school is stressing me OUT! best de-stressor? a trip to Disney of course! pg 25 p 364

Connie, MNSSHP gets over pretty late if you take full advantage. I feel like it started around 7pm and ended sometime around midnight maybe a little later. I wouldn't try to drive afterwards, but that's me. I'm a wuss like that. I wish we could start our week earlier but the girls' spring break doesn't start until 9/30. I'm pushing it getting there on the 29th. :sad2:

That is what I figured, Leanne. I'm taking Ashton out of school, he will only have off on that Friday (I know I won't be able to do this in the future). I keep playing it all out on paper and think I'm going to just add a night to our WDW reservation. But, now I'm considering going back with the POP. We liked it there and that way the price I'm thinking by adding a fifth night should probably come close to the same price that we have currently at four nights.

and about an hour ago, I started researching renting DVC points. if I calculated it right it only come to $663 for a standard studio at AKV and $741 for the Boardwalk standard for Sep 28 - Oct 3...but, as I mentioned to Jamie I really need to research that one a bit more.

Hope this winter storm does not hit you guys too hard...:hug:
RPR is expensive, but I think getting the front of the line tickets are worth the stay. They saved us so much time last october.

I am trying out renting DVC points for one night this coming trip. It was so much cheaper than the AP (42%) rate I was getting. It really puts villas within price range! If you add a day to your CBR reservation then you would also be adding dining, so you would have 5 meals. CBR is a beautiful resort and the pool area is really fun. After staying in a value in December I have to say I would definitely stay again. I didn't find that much a difference between value and moderate, except for the double sink in the vanity area and the slides at the pool. Yes, the room is a bit smaller, but to me it wasn't enough to make a difference. (I did however detest the toilet, not sure if it is the same as Pop but ASSp had one that you hit the button on top of the tank and I broke too many nails flushing:rotfl:). Not sure if that helped at all with your decision. I guess I should say stay where it is feasible. All the levels of resorts have pluses and the biggest plus is that you are at Disneyworld! I do think you should stay in Orlando the night of the halloween party. It will be a late night to get to enjoy it fully.

I am so glad that we decided to change the Children's Museum til the 15th. Last night my battery in my car went dead, then Chloe was running fever this morning. All is better now, but definitely was a good idea to postpone the meet.:goodvibes
Connie, if you are just modifying your existing reservation to add another day, it will still be one reservation and you won't have to change rooms. I've done that before.
RPR is expensive, but I think getting the front of the line tickets are worth the stay. They saved us so much time last october.

I am trying out renting DVC points for one night this coming trip. It was so much cheaper than the AP (42%) rate I was getting. It really puts villas within price range! If you add a day to your CBR reservation then you would also be adding dining, so you would have 5 meals. CBR is a beautiful resort and the pool area is really fun. After staying in a value in December I have to say I would definitely stay again. I didn't find that much a difference between value and moderate, except for the double sink in the vanity area and the slides at the pool. Yes, the room is a bit smaller, but to me it wasn't enough to make a difference. (I did however detest the toilet, not sure if it is the same as Pop but ASSp had one that you hit the button on top of the tank and I broke too many nails flushing:rotfl:). Not sure if that helped at all with your decision. I guess I should say stay where it is feasible. All the levels of resorts have pluses and the biggest plus is that you are at Disneyworld! I do think you should stay in Orlando the night of the halloween party. It will be a late night to get to enjoy it fully.
I still plan to research renting points! one of my dis friends I think does that so I may send her a PM over on FB to find out more about it

I am so glad that we decided to change the Children's Museum til the 15th. Last night my battery in my car went dead, then Chloe was running fever this morning. All is better now, but definitely was a good idea to postpone the meet.:goodvibes
So, am I it is so nasty and I had a bad night last night (just could not sleep). At least your car picked a day that you should not be out anyhow...and hope Chloe is not fighting one of the nasty bugs going around.

Connie, if you are just modifying your existing reservation to add another day, it will still be one reservation and you won't have to change rooms. I've done that before.

OK! so here is my new thoughts on the week:
(I have not made any calls to make any changes, yet.)

start our drive
Monday Sep26
when Ashton gets out of school (or check him out at the last possible time of the day) as far as we can thinking I can still make it to Lake City (I think if we were on the road for 3pm it would put us in Lake City about 10)

Tuesday Sep 27 hit the road about 6:30 and get to the Royal Pacific Resort about 9:30/10...check in and hit Islands of Adventure

Wednesday Sep 28 if need be go to IOA early hour and than switch over to US to hit just the main attractions. Head over to WDW around 3:00 and check in the POP; get our tickets and see where we can meet with Kathy & Mark and Mary & crew (thinking that would be about 5/5:30)

Thur - Sun WDW all parks and this way we can do Sunday night's MNSSHP

Monday Oct 3 check out and head home

So, if I add a night at RPR I will be adding about $230 for the night, can you say OUCH! Than, if I change my current reservation from CBR to POP; add a night. That will give us 5 credits and it will be about $120 cheaper than what I have currently for the four nights. As much as I was looking forward to a mod this go round (and CBR something new) we do not need two vanites, and Ashton loves the pool and water play area at POP (won't miss a slide he does not know about--and I don't know if he would like it anyway--he has an issue with slides, lately :confused3 )....
CONNIE!! You started a PTR without me.... :sad2:. LOL....just kidding! I'm so glad I found you!

We love DDP and wouldn't go to Disney without it. But you're right...with so many restaurants to try, how will you choose?? :confused3 We really loved our 'Ohana breakfast with Lilo and Stitch. Mickey and friends were there too and the food was really good!

I"d love to try Crystal Palace someday. My boys have really outgrown Pooh and his buds so we haven't been there. I hear the food is fabulous though. :thumbsup2

Can't wait to join in the planning with you. Unfortunately, I really doubt I will be able to get Jeff to agree to a trip this year. Our house needs work and we need to use our funds for that...darn I hate being a grown up sometimes!

How fun that you will get to meet so many Dis Friends....very exciting! :goodvibes
CONNIE!! You started a PTR without me.... :sad2:. LOL....just kidding! I'm so glad I found you!

We love DDP and wouldn't go to Disney without it. But you're right...with so many restaurants to try, how will you choose?? :confused3 We really loved our 'Ohana breakfast with Lilo and Stitch. Mickey and friends were there too and the food was really good!

I"d love to try Crystal Palace someday. My boys have really outgrown Pooh and his buds so we haven't been there. I hear the food is fabulous though. :thumbsup2

Can't wait to join in the planning with you. Unfortunately, I really doubt I will be able to get Jeff to agree to a trip this year. Our house needs work and we need to use our funds for that...darn I hate being a grown up sometimes!

How fun that you will get to meet so many Dis Friends....very exciting! :goodvibes

Hey! Missy
I am so happy you found me! I need to send out a PM to my friends! I had posted on FB that I started, but, I know I miss alot on FB, too! I'm sorry!

I understand the part of being a grown up; my car needs to be painted and I really want a new sofa. So, I need to pick one...I was trying for both (not with two big trips planned this year). But, think the car wins this go round. Maybe you can start planning something for 2012 and you guys do so much with the church and camping trips it will help the year go by without any major trips.

Thanks! for finding me...:hug:
I know it's hard when deciding where to stay. On one hand, you want to try something new but on the other, you hate to spend the extra money. Let me ask you this....are you dead set on getting park hoppers? With no more days that you are going to be there, I'd drop the hoppers and use that money to pay towards an extra night (whether that were at Pop or the CBR).

We gave up park hoppers years ago when the kids were still young. It wastes too much time going from one park to another when we could just make ADRs for the park we were in that day (or a resort nearby).
My husband and I did 'Ohana for breakfast last year and loved it! Stitch was great as was the food and the other characters. I liked it so much that it was a must do on my recent trip with my brother. Again, Stitch was awesome! We had some bags (we were shipping things home) and he started digging through them, etc. I've never seen the movie but Stitch is great. My husband also likes Crystal Palace for any meal, pretty much. My brother and I went to HDDR and had an awesome time and I'll be taking DH when we go this summer. If you can swing it, go. I personally love the character meals.
I know it's hard when deciding where to stay. On one hand, you want to try something new but on the other, you hate to spend the extra money. Let me ask you this....are you dead set on getting park hoppers? With no more days that you are going to be there, I'd drop the hoppers and use that money to pay towards an extra night (whether that were at Pop or the CBR).

We gave up park hoppers years ago when the kids were still young. It wastes too much time going from one park to another when we could just make ADRs for the park we were in that day (or a resort nearby).

Lisa, Danny really likes having the hoppers and I have to say so do I, so I think we are going to probably keep those. We made a few decisions last night, I'll be back later with some updates on our thoughts.

My husband and I did 'Ohana for breakfast last year and loved it! Stitch was great as was the food and the other characters. I liked it so much that it was a must do on my recent trip with my brother. Again, Stitch was awesome! We had some bags (we were shipping things home) and he started digging through them, etc. I've never seen the movie but Stitch is great. My husband also likes Crystal Palace for any meal, pretty much. My brother and I went to HDDR and had an awesome time and I'll be taking DH when we go this summer. If you can swing it, go. I personally love the character meals.

:welcome: juliebug!! thank you for sharing your thoughts on the meal with me. I am happy to hear another great report on Ohana's, Ashton loves Stitch, the movie is a cute one! :stitch: I was reviewing resturants last night trying to figure if we would save money OOP, if we booked by renting DVC points. I found an awesome deal for AKL and Boardwalk. I really think HDDR is going to have to wait until the next go round and probably try and get in a number of character meals while Ashton still loves all the characters.
Stick around! and HOW LUCKY! you are going on the "Dream" and your first cruise what a why to do it right!:thumbsup2

:wave2: Connie
One decision down....
I changed our reservation this afternoon:
we are now staying at the (you guessed it) POP! (Danny said he enjoyed our stay here in April, it is a nice resort and why not save money on the resort, it's not like we are there very long, anywho!) we both were looking forward to staying at the CBR but I was able to add a night and save $150, that right there is pretty convincing!

I added another night, so we are now booked for Oct 28 - Oct 3 w/5 day hoppers (Danny wanted to keep these--after talking about it) and the DDP (NOW I have 5 credits ;) ).

Danny and I did a little talking after I had done ALOT of number crunching he said while researching the resturants for our credits to plan for Ashton! With that I am going to wait on the HDDR for our next trip in Dec 2013, I really don't think it is going anywhere it has been around for a very long time.

Now, our next major decision will be do we stay at the RPR or off grounds. I told him last night I really want to do Seaworld this year. I am trying to talk him into one day at IOA (his favorite park and I really want to visit Harry Potter)...I am thinking that a Tuesday at IOA would be light in the crowds so we should not need the fast pass that you get for staying on grounds.

While, number crunching I started looking at renting points from the DVC...came across some great numbers. So, I think on our next trip I may give it a try. The Boardwalk had some great prices and I think I would love staying there in that location' walking distance to Epcot and DHS.

Back, to where we left off with choosing places to eat...
I like so far:
Ohana's breakfast with friends (Ashton loves Stitch and the characters here)
Donald's Tusker House breakfast
Whispering Canyon Cafe --late lunch

that will leave two more to pick I am thinking Crystal Palace for breakfast to try and get into the park early, although I'm sure Ashton would prefer Chef Mickey and than one more non-character dining spot. I prefer to do breakfast, reason being...I don't think I would like having to worry about an ADR in the middle of the day or afternoon while enjoying a park or swim. counterservice fits into my thoughts better for lunch and dinner.

The night of the MNSSHP I have decided I am going to make Ashton an appointment at the Pirate (can't think of the name at the moment) and have him dress as a pirate for the party that night--should be a fun experience for us.pirate:

more later...
hope all you guys are staying warm, toasty, safe and dry...I was just told by my neighbor we are expecting a light dusting of snow tonight. I really need to go put the weather on and give it a look..
Have a great evening all :wave:
Yea for the extra day. :woohoo:

IMO the food at Crystal Palace is better than Chef Mickey's. But Chef Mickey's isn't so bad that we won't go back. It's on my list for our May trip.

Try to keep warm.
Hey Connie I finally made it over here :confused3. I haven't been on much so I totally did not know you had started a PTR. I am caught up though and ready for more :surfweb:. Your planning sounds like mine; I change and re change and rearrange and re plan our trips so much I sometimes get confused when it comes time for the trip to start :lmao:.
I'm a disgrace- page 4. It took me a while, but I'm here!!! Maybe we can help each other come up with a TR title because I will need one, too!
I think changing to the Pop is a great idea, saving money and getting an extra day on the dining plan:thumbsup2. I don't think that you would need to stay at RPR for the front of the line passes for the tuesday. The passes don't work for the main Harry Potter ride (Forbidden Journey) anyway, so either way you would have to wait in line for that one.

Ashton will love the Pirate's League. I would try to make an appt. close to party time, Noah smeared his "make-up" within the first hour, it wasn't so cool after that.:laughing:
One decision down....
I changed our reservation this afternoon:
we are now staying at the (you guessed it) POP! (Danny said he enjoyed our stay here in April, it is a nice resort and why not save money on the resort, it's not like we are there very long, anywho!) we both were looking forward to staying at the CBR but I was able to add a night and save $150, that right there is pretty convincing!

I added another night, so we are now booked for Oct 28 - Oct 3 w/5 day hoppers (Danny wanted to keep these--after talking about it) and the DDP (NOW I have 5 credits ;) ).

Danny and I did a little talking after I had done ALOT of number crunching he said while researching the resturants for our credits to plan for Ashton! With that I am going to wait on the HDDR for our next trip in Dec 2013, I really don't think it is going anywhere it has been around for a very long time.

Now, our next major decision will be do we stay at the RPR or off grounds. I told him last night I really want to do Seaworld this year. I am trying to talk him into one day at IOA (his favorite park and I really want to visit Harry Potter)...I am thinking that a Tuesday at IOA would be light in the crowds so we should not need the fast pass that you get for staying on grounds.

While, number crunching I started looking at renting points from the DVC...came across some great numbers. So, I think on our next trip I may give it a try. The Boardwalk had some great prices and I think I would love staying there in that location' walking distance to Epcot and DHS.

Back, to where we left off with choosing places to eat...
I like so far:
Ohana's breakfast with friends (Ashton loves Stitch and the characters here)
Donald's Tusker House breakfast
Whispering Canyon Cafe --late lunch

that will leave two more to pick I am thinking Crystal Palace for breakfast to try and get into the park early, although I'm sure Ashton would prefer Chef Mickey and than one more non-character dining spot. I prefer to do breakfast, reason being...I don't think I would like having to worry about an ADR in the middle of the day or afternoon while enjoying a park or swim. counterservice fits into my thoughts better for lunch and dinner.

The night of the MNSSHP I have decided I am going to make Ashton an appointment at the Pirate (can't think of the name at the moment) and have him dress as a pirate for the party that night--should be a fun experience for us.pirate:

more later...
hope all you guys are staying warm, toasty, safe and dry...I was just told by my neighbor we are expecting a light dusting of snow tonight. I really need to go put the weather on and give it a look..
Have a great evening all :wave:

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for an added day of staying and dining.

I still think you should do CP for early entrance to the is amazing gets those photos. Or what we will do sometimes is go to EMH's at the MK for the morning and then do breakfast at CP around 10 a.m. once the "regular" guests come in who can't take advantage of EMH.

Hey Connie I finally made it over here :confused3. I haven't been on much so I totally did not know you had started a PTR. I am caught up though and ready for more :surfweb:. Your planning sounds like mine; I change and re change and rearrange and re plan our trips so much I sometimes get confused when it comes time for the trip to start :lmao:.

Hi, Dana. We've missed you around here.
I think you made the right extra day plus an extra dining credit sound worth it to me! Plus, I have heard GREAT things about Pop! We were going to stay there this time but its not one of the shuttle resorts to the race. I think you will really enjoy having that extra day! :cool1:
Yea for the extra day. :woohoo:

IMO the food at Crystal Palace is better than Chef Mickey's. But Chef Mickey's isn't so bad that we won't go back. It's on my list for our May trip.

Try to keep warm.

I am excited about the extra night! I was already planning on sticking around for the party that night and just moving on to possibly Lake City. But, sounds like it last a, this way we can enjoy the party sleep till about nine the next morning get breakfast and check out. Than, drive straight through to home!

I think I will probably try for Crystal Palace and see if I can get prior to park opening.

I can not stand damp cold and this is what we have right now
(you guys too, I know) the wood rack got wet so no fires hoping the heater does not run the light bill up to high. We made it most of the day with it on low but as the sun is going down I just went crank it up and pulled out the fleece blankets....
can't wait for Sat and Sun with the temps in the 60's again!
Hey Connie I finally made it over here :confused3. I haven't been on much so I totally did not know you had started a PTR. I am caught up though and ready for more :surfweb:. Your planning sounds like mine; I change and re change and rearrange and re plan our trips so much I sometimes get confused when it comes time for the trip to start :lmao:.

Hello! Dana happy you made it over!!
I think this is my only change...but, than it is over 7 months from now :rolleyes1
I want to work on which ADR's I will need to make and start searching for a place to stay Tuesday night between US and SW (still not decided if we are doing SW but gotta be prepared if we do)...
I'm a disgrace- page 4. It took me a while, but I'm here!!! Maybe we can help each other come up with a TR title because I will need one, too!

:welcome: April!
I just started it this past weekend so you are not late...I took up the entire first page blocking it for the start so you not too far behind. Title?!? I am so bad with those...


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