The FrenchFry takes on the Caesar Salad - DREAM COME TRUE GOT TO MEET PODCAST TEAM!

Day 6 in Orlando:

We got up early and started the drive down to Tampa, DBF had to stop twice to stretch his legs as his knees get very sore when driving and when we eventually arrived at Busch gardens he followed the exact directions of the Sat Nav and we entered the Busch Gardens car park from a side road that meant no queue and no parking charge...very very weird!

We then went to join the huge crowd of people in front of the turnstiles, after about half an hour we reached the front, this seemed by far to be the hottest day of the holiday and we were roasted and very glad to have reached the end of the line, I have over my flexticket to the CM and he passed it through the machine, it didn't work...neither did DBF's, the CM Looked at our flex tickets and said...'Sorry guys these flex tickets don't cover Busch gardens, you need the 6 park flex ticket to cover entry to Busch Gardens.'

:idea: I was stuck by horrible realisation, normally with my mum Busch gardens has been on our flex ticket, but I had chose Busch Gardens as the add on option to my Discovery Cove Tickets...which were in the hotel safe in Orlando!!!:scared1::scared1::scared1: I was in a total panic and explained the situation to the CM who sent us way back past all the lines to join the queue for the customer services house...45 minutes later, roasted alive with very little shade we reached the window for Custopmer Services, I told them our story on the verge of tears, I was so upset at my own stupidiy, cancelled out DBF's mistake for forgetting his licence for sure! Luckily they were able to verify our tickets online somehow and printed us out paper tickets that would allow us entry! Relief :worship:

By this time we had watch hundreds of people pass us by, the crowds were really huge so we invested in an express pass an additional expense of $45...and then rejoined the queue for the park which was another half an hour...a very costly mistake indeed!

So by the time we got into the park, my head was nearly away with the stress worry and heat! Mountain Dew got me refreshed a little bit...we enjoyed watching the massive croc but he was sleeping so w moved on to the elephants...their keeper was feeding them and giving a talk...



Oh dear...possibly the most gross photo of me evr! but also a true reflection of how I was feeling...



Our day consisted of about 6/8 rides:

Montu...a good rollercoaster

Sheikra, a really wide (maybe 10-12 seats across) rollercoaster that drops you straight down, pretty scary but nice and smooth

The log flume...DBF really enjoyed this 8 loop coaster, both thought this was good, we wnt on twice

The Rhino Rally and edge of Africa both nice for seeing the animals.

Gwazi...both tracks, a wooden rollercoaster, I was feeling a bit sick from being so warm and this coaster felt like it was going to shake my brain right out!!! also just as we pulled back into the station, one of the trains got stuck, full of people, on the first hill, it was just so hot me and DBF both were worried they'd all be getting sunstroke if they weren't rescued soon.:sick:

We ate a mediumly ok buffet munch of pizza pasta and salad, was good to be airconditioned!

DBF tried a few fairground games...


This day just seemed like such a struggle after the bad start and the immense heat and neither of us felt it had been worth the long drive, but OTOH I think we would have enjoyed it under cooler more relaxed circumstances. Some of the highlights were a big brass band we watched playing Michael Jackson songs and spending time watching the white tigers!

We were sooo ready to go home at about 4.30 but we had arranged to meet my aunt and her daughter who live in Orlando and my dad's cousin who was in Tampa in business for dinner, so we ventured into Tampa and met up with my family. This was probably the highlight of our day...

We went to Maggiano's and it was great! Everyone on the table ordered family style, 2 starters, 2 salads, 2 pasta dishes, 2 main courses and 2 desserts and they brought ourt more of anything that the table really likes, I ordered a steak because I'm such a plain eater but it was great for DBF to get to try all this great food that we wouldn't normally choose, like chiken parm, lasagna etc. I tasted the garlic bread with Parmesan and the profiteroles and they were gorgeous! The wine was flowing, My dad's cousin is from New York and him and my aunt kept us entertained the whole night, a lot of laughter and my aunt paid the whole bill which was very kind of her, we drove home after a long day that had a really cheerful, good company ending!

Do you think Levi and Lexi will want to try crazy coasters like that and pull you and your DH along?! me and my sisters made my nana go on Rock n rollercoaster and when we got home from the holiday she was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy (sp) a quite serious heart condition and was advised to not even lift heavy objects never mind 0-40mph in about 2 seconds!:rotfl: oh dear!

Ice lolly=popsicle

here's another few irish to usa conversions in case you think they're funny, i'll keep our version on the left

chips = french fries
crisps = chips
good craic = good fun
eejit = silly person
holy ghost malachy = omg

Lexi & Levi better not pull me on any roller coasters like that! The little ones at Disney is the most I'll do. I actually have cardiomyopathy too. My condition came after birth of the twins. I can always use that as a excuse to stay off the scary rides! ;)

Thank's for the irish conversions! I was trying to figure out if Ice lolly was a ice-cream, popsicle or slushie!

Now I know where the word eejit comes from! I'll have to start using the word 'ice lolly' now :). :mickeybar
Oh lord, I would have totally freaked if I forgot the tickets!!! I can't even imagine what you must have felt! Thank god they were able to find them electronically!!

Sounds like a nice night with family and good food!!

Your lucky Nikki, I used to go a better colour when I was little but my tan is so slow now! I watched Unstoppable last weekend and Rosario Dawson really reminded me of you...have you ever heard that before?:3dglasses

Oh weird! No, I've never heard that one before but I can see the connection. It's the big eyes probably.

And yeah, a real country person round here would say 'he's the pure eejit' = 'what a jacka$$! exactly!

Haha, that's what I thought!

Yep, will definitely be wearing sunscreen and staying in shade some too, I found a lovely nivea suncream with gold shimmer but I think the line has been discontinued, my mum really liked reimann's p20? that she used this year...:)

I will go have a look at the website, I love theme parks and rollercoasters and won't get a fix this year in Egypt at all! :eek:

I used to use P20 but found it a bit too greasy after a while. I'm knida fussy when it comes to sunscreen because I don't like anything with smell and I don't like having to constantly reapply.

My aunt actually suggested Boots Soltan last year and we both bought a bottle each and I can say we will defo be buying it again. Not only is it the No. 1 voted sunscreen in the UK, but it doesn't have an overpowering smell and it also has moisturiser in it too. The after sun is also very good too (something that is needed on Florida holidays esp when you are out in the sun all day).

Did you check out AT yet?

Gosh what a nuisance about the ticket mix up, but so glad the CM's were able to fix it for you :thumbsup2 Glad the rest of the day turned out good and dinner with your family sounded like lots of fun :goodvibes
Great report....
I really want to go to sea world again. I only been once when i was like 9-10 years old and too short to pet the dolphins which was one of my main things back then. :(. quite disappointing that I couldn't reach. lol.
Hi and :welcome: I was looking at the comments on my pre trip report a few nights ago and now your here! a good coincidence!

Thanks, our Seaworld day was really good, much more relaxed and I loved how much DBF Loved shopping! He though the value for money was great at the outlets, we ended up going to two more times!:cool1:

Are you thinking of doing a trip/pre trip report for your Port Orleans visit? My mum and nana are staying there this May and are so excited!

Yeah, somehow I didn't realize that you had started your TR! Glad to be here now :goodvibes I think I might do a PTR/TR for our trip, but probably not start the PTR until maybe June or so (about 3 months before the trip). We LOVE POR-- I bet your mom and nana will, too. Have they stayed there before? It's a great resort!
Awww, sorry your Busch Gardens day got off to such a rough start. Definitely ended nicely, though-- Maggiano's is a great restaurant. The family-style is always fun!
I love your list of the Irish words, lol. Makes me miss my family from Kerry and hearing "ballox" and "muppet!"
Lexi & Levi better not pull me on any roller coasters like that! The little ones at Disney is the most I'll do. I actually have cardiomyopathy too. My condition came after birth of the twins. I can always use that as a excuse to stay off the scary rides! ;)

Thank's for the irish conversions! I was trying to figure out if Ice lolly was a ice-cream, popsicle or slushie!

Now I know where the word eejit comes from! I'll have to start using the word 'ice lolly' now :). :mickeybar

I think Cardiomyopathy is a valid excuse to sit out! we arrived home and part of the doctor's advice was no unnecessary lifting heavy objects, we just thought it was so funny sending nana on these crazy big rides, even the Hulk, and she's not even supposed to be lifting heavy items!:lmao: so she just sits at the exit now of all the really bad rides and holds the bags, and is happy with a nice cool water and people watching...but bizarrely still loves Splash mt!

We sometimes call a cone with ice cream and a chocolate flake in it a '99'...and we have could maybe start a trend and by the next time I get a trip to America I'll hear people asking for a lolly instead of a popsicle!:rotfl:

Oh lord, I would have totally freaked if I forgot the tickets!!! I can't even imagine what you must have felt! Thank god they were able to find them electronically!!

Sounds like a nice night with family and good food!!

It was an excellent night, my dad's cousin was so funny and included everybody in conversation and even though DBF was driving he was involved in the fun and we had one of the loudest and last to leave tables there!

Literally I couldn't believe I'd done that, the moment of realisation was like hitting a brick wall or something just total shock! but yep so glad they found them, it would have been heartbreaking to make that journey and queue that long for nothing!

Oh weird! No, I've never heard that one before but I can see the connection. It's the big eyes probably.

Not sure, maybe the eyes, but it's a compliment for sure, she's very nice!:thumbsup2

I used to use P20 but found it a bit too greasy after a while. I'm knida fussy when it comes to sunscreen because I don't like anything with smell and I don't like having to constantly reapply.

My aunt actually suggested Boots Soltan last year and we both bought a bottle each and I can say we will defo be buying it again. Not only is it the No. 1 voted sunscreen in the UK, but it doesn't have an overpowering smell and it also has moisturiser in it too. The after sun is also very good too (something that is needed on Florida holidays esp when you are out in the sun all day).

Did you check out AT yet?

Gosh what a nuisance about the ticket mix up, but so glad the CM's were able to fix it for you :thumbsup2 Glad the rest of the day turned out good and dinner with your family sounded like lots of fun :goodvibes

AT has to go on the backbunrer for a while because DBF is really wanting to start long term saving for wedding/house and we had originally planned no holiday so probably pushing my luck with Egypt, I didn't realise how serious he was but we had a talk this week and I agreed to start tying hard to save, so don't think Alton Towers would be music to his ears! but I looked at the website and will keep it in mind for maybe a birthday/xmas present...or even in a few mths if our savings are ahead of target...saving up is so hard!:scared1:

Boots Soltan sounds pretty good, yep reapplying is a bit of a pain, might be a good one for us to try this year!

The ticket mix up was even more annoying in that it was all my fault, and DBF was so good didn't bring it up ever again, whereas I might have mentioned his forgetting the licence once or twice...:eek::rolleyes1

but it all ended well with a lovely family evening!

Great report....
I really want to go to sea world again. I only been once when i was like 9-10 years old and too short to pet the dolphins which was one of my main things back then. :(. quite disappointing that I couldn't reach. lol.

Hi:flower3: and thanks, I'm enjoying replaying our lovely now seems long long ago two weeks in florida...
9-10 would probably have been the age I would have most appreciated the swimming with the dolphins at Discovery Cove! you'll have to get a repeat visit, although you have to pay a little extra I think to get into the dolphin petting area now!

Yeah, somehow I didn't realize that you had started your TR! Glad to be here now :goodvibes I think I might do a PTR/TR for our trip, but probably not start the PTR until maybe June or so (about 3 months before the trip). We LOVE POR-- I bet your mom and nana will, too. Have they stayed there before? It's a great resort!
Awww, sorry your Busch Gardens day got off to such a rough start. Definitely ended nicely, though-- Maggiano's is a great restaurant. The family-style is always fun!
I love your list of the Irish words, lol. Makes me miss my family from Kerry and hearing "ballox" and "muppet!"

This is mum and nana's first trip where they will be staying on property! and it is my aunt and my cousin's first time ever to visit Disney!

I will be looking out for you starting one around June time then, the resort looks beautiful especially at night!

Maggiano's was a great experience, although DBF was sooo shocked at my aunt and her daughter they kind of did a trick where they put out all the food onto the plates even though we had finished eating then ordered another portion and had all the leftovers boxed up to take home, it was very obvious, :eek:DBF was mortified, I don't know if this is normal for Maggiano's and I just thought it was a bit comical but DBF was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of food on the table, it was a lot!

Ballox...I think thats a funny one! :lmao:
I was also surprised we managed to squeeze in the 3 biggest rides, although the queue for Manta was loooong! We didn't do Wild arctic which I think DBF would've enjoyed but on the to do list for the future...

Yep he was getting into the coasters, even if he was scared he would never want me to do it by myself, so he was almost forced by his own niceness to give even the scariest rollercoasters a go! the only ride I'm not keen on is one that hovers you at the top of a long tower for a horribly agonising wait then drops you straight down. although ToT is an exception! Do you go on the rollecoasters at Disney?:scared1:

I love all the roller coasters at Disney, including RnR (although that one took me a while to finally ride, I was terrified of it for the longest time!) Haha ToT is an exception for me too...I would never go on the free falling rides at other parks. I don't like being out in the open with my feet dangling!

The elephants at Busch Gardens are soo cute!
AT has to go on the backbunrer for a while because DBF is really wanting to start long term saving for wedding/house and we had originally planned no holiday so probably pushing my luck with Egypt, I didn't realise how serious he was but we had a talk this week and I agreed to start tying hard to save, so don't think Alton Towers would be music to his ears! but I looked at the website and will keep it in mind for maybe a birthday/xmas present...or even in a few mths if our savings are ahead of target...saving up is so hard!:scared1:

Boots Soltan sounds pretty good, yep reapplying is a bit of a pain, might be a good one for us to try this year!

The ticket mix up was even more annoying in that it was all my fault, and DBF was so good didn't bring it up ever again, whereas I might have mentioned his forgetting the licence once or twice...:eek::rolleyes1

but it all ended well with a lovely family evening!

Ah right, makes sense. We are doing the same ourselves got 7 months to come up with big dosh for the wedding. Having to really be good and not be as frivolous and what not, is hard but will all be worth it in the end :)

Yes defo try Soltan, is really good :)
AT has to go on the backbunrer for a while because DBF is really wanting to start long term saving for wedding/house and we had originally planned no holiday so probably pushing my luck with Egypt, I didn't realise how serious he was but we had a talk this week and I agreed to start tying hard to save, so don't think Alton Towers would be music to his ears! but I looked at the website and will keep it in mind for maybe a birthday/xmas present...or even in a few mths if our savings are ahead of target...saving up is so hard!:scared1

So does this mean there'll be a ring on the horizon soon? :teeth:
I love all the roller coasters at Disney, including RnR (although that one took me a while to finally ride, I was terrified of it for the longest time!) Haha ToT is an exception for me too...I would never go on the free falling rides at other parks. I don't like being out in the open with my feet dangling!

The elephants at Busch Gardens are soo cute!

I had a bad experience in one of those drop type towers at the Exhibition in Toronto, it dropped so far and so fast I thought I was about to die! literally the feeling I got wasn't a fun, exciting one like I get with rollercoasters just one that made me thinksomething terrible had happened like my stomach had collided with my heart!:scared1:

The elephants were cute, but standing in the blistering sun meant we couldn't stay too long.

Ah right, makes sense. We are doing the same ourselves got 7 months to come up with big dosh for the wedding. Having to really be good and not be as frivolous and what not, is hard but will all be worth it in the end :)

Yes defo try Soltan, is really good :)

Will be totally worth it...7 months not a long time at all but then at least the target is close enough to be motivating...I will be looking forward to looking at all the photos and wondering if you sneak in any Disney touches?:bride:

So does this mean there'll be a ring on the horizon soon? :teeth:

Me and my mum have both been asked since twenty times this year...'no word of a big sparkler for Cathy over christmas'...I think DBF would be keen enough apart from our financial situation we had to pay architects bills of almost £5,000 in the past couple of months, so we were on basic rations for christmas!:confused: but at least we have lovely house plans now, and I think a ring might appear at some stage in 2011...:cutie:

what about you Dana, are you in touch with your old BF still or got a new one on the go?
Me and my mum have both been asked since twenty times this year...'no word of a big sparkler for Cathy over christmas'...I think DBF would be keen enough apart from our financial situation we had to pay architects bills of almost £5,000 in the past couple of months, so we were on basic rations for christmas!:confused: but at least we have lovely house plans now, and I think a ring might appear at some stage in 2011...:cutie:

what about you Dana, are you in touch with your old BF still or got a new one on the go?

No one said it has to be sparkly :teeth: It could be a little Mickey ring or something :lmao: But yay anyway!

No, I'm not in touch with him. I'd texted him for his birthday last month and got a response, but I honestly don't think it would work out if we got back together. And no, no new prospects at the moment. But such is life :)
No one said it has to be sparkly :teeth: It could be a little Mickey ring or something :lmao: But yay anyway!

No, I'm not in touch with him. I'd texted him for his birthday last month and got a response, but I honestly don't think it would work out if we got back together. And no, no new prospects at the moment. But such is life :)

You need to be single for your semi-solo trips coming up in case you meet a handsome, rugged yet sensitive single rider Disney addicted traveller in the line for one of the rides! DBF sometimes asks...what do you love better me or Disney and I Disney! :rotfl:
You need to be single for your semi-solo trips coming up in case you meet a handsome, rugged yet sensitive single rider Disney addicted traveller in the line for one of the rides! DBF sometimes asks...what do you love better me or Disney and I Disney! :rotfl:

You mean like this guy?


:lmao: Dunno if he's into Disney, but he's basically my perfect guy. Just extremely unattainable.
DBF claimed that a long, late drive home from Tampa and an early start to get to Epcot for 9 did not a good combination make! So I reluctantly agreed to NOT set our alarms and just wake up when our tired brains permitted.

So...we pulled into Epcot parking lot just before noon and were about to hop on the little tram when DBF realised he had left something in the car, we then missed the tram and had a disagreement as to wait for the next tram or walk...I wanted to walk, we waited :mad: and got the tram and were soon in Epcot although not on the best of terms...we headed to Soarin' for fastpasses and I really regretted our lie in when I saw how long the queues were...

We then headed to Living with the Land, which we both enjoyed, DBF sneaked his hand out and held mine during the boat ride and our silly argument was forgotten! :cutie:




I saw a facebook group this week called 'when life hands you lemons DEMAND salt and tequila!' think this lemon would be a whole bar full of tequila shots!


A poor photo, but so cool to see the plants growing in the shape of a Mickey head!

We then headed out and watched the fountains for a little bit before getting lunch at Electric Umbrella, chicken nuggets and fries for me, ceasar salad for DBF who was determined not to ruin his appetite for our much anticipated ADR at Le Cellier! We then went to Mission Space on the intense side which we both lovedd!


I think we then had a look round both Innoventions and picked up a fastpass for Testtrack, we also did Ellen's energy adventures for DBF (Physics teacher) and which I secretly love! I have been on this ride several times and still am't getting bored!

Our friends had given DBF a poor review of Epcot, but I think he was very pleasantly surprised and if I manage our time here better next time I think it could be his favourite park...

but here comes the evidence of how I managed our time poory, we started at the left side of the lagoon, at Mexico and gave ourselves two hours to make it round to Canada for our dinner reservation...BIG MISTAKE...I think world showcase is much better enjoyed with a drink and leisurely browse through each country not in the style of our whistlestop tour...but anyway here goes:eek:

MEXICO...Gotta get the hat photo!



CHINA: trying to take a photo of the terracotta army which we both thought was immense but couldn't get the camera setting right!


I think we look a bit like we're feeling the pressure of our jaunt around the world in this photo!:laughing:


We managed to catch a performance of the Chinese acrobats, this was the first time I've seen them perform outdoors, and although we agreed they were amaxing, it was just so hot!



Can't believe how much weight they are putting on their mouths...unbelievable!



Next time...we WILL be having a photo of us drinking a bier in Germany, not just standing in front of the bier sign!


ITALY...Feeling the heat!


As we went to the toilets in USA this marching band started right beside us and we followed them as they progressed along for a little bit, so even though we were rushing we still got to see snippets of all the amazing stuff worldshowcase has to offer those who have sense and take their time around the lagoon!:idea:


Trying to get the American flag in the background, but I'm pretty sure no-ne is going to make it past those 2 big round sweaty faces! :lmao:

Joining in! I am really enjoying your report. It is fun to hear about your adventures outside of Disney. Discovery Cove sounds really neat. It will be fun to go when my kids are a little older!
Epcot really is loads of fun, but you're right. The only way to do the World Showcase is to leisurely explore, drink in hand! Can't wait to hear about what you think of the World Showcase!


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