The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!

Does this need to be brought to a moderators attention ?

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This is just strange and feels kinda creepy

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Time to tell the real deal I am Married and it this was all just for a future Internet broadcast.I did this all to see how people reacted for the story that will air on the broadcast.Bottom line is don't trust everything you read on the Internet.


And what story is that? That a married guy posing as an overly aggressive and frustrated single guy is consistently rejected and scorned by the anonymous females on a message board? Thus if you are said subject, with a little extra creepiness and a side if "trying too hard" you will inevitably strike out as well?

Real groundbreaking stuff there brother. I see a thesis in your future.
First Name: Rick Ranalli

Location: South Jersey

Age: 59


Hair/Eye Color: Hazel

Body Type: Average


Occupation: Food & Beverage Management

Do you have any kids: 4

Do you have any pets:no

Favorite activities: golf, bowling, anything out doors.

Favorite movie: God Father

Favorite color(s):Yellow

Favorite Disney character(s): Donald

A little bit about yourself: Disney Junkie, Love to have fun, True Romantic.

A little bit about your ideal match: Honest, Fun, Disney Junkie a Must..
First Name: Jen

Location: Gainesville, FL

Age: 30


Hair/Eye Color: Blue

Body Type: curvy


Occupation: Student

Do you have any kids: 1

Do you have any pets:no

Favorite activities: Going to WDW, Watching movies, playing video games

Favorite movies: Old School, The Hangover, Pitch Perfect, Bridesmaids, Wedding Crashers, Superbad...pretty much anything hilarious

Favorite color(s): Teal

Favorite Disney character(s): Alice

A little bit about yourself: Disney Addict, Easy going, movie lover, amazing sense of humor ;)

A little bit about your ideal match: Funny, unselfish, caring, Disney addict...would like it if you also were a pass holder, so we can enjoy the parks together :)
Hope everyone is doing well, I edited this a bit so I wanted to repost (had to update my age haha).

First Name: Kelly

Location: Louisville Kentucky (for 9 years, I was born and raised in Wisconsin)

Age: 34 (will be 35 in Nov)

Sex: female

Hair/Eye Color: brown hair and blue eyes

Body Type: athletic, slightly pooh-shaped

Ethnicity: white

Occupation: athletic trainer at a high school - I take care of the injured athletes, provide physical therapy, taping, stretching, etc and I'm also a substitute teacher

Do you have any kids: no

Do you have any pets: no, but my roommate has an awesome dog

Favorite activities: traveling, DISNEY, shopping, DISNEY, reading, DISNEY, hiking, DISNEY, camping, DISNEY, fishing, DISNEY, swimming, DISNEY!!!

Favorite movie: Aladdin, The Blind Side, My Best Friends Wedding, Finding Nemo, The Lion King

Favorite color(s): blue, lime green, and pink

Favorite Disney character(s): Mickey Mouse, Nemo, Simba

A little bit about yourself: I am very easy going, always interested in trying new things, and always up for an adventure. I love Disney, wish I could get there more often. I want to take a Disney Cruise. I'm a Christian and I go to church every week. I love to laugh and try to be the optimist everyday.

A little bit about your ideal match: I'm looking for someone to enjoy the ride with, share the ups and downs with. My ideal match will be my best friend. Someone who loves family and traveling. Someone who loves a new adventure and loves to visit Disney as often as possible
Hi everyone!

Ok, so I have been reading various adult/solo threads and it has come to my attention that many of us who are single would like to meet other single folks in the hopes that maybe we might find our *match*. I figure it is a given that we are all nuts about Disney, and that we can feel relatively safe posting on Disboards.

Please no chit chatting! There is a 'singles social club' for exactly that. Thanks to the DisBoards podcast for the recent mention! Haven't heard it myself but it seems to be drawing a lot of traffic.
Worth a try! pixiedust:

First Name: Kelli

Location: Highland, CA

Age: 25( turning 26 in about a month though ;))

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Light brown curly hair / shades of blue ( haha depends on what I am wearing! They like to change to their surroundings... :lmao:)

Body Type: average/athletic

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Choir Director and music instructor for those with mental,physical, and emotional disabilities.

Do you have any kids: no

Do you have any pets: Yes. A Terrier mix named Saidie who I rescued 3 years ago from the shelter.

Favorite activities: Disneyland :lmao:, reading, dance, singing, acting, walks, watching t.v.

Favorite movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Favorite color(s): blue!

Favorite Disney character(s): Jimmny Cricket, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Pluto

A little bit about yourself: I am currently finishing my Master's degree in Special Education with an emphasis on Mild/Moderate disabilities. I am not able to relocate and must admit that I am shy at first. I will be honest and let you know that I am undergoing health issues. If that is too much baggage, or you can't handle it, please don't bother contacting. If you don't care, then please contact away! :goodvibes Oh, and I am on this website so you can guarantee that I am looking for that "Prince" with realistic expectations of course. ( You don't have to show up on a horse...though you can if you like :rotfl:)

A little bit about your ideal match: Independent, trustworthy, secure in who they are, patient, looking for a lifetime relationship..oh and likes Disney :hyper:
First Name: CJ (because everyone asks it stands for Christopher James)but just call me CJ. :)

Location: Irvine California/Fullerton California(live in Irvine go to school in Fullerton)

Age: 21


Hair/Eye Color: Blonde(but my hairs been getting darker as I get older)/ blue eyes

Body Type:Averageish


Occupation: Full Time College Student

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes, an adorable west highland terrier named Lola and a cat named Shadow

Favorite activities:I have a premium pass to Disneyland so I go as often as possible, going to concerts(usually punk and ska) listening to music of all kinds besides EDM, speech and debate, standup comedy(I have been a listener for a while I may try open mic this summer), never EVER missing Suburban Legends play at Disneyland!

Favorite movie: Disney(Mulan or Nightmare Before Christmas) non Disney(probably Evil Dead... the original) I also love Anchorman, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Bridesmaids, pretty much any comedy or any horror movie, but I enjoy pretty much everything if it's good.
Favorite color(s):Blue

Favorite Disney character(s):Shock, Lock, and Barrel, Mushu, Donald Duck, Oswald

A little bit about yourself: I am pretty easy going, I love to try new things, I am a college student, I LOVE music, I LOVE movies, I would consider myself to be a pretty fun person. I should probably mention that I am an introverted extrovert which means I can be a little shy, but I open up really fast and then become quite outgoing.

A little bit about your ideal match: My ideal match is pretty much just someone fun loving who loves Disneyland! A Disneyland pass is preferable because I either go alone or with my friends who are in couples, but really just someone who is fun. Like I said above I to go to concerts, to the movies, to Disneyland, maybe even snowboarding, and really I am just sick of doing these things alone.

First Name: CJ (because everyone asks it stands for Christopher James)but just call me CJ. :)

Location: Irvine California/Fullerton California(live in Irvine go to school in Fullerton)

Age: 21


Hair/Eye Color: Blonde(but my hairs been getting darker as I get older)/ blue eyes

Body Type:Averageish


Occupation: Full Time College Student

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes, an adorable west highland terrier named Lola and a cat named Shadow

Favorite activities:I have a premium pass to Disneyland so I go as often as possible, going to concerts(usually punk and ska) listening to music of all kinds besides EDM, speech and debate, standup comedy(I have been a listener for a while I may try open mic this summer), never EVER missing Suburban Legends play at Disneyland!

Favorite movie: Disney(Mulan or Nightmare Before Christmas) non Disney(probably Evil Dead... the original) I also love Anchorman, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Bridesmaids, pretty much any comedy or any horror movie, but I enjoy pretty much everything if it's good.
Favorite color(s):Blue

Favorite Disney character(s):Shock, Lock, and Barrel, Mushu, Donald Duck, Oswald

A little bit about yourself: I am pretty easy going, I love to try new things, I am a college student, I LOVE music, I LOVE movies, I would consider myself to be a pretty fun person. I should probably mention that I am an introverted extrovert which means I can be a little shy, but I open up really fast and then become quite outgoing.

A little bit about your ideal match: My ideal match is pretty much just someone fun loving who loves Disneyland! A Disneyland pass is preferable because I either go alone or with my friends who are in couples, but really just someone who is fun. Like I said above I to go to concerts, to the movies, to Disneyland, maybe even snowboarding, and really I am just sick of doing these things alone.


Hey CJ,

How are you? I love Disney! I also don't like doing things alone :-( Me and my mother are annual passholders for Walt Disney World. My ideal dreams are to visit all Disneyland theme parks around the world. Feel free to send me a message and we can chat more :-)
First Name: Bram

Location: Belgium, Europe

Age: 23

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Dark/Green

Body Type: Average'ish

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Technician (Communications)

Do you have any kids: /

Do you have any pets: One dog

Favorite activities: Disney visits, photography and movies

Favorite movie: Any Disney movie basically, I do love Lion King and Mary Poppins :) and non Disney: all classics (even the early ones)

Favorite color(s): Orange

Favorite Disney character(s): Timon & Stitch

A little bit about yourself: I love visiting any Disney resort but as it's only a 3 hour drive to Paris I have had an AP for at least 12 years now, and it's basically my whole childhood. I absolutely love WDW (4 visits) and DL (1 visit). Did the Disney mediterranean cruise too and loved it. Also would love to explore the US further (passed a number of cities already). Just hoping to find someone to share my passion with, (Disney-minds are scarse where I live) even if that means I have to travel or relocate to find that person.

A little bit about your ideal match: Anyone who loves Disney as much as I do and wants to continue this adventure with me (doesnt matter if it's outside of Europe) preferably someone with the same magical and corny ideas and dreams as I do :)
First Name: Bram

Location: Belgium, Europe

Age: 23

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Dark/Green

Body Type: Average'ish

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Technician (Communications)

Do you have any kids: /

Do you have any pets: One dog

Favorite activities: Disney visits, photography and movies

Favorite movie: Any Disney movie basically, I do love Lion King and Mary Poppins :) and non Disney: all classics (even the early ones)

Favorite color(s): Orange

Favorite Disney character(s): Timon & Stitch

A little bit about yourself: I love visiting any Disney resort but as it's only a 3 hour drive to Paris I have had an AP for at least 12 years now, and it's basically my whole childhood. I absolutely love WDW (4 visits) and DL (1 visit). Did the Disney mediterranean cruise too and loved it. Also would love to explore the US further (passed a number of cities already). Just hoping to find someone to share my passion with, (Disney-minds are scarse where I live) even if that means I have to travel or relocate to find that person.

A little bit about your ideal match: Anyone who loves Disney as much as I do and wants to continue this adventure with me (doesnt matter if it's outside of Europe) preferably someone with the same magical and corny ideas and dreams as I do :)

Good luck finding your princess! You sound lovely!

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I haven't been on here in a while and I think my profile is back a few pages so I figured I'd repost and see what happens:

First Name: Nicole

Location: Carol Stream, IL(outside of Chicago)

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown hair and brown eyes

Body Type: Winnie the Pooh, "short, fat and proud of that"

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Training Coordinator for a major Insurance Company

Do you have any kids: No, but would like to someday... have a 6yr old niece that I help take care of so I'm a second mom in some ways.

Do you have any pets: Yes, a yorkipoo named Cinnamon

Favorite activities: I love to watch movies, write, read, draw, paint...etc.

Favorite movie: Anything Disney!! lol I love a lot of different movies... not a fan of horror though.

Favorite color(s): Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Donald Duck(because he is so cute when he's angry), Stitch, Winnie the Pooh and my girl Tinkerbell(who doesn't love a lady with an attitude!)

A little bit about yourself: I am a sweet and sensative girl. I have a very loving heart. I take care of all those around me. I love to laugh and can be very goofy and sarcastic. I also help take care of my niece who has Down syndrome. She has taught me to live life to the fullest.

A little bit about your ideal match: He should be sweet and funny. Obviously has to love Disney!! Especially since it's my eventual dream to get married in WDW! Basically he needs to be Prince Charming and Goofy all in one!
Hey CJ,

How are you? I love Disney! I also don't like doing things alone :-( Me and my mother are annual passholders for Walt Disney World. My ideal dreams are to visit all Disneyland theme parks around the world. Feel free to send me a message and we can chat more :-)

I will be sending you a message soon! :) Just need a few more posts first, but we have the same dream! Would LOVE to visit all the Disney parks! Especially Tokyo!
First name: Pete

Location: Ramsey, NJ

Age: 53 Still young!

Sex: Male and




Occupation: Mortgage Banker

Do I have kids. Yes.. 2 Son 17 daughter 20

Do you have pets. Yes.. 2 huskys and 2 ragdoll cats

Favorite Activities: movies,beach,concerts,Disney

Love life!

A little something about me :):cool1:
First name: Pete

Location: Ramsey, NJ

Age: 53 Still young!

Sex: Male and




Occupation: Mortgage Banker

Do I have kids. Yes.. 2 Son 17 daughter 20

Do you have pets. Yes.. 2 huskys and 2 ragdoll cats

Favorite Activities: movies,beach,concerts,Disney

Love life!

A little something about me :):cool1:

Why oh why do you have to be from New Jersey! Your profile looks great to me except I'm in South Mississippi!


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