The Collins Institute for Gifted Youngsters RP

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Fairywings said:
Daniel: Daniel rinsed of the plates and set them in the dishwasher. He heard Nate and smiled at him. Hey Nate! Good to see you concious!" He pointed at the chicken parm and continued, "River and I made chicken parmesan. I think there's some still over there."

Max: Max sat and watched everyone. It was all too clear something was going on between Dabiel and River. The other students seemed nervous. She decided it must be about Nate. Then, she saw him in the kitchen, and in her mind she sighed in her head. In her mind of course. Even if she could show feelings, even if she could have friends here, Max knew, or thought she knew the others saw her as a freak. And that's what she was really. A freak trapped within her father's grasp, so she acted out and wa also seen as a fool. At times, Max believed it was her lot in life: to be unhappy. She supposed it was better than having cancer or something worse though. And she would survibe. She was nothing if not strong. Yet Max suspected she was nothing anyway.

Professor Collins: The professor finished eating. She would now be willing to talk to River, but she didn't call the girl over. She was happy talking to her classmates, and the professor was glad. River would find her when she was ready.

River: River caught herself watching Professor Collins, she saw that she had finished eating, and was hoping that she was free to talk to her now. She had planned on waiting for the professor to talk to her, she had planned on talking to Daniel before she talked to the professor just to get one more boost of confidence. But she couldn't wait any longer, she said to Margo "I'll be right back" but she didn't really say it to Margo more just to the air around her, her attention was focused somewhere else, she stood slowly and felt her legs shaking, on shaky knees she walked over to where the professor was she swallowed and took a deep breath then said "professor, can we talk now?"
OOC: Sorry I haven't come on! I was on vacation this past week (in Disney, of course), and just got back yesterday. I read through most of what happened while I was gone, and I don't think I missed too much. Should I just jump in at dinner or what?
Daniel: Daniel rinsed of the plates and set them in the dishwasher. He heard Nate and smiled at him. Hey Nate! Good to see you concious!" He pointed at the chicken parm and continued, "River and I made chicken parmesan. I think there's some still over there."

Nate: "Great!" Nate grabbed a plate, then heaped on the chicken parm. He stuck it in the microwave to warm up, then turned to Daniel, "So, did I miss anything while I was out?"

Margo: "OK," Margo said to River as she left, although it was clear her mind was on other things. Margo got up again to take her plate to the sink. In the kitchen, she was glad to see Nate up, although he was still looking a bit rough. "Nate! Glad you're alright."
OOC: Sorry I haven't come on! I was on vacation this past week (in Disney, of course), and just got back yesterday. I read through most of what happened while I was gone, and I don't think I missed too much. Should I just jump in at dinner or what?

OOC: Disney! That's exciting! How was your trip? I'd say just jump in at dinner
OOC: Disney! That's exciting! How was your trip? I'd say just jump in at dinner

OOC: It was great! Tons of fun :-)

Amelia: Amelia wasn't too hungry, but the food was pretty good. She ate a little bit and pushed the rest around on her plate. She got up and went into the kitchen. She was glad to see Nate in there; he looked so much better. She cleared the rest of her plate into the garbage and rinsed it off. She stuck it in the dishwasher along with her glass and shut it. Then she wasn't sure what to do, so she just kind of stood around.
River: River caught herself watching Professor Collins, she saw that she had finished eating, and was hoping that she was free to talk to her now. She had planned on waiting for the professor to talk to her, she had planned on talking to Daniel before she talked to the professor just to get one more boost of confidence. But she couldn't wait any longer, she said to Margo "I'll be right back" but she didn't really say it to Margo more just to the air around her, her attention was focused somewhere else, she stood slowly and felt her legs shaking, on shaky knees she walked over to where the professor was she swallowed and took a deep breath then said "professor, can we talk now?"

Nate: "Great!" Nate grabbed a plate, then heaped on the chicken parm. He stuck it in the microwave to warm up, then turned to Daniel, "So, did I miss anything while I was out?"

Margo: "OK," Margo said to River as she left, although it was clear her mind was on other things. Margo got up again to take her plate to the sink. In the kitchen, she was glad to see Nate up, although he was still looking a bit rough. "Nate! Glad you're alright."

Professor Collins: The professor smiled at River. "Yes, of course. Why don't we go to my office?" The professor forgot about her plate and stood up. With a toss of her head, Professor Collins signaled River to follow and left the room.

Daniel: Daniel thought quickly. The only real thing that happened was that he'd kissed River, and then they made dinner. It was obvious dinner had been made, and as for the first part, Daniel felt Nate didn't really need to know about that. Smiling, he replied, "No actually, not much of anything happened. It was kind of dull really." As he spoke, Daniel hoped nothing gave him away, but he knew he probably wasn't nearly as good at constructing his face as Max was at constructing her own.
Fairywings said:
Professor Collins: The professor smiled at River. "Yes, of course. Why don't we go to my office?" The professor forgot about her plate and stood up. With a toss of her head, Professor Collins signaled River to follow and left the room.

Daniel: Daniel thought quickly. The only real thing that happened was that he'd kissed River, and then they made dinner. It was obvious dinner had been made, and as for the first part, Daniel felt Nate didn't really need to know about that. Smiling, he replied, "No actually, not much of anything happened. It was kind of dull really." As he spoke, Daniel hoped nothing gave him away, but he knew he probably wasn't nearly as good at constructing his face as Max was at constructing her own.

River: River nodded , "okay" she said forcing herself to take steady breaths, she didn't understand why she was so nervous, finding out about her parents was a good thing. So how come she felt so worried. As she followed the professor out of the kitchen she took one fleeting glance back at the kitchen where Daniel was. She wished she could have talked to him one more time before she went with the professor, but she knew it was time now, she was not going to turn back.
OOC: It was great! Tons of fun :-)

Amelia: Amelia wasn't too hungry, but the food was pretty good. She ate a little bit and pushed the rest around on her plate. She got up and went into the kitchen. She was glad to see Nate in there; he looked so much better. She cleared the rest of her plate into the garbage and rinsed it off. She stuck it in the dishwasher along with her glass and shut it. Then she wasn't sure what to do, so she just kind of stood around.

Professor Collins: The professor smiled at River. "Yes, of course. Why don't we go to my office?" The professor forgot about her plate and stood up. With a toss of her head, Professor Collins signaled River to follow and left the room.

Daniel: Daniel thought quickly. The only real thing that happened was that he'd kissed River, and then they made dinner. It was obvious dinner had been made, and as for the first part, Daniel felt Nate didn't really need to know about that. Smiling, he replied, "No actually, not much of anything happened. It was kind of dull really." As he spoke, Daniel hoped nothing gave him away, but he knew he probably wasn't nearly as good at constructing his face as Max was at constructing her own.

Nate: "Glad I didn't miss anything." The microwave dinged and Nate took out his plate. "Did you know Professor Collins has a bracelet thing that can do magic?"

Margo: "Wow! Is there anything she can't do?" Margo smiled at Amelia as she came in.
Nate: "Glad I didn't miss anything." The microwave dinged and Nate took out his plate. "Did you know Professor Collins has a bracelet thing that can do magic?"

Margo: "Wow! Is there anything she can't do?" Margo smiled at Amelia as she came in.

Amelia: Amelia smiled back at Margo. "Anything who can't do?" she asked.
River: River nodded , "okay" she said forcing herself to take steady breaths, she didn't understand why she was so nervous, finding out about her parents was a good thing. So how come she felt so worried. As she followed the professor out of the kitchen she took one fleeting glance back at the kitchen where Daniel was. She wished she could have talked to him one more time before she went with the professor, but she knew it was time now, she was not going to turn back.

Nate: "Glad I didn't miss anything." The microwave dinged and Nate took out his plate. "Did you know Professor Collins has a bracelet thing that can do magic?"

Margo: "Wow! Is there anything she can't do?" Margo smiled at Amelia as she came in.

Daniel: Daniel saw River leaving and flashed a smile at her quicky before turning to Nate. "Really? No I didn't know. Wow, that's cool!."

Max: Max listened to the others talk. Part of her, the part that never wanted to bring her father's wrath, wanted to go take care of her punishment. But Max knew it was too risky.

Professor Collins: Professor Collins walked along the passageways to her office. As she walked, she asked, "Are you enjoying yourself here River? I know today was a little bad, but first days always are. Some of my past students have told me in the beginning of the year that this place doesn't seem like much, but we do some cool things I suppose."
Fairywings said:
Daniel: Daniel saw River leaving and flashed a smile at her quicky before turning to Nate. "Really? No I didn't know. Wow, that's cool!."

Max: Max listened to the others talk. Part of her, the part that never wanted to bring her father's wrath, wanted to go take care of her punishment. But Max knew it was too risky.

Professor Collins: Professor Collins walked along the passageways to her office. As she walked, she asked, "Are you enjoying yourself here River? I know today was a little bad, but first days always are. Some of my past students have told me in the beginning of the year that this place doesn't seem like much, but we do some cool things I suppose."

River: River looked up at the professor "yes, very much actually. I...I wouldn't describe today as bad, I mean of course some bad things did happen. But, well overall I've actually had a really good day." she said thinking of Daniel. She couldn't help it, she wondered if he thought about her this much.
River: River looked up at the professor "yes, very much actually. I...I wouldn't describe today as bad, I mean of course some bad things did happen. But, well overall I've actually had a really good day." she said thinking of Daniel. She couldn't help it, she wondered if he thought about her this much.

Professor Collins: The professor smiled. "I suppose that's a more optimistic way of looking at it. And I'm glad you're enjoying it here. Sometimes my friends will ask me how do I do what I do with my life, living on a 'remote' island and teaching kids and keeping them at the manor, but I wouldn't have it another way. Except, if I had ever had a sibling, and they had powers, I'd want them right next to me. But, that's not how it happened I suppose."

Daniel: Daniel drifted off for a moment. Today was great. Oh yes, today had been good. He didn't even care about getting stuck in the wall this afternoon. Everyone would laugh, but he was in love. His mind couldn't wander away from River for very long. He liked her.
Fairywings said:
Professor Collins: The professor smiled. "I suppose that's a more optimistic way of looking at it. And I'm glad you're enjoying it here. Sometimes my friends will ask me how do I do what I do with my life, living on a 'remote' island and teaching kids and keeping them at the manor, but I wouldn't have it another way. Except, if I had ever had a sibling, and they had powers, I'd want them right next to me. But, that's not how it happened I suppose."

Daniel: Daniel drifted off for a moment. Today was great. Oh yes, today had been good. He didn't even care about getting stuck in the wall this afternoon. Everyone would laugh, but he was in love. His mind couldn't wander away from River for very long. He liked her.

River: River wasn't sure what to say, "oh, well I think your doing the right thing. Without you dedicating your life to your students like this. I don't know where people like me would be."
Amelia: Amelia smiled back at Margo. "Anything who can't do?" she asked.

Daniel: Daniel saw River leaving and flashed a smile at her quicky before turning to Nate. "Really? No I didn't know. Wow, that's cool!."

Max: Max listened to the others talk. Part of her, the part that never wanted to bring her father's wrath, wanted to go take care of her punishment. But Max knew it was too risky.

Professor Collins: Professor Collins walked along the passageways to her office. As she walked, she asked, "Are you enjoying yourself here River? I know today was a little bad, but first days always are. Some of my past students have told me in the beginning of the year that this place doesn't seem like much, but we do some cool things I suppose."

Margo: "Professor Collins," Margo said, answering Amelia. "Nate was just telling us how she can..."

Nate: "Do magic with a bracelet." Nate interrupted. "She said some student gave it to her, but I don't remember all the details. I wasn't at my best mental state at the time. I do think she said it has to be recharged, so it's not unlimited." Nate sat down in the kitchen, since dinner was really almost over already.
River: River wasn't sure what to say, "oh, well I think your doing the right thing. Without you dedicating your life to your students like this. I don't know where people like me would be."

Margo: "Professor Collins," Margo said, answering Amelia. "Nate was just telling us how she can..."

Nate: "Do magic with a bracelet." Nate interrupted. "She said some student gave it to her, but I don't remember all the details. I wasn't at my best mental state at the time. I do think she said it has to be recharged, so it's not unlimited." Nate sat down in the kitchen, since dinner was really almost over already.

Professor Collins: The professor smiled. "You're quite right, my dear." Finally, they arrived in front of her pffice. Professor Collins unlocked the door and went in, kicking the doorstop. When River came in, Professr Collins closed the door behind them. The professor moved to her desk. She reached into the middle drawer and pulled out what appeared to be a metal coaster. She carefully took her bracelet off and set it on the metal coaster. Then she looked at River. "Now what were your parents' names? I think I have the right people, but I might be wrong if their names aren't the same as your parents' names."

Daniel: "That sounds pretty cool. That student must have really liked Professor Collins." Daniel hoped River was learning about her parents. He hadn't really realized it earlier, but he'd give almost anything for River to know the whole truth.
Fairywings said:
Professor Collins: The professor smiled. "You're quite right, my dear." Finally, they arrived in front of her pffice. Professor Collins unlocked the door and went in, kicking the doorstop. When River came in, Professr Collins closed the door behind them. The professor moved to her desk. She reached into the middle drawer and pulled out what appeared to be a metal coaster. She carefully took her bracelet off and set it on the metal coaster. Then she looked at River. "Now what were your parents' names? I think I have the right people, but I might be wrong if their names aren't the same as your parents' names."

Daniel: "That sounds pretty cool. That student must have really liked Professor Collins." Daniel hoped River was learning about her parents. He hadn't really realized it earlier, but he'd give almost anything for River to know the whole truth.

River: River was glad to finally be in the office with just the professor "My Dad's name was Brandon Carson, and my Mom's name was Joann Carson, well that's is after they got married, I don't know her maiden name." River held her breath hoping that these names were the same as the people Professor Collins thought were her parents.
River: River was glad to finally be in the office with just the professor "My Dad's name was Brandon Carson, and my Mom's name was Joann Carson, well that's is after they got married, I don't know her maiden name." River held her breath hoping that these names were the same as the people Professor Collins thought were her parents.

Professor Collins: She nodded. "Oh good, it probably is Brandon and Joan then." She rummaged in her desk. "I met them first as heroes, before I met them as people. Both had water-related powers, which is why I'm not at all surprised that you do. Your father was called Drop. He could fly and rain down on people. But those rain drops could have energy blasts or poison or whatever he chose in them, so they would hurt his enemies. Your mother was called Mermaid, and whenever she went into a body of water, such as a fountain, a pool, a pond, or another kind, she could take energy from the water and heal herself and others."

The professor found what she was looking for and pulled out some photos. The first one had both her parents in it, wearing their uniforms. Drop had a navy suit, with a mask that was pulled over his face, so his hair flopped over it, hiding the edges. He also had a silver right hand glove. Mermaid had a silver suit, with just goggles that wrapped around her head. She also had a navy right hand glove. The oter two pictures were one of Drop by himself and one of Mermaid by herself. "The mismatched glove thing was on purpose, I think to identify themselves as a duo or something. I found them interesting because most heroes are in or around New York City, Metropolis, or Gotham City, and these two weren't. I honestly think there should be more heroes in the other big cities in the world. Everything happens in New York, but that doesn't mean there isn't crime to deal with elsewhere. Anyway, when I met your parents, they were saving hostages from bank robbers. We ran into eachother several times after that, and I usually ended up helping them with gangs or muggers or the occasional supervillain."

At this point, Professor Collins smiled. "Yes, in my younger days I was a superhero. I did most of my heroics in the summers, or at nights back when I was a high school student and a college student. Anyway, I met them as people when we ran into eachother on accident and recognized eachother. We became good friends. On Saturday nights instead of going to the club or watching SNL like normal people we got take out, ate, talked awhile, suited up, and went out and fought bad guys all night." Professor Collins snorted, as if amused at that period of time.

"One day, sometime after you were born, a very powerful villain came to town. I told them to wait, I knew some people who could help us, I just had to call. But while I was contacting my friends, Brandon and Joan went to face the villain alone. They were never seen or heard from again. No one really knows what happened to them. After all this time, the general consensus, if you ask different heroes, is that they're dead. Legally, Brandon and Joan Carson are presumed dead. Of course, you'll get the odd conspiracy theorist, but no one takes them seriously. In my opinion, if they didn't die fighting that villain, they're dead by now. I knew they wouldn't leave you behind if they had a choice."

Professor Collins put more photos and news clippings on the desk of Drop and Mermaid, aka Brandon and Joan Carson, with the news clippings with the heroes and the photos as citizens. Occasionally they had Professor Collins or another friend of theirs in them. "That's about it really. If you have more soecific questions, feel free to ask," she said.

OOC: Dang, I wrote a lot. I didn't really plan this, it just came to me as I typed it.
Fairywings said:
Professor Collins: She nodded. "Oh good, it probably is Brandon and Joan then." She rummaged in her desk. "I met them first as heroes, before I met them as people. Both had water-related powers, which is why I'm not at all surprised that you do. Your father was called Drop. He could fly and rain down on people. But those rain drops could have energy blasts or poison or whatever he chose in them, so they would hurt his enemies. Your mother was called Mermaid, and whenever she went into a body of water, such as a fountain, a pool, a pond, or another kind, she could take energy from the water and heal herself and others."

The professor found what she was looking for and pulled out some photos. The first one had both her parents in it, wearing their uniforms. Drop had a navy suit, with a mask that was pulled over his face, so his hair flopped over it, hiding the edges. He also had a silver right hand glove. Mermaid had a silver suit, with just goggles that wrapped around her head. She also had a navy right hand glove. The oter two pictures were one of Drop by himself and one of Mermaid by herself. "The mismatched glove thing was on purpose, I think to identify themselves as a duo or something. I found them interesting because most heroes are in or around New York City, Metropolis, or Gotham City, and these two weren't. I honestly think there should be more heroes in the other big cities in the world. Everything happens in New York, but that doesn't mean there isn't crime to deal with elsewhere. Anyway, when I met your parents, they were saving hostages from bank robbers. We ran into eachother several times after that, and I usually ended up helping them with gangs or muggers or the occasional supervillain."

At this point, Professor Collins smiled. "Yes, in my younger days I was a superhero. I did most of my heroics in the summers, or at nights back when I was a high school student and a college student. Anyway, I met them as people when we ran into eachother on accident and recognized eachother. We became good friends. On Saturday nights instead of going to the club or watching SNL like normal people we got take out, ate, talked awhile, suited up, and went out and fought bad guys all night." Professor Collins snorted, as if amused at that period of time.

"One day, sometime after you were born, a very powerful villain came to town. I told them to wait, I knew some people who could help us, I just had to call. But while I was contacting my friends, Brandon and Joan went to face the villain alone. They were never seen or heard from again. No one really knows what happened to them. After all this time, the general consensus, if you ask different heroes, is that they're dead. Legally, Brandon and Joan Carson are presumed dead. Of course, you'll get the odd conspiracy theorist, but no one takes them seriously. In my opinion, if they didn't die fighting that villain, they're dead by now. I knew they wouldn't leave you behind if they had a choice."

Professor Collins put more photos and news clippings on the desk of Drop and Mermaid, aka Brandon and Joan Carson, with the news clippings with the heroes and the photos as citizens. Occasionally they had Professor Collins or another friend of theirs in them. "That's about it really. If you have more soecific questions, feel free to ask," she said.

OOC: Dang, I wrote a lot. I didn't really plan this, it just came to me as I typed it.

River: River stared down at the pictures of her parents on the desk in front of her. She didn't say anything, and she didn't reach out the pictures or move the articles closer to her she simply sat almost motionless. She felt like she was in a state of shock. She felt like all of the air inside of her had been taken out. She knew who her parents were, she knew what they looked like, she knew exactly what their powers were. All of the questions she had been asking for her entire life were answered in a single story.

River felt herself getting over the initial shock experience she slowly moved her right hand toward one of the pictures of her mother and father as citizens she felt her eyes fill with tears as she looked at the picture closely. She couldn't believe that she was finally seeing who her parents were. She began crying, she didn't know why, but learning about her parents filled her with an overflow of emotions. She picked up a picture of her parents as heroes and then said quietly "professor can I keep these?"

She continued looking at the pictures and said quietly through her tears "thank you professor. Thank you for telling me everything."

OOC: :) that's okay it was really good
River: River stared down at the pictures of her parents on the desk in front of her. She didn't say anything, and she didn't reach out the pictures or move the articles closer to her she simply sat almost motionless. She felt like she was in a state of shock. She felt like all of the air inside of her had been taken out. She knew who her parents were, she knew what they looked like, she knew exactly what their powers were. All of the questions she had been asking for her entire life were answered in a single story.

River felt herself getting over the initial shock experience she slowly moved her right hand toward one of the pictures of her mother and father as citizens she felt her eyes fill with tears as she looked at the picture closely. She couldn't believe that she was finally seeing who her parents were. She began crying, she didn't know why, but learning about her parents filled her with an overflow of emotions. She picked up a picture of her parents as heroes and then said quietly "professor can I keep these?"

She continued looking at the pictures and said quietly through her tears "thank you professor. Thank you for telling me everything."

OOC: :) that's okay it was really good

Professor Collins: The professor didn't mind that River was crying, it was probably pretty overwhelming. Just reliving everything was now making the professor choked up. She nodded. "Take whatever you want, I have digital copies of everything on my computer. Which reminds me-" The professor got up and went to a wardrobe-like cabinet in the back of the room and opened it up. She opened a smaller door which revealed a big black safe. Professor Collins unlocked the safe, careful to shield her unlocking hand from River's view, and opened it up. She shifted through the contents and pulled out a closed manila envelope. "In ypour parents' will, most things went to your grandmother, as you may know. However, I was bequeathed this envelope for safekeeping, in order to give to you when and if you came to my school. I have no idea what's in it, never opened it. Here," she said, handing it to River. "And you're welcome for all of it. Your parents would not have wanted you to know nothing."

OOC: Thanks! You can decide whatever's in that manila envelope. Maybe something to do with that dolphin necklace or something? I'm out of ideas there. I'm just trying to get through this first day because the amount of time we've spent on it is ridiculous.
Fairywings said:
Professor Collins: The professor didn't mind that River was crying, it was probably pretty overwhelming. Just reliving everything was now making the professor choked up. She nodded. "Take whatever you want, I have digital copies of everything on my computer. Which reminds me-" The professor got up and went to a wardrobe-like cabinet in the back of the room and opened it up. She opened a smaller door which revealed a big black safe. Professor Collins unlocked the safe, careful to shield her unlocking hand from River's view, and opened it up. She shifted through the contents and pulled out a closed manila envelope. "In ypour parents' will, most things went to your grandmother, as you may know. However, I was bequeathed this envelope for safekeeping, in order to give to you when and if you came to my school. I have no idea what's in it, never opened it. Here," she said, handing it to River. "And you're welcome for all of it. Your parents would not have wanted you to know nothing."

OOC: Thanks! You can decide whatever's in that manila envelope. Maybe something to do with that dolphin necklace or something? I'm out of ideas there. I'm just trying to get through this first day because the amount of time we've spent on it is ridiculous.

River: River slowly took the envelope and Without thinking about it stood up and hugged the professor quickly. Just as quickly she let go "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to...I just...sorry" she said looking down at the envelope.

OOC: okay, I'll come up with something. And yeah, this day has been going on forever lol.
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