**Our December of Dreams!! Honeymoon at the Wilderness Lodge TR FINISHED**

Congrats and have a great marrige.
I do this too. I know exactly what you're sayin'!

I know what you mean. But for me, it's the older I get the more I look forward to eating my way around the WS. I have always been a picky eater. Now I see what I've been missing!

I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well! Hopefully you make it back for Illuminations.

And I love all of the Epcot attractions, even the "lame" ones. I still miss Horizons and World of Motion.


I was really looking forward to eating around WS too!!! It's funny the older we get, how our ideas of fun change, lol.
I LOVED Horizons, it was my favorite, I remember riding it over and over when I was younger. I don't really remember World of Motion though...need to YouTube it or something...
Thanks for reading!

I loved Nemo! It's so cute! I can't wait to see how Spaceship Earth is now because it was also closed when we went too!

That's awesome you got a table right next to the tank. I had the lobster soup for my appetizer too! It was good. And I had the chocolate wave for my dessert! It was goooooooooooooood!:)

mmmm lobster soup. I could go for some right now!


I woke up excited this day to go to Epcot, but also sad, because our trip was getting closer to the end. We had 2 days left, plus one day in St. Augustine...but I judge our trips by whether we have more than half the trip left, or it's half over. Is that weird? Please tell me someone else does that, starts getting sad when it's halfway over. Well with just 2 days left I was definitely sad!!! I totally do this you are not alone

We had kids all OVER us. There was a bigger table behind us, next to the tank, with 3 or 4 kids, all under the age of 12 or so. They RAN to see the stingray, and were climbing all OVER our table. They were standing on the backs of our chairs, leaning over our table, and YELLING in our ears, taking tons of pictures w/flashes going off everywhere, it was NUTS. And I don't mind children at all...hello I want to work with them! I'm interning now as an elementary school counselor! But I was feeling pretty awful and the parents of these kids could care less the way they were obviously all up on our table. ugh. I didnt want to make a big deal though, and eventually they went away. But I realized then the negative of having a tank side table!!!! This same thing happened to another girl on here on her anniversary trip, at first I thought you guys might have been there on the same day but she was there the day after you. Kids can be so rude sometimes and the parents not doing anything is rude too.

We had been talking about what to do afterwards...I REALLY wanted to feel better and enjoy the rest of the day, but I just felt horrible. SUCKED. Dh talked me into leaving for a little bit, going back to the hotel to just rest for a little bit and then come back. I didnt want to, but figured it was a smart idea. I knew I wanted to see Illuminations that night, I hadnt seen it in years, and DH had never seen it. Me being the obsessive planner was thinking in my head how long we could go back for and still have time to come back and see the countries before Illuminations. So we walked back towards the front to get on the monorail and ride to the Contemporary and then boat back to WL. On the way to the front a guy at one of the booths stopped us to tell us congratulations after seeing our pins. Then he waved us over to show us something. He pulled out a phone, and I knew what he was going to do. He said we had a phone call, and handed us the phone. Only it wasn't the honeymoon one, it was the anniversary one! haha. I didn't say anything though, I just told him thank you and we were on our way out. We got back to WL fairly quickly, and went up to our room to lay down. Dh said he was feeling kinda tired, so we should just rest and maybe take a nap. I never take naps so I DID NOT want to, but was hoping it would help. I have to admit it was kinda nice lying there in our cool room, with the faint sound of the pool and water outside our window. Naps are especially fun at Disney! We closed the curtains and laid now to rest and hopefully wake up refreshed and ready to go!! I'm sorry you didn't feel good, the same kind of thing happened to me when DH and I were at WDW in May last year. I had a bladder infection the whole time so I didn't feel like doing much, we did pretty much everything we wanted to do but knowing we would be back in December helped a lot. Can't wait to read more

Thats awful that you were so sick. Luckily this was a one day thing for me, but it still sucked!

I'm not really surprised that other people have complained about the kids at Coral Reef. I have no problem with it being a family restaurant, but I just can't believe how parents let their kids behave. I know I can't say all that much bc I don't have children, but still...I will never let my kids act like that and climb all over strangers, even at Disney!

I totally do this...with Disney, with cruises, with everything!!!

SO glad I'm not the only one!!

Thanks for the update! Sorry you weren't feeling well that day! I just love the Nemo ride!!! I was so upset that Spaceship Earth was closed, but riding Nemo for the 1st time made up for it. What is it about Coral Reef that makes kids (and their parents for that matter) lose all semblance of manners? When we were there, we had one of those curved booths right across from the tank...parents would herd their kids down and shove them in between the tables right by the tanks to take pics and let them see the fish. I felt so bad for the people actually trying to eat at those tables. I can kind of understand the kids going down, but for the parents to encourage it was rude.

I can't wait to hear more....hope you got back for illuminations.

It was cool being able to sit there on our honeymoon, but I think if we ever go back we'll just have a regular table, lol. Too much of a pain. I completely understand the kids being so excited, but that was a bit much.

I hope you were able to feel better.

That really really upsets me to hear about those children climbing on the back of your chairs to see in the tank. Where were these children's parents? It's not like y'all were eating at the Electric Umbrella or something like that ... it was the Coral Reef. I am just imagining the same thing occurring during my honeymoon at the Coral Reef when the diver is displaying the message that I prepared for my fiance ... lol.

The parents were sitting at the table, right behind us, watching the whole time. I dont remember how they acted, but I know that they said anything to them about being rude or getting off of us.

Hopefully it won't happen to you!!! Many of the tables right next to the tank are just 2 person tables, so maybe you won't have a wild family right there!! Thats so cool you are doing the message, I wanted to do that but I just kinda ran out of time and never got it done. I've seen pictures of other people do it and its SO cool! You will have SO MUCH FUN on your honeymoon!

I'm all caught up, yay!! Loving your disneymoon report!!

:lovestruc CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on your marriage!:lovestruc

Sorry to hear you got sick:sad2: that is no fun, hopefully when your saga continues you will wake up refreshed and feeling good;)

aw thanks!! I'm enjoying writing it, although it makes me sad because I MISS it so much!!!
Thanks for reading!

Congrats and have a great marrige.

Thanks so much!!:goodvibes
Somehow I got way behind...I am loving all your WL pictures, especially of the baby ducks. What a nice trip!
I am finally caught up now.
Just started reading your TR, but I had to comment that it is awesome so far! Great pictures, and I feel like I was there with you. Okay, going back to read more now.....
Somehow I got way behind...I am loving all your WL pictures, especially of the baby ducks. What a nice trip!
I am finally caught up now.

YAY I'm glad you joined back in! and CONGRATS on the new baby!!! I'll have to go check out your new PTR!!!!

Just started reading your TR, but I had to comment that it is awesome so far! Great pictures, and I feel like I was there with you. Okay, going back to read more now.....

aw thanks!!! Glad you're enjoying it!!! Thanks for reading! :goodvibes
Saturday December 15th-Part 2

So when I left off, we had gone back to our room at WL to take a nap and rest, since I was feeling badly. We had closed the curtains and laid down to sleep for a little bit, hoping I’d wake up much better, to spend the rest of the afternoon/evening at Epcot.

Well, I did wake up feeling MUCH better, but we slept longer than we’d meant to!!! I woke up first, and went to look outside, and realized it was darker than I expected. I looked at the clock and we’d been asleep for close to THREE hours!!! :eek: It was after 6, and I really wanted to have a lot more time at Epcot before Illuminations! So I jumped on DH to get him up, and we quickly cleaned up and ran out to the bus to Epcot. Ordinarily we’d have ridden the boat to MK, then monorail to Epcot…much more fun that way…but I was in a hurry!!!

Thankfully we got to Epcot pretty quickly. On the way in, I was telling DH how sad I was, again to be walking in and not going straight to Spaceship Earth. Before we’d left I had read on the Dis that there was a good chance it would randomly open sometime during the week of our honeymoon, but that obviously hadn’t happened.

Anyway…we walked up towards SE, and saw people running….and then a CM standing in front of the wall waving people in. IT WAS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I’ve ever run that fast…I pulled DH behind me and TOOK OFF! For some reason I was worried if we didn’t get in RIGHT THEN, it would suddenly close again and we’d miss our chance!!! Oh my gosh words cannot describe how excited I was. Apparently they had JUST opened up, bc the line was pretty short, and began growing longer and longer after we went in. I had to call my mom and brag about how awesome it was that we were getting on Spaceship Earth!!!

I know that the rehab is more complete now…so things are different, but I really liked the changes. When we got home and I was reading on the Dis about some people’s reactions, I was surprised. I liked the new narration, and the new scenes were AWESOME. Great updates…the ride was just old and needed that freshening up. I took a TON of pictures, lol, so here’s a few…










The end was weird b/c it obviously wasn’t finished and we didn’t get the whole finale with the screens in our car. But it was a cool idea and I liked the concept. I think I probably talked DH’s ear off the whole time, yapping about how excited I was and pointing out all the changes to him, since he’d just been on it once, the May before.

Anyway, we got off and didn’t really spend any time in Futureworld b/c the plan was to spend time in the countries before Illuminations started. So we walked pretty fast to the back, discussing where to eat dinner.



We were both feeling hungry, and knew we were running out of time. We had talked about Mexico…but weren’t really feeling it. We did stop in for a few minutes to look around, I LOVE that pavilion. So pretty.


I had actually made an ADR for the TS there, but dropped it after reading reviews and realizing we’d MUCH rather use credits on a better restaurant. We walked to Norway, I wanted to ride Maelstrom since DH had never ridden, but it was closed. BOO. On to China….hmmm…DH LOVES Chinese, and I knew he is WAY too picky to go for the rest of the WS restaurants except for American Adventure, and that’s boring. So, Chinese it is. We both got the Orange Chicken, I’d had it before and really like it.


We both also got the ginger ice cream for our dessert, bc that’s all they really have! But we were both really too full to eat it so we just had a few spoonfuls. It was pretty good, interesting, but good. So on we went, didn’t really hang around China too much, did a quick walk thru the big store there. I was noticing all the people already lining up for Illuminations, which was making me anxious. We had SO much left to see, and really no time. This was by far the most stressful part of the week. DH had never seen the show, I hadn’t even seen it it prob 3 years, we just always missed it. And probably the MOST important thing I wanted to do that week was spend a lot of time exploring World Showcase, and we just didn’t have time. So I was not the happiest camper that night unfortunately. I wish I’d just let it go and enjoyed myself more. End of rant.

So we walked through the countries, didn’t really stop a lot, although we did spend some time in the big store in Japan, I LOVE. I got a few little Hello Kitty things, some pens and a water bottle, I’m obsessed and there is really no where around here to buy that stuff. Oh and we did stop for a few minutes at the AA, the Candlelight Processional was just starting and I REALLY wished then that we’d done it. Again, even a week isn’t enough time! And I didn’t think we’d be into it…I’d seen it years ago, when I was like 12 and wasn’t crazy about it. But I realized that my interests have changed drastically since I was a kid and we really should have, bc DH really thought it was cool too. We got to see Andy McDowell as the narrator, which was cool. We watched for a few minutes, but there were SO many people standing in the back it was hard to see, so we kept on walking.




Now another one of my goals for the night was to try at Drinking Round the World. Yeah, obviously wasn’t going to happen. But I DID want to try one of the frozen drinks in France I’d read about. And DH LOVES Sapporo Japanese beer, and we looked EVERYWHERE for it, I could have sworn they sold it, but no. So we made it to France and I got my drink…it was a lemon Citron vodka slushy…YUM.


And DH wanted his beer, so we made it around to the Rose and Crown and went to the bar inside. Bad decision. Apparently it was college drinking night or something. This same group had been a the slushy stand, about 10 kids, girls and guys. While we were waiting, one of the girls started talking about some crazy stuff, stuff I wouldn’t be talking out loud about in front of children at Disney. Some of her favorite leisurely activities and pasttimes, such as with who/how she likes to shower and other sexual preferences. ???!!!!. Gross. The woman in front of us was with her two small children and turned around to us and was like "Seriously? Are you kidding me…she seriously just sad that?" HILARIOUS. She started getting louder so the girl could hear her. It was nuts, and so awkward. So onto the Rose and Crown…same group of kids lined up at the bar taking shots. Multiple, large shots. Strange, or is that just me?? Anyway, we had to wait FOREVER, the place was PACKED, and DH finally gave up, after being ignored by the bartender who was only serving all these college kids.

We went outside, and finally found a beer stand b/w there and Canada. By this time, I was grumpy, tired, hot, and just sick of the annoying people. It was only like 30 more minutes till Illuminations, and I had NO idea where to go, all the good spots were taken. I’ve always watched it w/my family from the front of the lagoon, near those 2 gift shops. We passed the stage in Canada and saw an empty bench, so decided to park it there. There was a tree in front, but we could see the ball on the water and I figured we’d still have a good view. So we just sat and chilled for awhile, talking, me getting sadder knowing we only had one day left, and this one just wasn’t all I’d hoped it would be. And we really wanted to get to MK and MGM again, so coming back was kinda out of the question. So, I shook it off, told myself we would be back sometime, and not to worry. It was nice though, to just sit and relax and think about how much fun we’d had.

The show started, and I realized we didn’t have the best seat, but it wasn’t too bad. I hate having to sit and wait for 2 hours just to get a great place to watch, so it wasn’t back for getting it 30 minutes before the show. DH really loved it, I didn’t expect him to but he said afterward it was his favorite out of all the nighttime shows. So YAY for that. I really loved the holiday finale as well, fantastic. I tried taking pictures but they just didn’t come out that great….






Afterwards, we sat for awhile, watching the crowds swarm by. I get claustrophic and I wanted no part of that. We sat for maybe 10-15 minutes, and then decided to walk the reverse way around World Showcase to let the crowd really slow down. LONG walk, but great idea. I’d read about other people doing it, and I really recommend it. We were already tired, but we walked slow, and just enjoyed the quiet and all the lights around the water. Since we walked so fast through France before, I really enjoyed seeing all the lights there. The longer we waked, the less people we saw since almost all of them were going the opposite direction, and looking at us like we were nuts. Oh well.







It was incredibly romantic and a relaxing end to such a stressful night. Epcot is beautiful at night, and finally being away from thousands of people and in the quiet was just awesome. We passed a few couples who were just sitting alone on benches and stuff, very sweet. By the time we got around to Mexico, all we really saw were a few CMs walking around, so it was a little eerie to see it so deserted. But by the time we got back up to Futureworld there were quite a few people still walking around and in the gift shops. We walked through Mousegears, just for the fun of it, and then headed out. Taking a few pictures on the way out.








We headed out to the bus stop…we were so tired and knew it would be faster than monorail to MK/to Contemp/boat back to WL. And I don’t remember now if we did anything when we got back…possibly went to refill the mug, maybe went to gift shop, swim possible? But I’m pretty sure we just went up to bed. Well, actually I think I did clean up the room a little bit and start organizing some of our stuff so packing wouldn’t be SO bad the next night. But we were pooped and were asleep pretty quickly. Ready for our last day at Disney.

Up next: Our last day :sad: , and O’Hana!​
Another update!!

Sorry that your time at EPCOT just was not enough... that is a hard feeling to know that the week is winding down and there are things you cannot fit in. Glad you saw Illuminations and got to ride Spaceship Earth!
Sounds like a great day! I can't wait to hear about Ohana!
Another update!!

Sorry that your time at EPCOT just was not enough... that is a hard feeling to know that the week is winding down and there are things you cannot fit in. Glad you saw Illuminations and got to ride Spaceship Earth!

Yes that end of the trip stress does suck, not fun at all. But I really couldn't complain, we had the BEST trip. And we DID get to see SE and the show, so all in all, not a bad evening.

And I see your trip is coming up SOON! You must be SO excited!

Sounds like a great day! I can't wait to hear about Ohana!

It was a great day!!! Despite being rushed, we did alot of fun things, had a great lunch somewhere I'd always wanted to go, and still had one more day!!!!


I'm FINALLY out of school for a few weeks, I finished up classes and my internship about a week and a half ago. Summer classes start the beginning of June so I have a few weeks of relaxation!! And time to finish this trip report!!!! Only five months later...

anyway, we are leaving for the beach tommorow, my family goes camping every year to Hunting Island State Park near Beaufort, SC. We will be there until Monday so I should have the next installment up soon after that!! Thanks again for everyone still reading!!
Sunday December 16th

Our last Disney day. SO SAD!!!!!! I woke up so depressed and sad that it was our last day at Disney. I wasn't quite sure when we'd make it back, which is just the worst feeling ever. But at the same time I was still kinda ready to come home. DH and I had never lived together so I was excited to come back home and begin married life, plus I have to admit, as much as I LOVE Disney and can't get enough, the later in the week it was the busier it was and we were getting tired of the crowds. So the plan for the day was just to soak as much in as we could, and enjoy the day and not think too much about leaving. So off to the Magic Kingdom!!

We got ready, ate our quick breakfast on the balcony, and headed out to the boat for the last time. I know I kept making silly depressing comments about how much I'd miss that boat dock, and riding around that corner and that first glimpse of the Magic Kingdom I loved so much. Where our fabulous meal was the other night...


It was a bit cooler this day, cooler than it had been all week and I was a bit worried we'd get cold later that night. Our plan was to spend most of the day at MK, and then we had an early reservation at Ohana's around 6, and then try to make it over to MGM to see Fantasmic one more time, as well as try to see the Obsourne lights which we still hadn't seen. We didn't plan on going back to the room, but I was wishing we had brought jackets by the time we got to MK. Oh well!

We headed first to Tommorowland...that tends to be our regular route, I can't think of a time where we've started on the opposite side of the park. Onto Buzz first...no line....


the first time DH beat me BAD, and then we got right back in line to go again since there was hardly a line. This time....

His score...




I kicked his butt!!! Had to take the picture to prove it. Stolen picture...


Then upon DH's request, we went on Carousel of Progress. I loved that he was so fascinated by one of my most favorite shows, that I didn't expect him to love.





Then of course, the Peoplemover. Love it. We may have ridden multiple times....


Walked around some more, and then headed towards Fantasyland.

He was fascinated with this thing...boys...


Definitely much more crowded today than it was our first MK day. I had read the closer to Christmas it got, the busier, and it was obvious!! There was a short wait at Mickey's Philharmagic, so we went there next. LOVE it, as always. Then we decided that since we were eating an early dinner, at Ohana's no less, LOTS of food, we'd go ahead and eat lunch early so we'd be hungrier later. And we still had 3 CS credits left to use! DH wanted to go to Pinnochio's, since he LOVED the Philly cheese steak sandwich I'd gotten the first day. So we both got that, he got something chocolate again and I got the cannoli, which looked SO good...


Since it was a little before noon, they weren't too busy, although I still couldn't get a table overlooking IASM, I tried to the first day too. But one of the other areas was empty so I got a table there, kinda under the stairs and it was nice and quiet and private. Our sandwiches were YUM, I can't believe I'd never been there before this trip! Unfortunately, the cannoli was not so much. I was expecting it to be different...softer maybe? But it was all hard as a brick. DH wouldn't even eat it, and he can usually put away all of my leftovers! I was getting sentimental again, thinking about how we'd been there early in the week, on our first park day, and how excited we were to be starting our trip, and then knowing we were leaving the next day. boo. So off for some more rides to cheer me up!!

Our next stop of course was Small World, I HAD to ride it before we left, it gets more annoying the older I get, but its tradition. And then down to Haunted Mansion. MY FAVORITE. We rode it multiple times. I think we got a Fastpass for Peter Pan in there too, and came back and rode it later? Details are getting foggy...

We walked through some of the shops down through Liberty Square. Went in the Christmas shop, where we picked out some things we wanted, but didn't want to carry them around all night. We had picked out our “Just Married” ornament earlier in the week at the Christmas shop at DTD, and had it personalized and sent to WL, and I had been debating all week on some other ornaments I'd found. We asked about having a few things sent to the front and picked them up when we left, but it would be late that night and we didn't plan on being there that late. Boo.

So we kept on walking, just enjoying the day, TRYING to be happy and upbeat. I really am melodramatic sometimes. Thought about going on Splash Mountain, I haven't been on since I was younger, DH never...but it was just too cool and I didn't want to be wet and cold the rest of the day. But I did take a picture...


DH really wanted to go to Country Bear Jamboree, so we did. We went on this last May and he just thought it was hilarious. I remember seeing it when I was a kid so I enjoy it too. Some pictures....





Then went on Pirates, just love it. We were getting lucky though, as crowded as the park seemed, the lines were horrible. Worse than the first day, but not ridiculous.

Then headed to the Jungle Cruise since it for once didn't have a crazy long line.


the backside of water...




I'm pretty sure we went back and did the Haunted Mansion one last time...I'm obsessed. And then started walking towards the front. I was getting really cold, and decided we needed to either go back to the room, or buy me a sweatshirt. We walked through the stores on Main Street, and I found a few of really nice ones I liked, but just couldn't justify spending $50 on a sweatshirt when I had one at the hotel, and we were just a boat ride away. We decided that if we left now, we would have more than enough time to get back to the hotel and change clothes, and make it to Ohana in plenty of time. We had done everything we really wanted to anyway. So I sadly took another picture...


and we headed out. Rode the monorail for fun, and stopped at the Contemporary. Dh wanted to explore some, and we had time so we did. Walked in some of the gift shops, and he explored the arcade. He thought it was so cool and wanted to play, but we decided to wait until later. I told him how awesome the arcade used to be when it was downstairs...my mom and I took my cousins there a few years ago. We eventually left and got on a WL boat to go back and get some warmer clothes. We just kinda took our time...for some reason it wasn't taking us as long as it usually did, so we had some time to spare. Walked around the hotel some, relaxed for a minute in the room, and then went back out to get on the boat back to the Contemporary. Then rode the monorail to the Poly. DH in the lobby..


I was getting excited about this meal, after hearing so much about it here, esp from all the Disney brides who have been there for rehearsal dinners. I'd heard nothing but great things about it, and our ADR time would have us there during the early show of Wishes at MK before MVMCP, so I was HOPING we'd get a window seat. When I went to check in I asked for a window, as I did all week, and again was told it may make our wait longer. No problem. We sat down and waited maybe 10 minutes before our buzzer went off. The girl led us around the backside of the grill, which made it look like we were going to be on the far side of the restaurant, and I was getting sad. But we went all the way around, and ended up with the PERFECT table!!!!!





The view was incredible, straight out was the castle, and we had such a beautiful view of the Poly. We were talking about how one day we were going to stay there for SURE. Our waiter was nice, and our food started coming out immediately...




The salad was YUM, the wings eh, and wontons were ok, kinda greasy IMO. DH LOVED the potatoes and ate almost the whole bowl by himself. I loved the peel and eat shrimp as well. About halfway through the meal I started feeling funny, I was thinking NO! I cannot get sick again, it's our last night! By the time our meat skewers came out I had pretty much lost my appetite. I tasted them...the only one that was remotely good to me was the turkey, I think. DH didn't love them either, and he's a big meat eater. He ate them of course though. He was also complaining about not feeling so hot either. Great. Well right before our dessert came out it was about time for Wishes, and I was getting SO excited. I knew our view would be amazing. They kinda dimmed the lights, and I honestly don't remember if they played the music or not. But it was beautiful, I knew how lucky we were to have that table!



It was amazing to watch the fireworks right out the window for the second time that week! After the fireworks, dessert came out next, bread pudding...WOW. SO GOOD.


I would go back JUST for that. I did manage to eat a few bites, even though my tummy was not feeling good at all. DH was looking pretty sad too, not good. We paid and headed out, planning to go to MGM for a few hours. As we got downstairs, DH pretty much ran to the restroom and was in there for a good 15 minutes. I was getting worried, and wasn't sure whether or not to send someone in or not!! He finally came out, said he basically threw everything back up. YUCKO. I still felt pretty bad, so we were debating whether or not to go to MGM, or just go back to the WL and lay around. We walked around some, and then went outside and it was pretty cool, and we decided to go back. I really hated missing my fave show Fantasmic, but I had seen it already that week so I'd be ok. We did completely miss the Osbourne lights, but oh well...we'd be back sometime. We figured it would be better if we went back and took it easy, and rested and got packed up. Then we realized we still hadn't gotten the few Christmas ornaments we needed for gifts. After going back and forth we decided to go to DTD since the Christmas store wasn't too far from the gift shop and I could make it quick. We didn't have to wait on a bus for too long, and we went in. I had been eyeing the wine/cream colored Victorian Mickey and Minnie Christmas stuff all week, and we got both of our parents a little ornament w/Mickey and Minnie in sleigh. And got ourselves a larger figurine of the same thing, which is now in our china cabinet w/all our wedding/honeymoon stuff. It was perfect though since it was our wedding colors as well. It didn't take too long to run in and get them, and then we also realized we had like ALL of our snack credits left. We'd used maybe 3 or 4, on snacks once or twice for us, and a few random little candy things for my cousins. W/so much food on teh DDP, plus getting stuff free, we just couldn't use them! So we decided to run over to Goofy's Candy to use them up before we left. DH decided to get the create your own rice crispy treat, and I got the pretzels. I don't remember exactly what he got...lots of chocolate I know. Mine I got dipped in milk chocolate, drizzled in white chocolate, and then nut sprinkles. I ended up eating them the week after we got home...DH ate his later that night I think. We also picked up a few things for my parents and cousins for Christmas presents, and some other random candy to bring home. By this time we were def. ready to head back to the hotel and crash!

Riding the bus back I think we realized how tired we were, how much fun we'd had, and how sad we were to leave. I was already hinting around at another trip back for our anniversary! ha. When we got back to WL, DH was really wanting to play a few video games. We ran up to the room first to drop off our bags, and get our mug. I filled it up with some hot chocolate and then we went to the arcade for a little while. I forgot my camera but got this one on my phone...


He had a ball. We stayed for maybe 30 minutes, and then were ready for bed. We got back to our room, got our stuff packed up, setting aside one overnight bag for the next day in St. Augustine, and then sat out on the balcony, and got to see the Electrical Water parade one last time. How sad...we started our trip the same way as we ended it. We went to bed early, sad to be leaving, but still excited because we had one last Disney meal, and then one more day of honeymoon in St. Augustine!!!!

Last days always have that dreary tone to them. No matter what you do, it always has that mask of dreariness to it. That is sad to hear about the food that made you sick. But at least you were able to see Wishes.
I've really enjoyed your TR! I hope we get to hear about St. Augustine too!!

Narcoosee's looked soooooo good. I hope to eat there one day.

I got sick the night we returned from our Disney trip in December. We had the dining plan too and I think it was just ALL that rich food. My body just couldn't handle it. It was fun while it lasted though. DH had no trouble, he's my garbage disposal too. :rotfl:
Hi Hillary! I have so enjoyed reading your TR! I don't really remember how I stumbled on to it, but I think you being from GA is what caught my eye. I was hooked from then on! I even went back and read your wedding journal. You had a beautiful wedding! And your dress was lovely. Sorry that you had such a terrible time with the dress shop!
I think you and I have a lot in common...Hello Kitty, being from GA, etc...Anyway, you seem like a really fun person, and I have really enjoyed reading your TR! I can't wait to read more, but am very sad that it's almost over. I am glad to see that you've got some upcoming trips planned! Thanks for taking the time to post...you've done an awesome job! Congrats on your marriage!
Last days always have that dreary tone to them. No matter what you do, it always has that mask of dreariness to it. That is sad to hear about the food that made you sick. But at least you were able to see Wishes.

Yeah, last days are the worst. It's making me sad just thinking about it and writing about it!! And we were disappointed that last night, we just wanted to get more done than we could. But that's what next trips are for!! :cool1: Thanks for reading!!

I've really enjoyed your TR! I hope we get to hear about St. Augustine too!!

Narcoosee's looked soooooo good. I hope to eat there one day.

I got sick the night we returned from our Disney trip in December. We had the dining plan too and I think it was just ALL that rich food. My body just couldn't handle it. It was fun while it lasted though. DH had no trouble, he's my garbage disposal too. :rotfl:

Yes I'm totally writing about St. Augustine, it was a great end to our trip.

You MUST try Narcoosee's. Beautiful restaurant, great atmosphere, YUMMY food!! And I totally agree about the food. We loved the convenience of not having to worry about how much things cost and just handing over our card, but we would never spend that much money on food alone, it was just WAY too much food for us. But it was great for our honeymoon.

Hi Hillary! I have so enjoyed reading your TR! I don't really remember how I stumbled on to it, but I think you being from GA is what caught my eye. I was hooked from then on! I even went back and read your wedding journal. You had a beautiful wedding! And your dress was lovely. Sorry that you had such a terrible time with the dress shop!
I think you and I have a lot in common...Hello Kitty, being from GA, etc...Anyway, you seem like a really fun person, and I have really enjoyed reading your TR! I can't wait to read more, but am very sad that it's almost over. I am glad to see that you've got some upcoming trips planned! Thanks for taking the time to post...you've done an awesome job! Congrats on your marriage!

awww you're too sweet!!! Thanks for taking the time to read so much!! And highfive for Georgia gals!!!

Thanks so much for reading and all the compliments!!! I hate getting to the end of it, maybe subconciously that's why I haven't finished yet, 6 months later! ha. Thanks again!!!
Working on uploading the rest of my pictures, from St. Augustine so hopefully I'll get the LAST of this TR up maybe this weekend. Been so busy w/my summer class I haven't had time!!!

And come out lurkers!!!! I see alot of people reading, so I know you're there!!!! Join in so I know someone is actually reading this thing!!!
I'm still here too! Work sometimes gets the best of me though, but I'm following along! :goodvibes
I'm still here too! Can't wait to read more, but sad that it's almost over!

And I may actually be coming to your neck of the woods this weekend! There's a concert at the Columbia Co. Ampitheater in Evans.


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