The What's For Dinner Thread - August '09(recipe index in OP)

Marilyn -- I have woken up early every day this week too. It's not even just an hour earlier than usual...more like two. :confused3 You can hide the game updates on FB. If you go to the right of the update, it will say Hide. You have the option to hide the person or the application.

Kathy -- I hope everything gets done at work. Enjoy the weekend with Kyle!

I totally understand remember I am the one who won't post picks of my kids, no matter how much it kills me not to.

You've probably noticed that I've stopped posting the pictures here. Since this is an open board, I decided that was the wiser course of action. However, all of you on the card distribution list can expect a card with the kids' picture on it.

Liam decided he wants to quit gymnastics. A half hour before we were supposed to leave for the class, Liam was "sick." I let him stay home since there is so much going around, but he had made a miraculous recovery by the time we returned. He told me that gymnastics is hard. No kidding!
GRRR I had almost my whole post ready to go and hit something and lost it all.....I was just doing a quick one as I missed yesterday as I seemed to have a day of chasing my own tail and wasn't about to let another day go by and miss a post on here so you would think I vanished again. I only have a moment but by golly will get a cliff notes version done at least!!!

Maria--You asked about Kennebunkport I think? It is about 2hrs from me..I'm in Central Maine smack dab in the middle of nothing, lol. Let me know if you are headed this way...I have no issue of traveling anywhere in this State!!

Sheryl--I'm sorry you have been hit with this flu bug, I hope you are feeling in tip top shape soon!! A belated birthday wish to Princess Alexis!!

Gretchen--I hope you are feeling better quickly too!! Don't you even apologize for the goodies...hush lady!!;) xoxo

Janice--Count me in again for the Christmas Card Exchange!!! I love it!!

Laura--finger toes and eyes crossed for ya!!

Kat--Enjoy time with your boy!!

I have missed so much apologies!!! You all know how hard it is to catch up after missing a day on this chatty thread of ours,lol.

Last nights supper was pub fare at a local watering hole, yummy!
Tonight was leftovers from there as none of us finished our entree's as the appy's filled us up.....(and maybe the 2 double jack and diet's I had might have been part of my fullness issue;))

Ok all I need to go help Ross study for his French test tomorrow....Lord this should be interesting seeing as I took Spanish for 3 years!!
Ellen - glad you are finally seeing some sun. I hope you enjoyed your date night with your guys!

Gretchen - I hope you enjoyed your dinner with your Mom!

Laura - I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed. And I'll add some pixie dust to boot!! pixiedust: Liam wants to quit gymnatstics - I thought it was really enjoying it?

Kathy - you have a good weekend with your guys.

Good afternoon all, hope you are all well. I'm having a great day- I had my dentist appointment yesterday and they made it quick and I'm cavity free. This morning I started our woodstove by myself for the first time. We just had it installed last week, it's a fireplace insert. I love it, it's not really needed today but I want to learn how to use it before I need it. And best of all, I finally got the courage up to step on the scale and I was suprised to see I'm 15 pounds less than I thought I would be. I don't know if the day could get any better.

I'd love to participate in your Christmas card swap, but I think it would make my husband nervous. Please don't be offended. I don't want you to get the wrong idea about him, he's would just be concerned for my safety. He only uses a computer about five times a year, and that's just when he's stuck on a video game.

I'm glad your dental visit went well. And a big congrats on the weight loss!!
I also understand your husband's concern. In 2007 on a disney trip I made plans to meet up with a group from the NOLA board -Sheryl and Bob, Lori (beadpirate) & Rick, and another couple. I broke the news gently and he reluctantly agreed. Well, we had a good time, so much so that as I started planning next year's trip he asked if any of "my" board friends would be there for us to meet up with :thumbsup2

I also understand the not posting family pics here. I've very protective of pictures and on facebook allow only friends to see them. Course, my kids are grown up, have their own facebook pages and post pics like crazy :confused3 - some I'd prefer people not see. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

I haven't had trouble with sleeping, but my dogs, well they want their breakfast!
Off to work before the sun is even up.:headache:

WFD - Grilled flank steak, Becky's crispy potatoes and a chopped salad.

Aimee - Your reaction is totally understandable. Men just do not get it.:hug:
Yea!!! The sun is shining. Wow, it looks so good. It sure puts me in a whole different mood. I don't even care if if is cold out, when the sun is shining it just feels better.

Tonight is date night so off we go to our favorite place. Matthew is joining us, as he has decided to be in the Christmas Choir and the first practice is tonight. So that is a nice bonus - Dinner with my 2 best guys. Life is GOOD!!

Darn right Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sun and your guys! WHo could ask for more :goodvibes

Well, I talked to him yesterday, and finally was able to talk some sense into him. Please keep your fingers crossed the answer is yes!

I don't know why this is making me a little teary, I guess that it makes me a little snippy that the same families are still making more sacrifices and unless your family is affected there is no way to really understand that it is not the long absences or the general stress of serving when it is not peacetime. It is the hope that Greg can enjoy his family on a Disney trip. My fingers are crossed :wizard::wizard:

I am really annoyed because Buddy's cousin is enlisting in the Navy. Want to know why?????? She just got fired from a very good job after continuing a practice that she has been on final warning for. And she just broke up with a wonderful man who bought them a home and whose family has done their best to give her opportunities that she has never had. Yeah, Military service is not going to require anything from her?!?!?!?!?! I often wonder if a lot of people have this idea that serving is a walk in the park and have no idea the commitment that families have for their Country! Vent over.

Seems like afternoon is all I can manage. I'm feeling a little better but coughing more. I do think I was on a high from the steroid injections.

Last night she tells me "Nana, Guess what? Today I blew in & out for 7, because now I'm 7!!":laughing:

Do y'all know Angelina is just horrified that I told you all that she said that!! Was totally horrified when she met Lori & Rick and Lori told her "See we're not ax murderers!" :laughing:

First, keep resting, this flu is a beast!

I am :goodvibes:goodvibes with Alexis. What a difference a year makes! Last year she was finding her way and this year she has blossomed, grades are awesome, school is fun and WOOO HOOOOO she breathes! :rotfl:

As for Angelina- wasn't it fun to have a chance to horrify her? Pay back for all the time she forgot that little "What you hear in this house stays in this house" :lmao::lmao::lmao: I love that it is not "THEIR" turn to hold their breath and wonder what little tidbit Mom may spill :rotfl2::rotfl2:I call it Justice!

Hey y'all, I won't be around much the next few days. Have a lot going on at work and Kyle is coming in this weekend. Didn't want anyone to worry.:goodvibes

Hope that you will enjoy Kyle's visit!

I will in the morning (maybe ;)).

I'm waiting......................... ;)

I have missed so much apologies!!! You all know how hard it is to catch up after missing a day on this chatty thread of ours,lol.


So I gave Buddy Welby's leftovers last night :angel: She was sick of them, Brian said no more and I did not cook :rotfl2:In my defense I had errands to run.....we went in search of a corker and got it!

I did make him a chocolate chip sour cream coffee cake to take to work. He wants to know when the Boston Cream Pie is coming :rolleyes1 It seems that he has almost convinced one of the guys that he is doing this baking and has promised him this cake. He still thinks it is a pie :rotfl:

Tonight we are having chicken. I think I want to make that chicken deluxe that Welby makes. It is decadent but really good so if I can get to the market for some ingredients I'll fix that and baked potatoes. And a salad to counteract all the butter :thumbsup2
Just popping in photos, will be back to catch up and also to post the greek salad recipe.

Rolls made from pizza dough, rolled in butter, garlic, and rosemary:


Penne with tomato-sausage sauce:

Aimee, I know our brain tells us that our feelings are selfish but when it comes to a baby your heart will always win.
Up until a few years ago I could actually become angry when women were pregnant. "Look at her she's smoking", "look at her she _____". Some of the comments & thoughts I had were just terrible.
After I said them it always led to crying and sadness. Something I always knew I wanted more than anything was to be a "Mommy" and I was even mad at God that he didn't think I was good enough.
I will share this then remove it after you have read it....
About 10 years ago I was in Las Vegas with my Mom, we were having a good time and I looked to the other side of the gaming table and there was a young woman with an infant in her arms, at that time the casinos were 100% smoking and something just broke in me. I went up to the room, hit the bathroom wall so hard I thought I broke my hand and then just lay on the bathroom floor sobbing for hours....

Your time will come. God has a plan xo
Aimee and Maria - :hug: :hug:

Dinner tonight is a crock pot pork roast. It's a new recipe, and I don't normally have good luck with my crock pot so this should be interesting.
Aimee- Sorry your having a tuff time. Something my dad said to me a long time ago- "If you didn't have her when you did, it wouldn't be her." I'm meant to have the kiddo I have, your's just isn't ready yet. My nephew is the second one born, and that just means he already has a cousin that loves him so much, even though they have never met.

Maria- I was going into home depot the other day, and people were loading there infant into the car, mom and dad were both proudly smoking.

Becky- My poor little rosemary plant has been so stripped or I would be having those rolls tonight. Then again, I might give up trying to save the plant and have the rolls.

Nancy- Do you mind sharing your chocolate chip sour cream coffee cake recipe? I love sour cream coffee cake.

Laura- Hope Greg is able to go too. Does that mean he got the promotion he was up for?

Roast chicken, acorn squash (the only veggie my husband eats, I'm taking advantage of it while in season) and I forget the starch I had planned. Oh well, I have time to remember. Have a great day everyone!
Oh Aimee!:hug: I too understand.

I'm the oldest grandchild (by a few years!) of the 3 of us kids. I was also the only one that started "putting away" baby stuff for the future when I was still in high school. And now, 3rd husband later and 15ish years later, I'm trying to convince myself that not having kids is ok with me. :laughing:

;) Yep, I'm crazy, I know. I'm happier now than I've ever been, and don't really mind the travel and everything, but there's still that lingering "maternal" urge, especially since my cousin (2nd oldest) got married last summer.

But I keep trying to convince myself that it's not a race, and if I never cross that "finish line" I'll still be ok. Besides, if I was destined to have a child by now, I'd have it, right?:goodvibes

Robin here you go! I have not tried it but tried to reach Buddy before posting. He has not tried it so I hope it is good. I always make these cakes the day before I need them, they taste better after sitting overnight.

Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 (129g)
Recipe makes 12 servings
Calories 522
Calories from Fat 273 (52%) Amount Per Serving %DV
Total Fat 30.4g 46%
Saturated Fat 16.6g 83%
Monounsaturated Fat 9.6g

Polyunsaturated Fat 2.2g

Trans Fat 0.0g
Cholesterol 101mg 33% Sodium 246mg 10% Potassium 205mg 5% Total Carbohydrate 60.7g 20%
Dietary Fiber 2.5g 9%
Sugars 37.4g
Protein 6.3g 12% Vitamin A 660mcg 13% Vitamin B6 0.1mg 2% Vitamin B12 0.3mcg 4% Vitamin C 0mg 0% Vitamin E 1mcg 3% Calcium 142mg 14% Iron 2mg 14%

Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake Recipe #286980

55 min | 10 min prep

  1. .Cuream butter and sugar.
  2. Beat in eggs, one at a time.
  3. Sift flour, baking powder, soda and salt together.
  4. Add dry ingredients, alternating with sour cream.
  5. Beat in vanilla.
  6. Stir in chocolate chips.
  7. Mix tlast three ingredients together to make topping.
  8. Spread 1/2 batter into a greased and floured 10 inch tube pan. Sprinkle withy 1/2 topping.
  9. Repeat.
  10. Bake at 375 for 35 to 45 minutes.

© 2009 Recipezaar. All Rights Reserved.
Another quick fly by. I WILL catch up!! I promise - TODAY!

I am trying to talk Doug into going to Grand Island for the district volleyball game tonight. He is really dragging his feet though. :mad: So I might just go without him, I haven't decided yet. If I do end up by myself - do you ladies have any extra freezer space? :mad: But that will decide dinner. If I go I will probably just have a box of popcorn at the game, but if I stay home I will have Chicken sandwiches, potato chips and macaroni salad.

Stay tuned!!
Emdy want a Christmas card fae Scotland !? :flower3:
Emdy want a Christmas card fae Scotland !? :flower3:


Aimee, I am sorry. :hug: Your time will come.

Greek Salad

For the dressing:

4 ounces feta cheese
2 tbsp. mayonaisse
3 tbsp. water
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp. lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

blend all together until smooth

For salad:

1 can chickpeas, rinsed well and drained
12 ounces tomatoes, thinly sliced
8 ounces cucumber, thinly sliced
6 ounces baby spinach or other salad greens of your choice
3 ounces red onion, thinly sliced and soaked in ice water for 10 minutes, then drained
1/2 cup mint leaves, left whole
1/2 cup kalamata olives, roughly chopped
6 pepperoncini, thinly sliced

Toss all salad ingredients together in large bowl, add dressing to taste, and serve in pita pockets.


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