Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread - Take 2

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Did 11 miles today. Finished in 2:10. Not my best time but considering all the injures I've had of late, I will gladly take it.
I'm really getting pumped for this half!!
:banana: That's fantastic!

you should hold a Princes Allegra sign so we know who you are and give you high fives (not sweaty hugs! :goodvibes). Spectators will thing you have an odd name, but we know better :upsidedow

I'm stoked! I've never been to Orlando before, so it'll be an experience for me. :) I'm only worried about the humidity! I hope it's not too bad when we are there.
I'm sure humidity is relative, but by my Floridian standards it's been pretty dry around here this winter. Definitely nothing like the summer months.

With 30 days left, it seems like everyone has their own worries and plans to iron out - i know I do!! (still don't have a costume and haven't figured out my day-of plan).

But since today is a milestone of sorts, I wanted to reflect on the process that got us all this far. This is such an amazing group on Princesses and we've all already accomplished so much. I'm proud of myself and also of everyone who had embarked on this journey. We're amazing!

Wishing everyone the best during the next month. Can't wait to see where our training will take us!
:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes Ditto all of that - we really ARE amazing!


I'm totally feeling for all who are battling illness, either themselves or within their homes... my DS is home sick today. :headache: Sore throat, cough, no fever as of yet, so I'm hoping it's a little something that'll be gone quickly. I may stop at the drugstore and pick up a mask on my way home tonight...
Im thinking about getting on the bus at 3. I got race retreat, so I want to enjoy that.

Have fun with that! Had it last year but didn't get a chance to actually use it pre-race (post race yes) sadly. And of course by the time I realized I still hadn't gotten my race retreat ticket it was sold out. Oh well maybe that will give me the incentive to actually get in line for the photos with the princesses after the race this year.

Without race retreat mainly going to wing it. Do you guys know if they ever sell any spots at the expo? I know its a long shot but thought I should ask.
4 weeks y'all!!!!

Hi all. Well I have suffered another emotional setback. Doesn't help with my training. Why does the s..t have to hit the fan now?
Ok ladies, I think I might have become officially insane.
Last night I think I over hydrated before my run... It made for a very painfull run on a full bladder.
Consequently, I had a dream. I was running the course prior to the half, with the course map in hand and writing down all the spots where there where porta potties....
Considering that I only wanted to stop at the real restrooms in MK, I was slightly grossed out when I woke up.
Just imagine that... Having to stop at EVERY row of porta potties for the whole half!:scared:

I'm I the only one with such nightmares?

Well after Tink - no. After you left the park at mile 5.5 there was only one set of potties and I'm not even sure they were for us. It was a bank of 3 and they were kind of behind a fence.

Lots of water stops + no potties = PROBLEM!

That's my plan too. Get over there early to enjoy the race retreat.
+1 :thumbsup2 I'd like to be outside, waiting for a bus by 2:50am.

Hi all. Well I have suffered another emotional setback. Doesn't help with my training. Why does the s..t have to hit the fan now?
:hug: IDK, but I TOTALLY understand - it's literally been one life-altering calamity after another this past month. I'm sorry that you're going through stuff, too, but hope it helps to know you're not alone. Hang in there! :hug:
Well after Tink - no. After you left the park at mile 5.5 there was only one set of potties and I'm not even sure they were for us. It was a bank of 3 and they were kind of behind a fence.

Lots of water stops + no potties = PROBLEM!


Are we talking about for the entire course post-parks? Because I could have sworn there were more than that. I know some tended to hide behind the med tents (there was a set in downtown Anaheim around mile 8 mostly hidden by the tent and I know there was another set of porta potties around mile 11 at a water station).
Ugh. Another failed run today. I was scheduled to run 8 miles today but ended up doing two. The cold got the best of me. Around one mile I felt like I wasn't even taking in any air when breathing and started to feel a bit lite headed. I'm not sure if it was the cold (19) or that I probably haven't eaten enough today. I'm working third shift this weekend and hardly manage short runs on overnight weekends. I guess I'm going to try to do two short runs this weekend to make up the miles and retry the eight miler Monday :confused3. I thought it was tough training for the tot run in August but the freezing cold is taking more out of me than training in the 90 degree heat.
Are we talking about for the entire course post-parks? Because I could have sworn there were more than that. I know some tended to hide behind the med tents (there was a set in downtown Anaheim around mile 8 mostly hidden by the tent and I know there was another set of porta potties around mile 11 at a water station).

I figured there must have been more out there. The one small set was behind a water stop - I think it may have been around mile 8 - seems about right. Sure wish I had found the mile 11 ones! :scared:

I wasn't the only one who noticed the lack of potties or I guess the well hidden ones! LOL!
I figured there must have been more out there. The one small set was behind a water stop - I think it may have been around mile 8 - seems about right. Sure wish I had found the mile 11 ones! :scared:

I wasn't the only one who noticed the lack of potties or I guess the well hidden ones! LOL!

Disneyland is still kind of learning how to do things with races. Tinker Bell is kind of helping along in the process whether it wants to or not. So hopefully in September and next year there won't be the incident of the hidden/missing porta potties.

I know they are learning since I went from unable to get back to my corral in 2011 due to how the mass of humanity was crowding the street to having walking room to get back there last year.

I've just learned to look for restrooms about anywhere when I have to go. During the '11 Disneyland Half I literally crossed to the other side of the parking lot to use a porta potty because I wanted to go to the bathroom before passing the through the aid station. Mind you it wasn't a very large parking lot.
PrincessV said:
+1 :thumbsup2 I'd like to be outside, waiting for a bus by 2:50am.

:hug: IDK, but I TOTALLY understand - it's literally been one life-altering calamity after another this past month. I'm sorry that you're going through stuff, too, but hope it helps to know you're not alone. Hang in there! :hug:

Thanks, V. Yes, this month has been awful for me. After I came home from marathon weekend, I got dumped by my SO. Just in time for Valentines Day and my Bday next month. Everyone in my office is sick, but me. My runs haven't going as well as i would have liked and my fiends all think I am crazy for doing the 1/2. I feel so heartbroken, frustrated and hurt.
How about "Look like a BEAUTY, Run like a BEAST"! Lol!

How about this for your hubby, "I was a frog before she kissed me and made me her prince."

I love both of these! Boy, you guys are clever

How about a picture of a frog prince with the quote "A kiss if you can catch me!" He can have Hershey's kisses with him for those that ask:)

Maybe that's what I need to get a faster pace....a guy running just ahead of me handing out chocolate :thumbsup2

4 weeks y'all!!!!


That was awesome! :rotfl2:


Question about the Expo. My orginal thought was to go to the Expo around 10AM on Friday, but now I'm second-gussing that idea. How busy is it when it first opens? Would we be better off going to a park in the morning and then hitting the Expo mid to late afternoon? Right now I don't think we'll listen to any speakers, so it would be picking up our packets and browsing the vendors. Thanks!

sunnygal041 said:
Thanks, V. Yes, this month has been awful for me. After I came home from marathon weekend, I got dumped by my SO. Just in time for Valentines Day and my Bday next month. Everyone in my office is sick, but me. My runs haven't going as well as i would have liked and my fiends all think I am crazy for doing the 1/2. I feel so heartbroken, frustrated and hurt.

Oooops, meant to say friends, not fiends. LOL. I guess I know where my mind is. I was gonna drive up sat. morning, but I think I will leave on Fri. Instead.
pinkxray said:
Ugh. Another failed run today. I was scheduled to run 8 miles today but ended up doing two. The cold got the best of me. Around one mile I felt like I wasn't even taking in any air when breathing and started to feel a bit lite headed. I'm not sure if it was the cold (19) or that I probably haven't eaten enough today. I'm working third shift this weekend and hardly manage short runs on overnight weekends. I guess I'm going to try to do two short runs this weekend to make up the miles and retry the eight miler Monday :confused3. I thought it was tough training for the tot run in August but the freezing cold is taking more out of me than training in the 90 degree heat.

Hang in there. I am down here in Fla. and even with nice weather, this has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.
Thanks, V. Yes, this month has been awful for me. After I came home from marathon weekend, I got dumped by my SO. Just in time for Valentines Day and my Bday next month. Everyone in my office is sick, but me. My runs haven't going as well as i would have liked and my fiends all think I am crazy for doing the 1/2. I feel so heartbroken, frustrated and hurt.

Thanks, V. Yes, this month has been awful for me. After I came home from marathon weekend, I got dumped by my SO. Just in time for Valentines Day and my Bday next month. Everyone in my office is sick, but me. My runs haven't going as well as i would have liked and my fiends all think I am crazy for doing the 1/2. I feel so heartbroken, frustrated and hurt.

I'm sorry you're hurting :grouphug: I got dumped by my boyfriend of eight years this past spring during training and the last thing I wanted to do was run, so I feel your pain. The pain and sadness will get better. And like the great women on this board told me at the time, all the running will make my legs and butt look at much better :) It hasn't, but I have found someone new, and you will too when you're ready to open up your heart again.

I don't think you're crazy for doing the Princess. I think it'll be the best thing for you. It gets you away from home and your everyday worries and into a happy place. HUGS!!

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