Team Goddess - Volume 11. Rocking 2012 Goddess Style!

Ok I feel like I haven't been here in ages, I've been swamped trying to settle into the routine of two jobs and everything else. But I was thinking of you all and thought I'd pop by and say a quick hello before heading off to bootcamp.

Love to all.

Megan, yes two jobs. But we still want that wedding lowdown MEGAN! And I can't wait to hear about the new job - how you're liking it. So excited for you.

Bootcamp sounds fun! Kinda. In a bad/good pain kinda way! ;)

Lisa, I'll be posting all over FB, I have a special "group" on FB dedicated to just WDW are on it! :) I'm crazy excited, 1 week from tomorrow!!! :woohoo:

It took every bit of restraint in me not to post the BANANA. :p

Less than a week Karen! :cheer2: Less than a week!!! BOOM!

Hi Lisa! And Kelly! And Karen! ANd Meg! :wave2:

Hi Erika! :goodvibes

Nancy - I thought of you on this funny for some reason. :confused3 Our scale is dying a slow and quite annoying death. Suddenly, it's all over the place for both of us. Like it's off off and finally gone. I know I've lost what I've lost because of WW and this is very recent but it's made me go "hmmmm am I really holding steady? Am I?" - hmmm are jeans the same? Jean had a thirty pound swing on it yesterday all of a sudden. :rotfl2: So the poor thing is sitting with the garbage and recycling to do down the shoot. I keep staring at it. :rotfl: So maybe numbers game is done. My WW leader is finally back - no money. But I have here! My scale has died. Hmmmm, strange strange times. ;)
Do you ever think that a future culture will look back at us and marvel at how we viewed weight and exercise? How we measured progress and how we didn't?
Do you ever think that a future culture will look back at us and marvel at how we viewed weight and exercise? How we measured progress and how we didn't?

Who needs to wait for a future culture when you have me? :rotfl2::rotfl:


:love: to you Liz. And by that I am not saying I'm outside it by any means. Of course I'm not. But I marvel and hate and have a lot of thoughts of what we do. And still truly believe it can be a more natural process so to speak. But obviously I don't trust myself and that thought enough - with enough consistency of thought.

(And there we go isn't that a how I measure progress thought when I'm sitting here feeling pretty good. Sneaks up on you!)

Or maybe you meant marvel in a neutral interesting way and I'm way off the thought process. ;)

So I don't know is my answer. What do you think?
Nancy - if you're reading - thinking about you and hope that you're doing *okay* with everything (Smiling - I simply don't know how to state it properly)

That's all. :goodvibes
Liz, how are things at home - across the state/area? Is there rebuilding in areas - discussions about priorities. We don't hear a lot now but still on my mind.
I would love to hear about your itinerary please and thank you. If you don't want it on here - just email me.

Karen! My goodness are we almost there? YEAH!
Karen, give me the low down on the big trip. I know that the pictures will be on facebook. Wait! Or are you doing a TR? Can't wait to hear all about it.

Megan make me mad Papetti :rotfl2: - I so want a wedding TR. Short form. I know you're busy - just a short one.

I'm having a tough couple of weeks. I'm all over the computer. All over facebook. Honestly, I know what that means - I'm struggling. Sighing. So struggling to keep emotions in check.

But doing it. :thumbsup2

Love to all. :flower3:
Hello my dolls! I would love love love updates from all of you. Megan, thank you for the emails. They delight me. Truly.

I am super duper packed - work, five classes, training, family. So I will keep popping in and saying hi and trying to keep up.

Who needs to wait for a future culture when you have me? :rotfl2::rotfl:


:love: to you Liz. And by that I am not saying I'm outside it by any means. Of course I'm not. But I marvel and hate and have a lot of thoughts of what we do. And still truly believe it can be a more natural process so to speak. But obviously I don't trust myself and that thought enough - with enough consistency of thought.

(And there we go isn't that a how I measure progress thought when I'm sitting here feeling pretty good. Sneaks up on you!)

Or maybe you meant marvel in a neutral interesting way and I'm way off the thought process. ;)

So I don't know is my answer. What do you think?

I agree! No future culture! The time is NOW.

I hope to good God that in the future we are over all body issues. ALL. That all sizes and shapes are accepted and celebrated. That's my hope for my daughter's generation.
I'm having a tough couple of weeks. I'm all over the computer. All over facebook. Honestly, I know what that means - I'm struggling. Sighing. So struggling to keep emotions in check.

But doing it. :thumbsup2

Love to all. :flower3:

You are not alone in that struggle. Hugs to you Lisa :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Back from a fabulous 3 days in the parks with my girl! Ah...too fast, it just goes too fast!

Lisa :flower3:

You only have a couple weeks now Goddesses! Cannot wait to hear all about the race this year. Next year I'll be there! :goodvibes
Lisa- thanks for the well wishes. :love: I'm struggling too. Some of it is *little* stuff, some *big* stuff, and the rest is just *real life* stuff! Quite the mixed bag of messed up emotions for me lately!

I finally made a decision to control what I can. And that means my eating & exercise. Yes, I'm training for the Princess, but that's only going to get me so far. I need that strength work. That's my golden ticket. I tracked 3 days last week. Not exactly stellar but it's a start. I need to get myself back into a place where I at least FEEL good. Then I think the other things will start to fall back into line.

OH! Lisa. We had our first two babies of the season born last night :goodvibes so cute.

Back from a fabulous 3 days in the parks with my girl! Ah...too fast, it just goes too fast!

:cheer2: Wonderful that you could share that time together! Did you see the new Fantasy Land? Ride the updated Test Track? What did you think of them?

You only have a couple weeks now Goddesses! Cannot wait to hear all about the race this year. Next year I'll be there! :goodvibes

LESS than a couple weeks! The race itself is 2 weeks from yesterday :scared: oy. :laughing:
Lisa- thanks for the well wishes. :love: I'm struggling too. Some of it is *little* stuff, some *big* stuff, and the rest is just *real life* stuff! Quite the mixed bag of messed up emotions for me lately!

I finally made a decision to control what I can. And that means my eating & exercise. Yes, I'm training for the Princess, but that's only going to get me so far. I need that strength work. That's my golden ticket. I tracked 3 days last week. Not exactly stellar but it's a start. I need to get myself back into a place where I at least FEEL good. Then I think the other things will start to fall back into line.

OH! Lisa. We had our first two babies of the season born last night :goodvibes so cute.

LESS than a couple weeks! The race itself is 2 weeks from yesterday :scared: oy. :laughing:

Ahhh! 2 weeks from yesterday! Well, you are a pro at this, you got it in the bag! :thumbsup2

Oh yes, we saw FLE! I'm writing up a trip report (link in my siggie) but I really liked FLE, loved the circus area/Dumbo and didn't think I would, but it's really beautiful. HOARDS of people, however, which was to be expected. At CS lunch at Be Our Guest and that was fun! Did Little Mermaid, which I thought was well done. I'll have pics when I get to that part in my TR.

Rode TT and liked the ride as much as always, I thought it LOOKED more modern and nicer than before...but was just ok? :confused3 Savannah & I were glad we didn't wait in standby and used FPs b/c I would not have been happy to wait an hour for it.

I hope you feel better! Tracking will help, and feeling better physically always helps me feel better mentally...says the person that is back to tracking after eating everything in sight at WDW and every sugary junk food I could find! :laughing:
Ahhh! 2 weeks from yesterday! Well, you are a pro at this, you got it in the bag! :thumbsup2

Yeah, I'm actually a little concerned at the fact that I'm not really concerned.:rolleyes1 :lmao:

Oh yes, we saw FLE! I'm writing up a trip report (link in my siggie) but I really liked FLE, loved the circus area/Dumbo and didn't think I would, but it's really beautiful. HOARDS of people, however, which was to be expected. At CS lunch at Be Our Guest and that was fun! Did Little Mermaid, which I thought was well done. I'll have pics when I get to that part in my TR.

We loved Little Mermaid! I have some great pics too. Well, my camera has them. I haven't downloaded them yet :headache: And I think that when the expansion is complete, the whole new FL is going to be fabulous!

Rode TT and liked the ride as much as always, I thought it LOOKED more modern and nicer than before...but was just ok? :confused3 Savannah & I were glad we didn't wait in standby and used FPs b/c I would not have been happy to wait an hour for it.

Here's the thing with TT. First we went FP line and were totally confused by the whole "theme". Then we did the stand-by line. It was actually MUCH better! It made so much more sense because you could play with so many more different design elements and create your own car. But the ride itself? I know they didn't change the RIDE portion, but I don't like it at all. Lame. The old version was much more engaging as a rider.

I hope you feel better! Tracking will help, and feeling better physically always helps me feel better mentally...says the person that is back to tracking after eating everything in sight at WDW and every sugary junk food I could find! :laughing:

But, you're back to tracking and that's what counts! It is indeed all connected. A couple good days of solid workouts combined with healthy eating and I'll hopefully be headed in the right direction. I have 10 days (give or take) before I head to WDW. Not enough time to lose a whole lot of the extra pounds, but certainly enough time to FEEL better before I go. That's my goal anyway.:goodvibes
LISA! I owe you a FB PM. Sorry for not responding. Life is getting in the way!

Just a few days now! Team Goddess will kick *** and take names and make that race our b*tch!

Megan. Tough Mudder in Boston. I am on the fence. Talk to me.

Goddesses...don't make the mistake that Nancy did last year. You have TWO things to train for. The race and the booze. For the love of God, don't forget to train for the drinking! :rotfl2:
Megan. Tough Mudder in Boston. I am on the fence. Talk to me.

Ok so you're lucky I don't have much time before work today or you'd get my big case for why I love Tough Mudder. I'm doing Boston this year and would actually have done Vermont this year as well but I'm doing Falmouth Road Race that weekend which is a big race I had to be in a lottery to get a number for. So needless to say I think it's an awesome experience. It's just a truly amazing experience. (I think Amy would definitely agree.) Knowing you I know you'd kick butt and enjoy it. Its less of a race and more of an adventure. The obstacles are so much fun and how else will you get the excuse as an adult to roll in mud? I have never walked away from a race with such a high, it was a rush when I crossed the finish. I should also mention they hand you a free beer as soon as you are over the finish line. I also find it to be extremely well run, up there with Disney races. They have an after party, the water stops are great they have water and bananas, lots of nice people working and running. Definitely something worth doing at least once.

That being said right now I'm registered to run with a girl from my bootcamp and if you're looking to run with people we'd love to have you on our team. We did Spartan together and it took me all of two seconds to convince her to do Tough Mudder.

So whats keeping you from registering?
Oh look at me. Back on top. Been gone for months and months, too.

Suck it, Red! :cool1:
Ok so you're lucky I don't have much time before work today or you'd get my big case for why I love Tough Mudder. I'm doing Boston this year and would actually have done Vermont this year as well but I'm doing Falmouth Road Race that weekend which is a big race I had to be in a lottery to get a number for. So needless to say I think it's an awesome experience. It's just a truly amazing experience. (I think Amy would definitely agree.) Knowing you I know you'd kick butt and enjoy it. Its less of a race and more of an adventure. The obstacles are so much fun and how else will you get the excuse as an adult to roll in mud? I have never walked away from a race with such a high, it was a rush when I crossed the finish. I should also mention they hand you a free beer as soon as you are over the finish line. I also find it to be extremely well run, up there with Disney races. They have an after party, the water stops are great they have water and bananas, lots of nice people working and running. Definitely something worth doing at least once.

That being said right now I'm registered to run with a girl from my bootcamp and if you're looking to run with people we'd love to have you on our team. We did Spartan together and it took me all of two seconds to convince her to do Tough Mudder.

So whats keeping you from registering?

Yes, Amy gave me a very detailed race report and it is now on my bucket list. It is a Must Do race for me. And thanks for including me on your team! :flower3:

Only thing holding me back, honestly, is that I am not in shape for it. I know I *can* be by June, but I'd like to wait a bit and get some training under my belt first.

And yes, I am running the Princess next week. I have done, get this, a total of SEVEN training runs. Yup. That's it. I did one 7.5 miler and ten days ago I did a full 13.1. Other than that, I have done a few 3s and 4s. NOT IN SHAPE. Thankfully, the Princess is so generous. I did my 13.1 at an even 13 minutes per mile pace, which I am pleased with considering, again, SEVEN training runs! Plus, I am not running for pace. Don't care about it at all--just running with Team Goddess. :love: and we are going to conga-line across the Finish. Or other such silliness!

Without going into detail, it has been a HORRIBLE 6 months, so I got derailed. And even when I tried to keep up with it, I ended up with a stress fracture in my foot and that sidelined me for 12 weeks. So I am nowhere near ready for anything other than a mild-mannered Disney race. :lmao: But of course, I will be!
3DisneyKids said:
Yes, Amy gave me a very detailed race report and it is now on my bucket list. It is a Must Do race for me. And thanks for including me on your team! :flower3:

Only thing holding me back, honestly, is that I am not in shape for it. I know I *can* be by June, but I'd like to wait a bit and get some training under my belt first.

And yes, I am running the Princess next week. I have done, get this, a total of SEVEN training runs. Yup. That's it. I did one 7.5 miler and ten days ago I did a full 13.1. Other than that, I have done a few 3s and 4s. NOT IN SHAPE. Thankfully, the Princess is so generous. I did my 13.1 at an even 13 minutes per mile pace, which I am pleased with considering, again, SEVEN training runs! Plus, I am not running for pace. Don't care about it at all--just running with Team Goddess. :love: and we are going to conga-line across the Finish. Or other such silliness!

Without going into detail, it has been a HORRIBLE 6 months, so I got derailed. And even when I tried to keep up with it, I ended up with a stress fracture in my foot and that sidelined me for 12 weeks. So I am nowhere near ready for anything other than a mild-mannered Disney race. :lmao: But of course, I will be!

So let me share that I don't think half training as mudder training are the same. I didn't and won't run the distances for mudder that I would for a half. They say they're about 10 or so miles but it is not continuous and there's going to be some you won't run. They seem to make sure there are a few sections in the New England races where you're going up such a steep slope you are literally almost crawling. I wish I had pictures I'm not kidding about crawling. I'd say the longest distance I ran was a mile and a half. I guess what I'm getting at is running wise you are probably ready already. The other component is being able to crawl, climb, generally just be active.

I understand your worry. I was physically ready for it when I signed up but then I hurt my ankle. I got cleared to rude a bike with no resistance just two months before I was supposed to run it. I was worried I'd never be ready in time and I had a few moments where I was very down about it. But being registered was enough motivation to keep me working after my injury. I am positive I wasn't in my best condition but I was in the best condition I could be in given I had only two months to workout. I also saw when I got there how diverse the people who run mudder are. There are hard core athletes and then people who would be just escaping the sweepers at a Disney race. It's all ends of the spectrum and I definitely passed people and was passed buts more about challenging yourself and time isn't kept.

Obviously I think you should do it. For Christmas Brian bought me all the official pictures so I'll have to post them on Facebook soon.


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