The McSparklesons are BACK and they are CRUISIN! COMPLETE 10/4

Ally and I have the same birthday! I just KNEW there was something special about that kid! :goodvibes

My Allison's birthday is just a few days before, March 27th. I brought her home from the hospital on my birthday. So, you were having your Ally when I was bringing my Allison home. Funny.

Allison and I did the Alice tea in October 2010. Yep, she was totally over it. Nope, there was no way she would ever have raised her hand to be chosen. I had to practically drag her out of her chair to run around the table like she was supposed to. Yep, Allison is cool and her Mom is lame! :laughing:
So cool that Ally had such a great birthday!

I am dying because I can't see any of your pictures of video now, but I shall return!
Ally and I have the same birthday! I just KNEW there was something special about that kid! :goodvibes

My Allison's birthday is just a few days before, March 27th. I brought her home from the hospital on my birthday. So, you were having your Ally when I was bringing my Allison home. Funny.

Allison and I did the Alice tea in October 2010. Yep, she was totally over it. Nope, there was no way she would ever have raised her hand to be chosen. I had to practically drag her out of her chair to run around the table like she was supposed to. Yep, Allison is cool and her Mom is lame! :laughing:

I think that is hilarious! And yes, I would have done that too. As it turned out, neither one of us drank any "tea" (but I sure drink the Disney Kool Aid!) because she was too busy being embarassed and I was snapping pics!

So cool that Ally had such a great birthday!

I am dying because I can't see any of your pictures of video now, but I shall return!

Are they there now???

That's awesome that Ally had a nice birthday. Can't wait to hear more.

Thank you!!!!
After Ally's very UNbirthday Birthday tea, we headed up to Deck 10 to find Jeff right where we left him!!! Shocking, right?

By then it was time for him to head inside to clean up for the evening. While he got purtied up, Ally and I went shopping. I think by now we had worn out the carpet between our cabin and the shops on board.

Let's see, I'll take one of those, one of those, oh, gimme that, and a couple these..... I'm a sucker for Disney merchandise!!!!

But Jeff was very sweet and on the very first sea day, he actually found his way to the shop that carried jewelry, and surprised me with a DCL charm for my Chamilia bracelet. I was surprised that he even made it into the shop, with that opposite magnetic effect he usually has with shopping..... :rolleyes1

It was semi-formal night and we were back to AP so Ally and I changed and were out the door. Jeff met up with us in the Promenade Lounge for a drink and then it was time to go meet up with some other friends, since we were all dressed in our finery......

Notice who is waving to me and who isn't???



Who knew Jim Cantore was on our cruise..... playing piano!!!! :rotfl2:


One thing you NEVER want to see is JIm Cantore in your town. Because it either means that you have just been the victims of a natural disaster, or it's time to evacuate. Not a good sign to think you see him on a ship in the middle of the ocean!!!!



Soon we were making our way to the theater for the last of the Broadway style shows of the cruise. OK, anything labeled "final" or "last" on this cruise was really bumming me out. I did NOT have a good second to last night...... :sad2:

This was Disney Dreams and it was TERRIBLE!

OK, not terrible in the sense that it was a bad show, but for an emotional basket case like myself, it was TERRIBLE!!!



OK, here it is in a nutshell. AnnMarie was growing up so who should appear but our old friend Peter Pan <sniffle>...... fast forward to "Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust!" <sniffle sniffle>...... end with camera panning out to that stupid pixie sprinkling her illicit "stuff" on the Magic at sea..... <SOB!!!!!>

At the beginning of the show, Ally and Jeff again made their wager how long it would take me to cry. Not sure who won, but they both really lost because I was quite a sight to behold this night!!!



Next cruise, AnnMarie can stay in bed for all I care - I will NOT be seeing that show again......

Any time the theme is "dreams come true" and you see yourself on that ship, knowing you only have a couple days left...... :sad1:

I had to sit in the theater for a few minutes while the crowd dispersed. I can assure you I was not the only one with not so dry eyes that night.

Soon we made our way to AP for dinner, a special BIRTHDAY dinner!!!!

And what shall we order for our special BIRTHDAY dinner????


For an appy, we had the Garlic and Herb Sauteed Shrimp
on spaghetti vegetables drizzled with garlic butter and thetOysters Rockerfeller on the Half Shell stuffed with spinach, onions and butter.

Thirty lashes to myself for not getting photos......

However, I DID snap away at my soup! Wild Forest Mushroom Soup
swirled with white truffle oil.


Jeff was excited because it was lobster night!!!! Now we have heard of people who way overindulge on the lobster on this night, and well, I don't know how.

Sadly, I was not impressed. I did go with Dobo's suggestion and ordered the lobster, which was quite dry and rubbery.

Baked Lobster Tail
served in the shell with lemon butter, green beans and overn-baked rice.


I did not even finish one tail, and I think Jeff only had 2.

However, I did go against the Dobo and I ALSO ordered the Blue Cheese and Asparagus Risotto served with celery and roasted walnuts.

THIS was heaven on a plate.


And as we all know, I had become quite adept at ordering (and finishing!) two entrees in one night!!!! :rotfl2:

This was my second risotto order of the cruise and definitely my favorite (although I did make the wild mushroom risotto a couple weeks after coming home and aside from a numb arm from all the stirring, it was really good!). So rich and creamy...... oh, my mouth is watering right now!!!! I will for SURE be ordering this again next cruise!!!

For dessert, we skipped the dinner offerings, because I had stopped by guest services on our first day and ordered THIS!


And I'm laughing right now as I write this because it had to be the worst cake ever!!!!! I have no idea how, but I swear something was left out. It just tasted flat and blech. Poor Ally, she didn't care - it was her birthday and she was gobbling it up!!!

Willy packaged it up for us to take back to our room, and I gave it to our cabin steward the next morning. I think he was thrilled with it..... hope he didn't take it personally when he tasted it! :rotfl2:

And just like any restaurant in your hometown, Ally got the birthday treatment!

Happy Birthday to Ally! VIDEO

When we got back to our room, this little lobster was waiting for us..... Hmmm, he was more tender than the ones on our plate just an hour before! :rotfl2:

But it's all good. So the food wasn't perfect tonight. I have no complaints at all...... except knowing that we are another day closer to getting our walking papers.....
That guy singing to Ally was a KING!! :worship:

I know what you mean about that Dreams show....:sad: But of course...the last night's show tops it as the SUCKIEST SHOW AT SEA!!! :sad::sad::sad:

I saw they have the Golden Mickeys on the Dream- which I missed on the Magic, so hopefully that one won't involve any tears.

Although, Joan will be there, so I guess that means someone will be crying...:rolleyes:

The tails we had in November were not dried out- I was pretty surprised! They were good on this recent cruise, too- maybe it's just YOU! :scared1: :rotfl2:

I'm really looking forward to trying that risotto next time, though- along with the lobstah....double dinners are a MUST!! :goodvibes
How in the heck did you NOT comment on Minnie totally enjoying Jeff's arm around her waist in that formal pic???
Love your updates! Such fun at the character breakfast! YAY! And I agree with you about the Disney Dreams show and the slow realization and anxiety that you are going to have to leave the boat soon!!! BOOO!!!! WAIT till you go on the Dream and see Believe... OH goodness, BIG bawl fest.. and I don't have girls. It will be over for you when you see that one!!! :sad: But it was soo good... such effects, etc. I wonder if that show will go to the Magic? :confused3 So it sounds like Lobster night isn't all that? Too bad, b/c I love lobster!!! Ever had lobster mac and cheese???? OMG. And, Risotto. SOOO tasty!! One of my favorite eats ever. Glad that she enjoyed her birthday! The tea looks tooo cute!! Were there boys? Only girls? I was trying to think about bringing my guys....
That guy singing to Ally was a KING!! :worship:

I know what you mean about that Dreams show....:sad: But of course...the last night's show tops it as the SUCKIEST SHOW AT SEA!!! :sad::sad::sad:

I saw they have the Golden Mickeys on the Dream- which I missed on the Magic, so hopefully that one won't involve any tears.

Although, Joan will be there, so I guess that means someone will be crying...:rolleyes:

Ahem.....I'm right here!!!! :rotfl2:
Hi Kara

very enjoyable update update again.

I don't think I've read a report yet where anyone has said the lobster was good?
That guy singing to Ally was a KING!! :worship:

I know what you mean about that Dreams show....:sad: But of course...the last night's show tops it as the SUCKIEST SHOW AT SEA!!! :sad::sad::sad:

I saw they have the Golden Mickeys on the Dream- which I missed on the Magic, so hopefully that one won't involve any tears.

Although, Joan will be there, so I guess that means someone will be crying...:rolleyes:

The tails we had in November were not dried out- I was pretty surprised! They were good on this recent cruise, too- maybe it's just YOU! :scared1: :rotfl2:

I'm really looking forward to trying that risotto next time, though- along with the lobstah....double dinners are a MUST!! :goodvibes

That guy sang to EVERYONE in AP that night! Poor guy was probably exhausted! Ya know, I like a little tail every now and then, but not all dry and rubbery......

Loved the update!!


The bleu cheese and asparagus risotto sounds heavenly. :cloud9:

Believe me, it was....... :worship:

How in the heck did you NOT comment on Minnie totally enjoying Jeff's arm around her waist in that formal pic???

Here's the deal, I think Jeff started the whole thing. See how his arm is wrapped around her? Mmm hmmm...... We've had discussions about this. I have forbidden him from any clubs or parties where mice are in attandance.

Love your updates! Such fun at the character breakfast! YAY! And I agree with you about the Disney Dreams show and the slow realization and anxiety that you are going to have to leave the boat soon!!! BOOO!!!! WAIT till you go on the Dream and see Believe... OH goodness, BIG bawl fest.. and I don't have girls. It will be over for you when you see that one!!! :sad: But it was soo good... such effects, etc. I wonder if that show will go to the Magic? :confused3 So it sounds like Lobster night isn't all that? Too bad, b/c I love lobster!!! Ever had lobster mac and cheese???? OMG. And, Risotto. SOOO tasty!! One of my favorite eats ever. Glad that she enjoyed her birthday! The tea looks tooo cute!! Were there boys? Only girls? I was trying to think about bringing my guys....

I don't know if it will be as bad for me because I'll be with the DISmoms on the Dream. I'm not "as" emotional with them as I am with my family, however...... I may just avoid that show. Seriously. I have big issues with WDW and even BIGGER issues with DCL.

Ahem.....I'm right here!!!! :rotfl2:

Why yes, yes you are.;)

Hi Kara

very enjoyable update update again.

I don't think I've read a report yet where anyone has said the lobster was good?

I agree. And I guess when you are preparing en masse for 2000 people, it's not going to be great. Although I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the food most nights.
Here's the deal, I think Jeff started the whole thing. See how his arm is wrapped around her? Mmm hmmm...... We've had discussions about this. I have forbidden him from any clubs or parties where mice are in attandance.

Hmmmmmm...still, there is some truth to her part in all of this. I have pictures of proof from previous visits with my DH. Yes, a picture of Minnie plopped on the lap of my lovely DH at Cape May Cafe. :mad: And it was my 40th birthday, so you can only imagine the self-conciousness I was already dealing with, and then THAT! She rubs it in whenever she can, I tell ya!
Great update!

I shared the rubbery lobster tail story with my DH and he was so sad to hear they were not that great. All he can think about is food and how much he can/will be eating on the cruise. I am thinking I need a disguise so no one will know we belong together. :confused: Thankfully for him, he doesn't gain weight - however, I secretly hate him for it. :guilty:

Loved the video of the CM singing to you DD. :thumbsup2 I also really hate last or next to last nights...makes me sad just to think of it!

Great updates! And I agree with HappyDog, Believe on the Dream is going to make you cry. I bawled. Long story but I ended up sitting away from my family and the other family during this show. Good thing!! But of course the minute they saw me after the show, DH and DD were laughing because they knew what they would find - me trying to wipe the mascara off my face! I think they had some sort of bet except they both were betting that I cried so I don't think they were able to declare a winner :lmao:

And since you were nice enough to share some other recipes, would you be nice enough to share the mushroom rissotto recipe? I love rissotto, especially with mushrooms!! :thanks:

Hope the last day/night on your cruise are wonderful - I can't wait to read more!!

One thing you NEVER want to see is JIm Cantore in your town. Because it either means that you have just been the victims of a natural disaster, or it's time to evacuate. Not a good sign to think you see him on a ship in the middle of the ocean!!!!

Speaking of natural disasters, I gather you did not feel yesterdays earthquake in your neck of the woods? I'm on the 7th floor of a 20 plus floor building here in NYC and my floor and walls swayed. I hot footed in out of here so fast I was probably a blur. They ended up closing my building for the rest of the day.

And now I'm facing a hurricane. This would not really bother me, except we are leaving on Friday for a camping trip to Lake George. In a tent! In a hurricane!

I am now off to look up local hotels in the area of our campground.....
Nice update. You guys look great in your formal pics, even with the hussy!

Is the cake really that bad? :confused3DS turns 7 on our cruise on dis-embarkation (sp?) the last day when we get off the ship! So i want to do something for him the night before, since we'll spend his actual birthday getting off the ship, driving to Orlando, flying to Ohio, and then driving 2 hours home.

I think we've got enough time before our flight to stop somewhere in Orlando for a special lunch, maybe Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville, but still want to do a cake for him.


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