Not ROFR thread - general discussion

Guys, we leave for airport in 6 hours... I had extra space in my personal bag. I put in a loaf of sourdough... A nice piece of sourdough toast with morning coffee..mmm... next level?

Nah ... I just didn't want to throw the bread away...😄 Here we come!!!

Have fun!

PS every time we go, we run the risk of buying more points.
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You could always freeze the bread for later if you didn't want to bring it with. 🤣
My two new favourite things when low balling.

No being countered as you are too far apart. No wonder the listing has been for sale for 150+ days....

Being under the "instant sale price" so broker rejects the offer. Then comes back with difference prices as what their instant sale price is. As casually forgets to add the fess the seller is paying with instant sale
Random question.

Do you have to use the title agency that the broker uses, or can you choose your own one as I noticed on one brokers site they have a choice of three yet others don't
Random question.

Do you have to use the title agency that the broker uses, or can you choose your own one as I noticed on one brokers site they have a choice of three yet others don't
You can definitely choose your own pick for the settlement co. Some companies prefer a certain one that they own or usually work with, but the choice is definitely yours to make as you are paying for the service.
Random question.

Do you have to use the title agency that the broker uses, or can you choose your own one as I noticed on one brokers site they have a choice of three yet others don't
IMO you should always bring a title agency and never use a brokers to reduce the possibility of getting scammed by a stranger on the internet. Timeshare scams are SO prevalent. I’d rather be safe than sorry.
Any experience with this?

Offer accepted on a December contract. It still has some December 2023 points, broker asked if I wanted seller to bank the remaining to 2024. Yes please.

Seller responded they don’t want to bank them until after the 10 day waiting period for me to back out…

Leading to an apparent contract writing issue for the broker.

We have until July 31st to bank them, I certainly could myself if there were no delays. Do we just sign the regular contract with no guarantee they will be banked by seller?
Any experience with this?

Offer accepted on a December contract. It still has some December 2023 points, broker asked if I wanted seller to bank the remaining to 2024. Yes please.

Seller responded they don’t want to bank them until after the 10 day waiting period for me to back out…

Leading to an apparent contract writing issue for the broker.

We have until July 31st to bank them, I certainly could myself if there were no delays. Do we just sign the regular contract with no guarantee they will be banked by seller?
How many points? If it was a small number I probably would just sign the original contract - worse case, you can rent the points if you miss the banking deadline.
It’s 123 on a 140 point contract.
Hmmm - I mean, how many days are you losing by rewriting the contract? I haven't been around long enough to experience this myself but if it's just a few days I'd probably have them rewrite considering it's basically an entire year of points...
That's almost all the points for the year...I've never experienced this myself as I'm a pretty green member, but that's too many points on the table and I would definitely have them bank the points even if it's after the 10 day period.
The 10 day request seems perfectly reasonable. Just let the Broker update the purchase agreement (that should take one day) and everyone sign it. They just want to be sure you're serious before banking the points.
The 10 day request seems perfectly reasonable. Just let the Broker update the purchase agreement (that should take one day) and everyone sign it. They just want to be sure you're serious before banking the points.
Yeah I have nothing against the 10 day request. It just seems to have stumped the broker, going to higher up department to figure it out. We’re only 24 hours into the offer accepted so nothing in writing yet.
Any experience with this?

Offer accepted on a December contract. It still has some December 2023 points, broker asked if I wanted seller to bank the remaining to 2024. Yes please.

Seller responded they don’t want to bank them until after the 10 day waiting period for me to back out…

Leading to an apparent contract writing issue for the broker.

We have until July 31st to bank them, I certainly could myself if there were no delays. Do we just sign the regular contract with no guarantee they will be banked by seller?

Just have the broker write up the contract as if the points were already banked. It will be up to the seller to bank them and meet the contractual obligation. If you back out then they are fine. They can bank them once the 10 day window is over.

Not sure why Brokers complicate these buyer friendly requests.
I am currently trying to sell a contract. I got an email Thursday around 4:30pm that there was an offer. Immediately, I sent an email with a counter offfer. I have a $ amount I don’t want to go under so I replied the second I got the email. Now, it’s Saturday and I haven’t gotten a response. I have sold before and usually they come back and at least say, okay, I’ll present your counter or later they say the person decided against. I haven’t gotten any response. Is that normal? I am pretty unmotivated to sell unless it’s a decent price so I’m in no hurry. Just wondering if maybe the agent missed my response?
I am currently trying to sell a contract. I got an email Thursday around 4:30pm that there was an offer. Immediately, I sent an email with a counter offfer. I have a $ amount I don’t want to go under so I replied the second I got the email. Now, it’s Saturday and I haven’t gotten a response. I have sold before and usually they come back and at least say, okay, I’ll present your counter or later they say the person decided against. I haven’t gotten any response. Is that normal? I am pretty unmotivated to sell unless it’s a decent price so I’m in no hurry. Just wondering if maybe the agent missed my response?
It wouldn't hurt to give the agent a quick call and ask if they received your counter offer. I've had texts and emails not go through before. Then ask the agent to follow up with the buyer if they haven't heard back yet. But if I had to guess, I'd think the buyer has moved on looking for a bargain.

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