Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

It's Race Week!

That sounds so weird because I'm totally not even thinking of this as a race. Just a chance for goofing off with friends and getting bling.
Kiddo has a "maybe cold" and mama has a "maybe cold" so who knows what this week will bring. This reminds me that I have cold ease in my desk...ok cold ease going while I type this.

My plan for the week:
Monday: Day off. Legs a bit tired from my fun run around yesterday. Cooking a new sqaush noodle recipe :) and laundry :(
Tuesday: Hubby has to travel so this is a forced day off. He may run out of town.
Wednesday: Rain check on Tuesday, gonna run today dependent on when hubby gets home. Probably something easy on the treadmill. Unless hubby needs to swim. Though I can go to the gym once he gets home from swim.
Thursday: Now my week is screwed up a bit. So if I take Wed off then I run today. But now I've lost a day. And this is why two runner people during busy travel season ain't easy.
Friday: All contingent on what happens Wed or Thur. If I've only run once, then Friday gets a shakeout run of some form perhaps.
Saturday: Ditka Dash!!! 3.1 miles...un-timed...9am...sausage & beer. Weather = mid 30's to 40's and cloudy. Reminder that October is THE MONTH for races in Chicago (everything else is hot or cold). My only goal is to wear the mustache the whole time so I can get a hilarious race pic.
Afterwards we get to go see Mickey! It's the annual Freeform (was ABC Family) Christmas party and my hubby has a connection so we have gone in the past. Expect a recap with both mustache race pics and then later pics with several disney characters :) Ooooh, maybe my "best day ever" shirt will arrive by then. One can hope. I guess this is our version of Wine N Dine.

Speaking of Wine N Dine...
It looks like there is a relatively good possibility that we will be at WDW the week leading up to Wine N Dine 2017. Just by mistake. We've been planning a Halloween trip since we got back from our last visit, but just by chance it lines up. Stay tuned for what that means for myself and my family. But there is a very good possibility a race or two could be in our future. Totally still in the very new early number crunch phase of planning. Front-runner so far is beach club. Maybe...still figuring it out tbh. Lots to think about. For once the distances aren't the "scary"'s more of the who/when/what/logistics of the trip that has to be finagled. And prayers for fall room discounts.

Next week will be much easier to have a normal three days of running. Hubby travels again but I can work around it better :)

PS - legs feel good. Cardio feels good. Consumption of treats is getting a lil out of control. We are doing Thanksgiving dinner at Ditka's Restaurant this year. Because we like Ditka (did you know that?) So that means no leftovers. I'm gonna try to ease back on the treats between now and then so I have a base layer of feeling healthy before Xmas season hits me over the head with cookies. Y'all training for the marathon in Jan at least have that as motivation to just say no.
Good news...hubby flew out this morning and flies home tonight. Which means my running schedule can go Tue, Thur, Sat, just like normal. Huzzah!

He will be tired and I feel bad for the guy...but am not-so-secretly happy he'll be home and my "routine" stays intact.

Feeling better today...fingers crossed for my "not quite a cold."
I got my bib# email from my Ditka race and was pleasantly surprised that I had paid the few extra $ during registration for packet day pick up. Way to go past-me. One less thing to do this week. then I thought...I wonder if the course is the same as last year, let me check out the course map. And this is what they have...(see attachment)
Yeah...I can't take this race seriously...there's a cigar patio at mile 2! I think I'm gonna take my phone camera along with and try to do all the crazy things for the sake of a good race recap. Or at least force my friends to do them :)


  • RaceMap_Download5.pdf
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I don't have much to report on the running front. It is going to possibly snow tomorrow and be in the 30's! BLECH! I realize we are getting fairly close to Thanksgiving now, but I'm still in denial that we aren't in Summer anymore. Hey at least there's no question what I'll be wearing.
My head-cold is a thing now. I'm breathing great (hurray) but my throat is iffy and I have the "whole body tired/worn out" thing that comes along with it. I've got the weird back of throat drainage too. Sorry if TMI.
So tomorrow's race is gonna be as much fun as I make it. I can either complain the whole time about the weather and how I feel or I can just decide to be a total and absolute ray of sunshine goofball which will just "force me" to have fun.
I foresee three likely scenarios:
1) OMG it's so cold, just run "fast" and get it over with.
2) I don't feel like running fast, let's endure the cold and just take it easy.
3) Most likely scenario - a combo platter of both above. Outrun the windy cold spots along with a bunch of easy running and stops forfunny pics.
Let's just all pray my nose keeps being unclogged at least through tomorrow.

I wish it were nap time!
I got behind on things the last couple of weeks, but LOVE the video of you dancing. How fun! Chris and I took some swing dance lessons a couple of years ago. We struggled. HA! It was still fun though. You guys are awesome!

It's getting colder here today too. The run tomorrow will be in the 30s the whole time. BRRR!
I got behind on things the last couple of weeks, but LOVE the video of you dancing. How fun! Chris and I took some swing dance lessons a couple of years ago. We struggled. HA! It was still fun though. You guys are awesome!

It's getting colder here today too. The run tomorrow will be in the 30s the whole time. BRRR!

I took a lesson last weekend and I struggled too. It had been too long. My brain was like "huh" body just wanted to go on autopilot and not like react to what the leader was doing. I'm rusty.

Well at least I get to choose between my crazy long tights or my crazy long tights. Since I only own two pairs for running, and they are both fairly crazy-colored. Maybe I need to ask for more leggings for xmas :)
Well at least I get to choose between my crazy long tights or my crazy long tights. Since I only own two pairs for running, and they are both fairly crazy-colored. Maybe I need to ask for more leggings for xmas :)

Beats asking for a wool sweater :rotfl2:
So this weekend didn't go exactly as planned. Later today there will be a guest re-capper for the Ditka Dash and Mickey holiday party in Chicago. Hubby is going to make us a recap. Why am I not doing it you ask? So here's the short story version.
I barely survived Friday, I guess I looked pretty terrible too because on Saturday morning I woke up to an almost fully ready husband and an awake kiddo getting ready and was told I was staying home for the day. In the moment I was like "nooooo, what, sad, nooo"
And then I tried getting my kids socks out of the bottom drawer and that was hard! I was woozy and started weezing and coughing and "ugh, he was right, I am staying home."
I went through all stages of grief over it...denial and sadness and guilt and anger and all those fun things. Over an un-timed race I'd already experienced before, in the 30 degree weather, which would probably make me more sick. But I was also real bummed about missing seeing my kiddo react to the Disney characters later that day. But hubby had a point when he told me I had been going FULL STOP for a few weeks now while he has been travelling and working late and the cold had utterly exhausted me. It was bad, guys. I realize that now.
The good news is that I think the rest all weekend was needed and I'm feeling a lot better right now than I was on Friday. I still have the ugly coughs while sleeping but at least I'm human during the day (so far.)

This weekend is more important because my friend will be in town for the Cinnamon roll race and I get the chance to meet lizardgirl and I need to take care of myself to have a nice time this weekend (holidays included)
BUT I'm still feeling sorry for myself that I got sick when there was fun to be had and I missed the fun. (grumpy sad face)

Hey at least I was healthy for my A races this year and I'm not in the middle of a training cycle...perspective!

So my plan for the week.
Monday or Tuesday: Gym walking (not running) just to keep a lil cardio going and to feel out how I am feeling.
Thursday: Run! We'll see for how long when it comes to that, but it can be outside cause I'm off work.
Friday: See Moana! Tickets already bought.
Saturday: I feel better and I run my Cinnamon roll Turkey trot and eat a cinnamon roll. And now I've stopped feeling sorry for myself hopefully.

Ugh and sigh
Ugh, sorry that your weekend plans were messed up! Being sick is the worst. I am so glad you are feeling better!

Plus, you get cinnamon rolls this weekend, so that's pretty great.
Ugh, sorry that your weekend plans were messed up! Being sick is the worst. I am so glad you are feeling better!

Plus, you get cinnamon rolls this weekend, so that's pretty great.

Thanks Ariel. I don't know what I was more bummed about, missing actually having the fun or not being able to report back all the fun here. Is that messed up? Haha, I just enjoy sharing my recaps I guess.
I also failed to mention the hours I spent this weekend glued to my couch reading every disneyfoodblog review of Disneyland dining establishments. So that was pretty fun. Once I finally ate food and was full though, then I couldn't look at it anymore :)
Aw, sorry to hear that you had to miss your plans. Being sick sucks. But I'm glad the rest helped, and now hopefully you'll be fully rested and recuperated for your cinnamon roll!
Really sorry about your sick weekend! That is never fun.

Also, share what you learned about Disneyland food! What are you most excited to try now?

I like this question! Especially since I already ate lunch and am not hungry.
So it seems that since my sister & I are going to do less sit down and more eating on the go (a lot of stuff to check out in a short period of time) and since DL cart/kiosk/quick service food seems a lot more adventurous and varied than WDW...we can get a lot of fun stuff sampled without having to waste a ton of time at sit downs. We also like to share and split portions.
That being said...we want to maybe do at least one sit down and we think it will be...
The Blue Bayou! Eating inside the Pirates ride just sounds so cool. This may be a good Mother's Day Sunday thing to do because by that point I will be post-half-marathon (OMG! OMG!) If that is too hard to get we may do Cafe Orleans instead which has similar menu but less cool piratey-ride-ness.
The River Belle Terrace also may be a good Sat. night pre-race dinner because they have chicken (not fried) dinners. aka Race food.

Ok, so Friday night we are thinking of checking out Tangeroa Terrace at the DL hotel and Trader Sam's possibly. Mostly because the tiki torch vibe seems cool and we love polynesian/tropical/type dishes. And we have to be over that way for the expo anyways.

As far as park foods go:
DOLE WHIP and eat it inside the Tiki Room show!
Bengal BBQ skewers (the asparagus one for sure, probably the chicken too)
The fancy flavored popcorn at Cozy Cone sounds cool.
Mint Julep (non-alcholic) with mickey beignets.
I'm gonna need at least one disney starbucks and buy their destination mug to match my WDW
Corn dog!
There's a little lemon bumblebee cupcake over by the Pooh ride that looks delish.
And I'd really really like to check out the Wine Country balcony at DCA for some off my feet relaxing with a cheese plate or some other frou-frou snacks.

There's so many more, and that doesn't even include what my sis has been eyeing. Haha.

One things for sure...if it's really hot I'll want to eat exactly none of it though. But under some shade all bets are off.

What am I missing...what do people all like who have been there?
I'm so sorry you were sick and had to miss your plans this weekend. :( You did the smart thing though by taking it easy!!

After you posted about buying your Disneyland book, I went out and bought one too! I'm a copycat that way. I haven't had time to start reading it yet, but I can't wait to read up about it. It's fun to be planning a trip where I don't already sort of know everything I want to do.
It's fun to be planning a trip where I don't already sort of know everything I want to do.

Yes, 100% THIS! I've kind of been ear-marking things that aren't at WDW as a guideline of what to try to do. That helps make it seem a little more manageable (as far as attractions go at least.) It's also fun to think that if my sis and I want to do anything on a whim, we both are super agreeable people and will just wing a lot of it. (says the girl who already is 80% done with the guide, reading it word for word)
The Blue Bayou! Eating inside the Pirates ride just sounds so cool. This may be a good Mother's Day Sunday thing to do because by that point I will be post-half-marathon (OMG! OMG!) If that is too hard to get we may do Cafe Orleans instead which has similar menu but less cool piratey-ride-ness.
The River Belle Terrace also may be a good Sat. night pre-race dinner because they have chicken (not fried) dinners. aka Race food.

What am I missing...what do people all like who have been there?
Blue Bayou has incredible atmosphere and the prices to go with that atmosphere. Honestly, if you schedule your reservation there at the 60 day window when it opens you should be fine.

The food quality is comparable to Cafe Orleans, but Blue Bayou is much more expensive because of the atmosphere. I love Cafe Orleans as well. I think I eat there almost every trip and I go down 2-3 times per year.

I also recommend Carnation Cafe on Main Street. Chef Oscar has worked there since 1956. It's not uncommon for him to visit tables during the day to see how diners are enjoying their meal. I've done a post 10K breakfast there the past 2 years. Lunch and dinner are also solid options, though I've never done a pre race meal there. They also have some nice dessert options. I feel like Disneyland and DCA have more budget friendly (relatively speaking) dining options than WDW especially on the table service front.

In addition to your snack list, I recommend the boysen apple freeze at Maurice's Twisted Treats inside Fantasy Faire (to the immediate left of the castle if you're facing the castle from Main Street).
Blue Bayou has incredible atmosphere and the prices to go with that atmosphere. Honestly, if you schedule your reservation there at the 60 day window when it opens you should be fine.

The food quality is comparable to Cafe Orleans, but Blue Bayou is much more expensive because of the atmosphere. I love Cafe Orleans as well. I think I eat there almost every trip and I go down 2-3 times per year.

I also recommend Carnation Cafe on Main Street. Chef Oscar has worked there since 1956. It's not uncommon for him to visit tables during the day to see how diners are enjoying their meal. I've done a post 10K breakfast there the past 2 years. Lunch and dinner are also solid options, though I've never done a pre race meal there. They also have some nice dessert options. I feel like Disneyland and DCA have more budget friendly (relatively speaking) dining options than WDW especially on the table service front.

In addition to your snack list, I recommend the boysen apple freeze at Maurice's Twisted Treats inside Fantasy Faire (to the immediate left of the castle if you're facing the castle from Main Street).

Great suggestions! I love apple flavored drinks so I will need to check that one out for sure.
Do you think it will be fine to split an entree and dessert at Blue Bayou? (Portion wise...specifically that giant looking monte-cristo...I'm not sure I could ever tackle that alone)


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