Phrases you hate

It just sounds trashy to me. In my family, we don't say "baby daddy" we say Joey's Dad or we use his name. It's more respectful and less trashy.
That is my point. All too often, the person tagged the Baby Mama/Daddy was there for the conception and not much else and no one really respects them at all. THAT is the problem, not the nickname. The name is merely a symptom of the actual problem.
Sadly I find I'm easily irritated so there are a lot.

From Facebook
"just saying...."
"feel free to unfriend me"

And there are about a hundred work related ones that make me cringe.

"onboarding" or orientation This.. lately this has turned into, let the new people sit with each of you so they can figure out what they want to do as opposed to this is what you will be doing.
"drill down" or figure out what went wrong
"stakeholders" or other people who need to care about this issue but probably don't
"community partners" same as above
"empower" or convince someone else to take care of this
"align resources" or your benefits are getting cut

Sometimes I roll my eyes so hard during the day I'm afraid they won't come back down.

For me at work it is off-shore partners. No, sorry they aren't partners because you don't train them fully. You give them a book and tell them if it doesn't match these scenarios exactly then they should just forward it to me to "investigate" (read: fix)
I have never heard anyone say butthurt before. Can you use it in a sentence? Add me to the list who "doesn't get it."
For some strange reason, I hate the term Cali for California.
Since my new boss arrived, the word "staff" is now always used. To me it's very impersonal and reminds me of a floor of secretaries with their pencil skirts, hats and getting their bosses coffee.
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For some strange reason, I hate the term Cali for California.
Since my new boss arrived, the word "staff" is now always used. To me it's very impersonal and reminds me of a floor of secretaries with their pencil skirts, hats and getting their bosses coffee.
I hate that term too. I don't think we natives use it.
I can't stand the use of "in a relationship". We all have a relationship with each other. What is meant by it? Dating? Friends? Coworkers?
Some of these have been mentioned already, but I totally agree:

1. "What the...?" - this phrase has been banned from my house. There is just not a good enough word to finish this sentence that any school-aged child should be saying. If they mean to say "What the Heck", then they should just say it and finish the sentence so my mind stops going to bad places to finish it out on my own!

2. Jellie (jealous), cray-cray (crazy), etc. I use these words in a silly way to tease my 11-12 year old girls on the team I coach, but I hate when they are used for real!

3. "Aaawwwhhhaaatttt??????" From Family Guy. I HATE when my DH says this. So embarrassing.

4. "dis" 'da" "doe" - is it that hard to type a couple more letters? "This is the last chance, though". Doesn't take more than an extra second.

5. They are "The face of our company" or "The Front Lines" a trite consolation-prize from the CEO of a company to to try "honor" the people who work the customer-facing or public positions of a company (usually at min wage). I heard this last week while watching "Undercover Boss" and it was annoying because we all know that the reason it makes big news that a multi-million dollar CEO gives his employees anything extra is because it is so rare. 99% of the time, the CEO will walk through their own company shielded from the "little people". (another irritating phrase!)

6. "Hey Gang". "OK, Team..." "What can we do to fix this?" - All are email starters that will ultimately be my problem and added work from a coworker who doesn't want to take part in a solution. My responses: First of all, I am not a part of a gang. 2nd, you are only nice to me when you want something...I have never been on your "team" and never will be. 3. Who is "WE"?? You mean "ME?" Then, just say "you".


Sissy - when a little kid's parent is referring to their baby girl with an older sibling. Drives me nuts. Seriously parents...your kid has a name. Use it.

Newbie - hate that word. It's so condescending. I spent a lot of time, money, sacrifice, and hard work to earn a degree in my field. I hated it when I was the "Newbie" at my company.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've only just noticed this phrasing in the past year, and I still haven't figured out why it's so hard to add "you," "me," or "us" or some other appropriate pronoun.

I've been complaining about poor grammar for so long I think I'm due for a promotion in the Grammar Police.

Queen Colleen

Just realized I forgot to add the quoted message! It's Diseychick75's comment about "with."


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