Remy's - Pictures & Ruminations - UPDATED for January, 2013 Dinner


DIS Veteran
Jul 16, 2001
We loved it!

We were expecting it to be great, and it exceeded expectations.

Context is everything, of course.

There's the "value-for-the-dollar" debate, and Palo's is still the champ on that dimension.

But, as with all dining choices, they are not mutually exclusive. The fundamental question turns out to be "how many of each one?"

As with most of my dining "reviews," this one will consist mostly of pictures, the menu (thank goodness you get a copy) and my memory. I only take notes when I dine alone, and then, I usually only remember for the first 3 courses.

So, be forewarned, there are better (more complete, accurate) reviews available than this one!! I read Brenda's shortly after I got home from this trip and thought to myself - "well, there's all anyone needs to know - no need to rush my post"

Sooner or later though, I get around to doing my disboard-post-thing - laying out our experience, in its own meandering way. But here's the thing about me - I don't usually get all the details until the 2nd or 3rd iteration of something. For example, the first time I rode RnR. Got off - so excited - babbling "gotta go on again." Meanwhile, DH was waiting for an assessment outside of the layout inside, as his stomach is averse to loops and upside down. "Are there loops? Do you go upside down?" he asked. "I don't know, but it is soooo much fun," I replied. Of course, it took him hours to recover. I realized that day that I don't pay attention to details my first time through. Same thing with movies. Same thing with Remy's. I knew it was great. I loved it. Can't wait to go back - but if you need food notes, you'll have to get Brenda's post.

Enough already, on with the show!

We arrived early for our "consult" with the wine sommalier, Sebastian. We did not know what to expect, nor are we so knowledgeable that we need "help" - you have to have a starting point to "help" someone - we just suggested he pick our pairings and left it at that! Because that type of consult does not take too long, we wandered onto the deck outside Meridian.

Waiting on deck, outside Meridian


Sunset off the deck


David, Remy's Manager, showing the wine collection which faces into hallway


...with special attention to the Chateau La Tour 1961 that Anton Ego references in the movie....


The hallway also contains my favorite light fixture on the ship - a Chihuly-like, murano glass. We will take up the discussion of interior design notes in general, and light fixtures in particular, on a different thread.......


Your standard table for 5, set for 4


David, pointing out that the picture is Remy's view


...and Gustav's Kitchen


...with us in front


Interesting: David was our server at Remy last June. He was phenomenal.
I love the pictures and review! If we ever get to sail on the Fantasy, dining at Remy is a must for me. It sounds divine!

The hallway also contains my favorite light fixture on the ship - a Gilhooly-like, murano glass. We will take up the discussion of interior design notes in general, and light fixtures in particular, on a different thread.......


I have to say something here as it's making me :rotfl:. I live in the PNW, so I might be one of the few to notice this. Jeff Gillooly was married to Tonya Harding, the skater that was involved in the attack on Nancy Kerrigan. Dale Chihuly is the glass blower.

Thank you for the great giggle :laughing:

pixiedust: :flower3:
I love the pictures and review! If we ever get to sail on the Fantasy, dining at Remy is a must for me. It sounds divine!

I have to say something here as it's making me :rotfl:. I live in the PNW, so I might be one of the few to notice this. Jeff Gillooly was married to Tonya Harding, the skater that was involved in the attack on Nancy Kerrigan. Dale Chihuly is the glass blower.

Thank you for the great giggle :laughing:

pixiedust: :flower3:

I belive he did the chandliie on the wonder and yes Im also from the PNW. I got it about jeff gillooly what a name no wonder(No pun intened) he changed his name to stone enough of that
Great so far and anxiously awaiting more...fingers and toes are crossed that DH and I are able to get a reservation on the Fantasy in June. Were you able to easily get a reservation?
[SNIP] I belive he did the chandliie on the wonder

He was commissioned to do both the chandeliers on the Magic and Wonder!
But they are made of plastic/acrylic rather than glass for safety reasons, but both look really cool and fit the themes!


That decor look's amazing! I think they have captured the ambiance of Remy as best they can in a real life environment! I hope it was like that when you sat down to eat!

Ex Techie :)
I'm in. Can't wait to try Remy in October.

Jill in CO
Can't wait to read more. Any tips or must do's for me- we are doing Remy in March!!
Thanks for joining!

Thanks for the editorial fact-checks - there are occasions where close is good enough until the editors can help out - like, late in the evening - like anything web-based!

No special must-dos - the range per course is relatively narrow, so you don't have to worry about what you are missing. It helps to have 3 people at the table - that way, you can pretty much order one of everything and share (at least we do).

At for reservations - I don't recall having difficulty - but I could not say what the variables might be. For consideration:
-- Castaway Cay status - we were gold at the time of booking - that might have given us an "edge"
-- Duration of Cruise - we were on a 4 night cruise - statistically, your odds are better than a 3 night, but lower than a longer cruise, based on sheer number of nights X seatings
-- Season - we went in December - not sure how full the ship was, but definitely low season, which has to improve our odds
-- Prebook vs Onboard - not sure how many reservations are held for those who book once onboard, or how that affects the odds
-- Value for the Dollar - not sure how many people are willing to pay the incremental difference when they have already paid for cruise and/or Palo is available, and SO good, for much less.
That said, I have found that, if you are persistent, you will get in, whether it is pre-booking online, booking at the embarkation station (D Lounge) or merely stopping by the restaurant every evening to ask the manager if anything opened up. I have been successful with all 3 strategies for Palo.

More to come! did you get a tour? Was this the pre-dinner wine selection meeting (that we always skip :rotfl:)? did you get a tour? Was this the pre-dinner wine selection meeting (that we always skip :rotfl:)?
I did not realize / think that we were getting a tour - just thought everyone was escorted in this way. Since we like to eat early (or, more specifically, we do not like to try to sleep on a full stomach), we are usually among the first people to be seated. I am guessing David just had the time to do what he would do for anyone, time permitting. I will ask him in March!

Pretty sure the wine consultation did not factor in, as it was held by Sebastian at 5 and ended before 5:30. We waited on deck until our reservation at 6.

Celia mixing Champagne "Colette" Cocktail tableside. Of course, they ask if you know why it is called that - if only the rest of life were so easy! I'm on a Disney ship, taking pictures of food, yea, pretty sure I'm going to know the name of the female chef in a Disney movie!! (Excuse me for being partially rude, but I am 25% French....)


Cocktail, side view


A toast to our good fortune!


Two posts already - and still, no food pictures - what is going on here!?!!?

Oh yes, and what would one of my posts be without my amateur assessment of the offering. Well. Of course, the whole mixology thing is being revived..... Still, this trip was my introduction to the St Germain cocktail (Bistro) and the Colette cocktai (Remy). Both are good, but if you offered me a choice, I would choose St Germain (elderflower liquor) over Pear Vodka. I like pear, but vodka always smells like 1970's pubescent face cleaner (as if the hair didn't give it away....), regardless of what is mixed with it. Maybe Remy will consider offering that choice - I like that idea - I shall have to suggest it!!!
I did not realize / think that we were getting a tour - just thought everyone was escorted in this way. Since we like to eat early (or, more specifically, we do not like to try to sleep on a full stomach), we are usually among the first people to be seated. I am guessing David just had the time to do what he would do for anyone, time permitting. I will ask him in March!

Pretty sure the wine consultation did not factor in, as it was held by Sebastian at 5 and ended before 5:30. We waited on deck until our reservation at 6.

We've been twice...the first time our seating was the first seating (I think at 6pm) and we were shown our seats directly...second time seating was at 6:30 pm and we were shown our seats directly. We'll ask for a "tour" next time :)

I have to admit, I don't recall what this was.... something green on the bottom, crouton in the middle, something with cream/fat on top.... I'm sure it was delicious. Next time I WILL take notes!!


Bread & Butter


Very reminiscent of the quality of breads and presentation at VnA. Rich, flavorful bread, sweet unsalted butter - with a silver salt cellar on the left from which you can add the amount of salt you want.
Jamon Wrapped Shrimp
Iberico Ham wrapped Florida Shrimp with Melon

Michel Picart Vouvray '08



Seared Tuna


Langoustine Royale
Royale Norway Lobster with Nage Reduction

Taittinger Prestige Cuvee Rose NV​


Tomato Rataouille
In Calamarata Pasta with Cuttlefish

Michel Redde Sancerre '08



On the Rataouille - DS does not really like tomatoes. He was tenatative about the ingredient, but enthusiastic about actually eating the dish reference in the movie. He liked it so much, he ordered it again - for second dessert!!

On the wine service - even though the picture is not the best quality, I am including them here so illustrate how professional and elegantly executed the wine pairings were done.


Asperge Verte
Asparagus with Black Truffles and Vin Jaune Source

Domaine Louis LaTour Pouilly Fuisse '09


Homard Maine
Maine Lobster with Spicy Bouillon


So the portions are small, correct? I am not a fan of feeling overly stuffed and the thought of a 3 hour meal is a bit daunting:goodvibes
Was the majority of the menu seafood? I'm alergic to shellfish and don't care for fish .... perhaps I should just stick with Palo!
Was the majority of the menu seafood? I'm alergic to shellfish and don't care for fish .... perhaps I should just stick with Palo!

No there is a mix of food types depending on what tasting menu you order or if you decide to order ala carte.
The gout menu I ordered had a duck course and a beef course. Sounds like alot, but the portions are small so no problem finishing both.

The menu also changes from time to time, but they always seem to have a variety to choose from.


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