The Great Make Up Trip Of 2008~7/22- SEE YOU REAL SOON! (pg. 86) ~COMPLETED~

Absolutely love the photo of your DS looking at the tank :goodvibes

The film sounds very exciting and a bit scary :rotfl:
Just finished reading your TR and I absolutely loved it!!!:cool1: Your stick figure throughout the TR was adorable (who cares if you got some strange looks - you had fun with it) and I do love how you stood up for DS and yourself during some obnoxious and rude encounters. Your honesty was very refreshing during the report.:) No vacation is perfect but I could tell you really enjoyed your family time at WDW. Thanks for sharing all the pics and being so organized with your format. It made it so easy for me to take breaks in between your updates. Your son is truly adorable and I was glad he enjoyed SM so much.:thumbsup2 Good luck with your movie. I'll have to look out for it. I'll look forward to reading your TR for your land/sea trip in 2009!!!
Catching up :surfweb:

Great tr!
Hi there! Glad to see you around again. Your trip is coming very soon!! :banana:

Absolutely love the photo of your DS looking at the tank :goodvibes

The film sounds very exciting and a bit scary :rotfl:
Thank you :hug:
It is scary. I got the creeps when I was reading the script for the first time.

Just finished reading your TR and I absolutely loved it!!!:cool1: Your stick figure throughout the TR was adorable (who cares if you got some strange looks - you had fun with it) and I do love how you stood up for DS and yourself during some obnoxious and rude encounters. Your honesty was very refreshing during the report.:) No vacation is perfect but I could tell you really enjoyed your family time at WDW. Thanks for sharing all the pics and being so organized with your format. It made it so easy for me to take breaks in between your updates. Your son is truly adorable and I was glad he enjoyed SM so much.:thumbsup2 Good luck with your movie. I'll have to look out for it. I'll look forward to reading your TR for your land/sea trip in 2009!!!
Yay!! Glad you could join in. We had such a good time with Flat Jordan. :rotfl: Thanks so much for your comments about our trip and the TR. Also thanks about DS:hug:
I plan on doing another update tonight.
After riding Soarin' we decided to quickly head out and drive over to AK to ride EE again. It was HOT and crowded. We got FP's to EE then headed over to Dinorama for DS to play a bit. We stopped along the way to listen to "The Tropicals" playing along the walk way. When we returned home I downloaded their album from itunes. Eventually, it was time for our FP window. We headed over toward the Safari ride to grab a FP but the wait was 90 minutes and the FP return time was for about 2 hours away. It was just too hot and if we would have stayed to ride it, DS would have missed his nap and that is not something we wanted to do again. About this time DH and DS declare that they have to use the restroom. I stood outside in the heat and stared at gords(sp?), while this fan became my best friend....


We quickly grabbed lunch at Pizzafari and then headed over to EE to use our FP's. I have no photo's of this time. But I do have a few pics of who we FINALLY got to see this trip......DEVINE!:) She was out after our EE ride and was just starting to walk away. I was able to snap these photo's before she was gone.


During her exit, I followed the walk way and could still see her through the tree's. I started to snap a few pics and she was flirting with my camera....


After this we head out so that we could cool off and DS could take a nap. Usually when DS is napping, we are figuring money spent, etc. We realize that we could stay another night. We had the time, we just weren't sure about the money. I try to look on the net and can't really find any information to book for one night. I thought it was a lost cause because after discussing with DH we had thought that if we booked another night we would have to check out of our room and check into another one. It would have wasted too much time and the extra day would have been pointless. I posted about this on my PTR. That's when Jordan came on and told me to go to the front desk and ask. I did just that and guess what.....WE GOT IT!! One more night AND we got to keep the same room. AMAZING! The CM said sometimes it is possible. She said we just happened to ask at a good time. If we would have asked the week before, we wouldn't have been able to do it. HELLO PIXIE DUST! (THANKS AGAIN JORDAN) Also, for more tickets w/park hoppers it was only $6.00. We had decided that if we were able to stay an extra night we would skip the park tickets since we were pretty tired of running from park to park. The extra day would be spent leisurely. However, we could not pass up the tickets for only 6 bucks so we got them.

So, when DS woke up from his nap he said he wanted to ride the monorail that went along the road. (The one from MK to EPCOT) We thought since he mentioned earlier that he wanted to ride the "mexican donald ride" again that we should park at MK, take the monorail over to EPCOT, ride the boat in Mexico and also Maelstom in Norway since we hadn't ridden it yet this trip. Then the plan was to head back over to MK for Wishes.

Here are some pics of EPCOT from the Monorail. Excuse the window glare...






DH & DS at fountain




Maelstrom in Norway...


Am I the only one who's never noticed all the little gnomes hiding in Norway?? DH goes to ride Maelstrom first and while DS and I are waiting outside I start snapping pictures. I look up and see one, then another, and I point them out to DS and we have a great time finding as many as we can.






Next we jump on the Monorail and head back to MK to catch Wishes.....
That was awesome that you were able to add an extra day and only $6 for park hoppers is even better:thumbsup2
We searched for gnomes in the garden (I think it was just set up for the F&G Festival), but I didn't notice any elsewhere - but then again, I didn't think to look! I bet the others are there all the time - I'll have to remember that next time.
Another great update!!!

I have yet to see Divine. Those were really great pics:thumbsup2

Sweet deal, same room and tickets for only another 6 dollars, you can't beat that :woohoo:

I never noticed those gnomes either

My mom's husband is going on this year trip with us and he has a living room full of gnomes. He is going to love that:thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear about rest of your night..sounds fun:goodvibes
How great that you got to stay an extra day and upgrade your tickets for only $6.00!!!:thumbsup2 I never noticed all the gnomes in Norway but will look out for them when I go in September.
OOOOooooh, you were SO lucky to catch DeVine... I still have never seen her:sad2: Someday! Maybe this weekend?

How funny... hiding gnomes?:confused3 Who knew? Something new to look for, thanks for the tip!

YES!! Another day. What an awesome feeling.. and to have it all work out so perfectly. That's fantastic.:thumbsup2

And.. we get to have MORE TR on the extra day!:banana:
You are staying another day!!!:cool1: :cool1:

I love that pic of Devine where all you can see is her eye. I saw her on the first trip to AK and did not know she was hard to find. I have not seen her since:sad2:
That was awesome that you were able to add an extra day and only $6 for park hoppers is even better:thumbsup2
Yes it was a nice surprise!
We searched for gnomes in the garden (I think it was just set up for the F&G Festival), but I didn't notice any elsewhere - but then again, I didn't think to look! I bet the others are there all the time - I'll have to remember that next time.
I don't remember seeing them in February but I could have just missed them.:confused3

Another great update!!!

I have yet to see Divine. Those were really great pics:thumbsup2

Sweet deal, same room and tickets for only another 6 dollars, you can't beat that :woohoo:

I never noticed those gnomes either

My mom's husband is going on this year trip with us and he has a living room full of gnomes. He is going to love that:thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear about rest of your night..sounds fun:goodvibes
We've looked for Devine the past 2 trips before this one and have never found her. This time we weren't looking and ran right into her!:rotfl:
The CM said that after 4 or 5 days booked the tickets get dirt cheap. I guess I just never realized that.
I hope the gnomes are still there for your mom's husband. It was fun to walk around and see how many we could find.

Great Update Blue ! I never noticed the gnomes either , will def. look out next year!!
Thanks Rosie
I hope they keep them there. It was fun counting them.
How great that you got to stay an extra day and upgrade your tickets for only $6.00!!!:thumbsup2 I never noticed all the gnomes in Norway but will look out for them when I go in September.
It was a great surprise!
Let us know if they are still there when you go!:thumbsup2

OOOOooooh, you were SO lucky to catch DeVine... I still have never seen her:sad2: Someday! Maybe this weekend?

How funny... hiding gnomes?:confused3 Who knew? Something new to look for, thanks for the tip!

YES!! Another day. What an awesome feeling.. and to have it all work out so perfectly. That's fantastic.:thumbsup2

And.. we get to have MORE TR on the extra day!:banana:

We ran right into her when we weren't looking for her. Guess that's just the way it goes. :rotfl:
I'm so excited that your trip is so close!! Can't wait to read all about it. Have a fun and safe trip.
Morning Blue!!

You are staying another day!!!:cool1: :cool1:

I love that pic of Devine where all you can see is her eye. I saw her on the first trip to AK and did not know she was hard to find. I have not seen her since:sad2:

I like that pic too. She was flirting with the camera. I kept trying to get one of her face and I think she knew that. She was toying with me. :lmao: Lot of fun. I hope we see her again.
Ok, I believe I got mixed up somehow. When we are on a trip, I usually dump the pic's from my camera card onto my laptop. I keep each day's photo's in a seperate folder so that it sort of tell's a story and I don't have to take notes for my TR. Well.....obviously some of my pics have been mixed up because on this day we started at MK first. I forgot that we had promised DS that he could ride Buzz again, bright and early in the morning. THEN we headed over to Epcot for Soarin'. I think I'm also getting the night's mixed up too so I'm not going to try to figure it out anymore. We really hopped around a lot our last 2 days.:confused3 The main portion of our extra day will be correct. So, here is what I missed.....

When we got to MK in the morning, the portion of the hub in front of the castle was roped off. There was a large camera crane and crew out front and when we got closer I realized someone was standing on the balcony of the Castle. 2 teenagers walked up right after us and started asking if we knew who it was. Everyone was speculating as to who it was because it was sort of hard to see her. Finally, a name entered my head and I asked if that was who it was because frankly, I have no idea. I didn't really watch American Idol. I zoomed in as much as I could and took some pics. I showed the 2 teens and asked if it was "Jordan Sparks". The ear piercing scream told me it was. She never waved at anyone, by the way. She just stood there and looked around while the crew was getting things set up.



At this point, the teens were waving to her like mad. You can see that she looked right at us.

This was her reaction to the waving....:confused3


After this we headed over to Buzz so DS could have his morning ride. We also rode the Indy cars again. Then we headed out to Epcot. We actually drove there and did the monorail either later that evening or the next night. I really can't remember anymore and my pic's are all mixed up now. :mad:

That night we came back to MK and caught a few more rides. One of which was It's a Small World, per DS's request. I snapped some pic's. Below are some that came out clear or semi-clear.

But the most magical part of the evening was when myself and DH took turns riding Pirates of the Caribbean. DS was starting to show interest in riding it. When DH got off, DS decided that he wanted to try it out. So, off we went....He was sort of nervous at first since it was so dark and "stormy" but he didn't cry or even start to cry. I did my best to point out little things that I thought he'd think were cool to keep his mind from playing tricks on him. :rotfl: We went down the slide and after that, he was totally fine. He said he really liked it. Not sure if he will do it again next time but he liked it this time. ;)

Here are the pics from IASW...




This is another ride we rode way too many times this trip. Do you ever find yourself zoning out on this ride and rather than look at the decorations you find yourself wondering where all the side tunnels and doors go? Maybe it's just me. :confused3 :rotfl2:




As always, the line to get off is longer than the one to get on the ride...

Money!! And another mysterious pathway to a door.

Here are a few extra pic's from when we were walking into MK....

Sorry about the glare. This was $25,000.00

This was $2185.00

The sky writer was out this morning! It said "Jesus Loves U"
Wow, for an American Idol she sure doesn't seem to appreciate her fan base.

Yeah, everyone got bored with her really quick and walked off. Geesh, if I were her I'd be waving like mad! I mean, how exciting to be up there and to have all of these opportunities opening up to you. Maybe I see it differently.:confused3
Yeah, everyone got bored with her really quick and walked off. Geesh, if I were her I'd be waving like mad! I mean, how exciting to be up there and to have all of these opportunities opening up to you. Maybe I see it differently.:confused3

Not at all, I think any of us would have been waving back! She is just a snob, too good to acknowledge the fans. :snooty:
Yea there is something fake about her for sure....just something I don't like about her. Oh well.
Her PR person should teach her how to act.
That's what happens. This kid went from nobody to a recording artist too fast.


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