The How-Do-I-Write-a-PTR PTR!

Hooray for gum! That's sweet that she's so excited about it.
Right? :rotfl:

I got the Bonine at like CVS or Walgreen's so you should be able to find it. That's crazy that you would've had to buy a lot from Amazon.
I thought it was really weird. Hopefully, our small-town Walgreens will have some. You know, there is a BIG part of me that will be absolutely thrilled to live in a city again!

It doesn't take much to make a small child happy. That's one of the many great things about them. I think it's great to do small little gifts like that! :thumbsup2
You know, that is one of my favorite things about being a parent. DD's joy in small things has made me feel some of that joy in the small things myself again. I love it! :love:
You know, that is one of my favorite things about being a parent. DD's joy in small things has made me feel some of that joy in the small things myself again. I love it! :love:
Gum is cool :goodvibes Yay for your cruise being so close!!!

So, apparently, word is I suck at PTRs! :confused3 :rotfl2: Well, that's my word anyway!

Regardless, I am going to soldier on because we only have 17 days left!!!!!!! :cheer2:

So my strategy of checking for Palo reservations a few times a week may have paid off. I scored us a dinner reservation at 7:00 on the second night of the cruise! :banana: However, in looking over some posts on the cruise board, it appear that it is likely that this will be formal night/Golden Mickeys night. What does that mean as far as our Palo reservation? I have no idea! :rotfl2: I guess I'm worried about missing some of the other fun that night. Anyone have any idea on this? I know that DD will be looking forward to dressing up for dinner that night, so going to dinner without her might be kind of sad. Or not - she might prefer the Kids Club. :confused3 And what about the Golden Mickeys? I'm assuming there will be a show we can go to before dinner, but I have no idea! :rotfl2:

You all are never going to believe this one! But I have actually been making magnets the last few evenings! For our stateroom doors! I am now officially a Giant DIS Dork! :banana: :laughing: But how could I not? Have you seen some of the incredible designs that folks on here have offered up? Amazing! So yeah, I am now a crafter! :rolleyes1

And we have been diligently keeping up with our countdown calendar. Just a few days of pictures for you all. ;)






She was really excited about that Spidey shirt! :thumbsup2









And there you go for now!
OMG! I can't believe y'all only have 17 days left! :dance3:

That's great that you got a Palo reservation! :woohoo: I would just keep it & not worry about the other stuff you may miss. Willow will have so much fun in the kids club. She won't mind spending more time in there! I don't know what the show times are on the boat y'all are going on. But, if there is a show earlier, while you're getting ready, it may be on the TV. I know on the Dream, any time there was a show going on, it was also shown at that time on a certain channel on the TV.

And you're making magnets now?!? :yay: I'm glad you made some - then you can tell me how to make them for our cruise next May. :rotfl:

The countdown calendar & surprises are so cute! My favorite was the goggles on Minnie.
OMG! I can't believe y'all only have 17 days left! :dance3:

That's great that you got a Palo reservation! :woohoo: I would just keep it & not worry about the other stuff you may miss. Willow will have so much fun in the kids club. She won't mind spending more time in there! I don't know what the show times are on the boat y'all are going on. But, if there is a show earlier, while you're getting ready, it may be on the TV. I know on the Dream, any time there was a show going on, it was also shown at that time on a certain channel on the TV.

And you're making magnets now?!? :yay: I'm glad you made some - then you can tell me how to make them for our cruise next May. :rotfl:

The countdown calendar & surprises are so cute! My favorite was the goggles on Minnie.
Okay, thank you! I have been really in a tizzy over Palo versus Formal Night versus Golden Mickeys. Thank you for the advice. I think I will keep the reservation. Honestly, my mom and her friend and probably I will enjoy going there more anyway, and DD will not know the difference - she can wear a princess dress to dinner any night if she wants!

:rotfl2: Can you believe I have been making magnets????? It will be a miracle if they hold up. :rotfl2: I just couldn't resist when I started checking out the great things that people on here had created and made public for others to use. So fun!

How's the house?????
I know nothing of DCL, so I can't help with the reservation/show problem.

Yay for being crafty though!! The magnets and such that people do are really cute, you'll have to share pictures of how yours turn out. Are you doing FE too?

Love the pictures! We are slowly building our stash of supporting cast and villain dolls. We only have one price to go (Mulan guy) so I've been buying the fun ones. DD got Fairy Godmother for Easter, and I think I'll get the Genie next. :thumbsup2

How cute that she loved the Spiderman shirt! Mads is getting into superheroes as well thanks to my little brother.

Only 17 days! How exciting!
I can't believe how close your cruise is! So exciting! :yay:

I don't think its strange at all the Willow was excited about gum, if I actually let Everett have a piece of gum, I bet he would feel like he won the lottery! :rotfl: Its funny the little things that kids just love! :love:

I'm really glad you got into Palo! I would keep the reservation, from everything I heard it is well worth it! I can't wait to read about it in your TR!

I also want to see your magnets! I'm craft-challenged, so I'm always really interested in what other people can do!

How is the job hunt going, any bites yet?

So, apparently, word is I suck at PTRs! :confused3 :rotfl2: Well, that's my word anyway!

No suckiness whatsoever,I love it! Thanks for the Willow pic fix! Great job Roni!!! And so close! So close! :hug:
Okay, thank you! I have been really in a tizzy over Palo versus Formal Night versus Golden Mickeys. Thank you for the advice. I think I will keep the reservation. Honestly, my mom and her friend and probably I will enjoy going there more anyway, and DD will not know the difference - she can wear a princess dress to dinner any night if she wants!

:rotfl2: Can you believe I have been making magnets????? It will be a miracle if they hold up. :rotfl2: I just couldn't resist when I started checking out the great things that people on here had created and made public for others to use. So fun!

How's the house?????

The house is great. Everything has come together well. Only thing I'm waiting on is our new den furniture. Hopefully, we'll get it within the next couple of weeks.

I'm with everyone else - I want to see pics of the magnets! :goodvibes
I know nothing of DCL, so I can't help with the reservation/show problem.

Yay for being crafty though!! The magnets and such that people do are really cute, you'll have to share pictures of how yours turn out. Are you doing FE too?

Love the pictures! We are slowly building our stash of supporting cast and villain dolls. We only have one price to go (Mulan guy) so I've been buying the fun ones. DD got Fairy Godmother for Easter, and I think I'll get the Genie next.

How cute that she loved the Spiderman shirt! Mads is getting into superheroes as well thanks to my little brother.

Only 17 days! How exciting!
I will definitely take pics of the magnets - IF they actually stick to our doors! :rotfl2: I am just not a truly crafty person. :confused3 I am not doing FE - it's too much pressure. I know that I would be stressing so bad right now knowing that I had to have all those gifts ready, a way to pack them, etc. I couldn't take that pressure on top of regular life! :rotfl2:

You are WAY ahead of us in the doll collection. :laughing: I think I should probably be thankful we don't have a bigger house - if we did, I would probably be buying even more of this stuff! :laughing: Ursula is Willow's first villain. ;)

I have NO idea how Willow even knows who Spiderman is! :confused3 But she has been asking for a Spidey shirt for a couple of months. Of course, she was going to wear it this morning, but then came out in a different shirt saying that it was "too red." :rolleyes:

Ok I'm WAY late! Will have to go back and read!!!

:cheer2: So glad to see you here, Heather! I am so excited for your cruise and WDW stay. Hmm, okay, I'm really just excited for the TR! :rotfl2:

I can't believe how close your cruise is! So exciting! :yay:

I don't think its strange at all the Willow was excited about gum, if I actually let Everett have a piece of gum, I bet he would feel like he won the lottery! :rotfl: Its funny the little things that kids just love! :love:

I'm really glad you got into Palo! I would keep the reservation, from everything I heard it is well worth it! I can't wait to read about it in your TR!

I also want to see your magnets! I'm craft-challenged, so I'm always really interested in what other people can do!

How is the job hunt going, any bites yet?
:rotfl2: Yeah, gum is still relatively new and exciting for Willow, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she is so psyched about it.

I think we will definitely keep the Palo reservation. I am hoping that "formal night" is more directed at the other restaurants - I really don't have anything formal, and I refuse to spend a bunch of money on a dress I will hate because of how fat I am! :rotfl2:

"Craft-challenged"!!!! :rotfl2: Me too!!! I can't believe I took on this project. I'm sure that my print-outs will end up peeling off the magnet backing and/or the magnets won't be strong enough for the doors or something else entirely ridiculous! :laughing:

The job "hunt" is still on. But I just can't bring myself to try very hard. Which would probably explain why I haven't gotten a new job yet! :rotfl2: I am so torn about the need to make more money and move somewhere less expensive and the desire to stay near my parents, not stress about being unable to sell this house, etc. It will have to happen eventually, but it is hard to face that reality. :confused3

No suckiness whatsoever,I love it! Thanks for the Willow pic fix! Great job Roni!!! And so close! So close!
Thanks! And can you believe how close we are???? :scared1: Every day when I walk into work, I announce how many days I have left until vacation. I think they must all really love me these days. :thumbsup2

The house is great. Everything has come together well. Only thing I'm waiting on is our new den furniture. Hopefully, we'll get it within the next couple of weeks.

I'm with everyone else - I want to see pics of the magnets! :goodvibes
Oh, I'm so glad you are loving the new house! :woohoo:

I will definitely get pics! I may wait until they are actually stuck to our stateroom door, however. :rolleyes1
I walk into work, I announce how many days I have left until vacation. I think they must all really love me these days. :thumbsup2

:lmao: Sounds like how I am...I start my countdown at 100 days though....:rolleyes1
Well, right now, I am supposed to be at a hotel in Portland preparing for a two-day conference, coming home on Friday. Willow is supposed to be having her first-ever sleep-over with her grandparents. Instead, we are home. Yep - Willow's preschool called for me to pick her up yesterday because she had a headache and a fever. :sick: I thought she would probably be fine and able to go to my parents' house today. I even took her over there, but she was so pathetic that I couldn't leave. So I had to call in and say that I couldn't make it to the conference. Not exactly something I wanted to have to do! :scared1: Thankfully, it seems like everyone is being very understanding about it (or at least pretending to be). :rolleyes:

Anyway, I am home and doing nothing but surfing the DIS at this point - I only brought so much telework work home with me. :headache: So I might as well update!

Okay, to be fair, I don't really have much to update. We had a good weekend. I work for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and one of our projects was celebrating its 50th birthday with an open house, so we went out to that. Willow liked the cake!

Willow had some, um, issues with not listening to her mother this weekend, so she lost the privilege of doing her calendar for several nights. She redeemed herself yesterday and got to play catch-up. Here are a couple of her finds. (You can tell that she wasn't feeling 100% in these. :sick:)









I am thinking that I really need to start thinking about what to pack for this cruise! :scared1: It is not long until we leave at all. WOW. I guess I should sneak around on here and find a "packing" thread - you know there's got to be one! :rotfl2:
I hope you don't mind if I pop in and say hi:wave2:

I have you seen you post on some TRs I've been following (Amanda and Shannon's) and I followed your link. I had to join in because an Alaskan cruise is my DH's absolute dream vacation! I would love to see how your cruise goes as I know next to nothing about cruising to Alaska!

Your daughter is absolutely adorable! I'm sorry she hasn't been feeling well, my DD was sick this weekend too. Oh and do I hear you on the not listening. I think you said she's 5? My son is 5 and he was originally on restriction for a week but the days keep growing because he still won't listen:confused3.

I'm going to go catch up on your plans now!
I hope you don't mind if I pop in and say hi:wave2:

I have you seen you post on some TRs I've been following (Amanda and Shannon's) and I followed your link. I had to join in because an Alaskan cruise is my DH's absolute dream vacation! I would love to see how your cruise goes as I know next to nothing about cruising to Alaska!

Your daughter is absolutely adorable! I'm sorry she hasn't been feeling well, my DD was sick this weekend too. Oh and do I hear you on the not listening. I think you said she's 5? My son is 5 and he was originally on restriction for a week but the days keep growing because he still won't listen:confused3.

I'm going to go catch up on your plans now!
Welcome Megan! :woohoo: I'm so glad you joined in. I apologize for the limited nature of this PTR - I am just not good at PTRs! :rotfl2: I believe, however, that I am quite a bit better when it comes to the actual TR! :thumbsup2

Yes, DD is 5. Over all, 5 has been a great age so far, but the listening issues and attitude can be trouble! :rotfl2:
Awww, I'm so sorry that Willow isn't feeling well. :sad1: I hope she feels better real soon!

That picture of her eating the cake is so precious! :goodvibes And where did you find those Spiderman ring pops? Reid would LOVE those!

Count me in as another mom having listening issues with her child. :sad2: Maybe it's summer fever or something making them all crazy? :confused3 :laughing:
I am not doing FE - it's too much pressure. I know that I would be stressing so bad right now knowing that I had to have all those gifts ready, a way to pack them, etc. I couldn't take that pressure on top of regular life! :rotfl2:


Of course, she was going to wear it this morning, but then came out in a different shirt saying that it was "too red." :rolleyes:

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Of course it was.

I'm so sorry that Willow's sick! Poor kid. I hope that everything will be ok for you at work. I know that guilt well (and assuming that everyone is only pretending to understand and be nice).

You know how you always hear about the terrible 2s? (I thought 3 was way worse) Why doesn't anyone ever tell you about the "teenager attitude 5s"? I am so sick of Maddie not listening and giving me attitude! Today I gave her a 5 minute warning before we left the pool. When I said it was time to go she said "Um, mom? I'm not really done playing here." Complete with head bob and eyebrows up. I believe that I said "Um, I don't really care. Let's go." ;)

I'm sure there must be a packing thread:lmao: If not, maybe you can start one? Amanda and I will join in. :lmao:
Can you guys please stop scaring me with tales of "terrible threes" and "teenager attitude- 5s". Here I was thinking that if I just made it through the next six months alive, I'd have a whole new kid :rotfl2::rotfl: You know, one that actually listens, and doesn't whine or have meltdowns, I can still dream, right!??:lmao:

I'm so sorry Willow isn't feeling well, and I hope she gets better soon! I'm glad that work was accommodating about your conference!

Good luck with packing! I hope you find a detailed list (who am I kidding, this is the DIS, there will likely be a half dozen detailed lists!) :rotfl:
Can you guys please stop scaring me with tales of "terrible threes" and "teenager attitude- 5s". Here I was thinking that if I just made it through the next six months alive, I'd have a whole new kid :rotfl2::rotfl: You know, one that actually listens, and doesn't whine or have meltdowns, I can still dream, right!??:lmao:

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: The worst part is the new words they learn to express their displeasure. Listening, no whining, no meltdowns? If you get that please give me a detailed list of what you're feeding him. :lmao:


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