. Still in Disney. When you're in a restaurant called "T-Rex", you can't discuss your work schedule. You just can't.

After leaving T-Rex in a depressive fog, a little angel in the form of a human boy appeared and cheered me up sooo much. This was one of the cutest little boys I had ever seen. He was one of those kids who is only like four, but somehow seems like an adult... just a mini adult.

He was sitting next to me on the bus back to Pop Century and was staring at me for a while, very intently. I smiled at him and he smiled back and said hi. He then rested his head on my arm, like we had known each other for more than two minutes or something.

IT WAS THE SWEETEST THING EVER, IT NEARLY MADE ME CRY. His mother immediately apologized for him resting on me and I told her I didn't mind. She apologized again and told him to move but I repeated that it was fine and he didn't move anyway. LOL.

He had a really Christmassy red and green shirt on, and a whole lanyard full of pins, so I told him how much I loved them. He seemed very proud and pointed out a new Simba one he had just traded a Cast Member for. He had traded an Incredibles pin that he really liked, but not more than The Lion King, which was his favorite, so he was happy with the trade. SO PRECIOUS.

He was so thoughtful and well spoken, I swear he couldn't have been more than six but he was like a little grown up! My heart was melting! And it was so cute how he was comfortable enough to rest on me. Maybe he was my son in another life. LOL. My heart broke a little bit when I had to say goodbye to him, I seriously wanted to adopt this kid.

Once back at Pop, I suddenly got a burst of energy and so I decided to shower, pack and get everything together. This way, I didn't have to worry about doing it the next day and could spend more time enjoying the last moments of Disney (or at least trying to!).

I was pretty sad while scouring the room and packing everything away. At the time, I thought I probably wouldn't be able to go to Disney in 2012, so I was extra upset since I figured I wouldn't be back for over a year.

HAH! I ended up having a smaller gap between trips than ever before, returning 10 months later and then being STUCK IN DISNEY!!! Isn't life funny? :smickey:

Up Next: How many parks can I pack into my last Disney hours? You shall soon find out!​
I'm all caught up on this one and I had a million things I wanted to say, but then I kept reading instead of writing them all down so I've forgotten everything and I'm just gonna say excellent stuff, Lia! Also you had a line about bears singing about their regrets and it made me laugh really hard. Oh, CBJ...

Also, this
It was a perfect moment. You know... just one of those "We're in Disney, and I feel at peace, and my feet are in the sand, and I'm staring at the Boardwalk, and fireworks are going off, and I'm about to eat more awesome food, and I never want to leave, and this is the best place in the world, and this is where I belong, and I love everything" kind of moments.
is perfect. I live for those moments. People always wonder why I go to Disney so often/obsess over it/whine about how I'm not there all the time, but I go back for those moments. Which is impossible to explain unless you've had one so they just look at me like I'm nuts. But like so much of my life makes absolutely no sense at all, so going back somewhere where my mind's clear and everything does make sense is a necessity. At this point, it's more than just a fun vacation, it's kinda like therapy. Which is probably indicative of an even bigger problem, but whatever. This is how I deal with things. Don't judge me, world. :rotfl:
I'm all caught up on this one and I had a million things I wanted to say, but then I kept reading instead of writing them all down so I've forgotten everything and I'm just gonna say excellent stuff, Lia! Also you had a line about bears singing about their regrets and it made me laugh really hard. Oh, CBJ...

Also, this

is perfect. I live for those moments. People always wonder why I go to Disney so often/obsess over it/whine about how I'm not there all the time, but I go back for those moments. Which is impossible to explain unless you've had one so they just look at me like I'm nuts. But like so much of my life makes absolutely no sense at all, so going back somewhere where my mind's clear and everything does make sense is a necessity. At this point, it's more than just a fun vacation, it's kinda like therapy. Which is probably indicative of an even bigger problem, but whatever. This is how I deal with things. Don't judge me, world. :rotfl:

Kara!!! My lone commenter!!! LOL. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

GAH I KNOW. "But like so much of my life makes absolutely no sense at all, so going back somewhere where my mind's clear and everything does make sense is a necessity." Precisely. It hasn't been just a "fun vacation" since I was like... 10, I think I remember that's when things took a turn from "YAY I LOVE DISNEY LET'S GO TO DISNEY WORLD PLEASE MOM AND DAD" to "I HAVE TO GET BACK THERE AS SOON AS I POSSIBLY CAN." It really is therapy and it is how I deal with things and that is that. We do have problems but hey at least we HAVE Disney. A lot of people feel the way we do but don't have a shining beacon of hope like Disney. So I'm very thankful that I have it.
Hey Lia! Not sure if you got my pm, but I've misplaced your address and would love to send you a christmas card. Can you pm me your address?
Yeah, all caught up now! Can't believe this TR is already ending (and yet I say this for every TR I read). So sad to see a good TR end ;) Ahhh well, can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
Hey Lia! Not sure if you got my pm, but I've misplaced your address and would love to send you a christmas card. Can you pm me your address?

Hi Yuki! OH gosh you're so sweet. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you!

Yeah, all caught up now! Can't believe this TR is already ending (and yet I say this for every TR I read). So sad to see a good TR end ;) Ahhh well, can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

Already? It's been going on over a year! :laughing: Hopefully I can finish it before another year happens. Oh lord. Our last day was quite jam packed though so it may take a bit! I have to keep truckin' even though hardly anyone even replies on this thing anymore.

Thank you!!:)
Hi everyone!


I can't believe I haven't updated either of my TRs in so long. It's been a crazy December, that's for sure. Capped off with a lovely flu for me that arrived on Christmas Eve and still has not left. Oh my God, it's terrible. I literally only get out of bed to use the bathroom. It's just unbelievable how your health can suddenly vanish. On top of that, I missed Christmas :( I didn't get to see anyone in my family and I stayed home alone Kevin McCallister style except I didn't get to throw paint cans at robbers or anything cool like that. It was pretty sad. I'm bummed out. And now I'm desperate to go return things for store credit and buy Christmas stuff for 75% off AND SEE DJANGO UNCHAINED but I'm just endlessly bedridden and it's awful. Sorry for my complaining, I know it could be worse, but UGH!

Anyway, I would have taken some time to update but for awhile there I was so deliriously ill all I could do was lay in my bed and/or sleep! I've gotten people to cover shifts at work for me though, so hopefully as I get better I will have more time for this because I REALLY need to wrap this one up and get STUCK IN DISNEY rolling again, I'm still on Day 1 and there are soooo many adventures I am dying to share with all you!

There are lots of Disney possibilities coming in 2013, and so I definitely need to get these TRs on a roll just in case I have another one that I'm going to have to write soon ;) You never know! :cool1:

I hope you all had a beautiful holiday, or at least something better than mine, and I hope you enjoy the next (and one of the last) updates of This is the dawning of the rest of our lives... AT DISNEY WORLD!!!!


DECEMBER 14, 2011
Day 10, Part 1 In Which It's Not Over Til It's Over

It was doomsday.

People thought that December 21, 2012 was doomsday but they were actually not right about that because December 14, 2011 and any other day that I have to leave Disney is THE END OF THE WORLD.

I posted on Twitter:
When you wake up and realize you have to leave Disney it's like the world is ending or something.

SEE? It is so true.

I had to leave Disney. And I was really really sad about that.

However, that was NOT going to stop me from Livin It Up as much as humanely possible before our departure. Our plane was not ripping me out of the beautiful Orlando atmosphere until about 7:30 PM, so luckily we had a good amount of time to enjoy the day.

Mom's idea of that did not involve going to a park, and I really couldn't blame her. We were TIRED. But being the obsessed Disney freak that I am, the fact that it was our last day caused a ridiculous amount of energy to manifest inside of me.

It was not the same thing for my mom, who chose to sleep in and relax by the pool instead. Anywhere else, that would have sounded really good... but at Disney, nope. Andy's room was calling me. So I was off to Hollywood for one last ride/display of my insanity on Toy Story Mania!

Pop Century was starting to get crowded, and again there were so many people in line for the Hollywood bus that one came and was filled before I could get on. The bus driver announced that another bus would be along right away going to the exact same place. I guess he was just asserting this so no one would get upset. He also said, "Don't worry, folks. We are a family. We are all together." Aww. It was one of those sweet Disney CM moments.


I arrived in Hollywood too late for the Mad Dash, but that was fine because my feet were really not up for any dashing, especially MAD dashing. So by the time I got to my beloved addiction, there was already quite a line. Luckily, it moved quickly, as it usually does first thing in the morning.

One of the Cast Members who was there all week and kept recognizing me said hi to me once I got down the stairs near where you get placed into rows. I told him I was leaving today and he said, "OH NO, DON'T LEAVE!!" and we hugged. I literally cried. Not like, a lot, because I didn't want to make a scene or anything, but a few tears were shed. I was SO emotional!!!

The CM told me to stand there a minute and he would be right back. HMM. So I did just that. I mean here I am, trying to stay out of the way of everyone in line, crying, just overall being a mess. And here comes back my favorite CM ever... with a FASTPASS FOR ME THAT I COULD USE AT ANY TIME!!!!! Which obviously, I wanted to use it to get right back on after I rode. WOOOO!!!! Oh how I love that man!!!!

So yes, I literally hopped off and got right back on with tears in my eyes. The line was super long at that point, so I knew that if I wanted to go all the places I had planned today, it was going to be my last TSM ride. My last score was 175,200, which is not bad, but I can do much better!!! (I definitely beat that score on my STUCK IN DISNEY trip, don't worry!)

My next stop was One Man's Dream, since we had skipped the latter half of the exhibit to catch the movie in time when we were last inside.

Look, photos! YAY!


This is just perfect.


Walt working on Jungle Cruise <3




Opening day


There are just so many things to love in this picture, where do I begin?

I skipped the movie this time, I mean I was emotional enough. Then, I started the final walk to Tower of Terror. Dun dun dun. Sigh, last rides on favorite attractions are so bittersweet!

I took very necessary extreme close-up shots of my beloved Hollywood Tower Hotel.




I think they accurately capture the last moments of Disney feelings, when you just want to hold onto every bit of the World around you... but just like everything else, you can't hold on forever.

After one last drop into the Twilight Zone, I took another ride to the Aerosmith show and then headed out of the park. I wanted to ride again, but then I checked the time and remembered, oh crap. I'm leaving today. I should probably get a move on.

I also realized I didn't buy anything at Rock Around The Shop, which was shocking! I have stuff from that store all around my room - being a huge fan of Aerosmith and of course, music in general, it's one of my favorite shops in Disney! Sadly though, I had kind of blown my budget the previous day at the shop in the UK with all the band merchandise, so I didn't get anything this time. I love how it's always the stores themed around musicians that break me!

I posted on Twitter:
Not paying attention to the time which is probably dumb since I have a plane to catch but I mean how important is that really

Sigh. There was a lot of ground left to cover, so I kissed Hollywood goodbye and moved on.

Up Next: The end of the foreign CM flirting (For now.)​
I'm so sorry you're sick, Lia :( I hope my Disney tweets can help nurse you back to health! :laughing:

YAY FOR 2013! :banana:

LOL I'm glad you're just as emotional as I am. I cry at EVERYTHING lately. At least I'm not the only one. :lmao:

LEAVING TOY STORY MANIA WOULD MAKE ME SAD TOO!!! I wonder if you would recognize the CM that I made friends with at TSM. He's like my grandfather of DHS. He's perfect. Do you remember what your CM friend's name was?
I'm so sorry you were sick for Christmas! I saw on twitter that you were sick, but I didn't realize you had the flu! :faint: Did you get a flu shot? I never used to, until I got the flu a few years ago and had it for 2 WEEKS, and ever since, I've been getting the shot, and luckily, it seems to work! I hope I never get the flu again, it's awful being that sick! I hope you feel better soon! :goodvibes

Wow, one of the last updates, can't believe this TR is coming to an end! :sad: I'm glad you have so many possible Disney trips coming up this year, that's exciting! :cool1: I'm still trying to figure out exactly how many times I can pull off going to Disney next year...I'm hoping for 3, but...I also want to go to Disneyland. Like I think it's time. So I have to factor that in too, and I know my DH really wants to go to California...we'll see!

Wow, I love the CM who gave you that Fast Pass for TSM, that's amazing!!! :cool1: I would definitely cry if that happened to me! Although it doesn't take much to make me cry in Disney! :sad:

OMG One Man's Dream! :banana: This is the 2nd TR I've read this morning with a One Man's Dream update! I love it! It's just another thing that makes me want to go to Disneyland to see where it all started! pixiedust: I mean, to walk where Walt actually walked and visited and rode the rides...I can't even imagine the emotional mess I will turn into when I go there for the first time...

Ahhh Tower of Terror! It's my favorite ride too, isn't it SO hard walking away from that tower when you know you've just taken your last ride of the trip on it? I always tell myself "there's time for ONE MORE RIDE"...but sometimes I feel like if I go on one last time, that's it, I'm never leaving. :rotfl:
I am SO sorry you were sick for Christmas. I can't imagine missing the holiday and not seeing family and friends. I hope you feel better soon!

The last day is Disney is seriously like doomsday. So awful :sad1:

CMs are the BEST.

Oh, One Man's Dream. I can understand why you didn't see the movie. Last day in Disney + Walt's life = crying.

I love Rock Around the Shop. So many great things in there that I want but don't have enough money for.
I'm so sorry you're sick, Lia :( I hope my Disney tweets can help nurse you back to health! :laughing:

YAY FOR 2013! :banana:

LOL I'm glad you're just as emotional as I am. I cry at EVERYTHING lately. At least I'm not the only one. :lmao:

LEAVING TOY STORY MANIA WOULD MAKE ME SAD TOO!!! I wonder if you would recognize the CM that I made friends with at TSM. He's like my grandfather of DHS. He's perfect. Do you remember what your CM friend's name was?

Oh I'm sure they will!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!

2013 = :dance3: :moped: :smickey: aaand that's all I'm gonna say! :D

haha you are definitely not alone my frumpy friend!

YES it's devastating. I don't know, probably. I don't remember his name but he was tall and had brown hair and glasses.

I'm so sorry you were sick for Christmas! I saw on twitter that you were sick, but I didn't realize you had the flu! :faint: Did you get a flu shot? I never used to, until I got the flu a few years ago and had it for 2 WEEKS, and ever since, I've been getting the shot, and luckily, it seems to work! I hope I never get the flu again, it's awful being that sick! I hope you feel better soon! :goodvibes

Wow, one of the last updates, can't believe this TR is coming to an end! :sad: I'm glad you have so many possible Disney trips coming up this year, that's exciting! :cool1: I'm still trying to figure out exactly how many times I can pull off going to Disney next year...I'm hoping for 3, but...I also want to go to Disneyland. Like I think it's time. So I have to factor that in too, and I know my DH really wants to go to California...we'll see!

Wow, I love the CM who gave you that Fast Pass for TSM, that's amazing!!! :cool1: I would definitely cry if that happened to me! Although it doesn't take much to make me cry in Disney! :sad:

OMG One Man's Dream! :banana: This is the 2nd TR I've read this morning with a One Man's Dream update! I love it! It's just another thing that makes me want to go to Disneyland to see where it all started! pixiedust: I mean, to walk where Walt actually walked and visited and rode the rides...I can't even imagine the emotional mess I will turn into when I go there for the first time...

Ahhh Tower of Terror! It's my favorite ride too, isn't it SO hard walking away from that tower when you know you've just taken your last ride of the trip on it? I always tell myself "there's time for ONE MORE RIDE"...but sometimes I feel like if I go on one last time, that's it, I'm never leaving. :rotfl:

I don't know that it's the flu. Honestly it probably isn't, I should have said flu-LIKE. My mom called it the 48 hour flu but it lasted longer than that of course. I'm feeling a bit better today actually. Like I can sit up in bed and be on this laptop for more than 10 minutes without getting dizzy and tired so that's good! And I didn't have too much trouble getting out of bed this morning. So yeah, I am slowly getting better. I didn't have the flu shot. Needles = :scared1: Probably should just suck it up and get one though.

AHH I really want to go to Disneyland too! SO BAD! I've been trying to go for so long and I feel like this year has to finally be the year! Even if it's only for a couple of days, since I've heard so often that you can do a good percentage of the parks in just a few days. I'm deciding over the next few weeks exactly what I'm going to do. I just wish I had endless money and it would be a lot easier obviously LOL. My saving for Disney trips is not going so well with me having to miss days upon days of work due to being so sick! UGH! Life is just not fair. I hope all your Disney wishes come true though!

I love him too! Unfortunately, I didn't see him again in October, so I don't think he's still working there. I'll never forget him though!

Exactly... I feel that way about DL too. I will seriously lose it when I'm in DL and realize that Walt stood right where I am standing. Ahh, I get chills just thinking about it, it's amazing. An emotional mess is an understatement!

AHH I know. It's near impossible to walk away that last time. I hate it. :(

I am SO sorry you were sick for Christmas. I can't imagine missing the holiday and not seeing family and friends. I hope you feel better soon!

The last day is Disney is seriously like doomsday. So awful :sad1:

CMs are the BEST.

Oh, One Man's Dream. I can understand why you didn't see the movie. Last day in Disney + Walt's life = crying.

I love Rock Around the Shop. So many great things in there that I want but don't have enough money for.

Ahh thanks. It was awful, but I am actually starting to feel slightly better today. So at least there's that.

Agreed! I'm getting sad just thinking about it.

Yes they are! I wish I was one!

haha Totally. Plus, I had just seen it a few days earlier.

Exactly! It's all stuff you want but don't really NEED. But oh man I WANT everything!!


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