NOT Very Fearless 2007 DDP Prediction

Cap'n Jack's is already on the list for 2007. It's a Disney-owned restaurant.
Whoops! quick change. I just realized Coral Reef is already on the 2007 brochure. It's a good thing I didn't up the ante Jim ;)
bicker said:
Cap'n Jack's is already on the list for 2007. It's a Disney-owned restaurant.

See I knew I was right. :rotfl2:

Sorry this heat is getting to me. ;)
I think child and adult credits should be separated. It seems like such an easy thing to do in terms of the technology, its completely fair - and its a good way for disney to keep the cost of the plan down.
Pedler said:
Sometime in 2007 if not before they will seperate child / adult credits.


Definitely agree that this will happen...never understood why they didn't do this in the first place. It seems like such an easy thing to keep track of.
To support your theory, a CM @ Big River Grill has told me that they have already signed on for 2007.
hopefully he was right
I booked a trip today for May and the Cm told me that the EPCOT and DTD restaurants are still in negotations and will probably be added back in. :cool1:
I just called today and was asking some questions in reference to the DDP and the CM said that last year most DTD restaurants didn't participate so there probably won't be much of a change from last years list even though the restaurants are still negotating contracts. :chat:

I sure miss the old DDP from "98". The first time we used the plan everything was included. :drinking1 Yes even alcohol beverages and it was a affordable. Anyone else remember those days? :cloud9:
I think most, if not all, World Showcase places will be back. I don't think any of them will be 2 credits. There is just not that much of a price difference between Chefs and Le Celliar or Chefs and San Angel to warrant Chefs being 2 credits. IF they all come back, I think they will all be 1 credit.

I think CSR will HAVE to come back or many people will switch to other moderate resorts. I know they have the convention center, but can they afford to lose families with the DDP?

I don't know about DTD. That is a tricky one. I bet they get a lot of locals and off-site traffic. However, they were included in the plan they had previous to the DDP in 2005. Actually, more of them were included with that plan-Rainforest, PYC, and others than with the current DDP. I'm not all that sure DTD will come back.
alwayspooh said:
Yes even alcohol beverages and it was a affordable.
I don't remember it being affordable! :eek:

NMW said:
I think most, if not all, World Showcase places will be back. I don't think any of them will be 2 credits. There is just not that much of a price difference between Chefs and Le Celliar or Chefs and San Angel to warrant Chefs being 2 credits.
Cinderella's is typically less expensive than dinner at some of the places you mentioned, yet, it is 2TS. In that case, they've apparently made the restaurant 2TS in reaction to its popularity. The credits clearly don't map directly to dollar amounts on the menus.

I think CSR will HAVE to come back or many people will switch to other moderate resorts.
The folks who own the CSR eateries may or may not factor in the effect their lack of participation may or may not have on hotel bookings. There are a lot of factors involved there that could work for or against the need to participate. I believe that they'll have to conclude that participating was good for them (the eateries) -- not just good for CSR (the hotel).
I predict Chefs will be back. I don't think they can afford to lose the business. The menu may have to be revamped.

Disney will need a participating restaurant at CSR. I'll predict you won't be able to get a $30 CS meal at PM, including the rib eye steak for 1 CS credit. Either the rib eye steak will disappear, will be excluded or Disney and PM will agree to some modification. The might even use the bar area to open up a limited CS restaurant geared to dining plan guests, at least for breakfast and lunch. Originally Disney and PM agreed to limit desserts, to compensate for the enhanced entrées. I don't think this would go over but a compromise might be to go back to restricting dessert. Let guests use a snack credit if they want most of the desserts.
I agree with those that think most of the WS in Epcot will be back. We booked our April of 2005 trip in December of 2004 (if I remember correctly)...just when the "new" DDP was announced. In early 2005, only 3 or 4 WS restaurants were participating in the plan, and LeCellier and Coral Reef were 2 credits.

Right about the time we were visiting the World, all of the other WS restaurants came on board. We didn't know about the new additions until after we returned home!

Like I said, I believe that the WS restaurants, along with CSR will be back on the plan, but it may be near the end of 2006 or a few months into 2007 that you see them officially announced and the brochure changed.

I say make your reservations for the places you want to eat and see what happens!
What about reclassifying Pepper Market as a TS? It is clearly not an ideal solution for CSR guests, but it is a fair solution.
bicker said:
What about reclassifying Pepper Market as a TS? It is clearly not an ideal solution for CSR guests, but it is a fair solution.

CSR would be the only resort without a CS restaurant, unless they include the pool restaurant. For breakfast PM isn't much different than other CS restaurants. Even for lunch and dinner most meals aren't much more than at the Land. It's really the rib-eye steak and one or two other entrées that puts PM significantly above other CS restaurants.

Your solution is the easiest to implement, it might even be the solution that Disney goes with. Beaches and Cream was a CS under the old voucher program.

Someone else suggested making PM the first "signature" CS and require 2 credits. That might be fair, if breakfast was left at one credit. I wonder if dropping dessert would be enough. Let guests use a snack credit if they want dessert.
CSR has already made one change. This was posted on the DP Q&A:

Just back from a 7-day trip (8/5-8/12) and wanted to share some info on how CSR was handling bakery items on the DDP. They have 2 sections in the Bakery, "Bakery I" (cinnamon rolls, danishes, baguettes, croissants, muffins and cookies) and "Bakery II" (cake/cheesecake slices, fruit tarts, tiramisu, creme brulees, etc.). At the beginning of the week all bakery items were available as a CS dessert or as a snack on the DDP. On 8/11 we were advised by the nice CM working in the bakery that only "Bakery I" items were available on the DDP as a CS dessert or snack--"Bakery II" items were now excluded.
Lewisc said:
Your solution is the easiest to implement, it might even be the solution that Disney goes with. Beaches and Cream was a CS under the old voucher program.
Beaches and Cream is TS under the current and 2007 Dining Plans.
bicker said:
Beachs and Cream is CS under the current and 2007 Dining Plans.

B&C was always a table service restaurant under the current dining plan, it was a CS restaurant with the old vouchers.

jjohnson--CSR originally limited desserts to Bakery 1 items, this was acceptable to Disney since the entrées are more extensive than other CS restaurants and many of the CS restaurants (in the parks) don't offer desserts that aren't that elaborate.
Duh Duh Duh. I meant to post TS. I swear I did. That was the whole point of my message!!!

STOOPID fingers! :)


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