OT: Baby names you didn't name your child

hmm figure i can help after my three hour internet search for the perfect baby name...for a doll project.



fiona rose<this was the one i chose)

any help?
for my dd's name ,my husband found 2 little girls who where in the woods lost, one's name was megan and the other angela,,,so my dd got the name meghan angelique,which means great angel,,,when it was time for my ds to be born i did not want a common name so he got logan matthew-michal...matthew is the dads name,,,,and michal was a foreign exchange student my brother had,,,and is a good friend,,,,so that is where we got his name from plus my name is lori,so we have 2 m names and 2 l names,,,meghan-matthew and logan-lori,,,i thought it was pretty cool....best of luck to you and your family,,,,,,congrats
Carolinagirl1063 said:
So just a little advice. Don't share your names w/ anyone! If you do, then they will feel the need to tell you what is wrong with your choice.

I totally agree!!

Lisa :earsgirl:[/QUOTE]

...or they may use your chosen names. My sil, whose dd was born just a couple of months before mine, named her child the name I had selected (my mother's name and my dh's grandmother's name) YEARS before!!! Not wanting to start a big family argument, we never said anything. However, I will never get over her doing this. It's just too wierd!! She said she chose the names because she "liked the way they sounded." On a similar note, two of my friends were due within a month of one another. The one whose baby was due earlier couldn't decide on a name. We were all surprised after her ds was born to discover she'd chosen the names our other pg friend had chosen many months before!! 2 years later, they are still not speaking. :confused3
Well my son's name is Chase Alexander he was going to be Brodie David but my family threw a fit. So I agree don't tell anyone. After my expierence with the name Brodie I did not tell anyone! I also liked Reagan Maddux. My names might be a little on the weird side. My dd is Kaycee Ann. She would have been Zayne Garrett had she been a boy. Let us know what you choose it would be run to know if you chose one of ours! Good Luck!
We have 2 girls. If either would have been a boy, he would have been nameless. We just did not agree at all on boys names. DH liked his name, I didn't want a junior, etc. So, originally we liked, and agreed on Parker Christopher (except later realized didn't go w/our last name). BUT, my favorite when I was pregnant with DD#2 was Rylan Christopher. Others I liked were Carson, Mason, Carter. Good luck!
DH was named after his grandfather and I am the youngest in my family of all sisters. When it came time to name our son, DH wanted a junior, but I wanted to carry on my family name. We split the difference and now we have John Bailey and we call him Jack. The Jack comes from DH's grandfather and from a close family friend who recently passed away. The name is very sentimental, but it gets turned into "Jack Jack" or "Jackaroo." I guess it's a good thing he's too young to realize how silly his nicknames are.
Not sure if this is do-able or not, but we named our daughter using a method from the Dick VanDyke show...think ROSEBUD! (He's grew up in our town, BTW! :) )

My daughter is named Kelsea Rose. Rose is a family name and Kelsea was created using the the first initial of other family member's names. K--my mom, Karen; E--My grandmother's middle name, Evelyn....I used letters for my mom, sister, two grandmothers, my dad and myself. We had her name selected years before she was born, and I love it! There seems to be a lot of Kelsey's around now, but she is the only Kelsea...and her full name is Karen Evelyn Lucille Susan Edie(Ed) Ann!!

I tried to do the same with my son, but we had no names beginning with vowels and I just loved Noah from the bible, so we have a Noah John (John is a family name though...middle name for my dad, uncle, and two grandfathers).

Enjoy your new little one!!!!!!!!!
Whatever you decide to name your child-- use common sense. Think about how you would have felt growing up with the name you give them. An aquaintance of mine - whose last name was Ball - name her beautiful little daughter Chrystal. She has taken some pretty bad ribbing about that name through the years. I just can't belive much thought went into picking that decision.
Also, if you decide to get creative with the spelling, don't get upset with teachers when they spell or pronounce the name incorrectly. There were four different Sierra's in our 7th grade class this year and every one of them were spelled differently.
Have fun naming your baby, but remember- it is a decision that will last a lifetime.

Tippurr :teacher:
The only thing I suggest is to pick a name that people can spell. I had to spell my name my whole life, and I hated it. I still have to spell it. My name is also a boy/girl name, so I still get solicitors and stuff- Is Mr._______ ______ there? So annoying!
I picked names for my children that they would never have to spell. I feel bad for those kids in my sons class who can barely spell their own names!

I am a big fan of names that are purely boy names or purely girl names. There is 4 Taylors in our school-2 boys and 2 girls. There are also boy and girl Jordans & Jourdans. Also Blane, Blaine and Blayne. I like to look at a name and know if it is a boy or a girl!

Good Luck!
Naming our DS was a battle!!!! DH said he needed a real STRONG BASEBALL name!!!! I said that since he wouldnot have my last name he needed a family name from my side!! OK. We can do that!!! But who do you name him after? Named him after my Great Grandfather "Reed". So he is HUNTER REED!! Then we had a girl!! Her first name had been picked for YEARS!!!! She is Amie after my GREAT GRANDMOTHER. This name fits her to a "T"!! She is just a hardheaded as my grandmother EVER thought to be!!!! And I gave up and let him choose the middle and so she is AMIE NICOLE!!!

Good LUCK!!!!
Hi! We are into very traditional boys names. My two boys are Nicholas (a Jr.) and Christopher. We call them Nick and Chris. My husband is a "tough guy" and wanted strong names for his sons. We essentially wanted timeless names that weren't trendy. We didn't want the boy/girl names as some boys get embarrassed if there is a Taylor boy and a Taylor girl in the same class (this happened to a friend who now calls her son TJ since Taylor became a girl's name). We didn't want crazy initial names (we know a P.I.G., a J.R.K., etc). These days you will find all sorts of names from the traditional to the not so traditional. We decided on the tried and true, built to last names that you will find in every century! Good luck!

This has been fun reading through all the posts!

We have DS5 and DD3:

Josiah Matthew


Rachel Elizabeth

I love both--timeless and not particularly trendy. Josiah does end up with people callling him Joshua if they look too quickly, but he handles that like a trooper--"um...it's Josiah...like King Josiah in the Bible!" :) If he decides someday to shorten it to Joe or something similar, I'll be ok with that but for now he is definately Josiah. He actually doesn't like it when some of his friends call him Joe and he corrects them. His little sister calls him "Siah" half the time though, and he doesn't mind that at all, and I, who was so against him having a nickname, thinks it's cute...go figure!

Rachel means little lamb which I dearly love. I call her that a lot, and she loves it. I "knew" from the start she was a girl but had the boys name already picked out.

Josiah would have been Miriam Susannah.
Rachel would have been Lucas Michael.

If we had happened to have three boys they would have been Josiah, Lucas, and Elijah. (a prophet, priest, and king :goodvibes )

Runner up for girls are Lydia and Rebecca. (DH later nixed Rebecca only for the Becky nickname option.) Susannah is my great-aunt's name and we will definately use that for the middle name next time.

I totally agree about not telling people before birth what your names are! Too many comments, and once they are here most (!) people will keep quiet if they don't like it!

We ended up with an Old Testament first name, and a New Testament middle name and thought that was neat. We don't really tell people that though and it's fun to watch a few relatives figure that out years later (Of course, they always think they are telling us like we didn't know! :rolleyes: )
Love this thread!

My DD is Paige Elise. I wanted Paige Michelle (michelle after my sister), but her initials would have been PMS - no go on that one! Second runner up was Courtney Michelle.

My DS is Sean Robert (Robert after his dad). Second runner up name was Kevin Robert. We saw the read hair and said, oh... he is a Sean!
We chose a different name for my older son now 9, Tristan. His dads idea, but now that he is older Im glad we chose it, it fits him.
I wasn't able to use any of the boys names I picked, as I have three girls. We're not trying for a boy because with our luck we'd end up with twin girls again...My husband named our girls because I just couldn't decide, there's so many names I like, but we ended up with Jessica Lynn our oldest and Alyssa Lynne and Mercedes Lynn for the twins. My middle name is Lynne so we decided to keep that part of our girls. I can't imagine my girls by any other name.
However if I were having a boy my first choice is Mitchell James.
I had a list for dh to choose from:

He tells "well you're not gonna like what I want for the name.... Lee Roy", that was his grandfathers name... ummm he was sooo right! I compromised and we used Lee for the middle name since it is a family name on both sides. So, Hunter Lee it is.

We knew he was a he, so didn't bother with girl names.
We have two girls, Gillian Suzanne (with a soft G) and Lila Kathleen. Boys names on our list included: Charlie, Owen, Oscar, Neil, Max, Jackson

If you are concerned about the popularity of a name, go to the social security administration's website and you can find lists of the most popular names in prior years. The site is immensely helpful if you want to avoid your child being one of five Jacobs in his pre-school class.
Our one and only boy name was Corbin Alexander. Never got to use it! It was the ONLY boy name we ever thought of because when we found it, we knew that was THE name for us.

But, we have two beautiful dd's who were both nameless until day 2 because girl names are so much harder.

Matalyn Amara might have been Charlotte, Audrey or Moira

Charlotte Aurora might have been Miranda, Camille, Audrey or Moira
I have really enjoyed reading this thread! A name is like one of the first gifts we give our sweet new babies.

Our 9 year old son is named Isaac Michael (9). He was adopted, and the name Isaac was the name his teenage mom selected...it means "He who laughs." We just loved the meaning and since the whole way we sorta fell into parenthood with him just had to make us laugh, we decided this was a perfect name. The Michael part is for dh.

Our 8 year old son is Matthew Allen - my all time favorite boy name combined with dad's middle name. Matthew means gift from God, and he truly is!

Our 4 year old daughter is Emily Grace - My all time favorite girls name and I also adore her middle name and the meaning of it.

And our 6 month old daughter is Abigail Faith - I really thought she was a boy and we planned to name her for dh's father who passed away several years ago - John Peter. But ultrasound said girl. Dh and I agreed on Olivia or Abigail, but the meaning is what sold me on Abigail...source of joy. Her middle name is for a favorite aunt and also the meaning.

I really like classic names, and that is reflected in our choices. I hesitated over Emily since it had become so popular, but I decided to use it anyway. We have really been lucky and she has never had another Emily in her preschool classes or at church or in our immediate circle of friends - kinda funny.

Congratulations on the new baby, and enjoy the naming process :-)
I am Mom to DD 13 Margret Joanna (Maggie Jo) and DD 5 Elizabeth Jamie (Lizzie J) If I had a son his name would have been either Marshall Julian or Julian Marshall. Good Luck!


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