
I yet to see issue 30 posters can agree on. Why do you think it is so fun here, we never agree.:lmao:
Hi all, I'm new to the boards, but I've been lurking here and other places around the online Disney community for a while now, and I have a question.

Seeing as so many of us Disney fanatics, particular those of us who frequent Walt Disney World agree on a few issues, has anyone ever attempted to create a massive and formal petition to affect some of the policy and infrastructure changes we so desire in the parks? I can't imagine that a petition with 100,000 or more signatures on it, politely requesting that the sorcerer hat be torn down, would be looked at lightly... particularly if the press were involved in it's presentation. Similarly a petition calling for a massive monorail expansion and returning EPCOT Center to some of it's core themes and values?

I'm just wondering if this has been tried is all. I took a look at and there are a handful of petitions going over there right now, though they mostly have to do with programming on the Disney channel.


YOUR new to the boards and your first comment/question is to start a petition? :rotfl2:
Awww come on - the OP was just throwing an idea out there, no need to crush her/him :)

Yes, maybe the OP is new to posting - I'd been reading the boards for over a year before I dared to post ... you're a tough crowd :p And probably with all the talk of how unhappy some are with napkins and the like, the OP thought maybe we should band together and start a rising. I can't join yet though .... brownies in the oven :teeth:
I'd rather have 1,000 hats than Avatarland! :stir:

That would be weird... so many hats it would blot out the sun. Hatland!

No honestly I've always liked the Hat and trying to get a big enough petition together for Disney to respond is like trying to get everybody not to buy gas for one day to affect the price of oil.
I don't want to get rid of the sorcerer hat. *intense stare* :eek:

Anyway, I think big petitions getting up to the CEO or whoever reads and manages that sort of stuff for the wonderful place known as WDW is just a crazy dream. Like getting rid of Global Warming or making sure that all the kids in the world are fed and loved. Something we'd like to think we can do, but really probably can't do.

And, just by the way, people are right; the programming on DC stinks. What happened to Kim Possible and Lizzie McGuire? Even Stevens and That's So Raven? Okay, maybe the last two weren't that impressive, but still.... :sad2:

If you want to start a petition for something, please do try. Just don't expect miraculous results. I'll be happen to sign if I agree with the issue. :goodvibes
If you get TDO to tear down the Hat I'll start a petition to replace you. pixiedust: Just kidding but I love the hat.
I love the hat too. Just not where they put it. I liked the pre-BAH view of the theater when you came into the park.
I love the hat too. Just not where they put it. I liked the pre-BAH view of the theater when you came into the park.

I agree!

If the OP wants to get rid of something, may I suggest the graveyard of stones they have right when you walk into Epcot? Hate, hate, hate those things.
If the OP wants to get rid of something, may I suggest the graveyard of stones they have right when you walk into Epcot? Hate, hate, hate those things.

You mean the tomb of the unknown tourist.
Just my opinion:

1. Don't you even begin to think Disney would not read a 100,000 signature petition, they may not admit it, but you BET they will read it!.

What they will not accept to attraction ideas as that could become a patent/copyright issue if they build something like it.

2. Please Google monorail. It is not near as expensive to build and extend as you think.

It does indeed make income because of the guests that come to ride the thing!.........remember a few months ago.the people complaining that is was running at reduced hours?.......shut down for construction and BET the monorail brings people on property and to the resorts and parks,l and that bring income.

That said..............the next transportation system is 10 years oof and will likely of a light rial system or a *pod* system where you get into a automatic pod and it takes you where yo want to go..parks.........resorts......DTD...........etc.

3.The hat is cool...................just move it somewhere else!

4.....The Epcot entry.............the land of the gravestones needs to go!

5. I think Epcot is moving toward its base line........with new TT, showing the next generation of cars and how they will be made....and the possibility of a new country in WS.........2 could use 2 new counties.


The hat would be nicer somewhere else. It serves no purpose and clashes with the theming in the area.

The tombstones wouldn't be nice anywhere IMO.
Get your petition signed solely by shareholders and you might have a shot; get a billion of the 1.9 billion shares and you're a shoe-in!
No matter how many signatures are on a petition I don't think they are going to tear the sorceror hat down, whether Disney reads the petition or not. I'd think it's be a lot of work to assemble those signatures for probably nothing.
Just my opinion:


2. Please Google monorail. It is not near as expensive to build and extend as you think.

It does indeed make income because of the guests that come to ride the thing!.........remember a few months ago.the people complaining that is was running at reduced hours?.......shut down for construction and BET the monorail brings people on property and to the resorts and parks,l and that bring income.

That said..............the next transportation system is 10 years oof and will likely of a light rial system or a *pod* system where you get into a automatic pod and it takes you where yo want to go..parks.........resorts......DTD...........etc.


That presumes that the monorail is the sole reason some guests go to Disney and if it was absent they would stay home. But, lets say you are right and people spend $100 for a ticket to ride the monorail. How many of them would it take to justify and expansion of the monorail?
Hi all, I'm new to the boards, but I've been lurking here and other places around the online Disney community for a while now, and I have a question.

Seeing as so many of us Disney fanatics, particular those of us who frequent Walt Disney World agree on a few issues, has anyone ever attempted to create a massive and formal petition to affect some of the policy and infrastructure changes we so desire in the parks? I can't imagine that a petition with 100,000 or more signatures on it, politely requesting that the sorcerer hat be torn down, would be looked at lightly... particularly if the press were involved in it's presentation. Similarly a petition calling for a massive monorail expansion and returning EPCOT Center to some of it's core themes and values?

I'm just wondering if this has been tried is all. I took a look at and there are a handful of petitions going over there right now, though they mostly have to do with programming on the Disney channel.

That petition and $1.25 will get you a cup of coffee


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