Our little thread of BIG Resort changes*OLD THREAD link on last pg. to new thread!

So sorry about Bob. :hug: I swear my DH can't go anywhere without forgetting something .... wallet, sunglasses, etc. Yep he's even gone to the store, loaded up the cart, gets to the checkout and discovers he doesn't have his wallet .... :confused3 Even the dog has gotten use to him walking out the door only to return to get what ever he's forgotten! :rotfl2:

linda so good to know their is another like him :rotfl2:

Hi Rcers! I'm back from the 4th and it looks like I didn't miss a thing! Of course I won't catch you all right now, but:

pas130: Thanks for being our Queen. Not long for you.

WDWKOOK: WL. Not long for you either. Toot toot!

Koh1977: Wow! Not long for you either-either! Who else?

Minnie&Nana: I am so glad to see you here.

Wookie: I am sorry for your loss.

chimo2u: Hope you sell the dirt bike. Glad your son is a "man with a plan."

Missoutandabout: Don't forget we women-folk become "martyrs" in our hobbled old age. :lmao: I feel your pain with parents. It's been rough here on that front, too.

JanetB: Enjoy the peaceful beauty of nature.

Gwynne: That Sept dining deal sounds fab. Thanks for the news. We'll need to pop over for BlueZoo. :cutie: Funny that we over here in west FL eat out almost every night in summertime because the restaurant "deals" are so fantastic that it is more expensive to stay home and cook.

basketlacey: What a lovely 9 days. Sounds positively relaxing.

hstrickland: So glad for some pleasantly pleasing painting.

GGrandma: Funny even the dog knows... that's badddd!

Willows909: September will be here before you know it.

sjs314: I think Bob is depressed. .....On my dad's last WDW visit (he swears NEVER again :eek:), he wouldn't use a motorized chair either. Pride. Stubborn. Combination of the two. He agreed to a regular wheelchair and we could push him for longer stretches. But then he was so mortified when the first WDW bus stopped for him and put the back ramp down, that he refused to use that either. :worried:

Arrrrrgh... Hard Rock just came available for us for Universal next week for just a couple more $$ ... what should I do????????? :smokin: I'm such a sucker for hard and loud music. :cool1:

MAGIC I really do think with Bob it is pride but he did say he is afraid of running into someone... Geez Louise if I can drive a scooter anyone can I am a major clutz :rotfl:

Is Hard Rock Hotel as loud as the restaurant? I've read a lot of DISers say they love HR but my heart's desire is Portifino Bay

Hello ladies... Happy Friday! :woohoo:

Wookie: Thinking of you guys. :hug:

Heather & Koh: Keeping it in mind in case the dance thing is a flash in the pan with Miss M. :rolleyes:

Lacey: Thanks for the tips! It's kinda just an "intro to ballet" sorta thing just to see if she likes it. :confused3 I'd love for her to find something she looks forward to -- instead of WHINES about every time we're getting ready to go. :crazy2: She wasn't keen on the soccer at all -- though loves Girl Scouts and the art lessons she had after school. Guess I'll find out tomorrow!

Sheila: :hug: Maybe some of the meds are having an adverse effect? Sorry. :sad1: I hope it resolves itself before your trip -- or at least he agrees to rent a scooter. When we visited with my parents two years ago, that first afternoon, I convinced my dad to rent one. We went with Apple Scooters upon the recommendation of the CL concierge and they dropped it off right at the hotel bell services the very next morning. (Includes insurance, drop off and pick-up at the hotel.) Anyway, just wanted to let you know you can decide to get it last-minute if you need to when you're already there. My dad was so much happier and easy-going because of it (which is saying a LOT for him :rolleyes1 )... my only regret was not getting one for my mom. It was far too much walking for her.

Magic: Oooooh, that is tempting. We've only stayed at HRH in Vegas. The hotel was very nice but they had the most annoying hallway decor ever... cymbals every couple of feet along the wall. In Vegas. With people up at all hours of the day... coming and going. Usually sloshed. Who thought that was a good idea? :lmao: All of those Universal hotels are very convenient walking-distance to the parks, aren't they? So many perks with staying there on-site. :thumbsup2

GG & Willow: :wave2:

Miss Apple is who I have rented from 2x now. Last trip we were staying at BWI and you can rent a scooter right on the Boardwalk just for a day or whatever and he still refused. Refused to rent one at the parks too!

Did I mention that I left him leaning against a railing in MK during MVMCP last year. I was so awful :rotfl2: but so tried of his having to stop and rest like every 10 minutes

I would take the name & # of a scooter company with me. Once he figures out he won't be able to o that much walking, maybe he will relent. :grouphug:

sue If he doesn't tell the Dr about his ailments before we go and maybe get some pain meds :confused3 He is just going to have to give in and get a scooter.
Marie yay for DS finding another job! Graveyard shifts are tough, hope he will be happier with thr new job. And good for him to volunteer to contribute. My oldest daughter who lives at home pays rent.
Have you thought if going thru David's Rentals for Kidani DVC? Or BWI DVC? He has a chart where you can put in your dates to see how much it will cost. And you are able to add DDP. Only thing is you have to be sure of dates. Sorry if you've checked already, can't remember! ;)
This is the first time in a while that we're not eating at Narcoosee's. It wasn't bad this last time, but it wasn't over the top good that would warrant 2 credits...I always get the lobster and filet. :-) because when we do eat there, I'm sure as heck going to get my 2 credits worth!! :-)

I have to agree with you, when we went back for a meal last August, it wasn't as good. I get the lobster & filet too :goodvibes.
It was my friends birthday too, so to surprise her I ordered a Castle birthday cake. But what does our server do? He brings out the free Narcossees desert first, then after she eats that brings out the Castle cake :confused3 like she's going to eat 2 desserts! So she had the castle packed to go.
Don't know if it's just me, but I was upset with that server. :(
Oh, have any of you received any proper (non-form letter) replies from the WDW Guest Communications email address?

I finally sent off my comments about the lovely concierge woman who helped us at Caribbean Beach Resort. (Only other time I've written was an actual real letter to the Beach Club manager and I got a reply in the mail from Mim Flynn, hehe.) Just hope the email will make it to the proper folks.

Once I wrote a letter about the wonderful Ranger Stan at WL. That man was a gem, and it still doesn't seem right to me walking into WL and not seeing him.
Anyway, I received a phone call a few months later from Disney thanking me for my letter, and that he would be getting a special recognition.

For those of you that didn't know him, he retired awhile after that, and has since passes away. RIP Ranger Stan.
I have to agree with you, when we went back for a meal last August, it wasn't as good. I get the lobster & filet too :goodvibes.
It was my friends birthday too, so to surprise her I ordered a Castle birthday cake. But what does our server do? He brings out the free Narcossees desert first, then after she eats that brings out the Castle cake :confused3 like she's going to eat 2 desserts! So she had the castle packed to go.
Don't know if it's just me, but I was upset with that server. :(

I'd be a bit upset with the server too! :-/ We're doing CRT and Le Cellier for our 2 credit dinners. Hopefully they don't disappoint this time around. :-)

New ones this trip for us - BOG (dinner), Yak & Yeti, Coral Reef, The Wave (breakfast), and 1900 Park Fare (dinner). Was going to do Raglan Road, but decided against going to DtD this trip unless we hit it on the way out or the kids specifically ask to go. But since we're at the Poly now, I wanted to make sure we enjoy the resort and have plenty of downtime, as well as make use of the easy transportation. :-)
Marie yay for DS finding another job! Graveyard shifts are tough, hope he will be happier with thr new job. And good for him to volunteer to contribute. My oldest daughter who lives at home pays rent.
Have you thought if going thru David's Rentals for Kidani DVC? Or BWI DVC? He has a chart where you can put in your dates to see how much it will cost. And you are able to add DDP. Only thing is you have to be sure of dates. Sorry if you've checked already, can't remember! ;)

Thanks Sue! Yes, I think he'll be happier, it's with a good company (all weather windows) it's good hours (7-3:30'ish) Mon-Fri , opportunities for overtime if he wants, benefits and he's excited about it so I hope it works out for him!

I've thought about Kidani DVC - I haven't checked the points yet. The only thing putting me off the thought is the strict cancellation and the not every day housekeeping (just a little thing I like on holiday, LOL!)
I could pay the $40 per time and have it every other day though - I could live with that!
Part if me really wants to try BWI Deluxe CL though! Just the location would be great with the kids along (although they'll be 18 so should be fine by then!)
I kind of wish I'd kept my reservation at BWI Deluxe room for $5,500 last October instead of the POLY! I'll have to keep an eye on prices and hope a discount comes along! :)
Ps..... Yippee! :) yes I did sell the dirtbike, she nickel and dimed me to a great deal for her (I was asking $2500) and I ended up letting her have it for $2000. I didn't want to lose the sale, and I was tired of trying to sell it. As long as I had the $1000 for each kid I promised them/ in Josh's case, owed him -- I was good!
I compromised (no Disney money for me :( / any extra over 2k was going to be my profit ;) ) but at least it's sold and I don't have to accommodate lookers or emailers trying to get me to give it away for free! Lol

DS21(Josh) is going away to Ontario with his Gf's family for 3 weeks , DS17 (Andrew) is going to our cities local fair/ Klondike days next Sat, so DH told me to book a hotel with a jacuzzi tub in the room so the two of us can get away just for a night "staycation" :)
It's been a long time since we've just had time for us, so even though it cost $149 (not bad for a jacuzzi room ) it was worth the splurge!
May make it a date weekend -- dinner out, and movie then hotel.
Kook 3 weeks from today!!! :cool1:
You know Harrison Ford?!?!
Your daughter is more than welcome to come! Can she bring Harrison with her?!
Thank you for the nice comments!

JeanetteThank you for the compliment on the costume. Love the faceainting idea - brilliant! We are doing movie nights here to pass the time. There are a bumnch of ideas on my trip report. When does school start again?

Jenny I am sorry to hear about the teeth trouble. We have the same thing going on. Our dentist shaved down my girls two canine baby teet to make room for her bottom ones but her top two front teeth are a nightmare. One is still practically sideways. We have another appointment on the 16th to see what else can be done. Her dad and I both have 8 teeth out and I had braces for 10 years and I still have a retainer so I am hoping that they will consider pulling a couple for her. :worried:

Alysa-Darling costume!:cool1:
Thank you! :)

Marie I am sorry to hear about your son's (and your) job stress. Sending best wishes that his new position works out great and is much better for you all! Congrats on selling the bike! Hope you have a great date weekend!

Oh Marie :hug: I understand your issues all too well. My DS21...well let's say life is calm since he moved out a few years ago. His problems are his GF's now unfortunately. Poor woman....she's much older and assumed the "maternal role" IMO. I haven't spoken to him in 2 years now I think. It broke my heart, but I moved on.

wookie I am so sorry to hear about all the stress your GF-in-L is causing. :hug:

Miss Thank you for the nice comments about the dress. It took the weekend to do. Two trips to the fabric store which is an hour away. And one visit to wal-mart for navy thread.
Sorry to hear about your grumpy dad. Parents can make you crazy. It's theri job. :hug:

Heather Welcome to the painters! Hope they are making everything beautiful for you!

:thumbsup2 beautiful!
Thanks Sue! :blush:

Gack - baby awake. Sorry for spelling mistakes or if I missed you! Hugs to everyone!
So I was a little bored today .......

Then I started playing around on the WDW website ......

Decided I wanted stay at a moderate:

POFQ - not the pool for me
POR - stayed there is Jan .... love it but want something different
CBR - I don't think so .... no particular reason
CSR - YES!!! That's the one for me! :thumbsup2

Janet resort addition alert! :rotfl2:

Now I'm booked at:

CSR 9/2 - 9/5
AKV 9/5 - 9/12
OKW 9/12 - 9/19

Decided that for the hot Sept weather the Dig Site pool was the place for me! :beach:
I think everyone knows Portofino Bay Resort at US is on my radar, Touring Plans Blog posted a great review


thinking ..............wondering if that 40% off pin code I rec'd is still good :cloud9:

Ps..... Yippee! :) yes I did sell the dirtbike, she nickel and dimed me to a great deal for her (I was asking $2500) and I ended up letting her have it for $2000. I didn't want to lose the sale, and I was tired of trying to sell it. As long as I had the $1000 for each kid I promised them/ in Josh's case, owed him -- I was good!
I compromised (no Disney money for me :( / any extra over 2k was going to be my profit ;) ) but at least it's sold and I don't have to accommodate lookers or emailers trying to get me to give it away for free! Lol

DS21(Josh) is going away to Ontario with his Gf's family for 3 weeks , DS17 (Andrew) is going to our cities local fair/ Klondike days next Sat, so DH told me to book a hotel with a jacuzzi tub in the room so the two of us can get away just for a night "staycation" :)
It's been a long time since we've just had time for us, so even though it cost $149 (not bad for a jacuzzi room ) it was worth the splurge!
May make it a date weekend -- dinner out, and movie then hotel.

Marie :yay: for selling the dirt bike!

So I was a little bored today .......

Then I started playing around on the WDW website ......

Decided I wanted stay at a moderate:

POFQ - not the pool for me
POR - stayed there is Jan .... love it but want something different
CBR - I don't think so .... no particular reason
CSR - YES!!! That's the one for me! :thumbsup2

Janet resort addition alert! :rotfl2:

Now I'm booked at:

CSR 9/2 - 9/5
AKV 9/5 - 9/12
OKW 9/12 - 9/19

Decided that for the hot Sept weather the Dig Site pool was the place for me! :beach:

Linda Love CSR, love AKL(never stayed at the Villas) & love OKW Great Choices!
Sjs314: Thanks for the Portofino review. If I had a 40 percent off pin I'd book pronto. :stir:

SueM: I'd be a tad miffed at the server for flubbing the Castle Cake.

Alysa: Nice to meet ya. I've been MIA for a bit. Cute costume, you are talented. :goodvibes

GGrandma: I dig the CSR Dig Site and pool. Nice addition. :thumbsup2

Miss: I appreciate the input on the HR Hotel. Great point and it probably is much younger and rowdier crowd there... Sometimes I forget my "real" age. :faint:

Chimo2u: Good deal that you got the dirt bike sold. ::yes:: Your plan for a stay-cation with DH sounds great and romantic and relaxing and... :banana:
Good morning all!! I have been trying to stay caught up reading, but no time to post replies.

2 weeks from tomorrow!!! :-) kids still don't know! DS still has some "homework" to do before he learns of his big surprise! :-) thinking of giving him his autograph book that I made on Shutterfly and see if he "gets it".

Have a great day!! :-)
Sjs314: Thanks for the Portofino review. If I had a 40 percent off pin I'd book pronto. :stir:

SueM: I'd be a tad miffed at the server for flubbing the Castle Cake.

Alysa: Nice to meet ya. I've been MIA for a bit. Cute costume, you are talented. :goodvibes

GGrandma: I dig the CSR Dig Site and pool. Nice addition. :thumbsup2

Miss: I appreciate the input on the HR Hotel. Great point and it probably is much younger and rowdier crowd there... Sometimes I forget my "real" age. :faint:

Chimo2u: Good deal that you got the dirt bike sold. ::yes:: Your plan for a stay-cation with DH sounds great and romantic and relaxing and... :banana:

I couldn't find my pin# but Jeanette said if I call they will have it listed. Thinking about booking and decide later which to keep :rotfl2:
Hi peeps! Took a drive to Watertown to get a few things and thought I would pop in since the Internet signal is stronger here :)

Wookie :hug: such a difficult weekend for you all. Been keeping you in my thoughts :hug:

Sheila, is Bob stressed? That and depression can make one forgetful ... :hug:

Kor, so close for you!! And the poly! :woohoo:

Magic, kind of liking the HRH. .. And hey you are NOT old!! :)

Alysa, been meaning to comment on your beautiful DD and her amazing outfit!! It's fantastic!

Marie, congrats on selling the bike!

GG, liking your addition... Know you were itching to change something :) the pool at CSR rocks!

Heather, did I miss it? No picture of the day treat? :)

Pas, so very very close ... Your latest change is great... In only a few days you will be hitting the road !! :yay:

Sue, hoping that knee is feeling a lot better ...but hey floating around SAB is a nice option too!

Can't quote well on the phone and don't mean to leave out anyone ... Hi to Ginny, Lacey, Miss, Jen, Christine, dani, Kook, you are so close too...

We r heading back to PA today ...Sam is flying to Wisconsin on wed ... first time flying alone ... She seems fine I'm just a basket case ... But will not show it in front of her :) she going out to visit her bff.

Will try to catch up better later ... Enjoy the day!
Hi peeps! Took a drive to Watertown to get a few things and thought I would pop in since the Internet signal is stronger here :)

Wookie :hug: such a difficult weekend for you all. Been keeping you in my thoughts :hug:

Sheila, is Bob stressed? That and depression can make one forgetful ... :hug:

Kor, so close for you!! And the poly! :woohoo:

Magic, kind of liking the HRH. .. And hey you are NOT old!! :)

Alysa, been meaning to comment on your beautiful DD and her amazing outfit!! It's fantastic!

Marie, congrats on selling the bike!

GG, liking your addition... Know you were itching to change something :) the pool at CSR rocks!

Heather, did I miss it? No picture of the day treat? :)

Pas, so very very close ... Your latest change is great... In only a few days you will be hitting the road !! :yay:

Sue, hoping that knee is feeling a lot better ...but hey floating around SAB is a nice option too!

Can't quote well on the phone and don't mean to leave out anyone ... Hi to Ginny, Lacey, Miss, Jen, Christine, dani, Kook, you are so close too...

We r heading back to PA today ...Sam is flying to Wisconsin on wed ... first time flying alone ... She seems fine I'm just a basket case ... But will not show it in front of her :) she going out to visit her bff.

Will try to catch up better later ... Enjoy the day!

Have a safe trip back to PA. She will be fine but Mom has to worry (((hug)))
Janet I had meant to tell you that Jessica was 13 when she took her first plane trip by herself .... I was nervous but she was fine!!! Mama has to worry ... it's in the job description! :goodvibes
Alysa: Nice to meet ya. I've been MIA for a bit. Cute costume, you are talented. :goodvibes
Thank you! Lovely to meet you too! :wave2:

Good morning all!! I have been trying to stay caught up reading, but no time to post replies.
2 weeks from tomorrow!!! :-) kids still don't know! DS still has some "homework" to do before he learns of his big surprise! :-) thinking of giving him his autograph book that I made on Shutterfly and see if he "gets it".
Have a great day!! :-)
2 weeks! :bitelip: I'd love to see a photo of the shutterfly book!

Alysa, been meaning to comment on your beautiful DD and her amazing outfit!! It's fantastic!
We r heading back to PA today ...Sam is flying to Wisconsin on wed ... first time flying alone ... She seems fine I'm just a basket case ... But will not show it in front of her :) she going out to visit her bff.
Thank you! It's so hard to let our little girls flutter out of the nest, isn't it? How old is your daughter? Hugs for lots of stregnth for you! :hug:
Woodie - I am so so sorry for the devasting loss of your husband's grandfather. I have been there - my grandfather did the same thing. Watching my dad grieve was gut wrenching!

Thank you. It has been really hard on the family. One of my DH's cousins was still so angry that she refused to come to the funeral this weekend.

Hello All :wave:

wookie sorry about the timeshare :hug:

Thank you. We plan on getting it started again in the future. Maybe this was just God's way of telling us it wasn't a good time for that.

Continueing Saga of Bob we went to Target today and by time we made our way up to the checkouts He could barely walk between his back,hip, and knee so I commented about reserving a scooter for him at WDW and he said he will get a cane :furious: Oh and the other day when he took his Mother to the Drs He forgot his wallet at home again that is twice now in the sat couple of weeks, not sure what is going on with him but it sure is not normal....very frustrating

Hope every one is having a Good Friday!

I'm sorry. I hope you can get him to the doctor soon, so you can get some answers. At the very least, I would take the number of a scooter rental company with you. You could just be really sneaky, and go ahead and rent one. Maybe if he's already paid for it, he will be more willing to use it, so the money is not wasted.

Wookie: I am sorry for your loss. :hug:

Thank you :hug:

Good day ladies! I am way behind too! Well, finally got my taxes settled, it turns out it was my fault as I had entered some income on the wrong line!:crazy2:
And there is a bad ending to this story too! I was about $800 off in my refund estimation! Very very bad of me....:badpc: So now vacation fund is down a wee bit more paying off our new van tires.:rolleyes1 Jeez I am starting to sound really irresponsible! Darn Disney. :p

I'm sorry about the taxes. :hug:

Wookie: Good luck? with the viewing and funeral....so sorry.

Thank you. Friday was a hard day to say the least. The DH had to run a couple of service calls that morning. As soon as he got home, David, Joey and I went to the funeral home even though the viewing didn't start until 6 PM. JM spent the night with the bil since we didn't think it was a good idea for him to go. We sat in the room, with the open casket, the rest of the afternoon, until family members started showing up for the viewing. I am so proud of Joey. He stood right by the casket comforting his grandfather (my DH's father).

Ok...enough complaining out of me. Think I'll get some Blue Belle Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream!!!! :thumbsup2 Love it!

And actually, the painting is coming along very well.


That sounds yummy!!

Ps..... Yippee! :) yes I did sell the dirtbike, she nickel and dimed me to a great deal for her (I was asking $2500) and I ended up letting her have it for $2000. I didn't want to lose the sale, and I was tired of trying to sell it. As long as I had the $1000 for each kid I promised them/ in Josh's case, owed him -- I was good!
I compromised (no Disney money for me :( / any extra over 2k was going to be my profit ;) ) but at least it's sold and I don't have to accommodate lookers or emailers trying to get me to give it away for free! Lol

I'm glad you were able to sell it, even if you didn't get as much as you wanted out of it.

DS21(Josh) is going away to Ontario with his Gf's family for 3 weeks , DS17 (Andrew) is going to our cities local fair/ Klondike days next Sat, so DH told me to book a hotel with a jacuzzi tub in the room so the two of us can get away just for a night "staycation" :)
It's been a long time since we've just had time for us, so even though it cost $149 (not bad for a jacuzzi room ) it was worth the splurge!
May make it a date weekend -- dinner out, and movie then hotel.

You should make a date weekend out of it. Y'all deserve it.

Kook 3 weeks from today!!! :cool1:
You know Harrison Ford?!?!
Your daughter is more than welcome to come! Can she bring Harrison with her?!
Thank you for the nice comments!

Harrison Ford is one of those actors that just keeps getting better with age. /drool

wookie I am so sorry to hear about all the stress your GF-in-L is causing. :hug:

Thank you :hug: It's especially sad since most of the family was just getting him back (he was a terrible alcoholic for many many years).

Wookie :hug: such a difficult weekend for you all. Been keeping you in my thoughts :hug:

Thank you :hug: It was a really hard weekend, but then it was wonderful as well. David got to see cousins of his that he hadn't seen in over 20 years, and I had never met. There were a lot of tears and heartache, but there was also laughter and joy. David and I are already making plans to go see several of his cousins between this coming WDW trip and next year's vacation. On the way to WDW we will stop in Biloxi and see one cousin that was at the funeral, and his sister (who couldn't attend). Then on the way home, we'll go through TN to possibly see another cousin. That cousin's husband just got back from Afghanistan and she thinks he'll be receiving his bronze star the 2nd weekend in September, which happens to be the weekend we are driving home from WDW. David has decided that next year, we are going to drive to the Grand Canyon. On the way there, we will stop and see another cousin that was there this weekend, and maybe some of his mom's family. The other planned stops include Roswell, Tombstone, and Phoenix (to show the boys where the DH lived there and hopefully to see a childhood friend of mine).


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