Oh the places We Go, The People We see

7 am is sleeping late for me too! :rotfl:

Wow - you look like you are up so high as the ship docks. That's crazy. Sure wouldn't want to fall from there. :eek:

So where do the CM's on the island actually come from? I guess I always thought they got off the ship.

Looking forward to your day on Castaway Cay!

I know. I can't sleep in like the good old teen days. And on vacation there is just too much to see and do. I plan to take lots of naps in then ext 2 weeks to get rested up for our upcoming trip. ;)

The CM's come from a neighboring island. I am at a lost for the name right now, but I think it's only like 2 miles away. Many CM's do get off the ship too, but they have several that come from the neighboring island as well.

Writing about the cruise has been hard on me. I REALLY want to go back.....soon. I keep watching prices and trying to figure a way that it would work out. My mother also keeps talking about going on one as well.
The majority of the excursions and activities on Castaway Cay are actually contracted out to a tour operator and the people working for this tour operator come from Great Abaco. As far as cast members are concerned, most come of the ship (characters, food and beverage staff and merchandise staff with the exception of the post office staff), but there are also about 50 cast members that live on Castaway Cay.

Jen, Corinna is right, the tours and most activities are done by outside contracters.
There is a crew that lives on CC and to add to Corinna's already given pointers, I just want to say that the manager of Castaway Cay is Austrian! :goodvibes His name is Guenther and he is really a nice guy! :thumbsup2
The majority of the excursions and activities on Castaway Cay are actually contracted out to a tour operator and the people working for this tour operator come from Great Abaco. As far as cast members are concerned, most come of the ship (characters, food and beverage staff and merchandise staff with the exception of the post office staff), but there are also about 50 cast members that live on Castaway Cay.


Yes! That is the island! We could see it too when we went on an excursion.

Jen, Corinna is right, the tours and most activities are done by outside contracters.
There is a crew that lives on CC and to add to Corinna's already given pointers, I just want to say that the manager of Castaway Cay is Austrian! :goodvibes His name is Guenther and he is really a nice guy! :thumbsup2

I remember you mentioning him in the past.
Castaway Cay still looks like paradise even with though it was brown from the storm. The family looks like they were all in a good mood and ready to hit the island!
Castaway Cay still looks like paradise even with though it was brown from the storm. The family looks like they were all in a good mood and ready to hit the island!

We were all excited for the day. We had an excellent time that day too. We didn't let the brown get us down.
Well, it looks like the island was brown, but the water was blue and so was the sky and that's two big thumbs up in my book.:thumbsup2
Hey Jen,

I'm finally caught up again... I love that you have so many pictures, as they truly are worth a 1000 words. I'm with you I like to take pictures of everything and anything so that you can always relive the moments.

Can't wait to see how your CC day goes!

Vinny would have a heart attack being that close to a bird.
They are beautiful birds.
That is a great pic of the ship with Atlantis behind it.
Creepy guys are the worst.
I do not believe a drink with no alcohol can be great. LOL. Only kidding. It looked good.
The escargot looks delicious.
The aqua duck does look pretty lit up.
Karaoke is something I could never do. Good for her.
Sounds like you had a great day and evening too.
Great pics from the balcony.
All caught up now.
I like that Jen


Well, it looks like the island was brown, but the water was blue and so was the sky and that's two big thumbs up in my book.:thumbsup2

Exactly! The day was nice, what more can you ask for.

Hey Jen,

I'm finally caught up again... I love that you have so many pictures, as they truly are worth a 1000 words. I'm with you I like to take pictures of everything and anything so that you can always relive the moments.

Can't wait to see how your CC day goes!


I love taking picutres. it really helps relive the moments.

Vinny would have a heart attack being that close to a bird.
They are beautiful birds.
That is a great pic of the ship with Atlantis behind it.
Creepy guys are the worst.
I do not believe a drink with no alcohol can be great. LOL. Only kidding. It looked good.
The escargot looks delicious.
The aqua duck does look pretty lit up.
Karaoke is something I could never do. Good for her.
Sounds like you had a great day and evening too.
Great pics from the balcony.
All caught up now.

You wouldn't want me to sing karaoke. :rotfl2: It would be a scary thing.

I am not a big drinker at all, so this drink was great for me. I did get wild last night have TWO Bud Lights. :rotfl:
After admiring the views from the decks outside of the Meridian, I headed back inside.

Of course I shot a couple of pictures.

A quick walk through Cabanas.

The guy posed for me!

I walked around snapping away some more.

These stairs lead up to the AquaDuck.

I need this guy to come clean at my house. He actually pulls things out and cleans behind them.

Back to looking out at Castaway Cay.

A look down to where I had just been.

I just want to be there right now!

Looking down, one level is part of Cabanas outside seating and the other is Aft room balconies.

The infamous Palm tree.

Earlier when I had been on my balcony watching us dock, My Dad was next door watching as well. I pointed out that this was a fake palm tree that was really a tower for cell phones, etc. I really don’t think he believed me at first. I had to explain how it was so much bigger than the others and they just made it to look like a palm tree. And as you can see, up close, it doesn’t look real at all.
While we were talking about this, I had looked down and there was our fellow Dis member JohnPA a deck below us. What a small world. It never dawned on me when looking at the fish extender list that his room was practically right below us. We waved at each other and my Dad was all curious as to why I was waving at strangers. LOL
More pictures of my beloved island. I am sure someone in the family would be going down these slides later.

Here comes the parasail boat. Geoff and Pete had the first appointment of the day for this excursion.

A few more ship pictures.

And back to Castaway Cay.

Look at all those towels waiting for us.

I really like this shot.

After taking that shot, I headed down to the Port Adventures desk. I kept thinking about how my Dis friend Rinky had talked about the Jet Ski excursion. I knew I would enjoy it, I was pretty sure Claire would too, and I knew it would be right up Rob’s alley as well.
I inquired about it and I was told there wasn’t anything available for double riders, only singles and not for the same times. She then told me to check on the island itself, as they often have more openings there. I will tell you this now. Don’t even bother with the desk. They don’t have the correct info. All the jet skis hold 2 people for one and they had plenty of openings as well.

I headed back to the room then and got dressed for the day of activities and packed our bag. I switched over to the waterproof camera for the day as well. Claire was ready to go, but we had to eat some breakfast first. We met up with the family at Cabanas and got a little bit of breakfast. For some reason the kids were not in the eating mood this morning. But we did make them take a few bites.

Notice Claire’s Mickey waffle across the table is missing his ears? LOL

Abby was refusing to eat as well.

I made Claire take a few sips of her milk.

Geoff and Pete had already gotten off the ship and were on their way to parasailing. They were really excited about this, but it sounds a bit too scary for me. My mom actually wanted to go as well, but her bone Dr. suggested she not do it, so she passed on it.

After breakfast we decided to put the girl’s hair in ponytails and went back to Gail’s room to get the rubber bands. Abby went off with Mom and Dad.

I have no clue where I took these pictures. I do know I took the first one because the parasailing boat was just going around the front of the ship, but I just barely missed it. It almost looks like I am hanging in midair taking them.

While we were getting ready to get off the ship, Geoff and Pete already had started their adventure.

They we weren’t the first to go in their session, so they got to see a few before taking their turn.

Pete went up first of the 2 of them though.


They were given an option to have a toe dip when they came back down and they both chose to do it.

And then it was Geoff’s turn.


Coming in for the toe dip.

Touch Down!

It appears they went up fairly high and they said each turn was a good amount of time. They both enjoyed this quite a bit and were very happy they did this. I still think it looks scary, but there is a part of me that wants to try it. That crazy part that I keep locked up and the key hidden!

It was time for us to get off the ship and head to our Port Adventure. I think Rob had to run back to the room for something, so Gail, Claire, Alexis and I got off and walked slowly.

We grabbed some towels to take along and spotted some characters, but the girls did not want to stop.

Um I swore we got pony tails holders for the girls, but obviously we didn’t put them in their hair at this point.

It was sad to see the brown up close, but I knew the island would bounce back soon.

And then we spotted him! My boyfriend, my future husband, the man I am leaving Skip for …..Captain Jack Sparrow.

I was informed I was not allowed to stop and see him at this point. The line was too long. What kill joys!

Hi Honey!

I did however stop at the little hut to inquire about the jet ski excursion.

I didn’t have many people in front of me, but they were so slow, asking so many useless questions. Well they were useless because they didn’t pertain to what I needed! LOL

Finally I got up there and was told that the jet ski sign up was actually right up next to the jet skis. UGH. Wasted time!

I did however have the girls stand for a picture.


I think Rob did catch up with us at this point and we were off. We now were getting a little too close to our own port adventure time and needed to make some tracks.
Yay!! Updates! Only 10 days to go for us to be on that ship. Loving the TR.

I just did 4 updates!. I am busy tomorrow so I knew if I didn't get any up now, it could be a couple of days before I got to it again. I wish I was going on a cruise in 10 days. LOL I will be leaving in just over a week though for hopefully warmer parts and I am excited!
I just did 4 updates!. I am busy tomorrow so I knew if I didn't get any up now, it could be a couple of days before I got to it again. I wish I was going on a cruise in 10 days. LOL I will be leaving in just over a week though for hopefully warmer parts and I am excited!

Were are you going?


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