Smoke odor ?

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Absolutely the luck of the draw. Sometimes we've never had anyone smoker next door and other times we've had chain smokers and even cigar or pipe smokers. It can also be a problem even if the smokers are a couple of doors down if they stand up at the rail while smoking.

Choose a room like 5622 that only has a verandah on one side to reduce the chances of having a smoker by 50 percent.

hey, thats my room! don't be telling people about it.....:rotfl:
i just booked it on the dream to.
LMCmom25kids said:

Now THIS is a good example of why threads like this get (and should be) closed! ;)

I disagree.....or should I say, I hope the Moderators have the common sense to realize this is a very real issue for cruisers on Disney that should not be closed. The number of views this post has gotten in the past 24 hours should be evidence of that.
Smokers have a right to smoke on board....non-smokers have an equal right not to be exposed to smoke on board. What both sides have to realize is their "right" ends the second it imposes on the other's right.
I hope those on both sides of the issue will read a thread like this and come away with a better understanding of the others views and rights.
Except you would get folks complaining about the smoke drifting from one side to the other. I work with someone who admits she is allergic to everything....smoke, perfume, flowers, paint fumes. I don't doubt she has a reaction, but some of it is in her head. They announced they were going to do some painting on a certain day, and she went home sick because of the fumes. Unfortunately, management put off the painting 3 weeks, because she was going to be vacation that week, so there were no fumes, but she got sick just the same.:confused3

I wonder if your co-worker knows that it is physically impossible to be ALLERGIC to cigarette smoke?? Cigarette smoke is an IRRITANT, but not an ALLERGEN.
That said, people who have allergies can be irritated by it to the point of becoming very what it really is can be neither here nor there. But it's irritating to hear people say "allergic" when it's impossible. Semantics, I guess.
I guess the biggest problem is, where do you draw the line?

Smoke is a real problem for a lot of people.
But so are body odor, too much perfume, and stinky diapers.

Should DCL hire a professional "sniffer" to ride the elevators and kick off someone with too much perfume, or b.o., or the baby who needed a diaper 15 minutes ago?????

I think most smokers are very aware of how people (non-smokers) feel about them, and are very careful to make sure that they're in a designated area, and that while on their balconies, there isn't someone next door who has to smell the smoke....but quite honestly, they probably got that balcony for the very reason that it IS allowed out there, and they have a right to sit out there all day if they want to.
What if....the non-smoker next door wants to sit out there all day and read a book? Would that mean that the smoker, being ever thoughtful, should not be allowed to use his/her verandah to have a cigarette all day?

There's really no way to make it right for everyone.

But please, please....stop making it sound like smokers are all evil. They're probably very nice people.
GRRRRRR. Not every smoker is rude and just because we smoke does not mean that we shouldn't be allowed to sail. Not everyone is perfect. Yes I smoke, no I don't smoke inside and I consider balcony rooms to be "inside" because I could have neighbors who don't smoke. Saying a ship should be "a non smoking ship. Period!" is unfair to those of us that smoke and attempt to be respectful about it.

Sorry if I upset anyone, but just because you choose not to smoke does not make it fair to "punish" those of us that choose to smoke.

And you don't see smokers attacking other people who have bad habits, the way you see non-smokers do it. They may be wonderful because they never smoked, but they sure are nasty sometimes.

I smoke, too....and I always try to choose a balcony room that's on the end of either a ship, or a hotel, or on the highest that I WON'T bother anyone. I rarely even smoke in the public designated areas, because I don't even want to bother someone just walking by.
The world has come to that for those of us (who really wish we'd never started) who smoke. I just wish the people who don't smoke would be half as respectful as we are.
And you don't see smokers attacking other people who have bad habits, the way you see non-smokers do it. They may be wonderful because they never smoked, but they sure are nasty sometimes.

I couldn't agree more! I'm not an evil person. Yes I smoke. But in the same token, I don't do it just to annoy people. I don't think that non-smokers can ever truly understand what the smokers go through, most places in the USA are banning smoking in public places and that really doesn't bother me, but how would they like it if they were told that they couldn't enjoy a beer with their dinner because there are people in that restaurant that don't drink? I'm not saying that they shouldn't ban smoking in restaurants because I myself don't want to go sit and eat while someone blows smoke and ashes all over my food. To me, it is the same principal. It is still a choice to smoke or not and cruise lines have to keep the money coming in and making a ship non-smoking all over wouldn't work as tvguy said.

I smoke, too....and I always try to choose a balcony room that's on the end of either a ship, or a hotel, or on the highest that I WON'T bother anyone. I rarely even smoke in the public designated areas, because I don't even want to bother someone just walking by.
The world has come to that for those of us (who really wish we'd never started) who smoke. I just wish the people who don't smoke would be half as respectful as we are.

I'm one of the ones that wishes I had never started. I'm currently trying to quit. A non-smoker has no idea how hard it is to quit honestly. It's the hardest thing I have ever tried to do in my life. I have never had a balcony room and so that is why we use the public areas, but DH and I have just always went outside to smoke so that our room doesn't smell for the next people to use it. Not every smoker is rude and insensitive to the people around us or the environment. Yes, just like every group of people, a small few ruin the rep for the rest of us. I just wish that because we made the choice to smoke, be it a good or bad choice, people wouldn't judge us. They wouldn't like to be judged as you say for wearing too much perfume or not enough deodorant. If you get a room by a smoker, I'm sorry. DCL allows smoking on balconies. If it bothers you that much then there are other alternatives. There are just way fewer alternatives for smokers, respectful or not. Choose to believe this or not, but smokers are not "out to get" the non-smokers. Non-smokers made a choice not to smoke and far be it for me to tell you that your choice was wrong or should be punished, but on the same coin, I made a choice and I should not be punished either.

Sorry I'm not as good at expressing my thoughts out there as justmestace, but they made a lot of good points, thank you!
Sorry I'm not as good at expressing my thoughts out there as justmestace, but they made a lot of good points, thank you!

I think that you are doing just fine.

As with many topics here, when it comes to the smoking debate I often see people demanding respect from others that they are unwilling to give themselves.

So long as smokers are smoking in the designated smoking areas, I don't see any wrong here.
I think that you are doing just fine.

As with many topics here, when it comes to the smoking debate I often see people demanding respect from others that they are unwilling to give themselves.

So long as smokers are smoking in the designated smoking areas, I don't see any wrong here.

LOVE your Mark Twain quote! :thumbsup2
Yes, we dealt with smokers near us on both of our cruises. It was never from next door, but from below us or a couple rooms down. But, it was tolerable or I just went inside. I wouldn't give up my veranda because of it.

Ditto. Some idiot smoking a cigar next door. Did not push the issue. He has the right, so we simply went inside and closed the door until he finished.

(ps - we were in one of those verandah's with steel all around .. very closed in. Actually prefer it to a regular verandah for privacy, but smoke did linger. Suggest folks really upset by smoking get a regular verandah)
Ditto. Some idiot smoking a cigar next door. Did not push the issue. He has the right, so we simply went inside and closed the door until he finished.

(ps - we were in one of those verandah's with steel all around .. very closed in. Actually prefer it to a regular verandah for privacy, but smoke did linger. Suggest folks really upset by smoking get a regular verandah)

See....this is what I don't understand....why was he an idiot? Just because he does something that you don't, it doesn't make him an idiot.

I don't happen to like the Navigator's Verandahs...the ones "with steel all around", but I don't think you're an idiot because you DO like them.
This is exactly what some of us were talking about...the respect part.
Smokers respect that there are now designated areas to smoke in...we respect the fact that other people don't want to breathe it in. Can't non-smokers at least give us a little credit for that, and be grateful, and respectful????
See....this is what I don't understand....why was he an idiot? Just because he does something that you don't, it doesn't make him an idiot.

I don't happen to like the Navigator's Verandahs...the ones "with steel all around", but I don't think you're an idiot because you DO like them.
This is exactly what some of us were talking about...the respect part.
Smokers respect that there are now designated areas to smoke in...we respect the fact that other people don't want to breathe it in. Can't non-smokers at least give us a little credit for that, and be grateful, and respectful????

Right on.

I used to smoke (quit after 22 years by the grace of Chantix, BTW, and have been smoke free for 2 years now). My wife and I always book verandah cabins, both before I quit smoking and after. When I did smoke, I would have a cigarette or two on the verandah when I got up around 10am. One or two before dinner (late seating), and one or two before I went to bed (around 1-2am).

I thought I was there smoking during off-times when most folks would be out and about or sleeping. Nonetheless, there were some occassions where I'd "overhear" some neighbor somewhere (not necessarily next door) with an exaggerated coughing fit, usually coupled with a loud complaint to a spouse "SOMEONE IS SMOKING AGAIN." or "That smoke stinks!" I used to finish up more quickly than I intended and go inside to stop bothering anyone. Then, I decided if they can't be polite and address me directly, they would have peace enough when I was finished.

Courtesy, of course, works both ways.
Cigarette smoke contains both nickel and vinyl chloride which are definitely allergens. There are about 4000 other chemicals too. What may be an irritant to one person may be an allergen to another.
See....this is what I don't understand....why was he an idiot? Just because he does something that you don't, it doesn't make him an idiot.

I don't happen to like the Navigator's Verandahs...the ones "with steel all around", but I don't think you're an idiot because you DO like them.
This is exactly what some of us were talking about...the respect part.
Smokers respect that there are now designated areas to smoke in...we respect the fact that other people don't want to breathe it in. Can't non-smokers at least give us a little credit for that, and be grateful, and respectful????

I don't smoke, but I agree with what you said here. My some of my friends I've known smoke when I was with them. Do I find them idiots because they smoke and I don't, not at all. I give everyone the same respect smokers or non-smokers
And for those that are severely allergic, why not try to get a stateroom in the front of the ship. This is similar logic to putting smokers in the back. DH is disabled and his only vice is smoking. Good thing we are in the back of the boat and it all blows out to sea. :thumbsup2
And he is one of those considerate smokers. Only place on Deck 9 he will smoke is by the adult pool. Even though he can smoke by the Goofy pool he believes there are too many kids there.
Really, there are more considerate smokers than inconsiderate. It just takes one or two bad apples to sour everyone.
Cigarette smoke contains both nickel and vinyl chloride which are definitely allergens. There are about 4000 other chemicals too. What may be an irritant to one person may be an allergen to another.

Vinyl chloride is a chemical intermediate, not a final product. Due to the hazardous nature of vinyl chloride to human health there are no end products that use vinyl chloride in its monomer form. Polyvinyl chloride is very stable, storable, and less acutely hazardous than the monomer.
Vinyl chloride liquid is fed to polymerization reactors where it is converted from a monomer to a polymer PVC. The final product of the polymerization process is PVC in either a flake or pellet form. Literally, tens of billions of pounds of PVC are sold on the global market each year. From its flake or pellet form PVC is sold to companies that heat and mold the PVC into end products such as PVC pipe and bottles.
Until 1974, vinyl chloride was used in aerosol spray propellant. Prior to the removal of vinyl chloride from hair spray the accumulation of vinyl chloride vapor in hair salons may have exceeded the NOAEL (No Observable Adverse Effect Level) exposure guidelines.
Vinyl chloride was briefly used as an inhalational anaesthetic, in a similar vein to ethyl chloride, though its toxicity forced this practice to be abandoned.

Nickel in a solid form causes CONTACT DERMATITIS, but in the minute quantities found in cigarettes, is mostly burned up, but can cause irritation, but is not an allergen.

I - I am grateful that there are less and less places where you can smoke

D - Disgusting how you throw your used butts everywhere

I - I give you credit for lung cancer and emphysema

O - Outraged when I see a parent smoking near their child

T - Taking breaks every 15 minutes to get a fix

S - Stench given off by a smoker when they get right next to you

Sorry but it's hard to respect a smoker, when it's something they've chosen to expose themselves (and others) to, which is hazardous to your health, no matter how you try to justify it.
Right on.

I used to smoke (quit after 22 years by the grace of Chantix, BTW, and have been smoke free for 2 years now). My wife and I always book verandah cabins, both before I quit smoking and after. When I did smoke, I would have a cigarette or two on the verandah when I got up around 10am. One or two before dinner (late seating), and one or two before I went to bed (around 1-2am).

I thought I was there smoking during off-times when most folks would be out and about or sleeping. Nonetheless, there were some occassions where I'd "overhear" some neighbor somewhere (not necessarily next door) with an exaggerated coughing fit, usually coupled with a loud complaint to a spouse "SOMEONE IS SMOKING AGAIN." or "That smoke stinks!" I used to finish up more quickly than I intended and go inside to stop bothering anyone. Then, I decided if they can't be polite and address me directly, they would have peace enough when I was finished.

Courtesy, of course, works both ways.

i quite agree with this. i often find that its the non smokers who are rude, not the smokers. that being said, i think we all need to just get along. lets respect each other enough to give each person their time. we all pay the same, and know what is what going in. :hippie:
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