Scary experience on the monorail from our trip...

At least a snake didn't fall on your lap and bite you in the crotch.

I was thinking just this!!! I truly appreciate the warning, but I'm starting to feel like WDW is a dangerous place with a whole bunch of scenarios that are out of my hands. I'm deciding today not to have anxiety about snakes, monorails breaking , and whatever else I hear about tomorrow.

Sorry you had such a scary experience. I would be shaken up too if pregnant just thinking what could have happened. Thanks for the heads up. :) Glad all is okay & you still had a great trip!
We are of the nature, not to move or attempt to disembark until anything cones to a complete stop or are told to get off....we'll usually dally a bit before getting off of anything... No hurrying for us..!
We returned on 9-7--- 2 times while riding the monorail we noticed issues with doors- nothing like what u experienced but they were def having issues with them opening and closing. Once we were not allowed to board because of it and had to wait on the next one.
Thanks for the heads up about the doors! I believe it's helpful to post experiences so everyone is more informed and aware. Plus it gives one peace of mind to share an alarming experience with others.

As for the Disney response when it happened - everyone was probably too surprised to know, the oh crap, now what moment. I'm sure they looked into it afterwards.

Thanks for the post OP! So sorry that happened to you. Hakuna Mata to the drama lol.
Hello everyone...

My wife and I just returned from a GREAT trip at the Walt Disney World resort.

However, we had a scare the last couple days we were there. My wife is close to 6 months pregnant and we were riding the monorail to go see Wishes at Magic Kingdom.

On the monorail we were on, it was taking a while for the monorail to actually open up the seems like they were trying to shift to line up to the metal gates?

Finally, the doors opened and everyone was getting out. My wife and I were on the tail end of the crowds. All of a sudden, the doors closed right in front of our faces, leaving us trapped. The people right next to us had a double stroller and the door closed right in the middle of a double stroller...there was also a little girl approaching and getting in and the doors closed on her and she was screaming and crying because she was trapped.

It could have been a terrible experience if my wife would have just walked out in the middle when the doors were closing and it could have smashed into her belly.

So, the monorail people were trying to get everything figured out. Finally, they got the doors open. However, NO ONE checked to see if we were ok or did anything to try to make us feel better. My wife was shaken up the entire night. The people with the double strollers were complaining to the monorail people and asked, "What are you going to do for us now that you have made all my family nervous?" It was not a pretty sight.

My wife and I are now a little paranoid when exiting monorails because of what happened. So, just letting you all know, monorails can break down at any time and sensors can break down so be cautious when walking off monorails from now on.

PP's pointed out that the doors don't even close at the same time, and I remember that at MK, the incoming guests come in on the opposite side of the outgoing guests, so how could the little girl get caught, if the doors aren't even open on that side until the other side exits?
PP's pointed out that the doors don't even close at the same time, and I remember that at MK, the incoming guests come in on the opposite side of the outgoing guests, so how could the little girl get caught, if the doors aren't even open on that side until the other side exits?

Not in the contemporary, Floridian or poly. There you exit and enter on same side
I know this will sound strange, but I am always ready for the doors to shut on me, because the NYC subway doors do this (or at least they used to)..... but I recognize that many people are not used to train like doors. In the city, you can push back on the shutting doors and they re-open.

Me too! I'm always the one getting stuck in the subway doors. :scared1: And you really have to put some force in to push them back away from you.
OP-I read your post a few times and see nothing in it that indicates you expected any compensation or sympathy from Disney. You just mentioned that none of the CM's asked if everyone was OK by the malfunction, and I totally agree with you, that they could of just said, "is everyone alright"? Try to ignore the people on here that "attacked" you for no reason, they are not well. Good luck with your new child.
Still don't understand why posts have to be turned into drama!!! I'm on here a lot because I love all things Disney and since I can't be in the parks 24/7, being on here is really nice. But can the trouble makers go find another board to cause drama on? Please? How about disboardsfortheangry or something? Lol. Not every thread has to turn into a bickerfest!

Agreed. I also notice that it seems to be the same ones coming in making the rude uncalled-for comments. Maybe they think they're really funny and clever? Anyway, had it happened to me I would have been just a little shaken up, too. I'm sure MANY people would have been shaken up had it happened to THEM. And I didn't think throwing the "snake" comment from the other thread was that funny. The OP was upset about what happened. And he wasn't the one who asked for compensation!! He said there was someone ELSE who was asking. Okay, I feel better now.
momtotwoteens said:
Agreed. I also notice that it seems to be the same ones coming in making the rude uncalled-for comments. Maybe they think they're really funny and clever? Anyway, had it happened to me I would have been just a little shaken up, too. I'm sure MANY people would have been shaken up had it happened to THEM. And I didn't think throwing the "snake" comment from the other thread was that funny. The OP was upset about what happened. And he wasn't the one who asked for compensation!! He said there was someone ELSE who was asking. Okay, I feel better now.

Not trying to be rude, but maybe you didn't catch the fact that the doors close one at a time?
Hello everyone...

My wife and I just returned from a GREAT trip at the Walt Disney World resort.

However, we had a scare the last couple days we were there. My wife is close to 6 months pregnant and we were riding the monorail to go see Wishes at Magic Kingdom.

On the monorail we were on, it was taking a while for the monorail to actually open up the seems like they were trying to shift to line up to the metal gates?

Finally, the doors opened and everyone was getting out. My wife and I were on the tail end of the crowds. All of a sudden, the doors closed right in front of our faces, leaving us trapped. The people right next to us had a double stroller and the door closed right in the middle of a double stroller...there was also a little girl approaching and getting in and the doors closed on her and she was screaming and crying because she was trapped.

It could have been a terrible experience if my wife would have just walked out in the middle when the doors were closing and it could have smashed into her belly.

So, the monorail people were trying to get everything figured out. Finally, they got the doors open. However, NO ONE checked to see if we were ok or did anything to try to make us feel better. My wife was shaken up the entire night. The people with the double strollers were complaining to the monorail people and asked, "What are you going to do for us now that you have made all my family nervous?" It was not a pretty sight.

My wife and I are now a little paranoid when exiting monorails because of what happened. So, just letting you all know, monorails can break down at any time and sensors can break down so be cautious when walking off monorails from now on.

To the bolded, what did you want the CM to do, or what compensation were you wanting, that would have made you feel better?
Not trying to be rude, but maybe you didn't catch the fact that the doors close one at a time?

Not at all. I was talking about the many uncalled-for rude comments all over the boards. I wasn't questioning whether it happened or not. Maybe you didn't catch that.
To the bolded, what did you want the CM to do, or what compensation were you wanting, that would have made you feel better?

I think all the OP was really asking for was an "are you okay?" from a nearby CM, which is a rather logical desire.

**shifting from quoted OP**

To be frank, I get the whole love for Disney thing but when something like this malfunctions, I don't see why anyone would have a problem with someone being upset over this malfunction.

And at what point are they going to even replace these monorails? Most of them are now approaching their 22nd year in service and they're showing their datedness with dirtier cabins (considered "small" by today's standards), more breakdowns, and lots of smaller problems. While they still be operational this year, at one point in the future, they won't be and you'll have to replace them. Now how much longer they can get out of them is the real question (from what I hear they're hoping to keep these cars until at least 2020).
In general I think people want to be heard and shown some kindness.

Totally a guess but had someone said "I'm really sorry that happened, are you ok" then listened it wouldn't have continued to bother. I've felt that way on more than one occasion in life. But as I said, totally a guess.

In the end you just have to make the decision to move on. IMO
Yes they do. Watching a video on youtube, I'm not sure how they would even close at the same time. That is very strange.

Given how these doors operate, I don't see how any pregnant woman's belly could possibly be caught between these doors. One door closes completely before the other door starts to close. Either you would stop when the first door began to close, or you would be out the other side before it began to close. In this case, neither the OP or his wife were actually in the doorway at the time. So why are they traumatized by this? Surprised, of course! But why be traumatized by something that didn't happen?

I can understand if the stroller was caught- they're large and unwieldy and some people are not very adept at moving them quickly. I hope the stroller wasn't damaged. If it was, I'm sure Disney would have taken care of that. I'm sure the child in it was shielded by the stroller. I'm still trying to figure out how the little girl managed to get onto the monorail. Aren't boarding guests held back until guests have exited the monorail cars?

Yes, this is a good reminder that caution should be exercised around the doors of any monorail (or bus, for that matter). But the OP really needs to put this behind them and move on. Given that nothing happened to them other than having a door shut in front of them, why do they feel that the CM's needed to ask if they were OK or do 'something to make them feel better'? Methinks that if the OP and his wife continue to feel this way, they should seek alternate transportation on future visits.
Try to ignore the people on here that "attacked" you for no reason, they are not well.

Just laughing my head off over this comment. So funny. This poster just diagnosed 80% of the people on the DIS.

We are not well.

Too funny.
momtotwoteens said:
Not at all. I was talking about the many uncalled-for rude comments all over the boards. I wasn't questioning whether it happened or not. Maybe you didn't catch that.

Thats my mistake I thought you were referring to the skeptics on this thread, my apologies.


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