Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Great suggestions! I love apple flavored drinks so I will need to check that one out for sure.
Do you think it will be fine to split an entree and dessert at Blue Bayou? (Portion wise...specifically that giant looking monte-cristo...I'm not sure I could ever tackle that alone)
Assuming portion sizes have not changed in the 3 years since I ate at Blue Bayou, you should be fine to split a Monte Cristo. But you may want to pick up an appetizer or something just in case. The Monte Cristo is also very rich.

One of the Cozy Cones also has Red's Apple Freeze. Same thing as Maurice's boysen apple freeze, but with apple only.
Been crazy busy with holidays but checking in to say
A) I'm not sick anymore! #nojinx
B) tomorrow I run my last race of the season
C) my mileage is so much lower than it was before. Looking forward to getting my "what's next" in gear

Goals for my race tomorrow?
Run with my bestie, her fiancé and my hubby.
Hopefully meet @LizardQueen8 ! If you don't mind a slowish crowd we'd be happy to have you join us.
Eat the cinnamon roll!!!
So...I got food poisoning Wednesday night. And as of right now, even walking is still uncomfortable. So unless I feel dramatically better in the morning, I'm going to have to miss tomorrow :(. If a miracle happens, I'll pm you.
So...I got food poisoning Wednesday night. And as of right now, even walking is still uncomfortable. So unless I feel dramatically better in the morning, I'm going to have to miss tomorrow :(. If a miracle happens, I'll pm you.

Oh no! I'll have my phone at the ready just in case. Hope you feel better!!! I'm guessing a cinnomom roll isn't all that enticing now.
Grant Park Turkey Trot 5k
Race Recap

Woke up this morning feeling healthy and well-rested. Big change from last weekend's total crud-feeling.
It was in the low 40's when we left our house but felt a bit colder. Probably over-dressed but I knew we'd be standing around for awhile and I could always gear check.
Started my year in crazy pants, had to finish in crazy pants. And my hot chocolate hoodie's debut. IMG_8455.JPG

We dropped off kiddo at the inlaws and walked to packet pickup. It was so close to their condo that we got there too early...a whole hour early!
See all the people?
We got our bibs and pullovers which were big and stretchy so we just threw them over our clothes. I was quite puffy! Wearing so many shirts right here!

Sneakers for wings! Cute!
We found some nice folks to take our pic by the start since we were killing time before our friends showed up.
And I made friends with some turkies...literally
I think I started a trend because those poor girls got inundated with pic requests after I went and talked with them. I was also jealous of the awesome turkey hats so many people had on.
And then 5000 people showed up all at once. Where did they all come from. It was like night of the living dead...but puffy people walking to the start area. No corrals here. We met our friends at the 10 mile pace sign. My bestie from college was in town and brought her fiance. Was awesome seeing her smiling face. Love this girl!
We were joking that we were all college athletes with at least a decade+ of getting out shape (Lexy golfs and is a college golf coach and also the girl character in golden tee which is a really fun fact and Tommy was a hockey goalie at Notre I know cool people!)
I want to post more tbc with race and finish!
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Race recap continued!

So we stood by 10mile pace sign but confirmed that we'd be a tad slower. It was Alexis' second 5k ever and Tommy had done some tough mudders before. So we just decided to jog and chat. My hubby said he was just gonna go run and so off he went. I liked the course, one I hadn't done yet! Down the lake but in a different direction than normal. We even saw Chris waaaaaaay ahead of us after he'd already done the turnaround. I think he did the first mile in 9 min. We took 11:20. I think mile two was 11:35. Lexy got a side cramp (she's a crossfit beast but doesn't often run more than 400's at a time, but was a champ never walking and kept smiling at our silly chatter.)
The course had a lot of downhill but like all chicago races had a teeny uphill to end. Our final 1.1 was just over 13 minutes. The course people had been saying "almost there" for at least two miles so we were joking about that.
Sneaker turkey!!
We all finished across together except hubby who smoked us!
Final time for us was 36:12
Definitely slower than my long run pace, but it was super easy for me and I was talking non stop the whole time, so it was highly enjoyable for whole different reasons than my speedy solo runs were this year. I don't think a talkative 5k at any speed could've happened two years ago, so I'm happy about today.
I was hoooooot after I stopped moving and immediately de-layered until I got cold again on our walk home.
And we got these!!

Sneaker turkey!!!!

Then it was cinnamon roll time! They were giant as promised but sadly they were cold. I guess that makes sense since it was cold out. I managed to eat 1/3rd of mine only. Still worth it.
Chris somehow took this pic in black and white. It's so arty!
The line for beer was long...probably longer than we ran. So we passed...I know I know...but my friend doesn't drink and we were like "eh"
I think summer race beer is the best and with winter we'd rather just get back inside where it's warm!
So that's my final race recap of the year. Chris still owes me a Ditka recap so I've bugged him about that!
I was 89th in my age somehow. Which is still good for that large a race. And I just had a lot of fun.
We decorated our house for Xmas and I cooked the tiniest turkey roast ever IMG_8480.JPG

And mashed one large potato and made Brussels sprouts and cranberry relish from scratch. Our tiny turkey 600 calorie dinner for people trying to be healthy!

I have thoughts on "what's next" and next year's goals...but I'll save that for my next post. :)
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Cold Cinnamon Roll? Not cool! But at least it sounds like a fun race.

I saw some turkeys at my race too ... and turkey hats ... and a Santa. It's nice that people have fun dressing up for these races!
Official racing season over...which means...
I think before I do my 2017 goals/what's next post (I have so many notes for that one), I need to wrap up 2016! This seems early for an annual wrap-up, but it was quite the year and I feel I owe a lot of thanks to my running crew here for all the encouragement and the thousands of tinkerbell emojis and even just stopping by to "like" a post! It really does keep me motivated.

Looking back at my 2016 goals, I had quite the list (I must have been motivated when I wrote them, cause that was a lot of things to try to achieve in one year) and now I'm happy that I didn't give up on all of that. Not all were 100% successes, but I'm happy with how many I hit on. I definitely know where I can improve and so I'm thinking about that with my list for next year.
1) Run an 8k - ACHIEVED!
2) Run a 10k - ACHIEVED!
3) Run a 15k - ACHIEVED!
4) Complete Evergreen Park challenge again this year - Wasn't possible for me due to date conflicts. :( BUT I did two of the races and hubby completed 4 so he got the medal. So at least now we both have one :)
5) PR in 5k - ACHIEVED! (eeked that one in; I had kind of put that goal on the back-burner to focus on distance, so Yay!)
6) try to run three times a week as much as life allows. Include some cross train to keep life exciting and to make me stronger - First part ACHIEVED not perfectly but pretty close!, Cross-train - not so much...but if I add that in this month I can count it that I did it at least a lil bit, right?
7) hydrate better and eat better this year with end-game being at least 10-15 lbs lighter - ACHIEVED off and on but currently ON!...Now to keep it off (I see you half training 2017, don't think I don't see you.)

2016 Stats
14 races (1 was virtual), 2 races registered for but Did Not Start (1 lazy/travel related, 1 cold)
first rundisney race
first 8k, 10k & 15k
first challenge weekend
first age group placement (even if at a super-small, rainstorm race, with low attendance that I ran fairly slow during...I am counting it!)

New PR's
5k 27:49 (down from 28:57)
8k 50:02
10k race 1:05:31 (down from 1:07:13)
10k split 1:01:08
15k 1:33:06

THANK YOU @DopeyBadger for taking so much time trying to figure out how to get me across more than one finish line this year in times I didn't believe were possible. I know I threw some oddball race lengths at you and I appreciate you figuring it out for me when I was a little lost on how to get to those next steps. Introducing the "80/20", and effort-based, and blind runs, and "A-race" concepts made a world of difference for me in my whole attitude towards running. But mostly just the fact that you believed in me that I could do these plans and cheered me on. When I doubted myself, I just had to remind myself that the numbers said I could :) You sir, are awesome!
Sorry for the lack of graphs in this post.

Gotta give my hubby a shout out even though I don't think he comes on here that often. It takes a lot of moving parts to get us both out the door and running and signed up for races and packets picked up and babysitters arranged and travel plans worked out. He encouraged my new meal planning and portions and veggie onslaught. And I can't tell you how many times I heard "you could do an 8k right now, or a 10k right now, or a half right now" which just fuels my belief that maybe I can. (and I guess since this has evolved into an acceptance speech of sorts...I'd like to thank the grandparents for babysitting way to often...because we signed up for way too many races this year)

Reading this back to myself is helping me finalize what I think I want to do with 2017

Cold Cinnamon Roll? Not cool! But at least it sounds like a fun race.

I saw some turkeys at my race too ... and turkey hats ... and a Santa. It's nice that people have fun dressing up for these races!

The icing on top was like a square of cream cheese just sitting on top. Hubby joked that we should carry them home and microwave them and then eat them. In hindsight...that was actually a good idea that I should have listened to.
The turkey trot looks like lots of fun and so great you got to run with friends! I love the sneaker turkey medal. Our local turkey trot doesn't do medals. :(

Excellent year-end recap. What a great year of accomplishments you had. Well done and can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for you.
The turkey trot looks like lots of fun and so great you got to run with friends! I love the sneaker turkey medal. Our local turkey trot doesn't do medals. :(

Excellent year-end recap. What a great year of accomplishments you had. Well done and can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for you.

Thanks! Chicago has a keeping up with the Jones's thing with race swag. So medals seems more like the norm...I'm not complaining though!
They did have all the medals wrapped in tiny baggies and the volunteers were trying to unwrap them fast enough to put around people's necks. Chris was fast enough to have one already unwrapped given to him, but by the time my crew crossed the finish they were just handing us the baggies out of boxes at a card table. Was odd, but I was still happy with my sneaker turkey.
Nice 2016 recap! It was quite the year for you and you have come a long way. Congrats! I'm proud to have helped in my small role on your support team, but I do the easy part. I just tell you what to do. You actually have to do the hard part, actually doing it. So kudos to you! I look forward to your 2017 goals (also known as what you will accomplish in the next year).

#Math #Betterbegraphsnexttime
Nice 2016 recap! It was quite the year for you and you have come a long way. Congrats! I'm proud to have helped in my small role on your support team, but I do the easy part. I just tell you what to do. You actually have to do the hard part, actually doing it. So kudos to you! I look forward to your 2017 goals (also known as what you will accomplish in the next year).

#Math #Betterbegraphsnexttime

Congratulations on such a successful running year! You are an inspiration!

Congrats on an awesome year @roxymama !! I see a marathon in your future! :tongue:

Y'all are nice people :)

So I guess I should probably have a plan for this week now.
Monday (today): Gonna go to the gym tonight since Tues & Wed aren't do-able. I have a plan to run 20-30 min easy, hop on a bike for 20-ish min and maybe try the little abs/core circuit if A) I don't totally die of embarrassment at not knowing what I'm doing and B) it's not overly crowded and C) I'm not chicken. Or if I'm totally pooped I'll save that last part for later. Just kind of try to get myself into parts of the gym that aren't just the safe treadmill. SCARY! But treadmill used to be scary once upon a time.
Tues & Wed: I've watched Gilmore Girls Revisited Winter and Spring episodes and didn't realize how long they are. I'm dying to watch Summer and Fall and I don't want to be spoilered. So I gotta get them watched soon!
Thursday: Run at the gym. We will see if I work in any other stuff. But probably just gonna do a tempo-type workout for a long enough period of time (how's that for vague?) I think getting to the gym twice a week is super important to keep my flow going before half-training starts up.
Friday: Day off Work! Helping my mom decorate and shop for xmas
Saturday: Hubby does final race of his year, Santa Hustle. So I'll try to get a good pic from him. I will be at swim practice with kiddo.
Sunday: I'd like to get out in the elements and have a long run outside of some undetermined distance (vague again)...after we go see Santa at Bloomies :)

And did I buy anything for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Hot Chocolate Sundae, or Cyber Monday? (I made that third one up)
Oh boy did I!
Running related, I got my hubby some wireless beats headphones for doorbuster price at Target. He knows about them since he was over my shoulder telling me what color to get him, so it's safe for me to post here.
I got myself a 2017 day planner today from Rifle Paper Co. Want to organize myself even better next year.
I also got myself a TooFaced Makeup mystery bag which is not running related but I just wanted to brag about it. I set an alarm for 2am to buy it, because I'm crazy. It sold out last two years before I could get one.
Oh and I snagged a Tsum Tsum advent calendar after all for $25 from Walmart. It's on sale because it doesn't deliver until 12/3. I'll let the kiddo open a few windows the first day we have it to catch up, haha.
There was lots more shopping but all gifts.

Merry Monday to Everyone. (still no graphs yet)
I hope you like Gilmore Girls!! I was pretty happy overall, but there are definitely some legitimate criticisms to be had. Have you listened to the Gilmore Guys podcast? I love it, and was almost just as excited to hear their reaction of the new episodes as I was to watch them myself lol

You got a pretty good Black Friday haul!

And good luck on your gym adventures! I am pretty much intimidated by everything except the elliptical and the treadmill. It's ridiculous and maybe I'll follow your example and branch out!
I hope you like Gilmore Girls!! I was pretty happy overall, but there are definitely some legitimate criticisms to be had. Have you listened to the Gilmore Guys podcast? I love it, and was almost just as excited to hear their reaction of the new episodes as I was to watch them myself lol

You got a pretty good Black Friday haul!

And good luck on your gym adventures! I am pretty much intimidated by everything except the elliptical and the treadmill. It's ridiculous and maybe I'll follow your example and branch out!

I used to watch Gilmore Girls religiously when I was a youth. I even got the DVD box set way back when and I think I paid FULL PRICE (gasp!)
I'm only two episodes in and I want to shake Rory and shake Paris and I'm dying for Sooki (sp?) to come that's seems about right.
Still waiting for a Jess appearance too now that I think about it. Don't tell me how it ends....I'm going to watch the "Summer" episode tonight and "Fall" tomorrow.

I do have to admit that I punked out last night (got to be honest) and I was too scared to join the strength & core circuit gym crowd afterall. What is wrong with me? I was so motivated until it came time to actually go do the thing. I think it's my fear of not knowing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. Ugh...I feel shame. I'm a cool runner girl, why are the other machines so scary? Gonna youtube "planet fitness machines" at lunch or something. #overplanner
So tonight I'm going to carve out a little spot on my floor after kiddo goes to bed, fire up my 7 minute app and do some core stuff and then maybe by Thursday I'll have worked up the courage to join the gym rats. No Gilmore Girls until I do my workout!

Screw the marathon. Dopey 2018!!!

Did you mean to type Dopey 2028?
I'll be charitable and let my Dopey spot for the anniversary year stay open, so someone else can have it. I'm such a giving person :)

Watch out for this guy ... he's dangerous!
This whole board is dangerous!!!!!

But seriously...if a marathon one day will happen it will be with my mice friends...And probably a red sparkle skirt :)


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