The What's For Dinner Thread - May '09(recipe index in OP)

I'm not having a problem, are you getting kicked off the DIS?

No, just out of the reply. Last night my photo loaded as a box with a red x in it instead of the image, and then the whole post poofed. It's really annoying. Maybe I had too many multi-quotes or something? I'm going to stop multi quoting and rely on my sievelike memory to post replies. It was too late last night to go back and retype everything.

Sheryl, that surgery sounds so painful and scary! I'll be keeping Courtney in my thoughts. Good luck with the injection today!

Lauren, OUCH! I used to get hit by balls all the time when I played little league. Just one of the 100 reasons I hated playing.

I thought Kris did GREAT with Heartless. He was so original! I am going to see if I can buy it from itunes. I was not such a fan of his version of Apologize, but I don't like that song even in its original form.

Dinner tonight is probably going to be the summer rolls and thai coconut shrimp I had originally planned for last night.

fussy baby so quick check in...

Andrew has a game tonight so dinner will be quick...cheeseburger or sausage, pepper and onion heros.

he got hit in the head with a ball last night :headache:...seems to be ok...just a small egg and the imprint of the threads.

have a great day...bbl...i hope. tom is home trying to get caught up with yard work, etc.

Oh no! Poor Andrew!!! Give him a hug from me!
I hate to ask with all the problems we've all been having... but I'm requesting prayers for someone else! My sonIL Josh's little sister Courtney (24) is having surgery tomorrow to repair her arm that was damaged badly in a wreck last year. Her arm did not heal properly & she can't straighten it. They are going to have to do radiation to stop that bone growth & then break the elbow socket. They will have to keep her in for 3 days under sedation and "work" the joint. Then she is looking at a painful recovery period. To make matters worse she has very serious juvenile diabetes & they will be removing her pump for the procedure.

She goes in early but the surgery is long, so I don't know if I'll hear anything before I go for my injection appt tomorrow. Depending on how loopy I am after, I will try to let y'all know how it goes!

Jeez..poor thing.

Sendin good vibes ower the water for Courtney.

And hope your injection goes ok...thinking of you !!


he got hit in the head with a ball last night :headache:...seems to be ok...just a small egg and the imprint of the threads.

:eek:....hope A's ok.

Now that it is warm she can go outside. She asked if we could have fresh fruit with dinner so tonight I am grilling some chicken, baking some potatoes and cutting up fresh watermelon. So that should be a good dinner. Last night before dance, all the kids in our complex came out and they were playing hide and seek and coloring with sidewalk chalk. She was happy to be running around. We are in a condo and there are like 16 of them in a big square with a huge courtyard in the middle. I love it because Kady can play and I dont have to watch her every minute. There arent streets or cars around.


Its great when the wee ones can get out and play.

We live in a great area for the boy getting out.

Very few cars ,a nice bit of grass and lots of great kids for him to play with.

My sister is not so lucky,my nephew cant really play out side at hers and its such a shame...we try to have him down at our on the weekend so he can play here.He loves it the wee scone.

Maria - I am soooo jealous you are going to see " The Boss "

I had a chance of tickets for his Glasgow show but they were quite expensive and I just couldnt justify the price.

Have a blast and have a dance for me !!

The Boy is off school poorly today.

He had a tummy ache this morning and looked very pale.

He's perked up now so I hope its past.

Have a good day lassies x

Morning everyone, hope everyone is well.

Vickie- The "wee scone" made me remember I have a bit of heavy cream I need to use up before it spoils. Hope your boy's feeling better.

Glynis- Sometimes no new is good news, it's amazing she's breathing on her own. That must be a good sign.

Lauren- Hope he's better soon, I'm not fond of any sport where there is a chance of me getting hit in the head.

Sheryl- Hope things go well for Courtney, you too.

Dinner tonight should be the chicken I was going to cook yesterday, but it hadn't thawed in time. Also baked potato and veg.
Kathy--what did you think of Kris last night? I hope they show more of the hometown stuff tonight. We were really slow at work last night, so I voted for 2 hours straight--or I should say tried to vote. Out of 300+ calls I connected 60 times. I hope that's a good sign for him!

I thought he was awesome! I'm praying he makes it into the finals!

The Boy is off school poorly today.

He had a tummy ache this morning and looked very pale.

He's perked up now so I hope its past.

Have a good day lassies x


Hope he's feeling better!

Becky - I've been knocked out of the reply a few times but could get back to it by using the page forward button. Not sure what's going on with yours.:confused3
Its great when the wee ones can get out and play.

We live in a great area for the boy getting out.

Very few cars ,a nice bit of grass and lots of great kids for him to play with.

My sister is not so lucky,my nephew cant really play out side at hers and its such a shame...we try to have him down at our on the weekend so he can play here.He loves it the wee scone.

Wee scone! :rotfl2: I call Kady names that have to do with food, but I will have to call her a scone now! I usually call her my little chimichanga
Kady will like scone way better than "Cucumber" which is what I call her :rotfl2:

Sheryl- somehow I missed that you were getting your injection today :hug:

Actually I am missing a lot lately, I am so sorry!
Greg is almost there! Will he be coming home for a bit after graduation?

Eventually. Right now, he is thinking about heading to Airborne School after graduation. As if Ranger training wasn't extreme enough, now he needs to jump out of airplanes. :confused3

Lauren -- I'm glad things are going as well as possible with your mom. It is a big adjustment.

Ouch on getting hit with the ball! I'm glad Andrew is okay.

Alexis loves the clothes there! Blingy & trendy is soo her.

Somehow I knew that about her! I hope all goes well for Courtney and for you today.

Robin -- Your daughter's school nurse sends the kids home if they have allergies? :confused3 My kids would never be in school! Liam and Caili are having a tough season too. Liam had a bloody nose in the middle of the night last night, and Caili was up half the night coughing. I hope all our kiddos get some relief soon!

I just love feta, but they tell me I can't eat it pregnant...funny, I lived on Greek salad wraps when I was pregnant with Luke.:confused3

It seems like they change the diet restrictions all the time. You'll be able to eat all the feta you want soon!

Marisa -- I agree with Robin that all little girls bellies stick out a bit. Even with all the activity Caili does, she has a belly.

Just realized I'm going to see Bruce Springsteen next week!!!! I'm so excited!

My mom just saw him last month, and she had a terrific time. We all thought she would think the concert was too loud, too late, too long, etc, but she was so happy she went.

Stephanie -- I thought Kris's version of Heartless was great last night. I would much rather see him in the final than Danny (or Croaky Gokey, as Becky likes to call him :laughing:) apologies to Danny fans.)

Tonight Caili has skating and then Liam has a baseball game, so we are eating on the run in between activities. I guess I should probably go to the store so we don't end up with takeout again.
Wow, I just went back and realized I missed a ton earlier!

Vickie--love the "wee scone" hope your little one is better soon

Sheryl--glad to hear that Courtney came through surgery just fine. Good luck with the injection today. And I loved that you used y'all and lassies in the same sentence.

Lauren-- ouch on the hit with the ball! Glad andrew is okay.

Becky--I went to download the heartless song a bit ago but iTunes hasn't been updated. Hopefully by this afternoon. We're hoping Crokey Gokey" goes home too. I think his voters would vote for Kris over Adam. And fwiw I think Adam slaughtered u2. I'm so over the Adam show and how they "pimp" him. No offense to Adam lovers
I'm waiting in the dr's office.
Lauren I hope ANdrew is ok!

Glynis glad little Claire is doing well!

I forgot what else I Wanted to mention. Hope everyone is well have a good day !
Sheryl, good luck. I am hoping the EPI shot gives you needed relief.
Laura- She doesn't send them home for alleries, she just jumps the gun a bit on what she might think is an illness. I've rarely had to pick up the kiddo from school, but she's never been sick. Once I had to pick her up because the nurse thought she had chicken pox, I didn't want to pick her up, I've never had them. Anyway, it turned out to be a bug bite. In general I really like the school, but the nurse and principal get to me.

Sheryl- Great news about Courtney, hope your feeling better soon.
he got hit in the head with a ball last night :headache:...seems to be ok...just a small egg and the imprint of the threads.


Marisa actually had to call WW to get more info. There is not a Core plan. The name changed and it is Simply Filling, not counting points, just your WP's and AP's are counted. I believe that the leaders do not push the plan because you really cannot use most of the products that are on the shelves or that are sold in stores. For instance, the frozen dinners are nowhere near Core, they have white pasta and the point values are high, these need to be counted. So noone following Core buys them, we make our own dinners and freeze the leftovers for lunches.

Let us know if we can help you get the bigest bang out of your daily points.

Oooh, yeah, that makes sense. They do push those products!

Aimee WW doesnt give out much info on the simply filling plan. If you have questions or just want to chit chat, we are here!

Have a great day!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Courtney is out of surgery it went well. Thanks all!

Good to hear! :thumbsup2

Today is typical Wed but I did really good. I brought leftovers for lunch and most of the staff went out to Qdoba for lunch after our meeting. I really need to watch my spending plus my calories so I opted to stay at my desk and work! I brought a Healthy Choice TV dinner for tonight, though I'm not sure when I'll sneak in time to eat it. I have a meeting and if I'm starving, they may have to watch me eat! :laughing:
Courtney is out of surgery it went well. Thanks all!

Great news!:goodvibes

Eventually. Right now, he is thinking about heading to Airborne School after graduation. As if Ranger training wasn't extreme enough, now he needs to jump out of airplanes. :confused3

Oh dear....:scared1:

Today is typical Wed but I did really good. I brought leftovers for lunch and most of the staff went out to Qdoba for lunch after our meeting. I really need to watch my spending plus my calories so I opted to stay at my desk and work! I brought a Healthy Choice TV dinner for tonight, though I'm not sure when I'll sneak in time to eat it. I have a meeting and if I'm starving, they may have to watch me eat! :laughing:

You did good!!!:thumbsup2

I'm so excited about AI tonight, praying that Kris is in the finals!!:goodvibes
I just worry that she will end up like my brothers and I did.

My sister is worried about the same thing with my neices so she has them in every sport possible!

Does anyone have a good chicken salad recipe that isn't too mayonnaise-y? I had a really good one at Panera this weekend and I've got a hankering to make some. Any help is appreciated.

I made one that wasn't too bad. I had used leftover rotisserie chicken, added a little mayo, Kalamata olives, feta, lemon zest and juice, dill and pepper. Didn't add salt because I figured it would have enough already.

I thought I quoted other posts but am too tired to remember what. Didn't get home from the game until almost midnight. It was fun and best of all they won this one! :woohoo: They seem to start games strongly then end up losing. :sad2:

Dinner tonight will be roast. My DM made it for dinner last night, not sure why as she usually eats little to none of it and she knew I was going to the game. :confused: I think I'll saute some mushrooms and add that to the beef and gravy then put that on some fried potatoes and onions.:cloud9:
Courtney is out of surgery it went well. Thanks all!

Prayers answered! :goodvibes

Eventually. Right now, he is thinking about heading to Airborne School after graduation. As if Ranger training wasn't extreme enough, now he needs to jump out of airplanes. :confused3

My mom just saw him last month, and she had a terrific time. We all thought she would think the concert was too loud, too late, too long, etc, but she was so happy she went.

Oh my...jumping out of planes :eek: All that I can say is your Greg is one brave man! And you are one heck of a partner!

I must be around your Mom's age and loved the concert. He was 45 minutes late starting and the folks around me said it seems to be a trend so we got out late. I bet your Mom was like me the next day...dragging!

Didn't get home from the game until almost midnight. It was fun and best of all they won this one! :woohoo: They seem to start games strongly then end up losing. :sad2:


Dinner is ready to go, I have the asparagus in the pan, the Trader Joe grains are all cooked, my salad is made and the steak has the rub on it. I am waiting for Buddy to get home to start the grill...I am afraid of it!) and I am starving!!!!!!!!! I am nursing one glass of wine, I gained weight this week between the wine and eating everything I had in the house so I am going to be more careful.
Wee scone! :rotfl2: I call Kady names that have to do with food, but I will have to call her a scone now! I usually call her my little chimichanga

Kady will like scone way better than "Cucumber" which is what I call her :rotfl2:
:laughing:...but The Boy is my " wee pumpkin pie ."

Courtney is out of surgery it went well. Thanks all!

Glad it went well..:banana:

I'm so excited about AI tonight, praying that Kris is in the finals!!:goodvibes

How did Kris do ?

My friend is in The Apprentice and he survived tonight by the skin of his teeth.

It really quite stressful.:laughing:

Dinner is ready to go, I have the asparagus in the pan, the Trader Joe grains are all cooked, my salad is made and the steak has the rub on it. I am waiting for Buddy to get home to start the grill...I am afraid of it!) and I am starving!!!!!!!!! I am nursing one glass of wine, I gained weight this week between the wine and eating everything I had in the house so I am going to be more careful.

Im sitting here posting before bed ( should be asleep to be fair ) and youse are still waiting for dinner...never fails to make me laugh !! :laughing:

The Boy is still poorly.

He has constipation issues but the pain is not really in his bowel area more right bang in his tummy.He has been eating light today but the pain comes and goes and his colour drains.He's been sleeping sound since 8 so hopefully he will be ok in the morning.

I did leave him for a wee bit to go see the Hannah Montana movie....

LOVED IT !! :cheer2:


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