Our little thread of BIG Resort Changes~2013 Spring RC installment

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Hi RCers: No happy weekend to report here. We didn't go to WDW. It was a terrible weekend. Long story short I should have know better than to plan mom's birthday trip so close to when DH & I were out of town last week. My mom has severe depression and severe anxiety. She has been doing very well the past few months (all things relative), and I got complacent and just didn't think it through. Well, she crashed big-time while we were away. Getting her to do anything is always very difficult, but she always rebounds and enjoys herself once she gets to where she is going. We got her all packed Friday to avoid additional stress. And then Saturday morning, before we arrived at her house to pick her up, she whipped herself into such a frenzy that she landed herself in the hospital. Since it was a weekend, she wasn't really looked at by the docs til Monday. They did all the routine tests and she was released Wednesday and is fine.

This trip was a big deal for mom and she was so excited to go: Lagoon View CL ADA room so she could enjoy Wishes from the lounge or from the room, her choice. She couldn't wait to see the progress of the new Fantasyland since her last visit. And she wanted to try a Holiday Sandwich from Earl of Sandwich that she's heard so much about.

So as for the ressie, I was in a haze Sat a.m. and rebooked just so as to not lose our money. The CM said, "I have that room open July 20." So I just took it. :guilty: I wasn't thinking. I am going to need to re-visit that ressie as I don't know if it is the best time to go... duh, we are going to OKW just a few days later. :scared: And it is definitely too hot for Mom then. In hindsight, DH and I just should have changed to a non-ADA CL room and gone ourselves, as my cousin was there at the same time for F&G. But I was just too upset.

Sorry for the long spiel. :headache: I don't even know why I am putting it out here. I guess I am desperately afraid that this was her last "trip" EVER to WDW (and all of the unsaid that goes along with it) and I am just a mess.

I'll take stupendous any day. Thanks Miss, I really needed that. :hug:


Mousemommy & i_heart_the_mouse: WISHES for you both for FANTABULOUS TRIP!!!! Hug your peeps a lot, and take lots of pics!

pas130: Sounds like a great NEW plan for you!!!!! Glad you got your WDW mojo back!!! :yay: I was getting frightened... :crazy2: And congrats on double-digit dancing, too!

babyberger: No worries, the Great and Powerful Earl is not far away in my future. Thanks again! ;)

JanetB: Glad you had a fun-filled family weekend of tour-guiding and shopping and grubbing (any BBQ find it's way into the mix?).

disneydreamin'247: Yahoo for you and that AWESOME paid in full feeling. :dance3: :dance3:

koh1977: Just sayin', I kind of liked your newest foody plan. So channel me if you need help making the change. :rolleyes1

peteykirch: Excited for your ADR day. Keep us posted on your final list!!!

sjs314: Hi :wave2: Thinking of you and your Poly trip.

I know I've missed a lot of you, but I am keeping my eyes peeled on your goings-on. :coffee:

MAGIC Not sure how I missed your post yesterday but I did :headache:

So sorry you had to cancel your Mom's trip and that she ended up it the hospital. Praying all is well now. (((Hug)))
Good Morning!!! :goodvibes

We had a super long day of travel yesterday...and didn't end up getting to YC until about 11 pm!!! We were supposed to be here for 8:30.....

Anyway, upon arrival we found out that both us and our friends had been chosen as the YC families of the day! :goodvibes. We got a nice little certificate, and a boatload of balloons. :cool1:

When we got to our room, we saw that there were chocolate covered strawberries and a white chocolate Minnie Mouse waiting for us!!! pixiedust:

As you know, we booked a SV CL room, but we can totally see the pool?!?!?! So, I'm not sure if we were upgraded, but if this is standard view, I'll take it!!!! Plus our balcony is huge!

I can't believe I am up right now, but I didn't really sleep well because I was waiting for that knock on the door with our luggage, but that never came.....I thought, uh oh.....but, our luggage is at the front desk, we got a voicemail and I just have to call for it. :goodvibes

Our room is beautiful! We have a daybed. My only complaint is that there is periodically a loud clanking noise every so often.....I don't know what it is but it sounds like a fire extinguisher being slammed onto pavement or something....:scratchin

I'll have to investigate that....but I seem to be the only one bothered by it.

Well, everyone else is still sleeping and my friend just texted me asking what time we were heading to MK....so, I'm logging off for now! Gotta call for our luggage...:thumbsup2

MM Have a wonderful Day!:dance3:
Ok, so...I did all of the math, with all of the options (I think)...for approximately the same price as we're paying right now, maybe $100+ (I forgot to factor in tax when I was pricing out meals) we could do the split stay...it's looking better and better to me...but not sure DH will go for it, nor how the kids will do with moving so much since we'll be at a SW hotel the first 2 nights...but, I've always wanted to try AKL (savannah view of course!) and we're likely not doing Disney for at least a year or two after this trip...my kids LOVE animals...

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Hi Peeps!

Jen a belated Happy Birthday to DD7! party:

Magic: You rock as a daughter!! :hug:

Iheart: Enjoy the class trip!! I loved going on them when the kids were in elementary school.

The thing is, many of them have NEVER been in your shoes, so take their comments with a grain of salt. It seems that a lack of response to the mean people irritates them more. They are the ones who sound wacky.

Yep. Very wise words. :thumbsup2 I was glad you both posted over there, but sorry about the bizarre, negative posts. I guess some people just don't think. Maybe hearing your points of view might encourage a bit of kind, more patient tolerance. The world can always use more of that. :goodvibes

Jen, Ginny, Melissa,You all said it well. (Melissa, somehow lost your post ...sorry.) Melissa I admire how you juggle all the family dynamics... with Steven, Sarah, taking on the GF cooking with gusto and your unnerving commitment to ensure the kids have the best possible resources at their disposal. :hug:

My DS always struggled with anxiety, especially when he was younger, and social situations could sometimes be very difficult. And he was quiet so people didn't perceive his issues right off. There should be less judgment and more compassion in this world. And maybe, lend a helping hand sometimes. 'nuff said.

Just checking in....flight a little delayed but....our friends have arrived at YC and were in fact, UPGRADED to club level!!!

Yay!! Congrats on the balloons and goodies for being YC family of the day!

:scared1: yikes! Always a risk posting on Dis sadly. I was flamed on a thread a week ago, the thread about would you use a TA or DIY!! I was flamed, for something I didn't even say! :rotfl: someone else said it but somehow this person attributed it to me :rolleyes2. I sent person a PM and nicely explained that I wasn't the person who said that, but person didn't have the class to apologize.

Sue, too many people hide behind the screens and post info they might never say to your face. It sounds like you let it roll off your back - good for you!! Never let those types of people get you down. :hug:

I made a change myself! We are no longer doing the cruise. It's a long story, but instead we will be booking a bounceback in June for October since the dates coincide perfectly with my vacation time at work. It seems like it is just meant to be. :thumbsup2::yes::

:yay: Dani!! Sounds like it is meant to be!

HRH is having quite the time. She's not testing well because of her anxiety...and I am struggling with special services trying to revise her IEP since she's doing fine...fine really??? she came off the bus and had a meltdown from getting a F. She tries so hard and she said the test get her mixed up....:worried: so we took a bath and cuddled, and I wrote a lovely email to the child study team and her teacher who says she fine :mic: She's excited for the neurologist since she gets to eat out for lunch :cutie:

Pas, so sorry for HRH :hug: Please give her this sticker from me: :butterfly My friend, you are a great mom and advocate for your kids!! :hug:

I so want to do RPC BFF....::yes::

So..... when will we see an RC?? :laughing:

:grouphug: Just stopping by to give everyone a big :grouphug: I have been watching the news all day and am praying for everyone in the Boston area. So, so scary! Times like this make me glad I have all of my DIS friends like you all for a bit of a diversion. :grouphug: and pixiedust: for all of my RC'ers.

Perfectly stated :hug:
I'm calling Happy Hour for 5pm tonight :drinking1 Between the events in Boston/Watertown and the call I just got from the school, drinking needs to start early today :rolleyes:

On a happier note, I have Sarah's balloons and cards ready for tomorrow and we are set to pick up her little friend tomorrow morning for her bday spa, lunch, and mall day :goodvibes

I'm calling Happy Hour for 5pm tonight :drinking1 Between the events in Boston/Watertown and the call I just got from the school, drinking needs to start early today :rolleyes:

On a happier note, I have Sarah's balloons and cards ready for tomorrow and we are set to pick up her little friend tomorrow morning for her bday spa, lunch, and mall day :goodvibes


Uh oh...what happened?

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Uh oh...what happened?

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Steven had a complete meltdown at school, teacher and asst. principal called together, sigh. I thought after being able to reset yesterday that today would be a good day.....I was wrong :(

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Ok, so...I did all of the math, with all of the options (I think)...for approximately the same price as we're paying right now, maybe $100+ (I forgot to factor in tax when I was pricing out meals) we could do the split stay...it's looking better and better to me...but not sure DH will go for it, nor how the kids will do with moving so much since we'll be at a SW hotel the first 2 nights...but, I've always wanted to try AKL (savannah view of course!) and we're likely not doing Disney for at least a year or two after this trip...my kids LOVE animals...

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Krystal You are making me get the AKL "bug" :rotfl2: I love that resort from the moment you walk thru the doors and the "WOW" factor hits you, it is just amazing! Go for it!

Dani Sorry to read the cruise is a no go now but an October trip sounds Great!
Lacey - I have read a few reports of people staying at a hotel by the airport the night they arrive and then taking ME over the next morning to save money. Would that be an option? Or would you rather just get on property?

If we go in a day early, I want to go straight to the "property" Otherwise, we can take the 6 AM and still be in the World by 10:30 AM.

Hi RCers: No happy weekend to report here. We didn't go to WDW. It was a terrible weekend. Long story short I should have know better than to plan mom's birthday trip so close to when DH & I were out of town last week. My mom has severe depression and severe anxiety. She has been doing very well the past few months (all things relative), and I got complacent and just didn't think it through. Well, she crashed big-time while we were away. Getting her to do anything is always very difficult, but she always rebounds and enjoys herself once she gets to where she is going. We got her all packed Friday to avoid additional stress. And then Saturday morning, before we arrived at her house to pick her up, she whipped herself into such a frenzy that she landed herself in the hospital. Since it was a weekend, she wasn't really looked at by the docs til Monday. They did all the routine tests and she was released Wednesday and is fine.

This trip was a big deal for mom and she was so excited to go: Lagoon View CL ADA room so she could enjoy Wishes from the lounge or from the room, her choice. She couldn't wait to see the progress of the new Fantasyland since her last visit. And she wanted to try a Holiday Sandwich from Earl of Sandwich that she's heard so much about.
Big hugs Magic! I am so sorry you missed your trip but what a fantastic daughter you are to be there for your mom!
Just checking in....flight a little delayed but....our friends have arrived at YC and were in fact, UPGRADED to club level!!!
OM G- That is amazing!
Steven had a complete meltdown at school, teacher and asst. principal called together, sigh. I thought after being able to reset yesterday that today would be a good day.....I was wrong :(

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:grouphug: Oh Melissa! Do you have to go get him?
On a happier note, I have Sarah's balloons and cards ready for tomorrow and we are set to pick up her little friend tomorrow morning for her bday spa, lunch, and mall day :goodvibes


Melissa, sounds like a perfect girl day AND birthday... pampering, food and shopping!! Happy birthday Sarah!! :cool1:

I'm calling Happy Hour for 5pm tonight :drinking1 Between the events in Boston/Watertown and the call I just got from the school, drinking needs to start early today :rolleyes:

Steven had a complete meltdown at school, teacher and asst. principal called together, sigh. I thought after being able to reset yesterday that today would be a good day.....I was wrong :(

Oh Melissa!! :hug: happy hour can't come too soon, can it? and you need much more than an hour... :hug:
If we go in a day early, I want to go straight to the "property" Otherwise, we can take the 6 AM and still be in the World by 10:30 AM.

That's us too Lacey!! We like to take the first flight out, but if we can't we usually go late the night before and go straight to WDW. :goodvibes
Hello to all of you!

I missed so much. :eek:

Keeping positive thoughts going out to our ladies from the Boston area. Unbelievable, what's been going on. Just shows the strength and fortitude of the city. :hug:

Candace: WOoooooow! :goodvibes I'm just loving your updates. What a welcome, eh? Sorry about the delay. I bet that noise is the service elevator; I heard a clanking noise that sounds similar to what you're describing when we were at the BC.

Melissa: :hug:

Jen: How did DD enjoy her birthday?

Dani: This new plan sounds good. :hyper:


Kiddo's school district cancelled again today. Can't get the busses out to collect kids due to the flooding. The lake near our house flooded so high it's close to the back entrance of her school. Thankfully we didn't lose power so the "Little Sump Pump That Could" keeps chugging along. :worship: Local roads and bridges are still impassable. ... and it snowed a bit this morning. :laughing:

APs are kinda up in the air now since we now need to replace these leaking windows in our dining room... and the flooring afterward. Eesh. :headache:
Krystal You are making me get the AKL "bug" :rotfl2: I love that resort from the moment you walk thru the doors and the "WOW" factor hits you, it is just amazing! Go for it!

Dani Sorry to read the cruise is a no go now but an October trip sounds Great!

I am so excited about the possibility, but I need to convince DH first... :-/ maybe the fact that part of the dining would be OOP and therefore, not necessary to pay now would be a positive thing??

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If we go in a day early, I want to go straight to the "property" Otherwise, we can take the 6 AM and still be in the World by 10:30 AM.

Big hugs Magic! I am so sorry you missed your trip but what a fantastic daughter you are to be there for your mom!

OM G- That is amazing!

:grouphug: Oh Melissa! Do you have to go get him?

We did the early flight last year and it was awesome getting in that early! This year we'll be offsite the night before, so again, we can get to the resort early morning!

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Thanks guys! I like this plan way better. Truth be told, I am only excited for a cruise for a very short while so if I have to wait and wait, I lose my interest. There isn't much planning to do like there is with WDW! SO now we ar probably doing 8 or 9 nights in October. This is actually perfect for me.:yay:
Thanks guys! I like this plan way better. Truth be told, I am only excited for a cruise for a very short while so if I have to wait and wait, I lose my interest. There isn't much planning to do like there is with WDW! SO now we ar probably doing 8 or 9 nights in October. This is actually perfect for me.:yay:


In case you are in need of a "Nana", I know where to find cheap! ;)
Good Morning!!! :goodvibes

We had a super long day of travel yesterday...and didn't end up getting to YC until about 11 pm!!! We were supposed to be here for 8:30.....

Anyway, upon arrival we found out that both us and our friends had been chosen as the YC families of the day! :goodvibes. We got a nice little certificate, and a boatload of balloons. :cool1:

When we got to our room, we saw that there were chocolate covered strawberries and a white chocolate Minnie Mouse waiting for us!!! pixiedust:

As you know, we booked a SV CL room, but we can totally see the pool?!?!?! So, I'm not sure if we were upgraded, but if this is standard view, I'll take it!!!! Plus our balcony is huge!

I can't believe I am up right now, but I didn't really sleep well because I was waiting for that knock on the door with our luggage, but that never came.....I thought, uh oh.....but, our luggage is at the front desk, we got a voicemail and I just have to call for it. :goodvibes

Our room is beautiful! We have a daybed. My only complaint is that there is periodically a loud clanking noise every so often.....I don't know what it is but it sounds like a fire extinguisher being slammed onto pavement or something....:scratchin

I'll have to investigate that....but I seem to be the only one bothered by it.

Well, everyone else is still sleeping and my friend just texted me asking what time we were heading to MK....so, I'm logging off for now! Gotta call for our luggage...:thumbsup2

Woohoo!!! Sounds like you did get a view upgrade! As Family of the Day do they still give you reserved seating at SAB for the day? What a lot of pixiedust: you're getting!
Hello to all of you!


Kiddo's school district cancelled again today. Can't get the busses out to collect kids due to the flooding. The lake near our house flooded so high it's close to the back entrance of her school. Thankfully we didn't lose power so the "Little Sump Pump That Could" keeps chugging along. :worship: Local roads and bridges are still impassable. ... and it snowed a bit this morning. :laughing:

APs are kinda up in the air now since we now need to replace these leaking windows in our dining room... and the flooring afterward. Eesh. :headache:

Miss E :hug: Hope the flood waters receive so a kayak is not needed… (or Miss M will be looking to build a boat next :upsidedow) .... And the WrestleMania that took place yesterday…Miss M was quite right to use underwear hey the pros wear it, right? Too cute, so creative…loved it! :thumbsup2
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