The "I Can't Believe I'm Doing a PTR for This Trip"PTR-UD 5/17*TR Link!*

I think for today, the thing I am looking forward to is that first walk down Main Street USA! Seeing Cinderella Castle, breathing in the magic, smelling the wonderful smells of popcorn and the bakery, hearing the music, and just realizing I am really THERE! :cloud9:

That does sound heavenly! :cloud9:

Just a quick recap of the things that I have been able to accomplish in the last day or two.....

I went to the bank and got the cash we need for the trip. :banana:

I got my eyebrows waxed....a necessary evil!

I filled the refrigerator and cupboards...with 2 teenage sons that never lasts though! I just hope some of that food makes it to when my mom will need it. :rolleyes1

I paid all the bills that will come due while we are gone.

I printed out our itinerary, the boys' schedules, medical releases, and directions to get around town for my mom.

I got my hair cut. LOVE soon, I promise! :)

I think that's it for now....all I have left is my pedicure, online check in for our flight, packing, and last minute cleaning. YAY!! :banana:

Looking back today, I'd like to share a memory from our first family trip in 2007. On the Wednesday of our trip, we visited AK and had an ADR to have breakfast with Donald and gang at Donald's Breakfast-o-Saurus. We had been at WDW for 3 days, so we had already had a few character experiences, but this was our first character meal and we were all excited! :yay: Our waiter was absolutely fantastic and the joke he played on my oldest son Dan still makes us all giggle! :laughing: The waiter came to the table for a regular "how are thing's going" check-in when he asked if anyone needed ketchup. He them proceeded to hand us a ketchup squeeze bottle, but of course, "fumbled" it and it squeezed right toward Dan. That gag would have been funny enough, but the BEST part was that Dan HATES ketchup. And when I say hate, I mean loathe, detest, get the picture! ;) He can't even stand the smell when his brothers use it at the same table. SO....his reaction to the "squirting ketchup" was PRICELESS!! The waiter could not have known about his lack of love for the ketchup, but it was PERFECT that he chose Dan to be his target! :thumbsup2 All of us just dissolved into laughter! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Poor Dan! Anyway....that was the best character meal of that trip, and possibly of any trip. That waiter got a nice extra tip! Here are a few pics from that pics of the ketchup trick, though. Sorry!






The thing I am looking forward to on this trip is our dinner at Boma! I wanted to try it in 2007, but we didn't eat at any restaurants outside the parks. We weren't familiar with transportation and had heard getting from resort to resort was a pain, so we ate in the parks. In 2009 we had the QSDP and the one meal we paid for OOP was a character meal. is the perfect time to head over to AKL and try out the fire-grilled deliciousness of Boma. :thumbsup2 We have an ADR for Friday May 7th at 8:05. That is the day we return from the cruise and will be checking into our timeshare. I hope to have a nice relaxing day traveling back from Port Canaveral, maybe enjoying the resort pool, then heading out to a nice dinner at Boma. I am also looking forward to checking out DREAM RESORT! :goodvibes

Thanks for reading everyone! Only 4 more days to go! :woohoo:
Too funny that the both of us were posting at the same time. Your installment answered my earlier questions.

I love the ketchup story! Poor Dan but great memories. I can't believe how your boys have grown in just those 3 years.
We are trying Boma for the first time in June. Can't wait to hear your review!!

Take some pics if you think about it. THANKS!!!

Have a great trip.
Too funny that the both of us were posting at the same time. Your installment answered my earlier questions.

I love the ketchup story! Poor Dan but great memories. I can't believe how your boys have grown in just those 3 years.

I can't believe how much they have changed either! It's really amazing...Dan looks like such a little boy in these pics and now he's really a young man. How did that happen? :confused3

We are trying Boma for the first time in June. Can't wait to hear your review!!

Take some pics if you think about it. THANKS!!!

Have a great trip.

I'll try to get you some good pics!! :thumbsup2
Only 3 days!!!:dance3: How can you stand it?? You must be getting so excited!!;)

It looks like you have gotten a lot accomplished in the last couple days. Great job!:thumbsup2

Great pictures of the boys with the characters!! It sounds like you had a wonderful breakfast!!:goodvibes The story of Dan and the ketchup...too funny!:rotfl:

Boma!!:cloud9: You're going to love it there!! The resort is so beautiful! I wish we would have had more time to look around when we went for breakfast last year. I can't wait to hear how you like dinner though. I've read such great things about it!!:)


Love the pictures of the boys from 2007 - you can really tell the difference in them - especially Dan! What a funny story about the ketchup bottle! :rotfl:

Boma is SO good! I could make a meal out of their soups alone! :love:

After seeing AKL, you may be trying to figure out a way to stay there next trip....oh wait - you have the same problem I have - family of 5! You need to bring someone along to take one of your kids in their room! (That's my plan anyway....someday....):rolleyes1

Only 3 days!!!:dance3: How can you stand it?? You must be getting so excited!!;)

It looks like you have gotten a lot accomplished in the last couple days. Great job!:thumbsup2

Great pictures of the boys with the characters!! It sounds like you had a wonderful breakfast!!:goodvibes The story of Dan and the ketchup...too funny!:rotfl:

Boma!!:cloud9: You're going to love it there!! The resort is so beautiful! I wish we would have had more time to look around when we went for breakfast last year. I can't wait to hear how you like dinner though. I've read such great things about it!!:)

Thanks Angie! I will be sure to post about my dinner experience at Boma. I'm so excited to try it out! :thumbsup2



Love the pictures of the boys from 2007 - you can really tell the difference in them - especially Dan! What a funny story about the ketchup bottle! :rotfl:

Boma is SO good! I could make a meal out of their soups alone! :love:

After seeing AKL, you may be trying to figure out a way to stay there next trip....oh wait - you have the same problem I have - family of 5! You need to bring someone along to take one of your kids in their room! (That's my plan anyway....someday....):rolleyes1


Yeah...that family of 5 issue is a real problem! Maybe I can convince my mom to join us....someday! :rolleyes1
Hmmm...well really it's about 4:30 on Saturday and we leave at 6:00 on Monday so that is only 37 1/2 hours so that's not really 2 days! ;)

Today I want to look back at the many naps of Isaiah! For some reason, Disney transportation seems to put Isaiah to sleep. We discovered it on our 2007 trip and it was true on our 2009 trip as well. In fact, Isaiah seems to be able to sleep just about anywhere at WDW. I will let the photo montage speak for itself!

After our first park day ever....DHS in 2007

After a day at Epcot in 2007

On the ME bus back to the airport in 2007

2009--I think this one is actually in the morning on our way to the Blizzard Beach

2009 after our waterpark and DTD day

Waiting for the afternoon parade at MK--2009

After a full MK day in 2009

DHS day--2009

After PM EMH at MK in 2009

2009---not positive when!

In Italy in 2009---he's not sleeping yet in this pic but he soon will be!

ME bus back to the airport in 2009

So there you have little power napper! :goodvibes

Now on to what I am looking forward to for this upcoming trip. Hmmm.....I think the thing I will share today is SNORKELING in CoCo Cay! I went snorkeling in Jamaica in 2006 and it was a disaster, but this is a little different. We will be swimming out to the snorkeling area and if I feel sick I can always swim back and sit on the beach. Jeff has never been snorkeling so I am really looking forward to sharing this experience with him. I may need a little pixie dust to keep the seasickness away, but I'm very excited about this! The weather on Tuesday May 4, our CoCo Cay day, is supposed to be sunny and 87 degrees! A perfect day for being in the beautiful blue ocean! :thumbsup2

I am going to post some haircut and weight loss pics later. I just need to get Jeff to play photographer! I'll be sure to get them up before I go to bed tonight! ;)
:woohoo: for less than 2 days!!! I'm so excited for you!!!:cheer2::cheer2:

:laughing: Love all the pics of Isaiah napping!! He can sleep anywhere can't he?:rotfl: So cute!

Ahhh...snorkeling sounds like so much fun!! and 87 degrees!! Wow! That sounds so nice right about now!:thumbsup2

I can't wait to see your haircut and weight loss pics.popcorn::
:woohoo: for less than 2 days!!! I'm so excited for you!!!:cheer2::cheer2:

:laughing: Love all the pics of Isaiah napping!! He can sleep anywhere can't he?:rotfl: So cute!

Ahhh...snorkeling sounds like so much fun!! and 87 degrees!! Wow! That sounds so nice right about now!:thumbsup2

I can't wait to see your haircut and weight loss pics.popcorn::

Hi Angie!! Getting ready to post those pics now!
Ok...maybe not all that, but at least head and toes!

I wanted to share a couple of "during" pics since it's been a while since I've done that. I believe I had lost 23 pounds and weighed 198 the last time I shared. This past week I weighed in at 191....a total weight loss of 30 pounds since January!! I had wanted to be 185 by the trip, but I am really happy with losing 30 pounds. I am starting to be able to look in the mirror and see that I look better. My clothes definitely fit differently and I am about to drop down to a size 14. are a couple of pics Jeff took tonight. Pardon the tired look on my face! It's been a busy day and I'm about spent!!



I also got my hair cut this week! I love the new do! I doesn't look it's best right now, but I really like it. It's short enough in the back that it will be off my neck. And it's super easy...all I do is blow dry and go!


Last but not least, the toes! I got my pre-vacation pedicure yesterday. Pure heaven! :cloud9: Here are my vacation ready feet!!

Hey! Missy
You and Jeff have a great time!!! I know you will!!!
you look great by the way...
travel safe and I'll talk to you when you guys get back!
:wave2: Connie
Congrats on losing 30 pounds Missy!! You look fantastic!!:thumbsup2

Great haircut and love the toes!! They look all ready for some fun in the sun and a day with Mickey!!:goodvibes
Yay Missy! You look great! It must feel great too! I am so proud (and jealous) of you! It's so hard to lose weight and you have done a great job! Love the haircut and the toes (so that's head and toes, and I guess your weight loss counts for the shoulders and knees....LOL)

Woo-hoo...only like 32 more hours!!! :cool1::cool1:

Hey! Missy
You and Jeff have a great time!!! I know you will!!!
you look great by the way...
travel safe and I'll talk to you when you guys get back!
:wave2: Connie

thanks so much Connie! Welcome home! :goodvibes

Congrats on losing 30 pounds Missy!! You look fantastic!!:thumbsup2

Great haircut and love the toes!! They look all ready for some fun in the sun and a day with Mickey!!:goodvibes

Thanks Angie! I am so ready for some fun in the sun! :thumbsup2

Yay Missy! You look great! It must feel great too! I am so proud (and jealous) of you! It's so hard to lose weight and you have done a great job! Love the haircut and the toes (so that's head and toes, and I guess your weight loss counts for the shoulders and knees....LOL)

Woo-hoo...only like 32 more hours!!! :cool1::cool1:


Hi Sara! Thanks for the kind is hard work but SO worth it! I feel really good. :goodvibes

Down to 21 more hours! :banana: :banana:


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