"Norway? More like No Way!" Goobers' Jan 12 TR! Up.x2 4/6: FINAL THOUGHTS!

I just need to interject with a quick ridiculous photo. Matt thinks it's hilarious to make our dog Milo do ridiculous things. Mainly because Milo let's him... Anyway, Matt decided to narrate that Milo was creating his own DIS name, milojohnson (one of a thousand stupid nicknames we have for this poor dog).. Soooo I took a photo, of Milo DISing away...


I probably find this way funnier than I should, but I couldn't help share it with you guys..

Anyway, onto Day 6!!

Chapter Twenty-Three: "YOU ARE LUCKY NUMBER OOOONE!!"
Day 6: January 23rd, 2012​

We woke up this morning at around 8-8:30ish. I was feeling like total poop. Sore throat, stuffy nose... Not good. Fortunately it was more of a head cold than a full-blown chills/fever/etc., but I was still feeling pretty terrible. Matt was awesome and went and got us coffee and breakfast at the Market Place.. He got me the coffee cake.. which was DELICIOUS!


And yes, that is sitting on top of a poncho. Why, I don't know, hahaha.

Matt got himself a chocolate croissant and said it was pretty tasty, as well.


We were both pretty pooped from our big Gauntlet challenge, so we decided to take it easy and lazed around the room for awhile. Eventually we got ready and I was awfully excited to be wearing my new shirt!


We left our room at around 10:40 to head over to World Showcase. Of course it only took us around 5 minutes to walk there, so we hung out near the entrance to France until it opened at 11. Obviously we amused ourselves by saying hello to our new friends, World Showcase ducks..


Around 11, they dropped the ropes and allowed people in. We made our way over to Japan, because this was the day I was going to finally do Pick a Pearl!

Now if you followed my PTR, you know that this had been on my "bucket list", so I was pretty darn excited to do it! We walked into the Japanese store, looked around, and I made my way to the Pick a Pearl area.

The CM was VERY excited I was going to take part in such a fun experience. I had Matt take photos of the whole thing so you if you're wondering how it all works/looks, you've come to the right place!

The CM handed me a number, then told me to give it back to her. I was kind of confused by realized it was just part of the whole experience. I was the first person to do it for the day, so when I handed over my number, she CM shouted:



Holy cow, this was going to be one fun experience!

I looked around the tank and found a hairy-looking smaller gross oyster.


The CM had me countdown, 3, 2, 1... But then stopped me, telling me we needed to do it in JAPANESE!

Oh boy.

After repeating with her (I'm sure my Japanese was not excellent), she started the process of opening the oyster!





She opened it and there it was. A pretty champagne-colored pearl!


She told me how BEAUTIFUL it was, very excitedly so, and told me how she was going to measure it. It turned out to be a 6 3/4mm pearl, which was perfect because I wanted something a little smaller as I was thinking of putting it on a ring and did not want it to look ginormous.

She then placed it in a little bowl of salt..


And had me hold onto it to "help"...



(Don't mind my sweating, this day was one of the hotter days we experienced, and as we all know, World Showcase turns into the hottest place on the planet when the sun is out.)

She put my pearl into a little bag, and handed it off to me..



I was super excited and loved the process. I HIGHLY suggest people try this out. The CMs are VERY into it and are just as excited for you as you yourself are. It's only $15 to do it, which I think is very reasonable for the experience.

I looked at their settings and decided on doing a ring, so I gave the CM the pearl back and she told us we could come back in an hour and a half to pick it up! We thanked her, paid for our setting, then shopped around Japan for a few..


and then headed outside to check out the koi pond...


Next update? It involves an ADR and a little Blue Steel action...

Congrats on your Gauntlet success !

Sorry you weren't feeling so well though :sick: hopefully it was short lived. :goodvibes

Pick a pearl looks awesome ! My mom did this when I was a kid and got 2 pearls in one shot ! She made a pair of earrings out of them. (wonder if she still has them :confused3) I'll have to ask her.

Great pics and update ! :thumbsup2
Hahahah! Only true Disers would train their PETS to be Disers. Way to be, Milo, way to be. :cool2:

Oh no! Sorry you weren't feeling well. :(

What a nice husband Matt is. (Also, HELLO MATT, I saw that you posted last night! :wave2: Welcome to the posting world of the Dis hahaha.) That coffee cake looks really good!


Aww pick a pearl! Every time I've seen photos of this the CMs are SO enthusiastic, it's adorable.

It looks like so much fun! I guess the salt is to clean off the oyster guts or something? Hahaha how creepy. But the pearl is so pretty! YAY!
Yippee for the pick-a-pearl experience! :) This was something I surprised my DD with during out June trip. I purchased a necklace ahead of time with a dolphin pearl cage, so I was hoping she didn't get a pearl that was too big for it...or get TWO of them which would not have worked. It was really a very cute experience for her to try as well. I might have to try it myself during my next trip! ;)
I just joined...I am enjoying your report, not sure how you did all the parks in one day...that takes determination..lol!!! You sure have had a lot of magic come your way, and congrats on your first year of marraige..I am getting married on June 2nd... there is no Disney trip this year, because we are headed to Jamacia for our honeymoon, I tried to sneak one in there, but he isnt having it :rolleyes:

Cant wait to read about the rest of your Trip

P.S Ignore my siggy its being temperamental today :(
Milojohnson! :lmao:

Sorry you weren't feeling well, I'm glad it wasn't enough to keep you in bed! LOVE the new shirt!

We love the ducks too. Savannah has a picture of "ducky", her friend from WS, on her phone.

We saw them doing pick a pearl when were were in the shop the first time and it looked really fun! They are SO into it, it makes it even more fun! I want to see a pic of your ring! How much did the ring setting cost?

Rey & I discussed the gauntlet for our next trip (shhhh, it's in the makings and not for sure yet!) but I don't know if we will do it! IF we go, it will only be a 3 day trip and I'm worried it will be too much time traveling and exhausting ourselves. We do have something else we are cooking up, but Rey said I cannot share it on the DIS b/c someone will steal our idea before we get to do it first! :lmao:
Just finished reading your report so far and it is GREAT!! :thumbsup2

We did the pick a pearl for our DD's last year on our trip. They had a blast.

Wow, the gauntlet....:worship: I don't think I could have managed.

Our trip also had some big 'ol blisters (me) and head colds (DH and younger dd) Still was the best vacation ever!

I do not envy your long plane ride (we drive from NC). We are from Oregon originally, so we grew up going to Disneyland. Last year was our first WDW trip and now we are hooked. Going again in a couple of months.

I cannot wait to read more.

Oh, and I LOVE Milo! :love: Our pug is named Buddha. They just have the cutest faces ever!
Pant ... pant ... pant!!! :cool1: ... what an AMAZING trip report ... the gauntlet was AWESOME!!!! Gotta say, you've made me absolutely pine for riding EE at night ...I've been tossing around the possibility of using Via Napoli as a TS ... and holy oyster-oli ... I am absolutely HOOKED on eating raw oysters but now you've made it my PRIORITY to get JJ (see my PTR for details) the pearl shucking experience :thumbsup2!!

So sorry to hear about the sore feet ... I'll be sharing my own (our own) tale of similar woe in my PTR ... but believe me, I know your pain!! :sad2:

Can't wait to finish out and hear about the ADR Matt was so stoked about!!
Just reading about the Gauntlet made me tired! I can't believe how much you did in one day! My trip dates were Jan 21st-Feb 1st. We stayed at the BC the second half of our trip, so I have similar feelings to you about being able to just walk home from the World Showcase. Sigh. I miss that!

And I did Pick A Pearl too, and I had the same girl that you had! I recognized her in your pictures. I can't wait to start my TR so I can share all my January fun too!
We did the pick a pearl on our June trip last year and I just loved it. I got the carriage necklace and I wore it just the other day. Fun stuff.
Okay, here's the truth. I have not been as lazy as I appear lately. I HAVE been reading your updates. Thing is, I had some dental work done the other day and have had to take a pain pill at night the last few nights...which is also when I usually read the DIS...and I've kind of been falling asleep with my laptop open before I comment. I haven't had anything more than a Tylenol in, oh, about seven years, so I'm obviously strongly affected by medication!

I won't go back and comment on everything, but I will comment on a few things, mostly because I am finding it hard to stop typing.

That monorail shirt?? I've been BEGGING for it for months! I'm obsessed with it, and you're wearing it! (Further proof that we are clones of awesomeness:thumbsup2.)

I also LOVE Carla! But I can't watch her new show because it replaced All My Children, and I'm still in mourning.

I did an update about the beginning of our AK day, in which we did EE and Maharajah Jungle Trek for the first time. I thought about stealing your AK update and substituting it for mine. Why not?!

Seriously, though, I took a cue from you and typed up the whole day. Now I'm prepared to post updates for a few days in a row! YAY! You're an inspiration:idea:!

I love your antics and get excited every time you update.
I definately want to do the "pick a Pearl" with my daughters on our next trip! That is so cool! I had done one years ago at SeaWorld when I was young. :)
Congrats on your Gauntlet success !

Thank you! It was definitely tiring but worth it in the end. :goodvibes

Sorry you weren't feeling so well though :sick: hopefully it was short lived. :goodvibes

It's okay, I didn't feel fantastic but I still dealt with it... It helped to take some cold medicine and some Advil, made it a lot less painful!

Pick a pearl looks awesome ! My mom did this when I was a kid and got 2 pearls in one shot ! She made a pair of earrings out of them. (wonder if she still has them :confused3) I'll have to ask her.

It really was SO much fun and I think everyone should do it! I just really had a blast with it. That's so cool your mom got 2. How lucky!! I would do the same as her and make earrings if I'd gotten 2!!

Great pics and update ! :thumbsup2

Hahahah! Only true Disers would train their PETS to be Disers. Way to be, Milo, way to be. :cool2:

HAHAHA I know, he is just SO into the DIS. Tippety typing away on Matt's keyboard. Who knew we had such an internet-savvy dog?! Hahaha..

Oh no! Sorry you weren't feeling well. :(

It's okay! I was still well enough to stroll around and do stuff, but it's never fun when your throat feels like it's on fire... But nothing some cold medicine and Advil couldn't help. :thumbsup2

What a nice husband Matt is. (Also, HELLO MATT, I saw that you posted last night! :wave2: Welcome to the posting world of the Dis hahaha.) That coffee cake looks really good!

Yeah I was SO happy to wake up to coffee and breakfast. He's pretty much the best. And yes, that coffee cake was delish!



Aww pick a pearl! Every time I've seen photos of this the CMs are SO enthusiastic, it's adorable.

It looks like so much fun! I guess the salt is to clean off the oyster guts or something? Hahaha how creepy. But the pearl is so pretty! YAY!

Yeah they were so cute, I just wanted to hug them for being so enthusiastic! :rotfl: So gross but yes, because there was oyster all over the place. :crazy2: (That smiley just made me laugh, hahaha)..

Yippee for the pick-a-pearl experience! :) This was something I surprised my DD with during out June trip. I purchased a necklace ahead of time with a dolphin pearl cage, so I was hoping she didn't get a pearl that was too big for it...or get TWO of them which would not have worked. It was really a very cute experience for her to try as well. I might have to try it myself during my next trip! ;)

Yes it was wonderful!! What a great surprise! I looked at the cages but ended up not getting one because I have too many necklaces. Glad it worked that you guys got one that wasn't too big. Mine ended up being perfect for my ring! And you should treat yourself next trip. :goodvibes

I just joined...I am enjoying your report, not sure how you did all the parks in one day...that takes determination..lol!!! You sure have had a lot of magic come your way, and congrats on your first year of marraige..I am getting married on June 2nd... there is no Disney trip this year, because we are headed to Jamacia for our honeymoon, I tried to sneak one in there, but he isnt having it :rolleyes:

YAY! I'm so glad you joined!! I have no idea how we managed to do all of the parks in one day, but it was certainly an epic feat.. Especially since we went to Epcot twice. :rotfl: That is so exciting you're getting married in June!!! Jamaica isn't a bad alternate to Disney. We did Disney for our honeymoon, but I bet it'd be hard to do it unless your SO is super into it, too. :laughing: Hopefully next year though!!

Cant wait to read about the rest of your Trip

P.S Ignore my siggy its being temperamental today :(

Haha don't worry, my sig will sometimes just go nuts and not like me.

Milojohnson! :lmao:

OMG, if you only knew the absurd nicknames for Milo... We come up with alter egos for him ALL the time. Robert J. Dobbles, attorney at law... We are weird puppy parents. :lmao:

Sorry you weren't feeling well, I'm glad it wasn't enough to keep you in bed! LOVE the new shirt!

Yeah it wasn't enough to keep me in the room, but I was definitely not feeling 100%! And thank you, I love it, too. :lovestruc

We love the ducks too. Savannah has a picture of "ducky", her friend from WS, on her phone.

Ducks are the best. I'm glad Savannah totally gets it. :goodvibes

We saw them doing pick a pearl when were were in the shop the first time and it looked really fun! They are SO into it, it makes it even more fun! I want to see a pic of your ring! How much did the ring setting cost?

It really is a blast! I would never do it anywhere but the Japan pavilion. They are just so into it there and it makes it way more fun. Next update should have a photo of my ring! I think the setting cost like $32ish? It was a sterling silver, which was fine for me!

Rey & I discussed the gauntlet for our next trip (shhhh, it's in the makings and not for sure yet!) but I don't know if we will do it! IF we go, it will only be a 3 day trip and I'm worried it will be too much time traveling and exhausting ourselves. We do have something else we are cooking up, but Rey said I cannot share it on the DIS b/c someone will steal our idea before we get to do it first! :lmao:

EEEE that is exciting! Though gosh, 3 days would be exhausting to try to fit in a Disney Gauntlet day. It was fun but REALLY tiring! I am VERY excited to hear about this idea now! But dang it, tell Rey you've now left me hanging over here. :lmao:
OMG soooo I had all of the rest of my replies done here but lost them all because I didn't tell the DIS to "remember me" when I logged on Matt's computer... So by the time I finished my replies, it logged me out and I lost everything.

Epic fail. :headache:

And I had some funny things to say, too. :( I'll have to re-do everything tomorrow instead. Sorry guys and gals!
I only stumbled on to this today but have caught up! I am a seasoned WDW traveler (living 2 hours away your whole life, or 30 min away as I am now, really has its privileges...) but the past year I've only been going to drink around the world with friends who are visiting. I had NO IDEA the amazing pastries and what not I was missing out on at some places!!!!!:scared1: After a year of Epcot I have that down pat, but that carrot cake cookie!!! and those pretzels and just OMG:banana: I'm contemplating heading down there tomorrow just to go on a sugar binge!

On a non food related note (it's hard for me to do) love everything about this report. Crackin me up and my dog is starin at me like I'm nutso. Can't wait for the rest of this TR popcorn::
I spent all day yesterday reading your TR and just finished up this morning! Looking forward to more updates!! Thanks for the review of pick-a-pearl. I have always wanted to do it but never have. I'm hoping to do it on our upcoming trip!
OMG I thought they were going to fall off. It was really sad. And yes, I was so mad that we went the wrong way, even though it was only like an extra country or something. It seemed like 8 extra miles at the time!
I totally get that. Remember the night we were texting in Epcot when I started feeling bad? Walking from Mexico to the bus stops felt like 10 miles.
They were so good. I think I could just marry the pizza. And yeah, those pins gave us so much pixie dust it was insane. Like WAY more so than our honeymoon pins.
I am dying to go there now! I'll just come with you on your next trip and I'll wear an anniversary pin too. The anniversary of when I met you guys while you were celebrating your anniversary. :lmao:
Hahah well they were! They would just suddenly appear out of the darkness and so I felt like they were little ninja ducks.
Haha, that is so something I would say too. My family would have proceeded to look at me like I'm a crazy person.
I KNOW. I am still so mad at myself for a lack of photos. I think I was just worried I'd weird you out if I was like LET'S TAKE A TON OF PHOTOS! LET ME TAKE ONE OF YOU EATING! I don't know why we didn't just do it. That is so funny about the running up thing. You didn't creep us out though! Hahaha.
I was worried I'd scare you guys off too. We should've just done it and weirded Anna and Matt out with taking pics of each other eating Dole Whips. I was so excited to spot you guys, haha!
A Dole Whip would be awesome right now. I am really glad, too! And yeah, really happy we did that earlier in the trip, because then I feel like we ran into each other all the time! You're not being overly enthusiastic, unless I am, too, in which case we're just both being that way.
I am just so happy that we met that night! You're not being too enthusiastic either. I'm glad we can both be so excited and crazy talking about it! :goodvibes
Haha I was totally expecting to know this episode but I don't! I definitely watched Step by Step.. But that is so funny, I think I need to find out what this is from and find it on YouTube.
As far as WDW sitcom episodes go, I don't think it was very well done. There were too many made up things and incorrect things if I remember correctly. That bugs me as a Disney freak. :laughing:

Glad to hear your meet with Rachel went well...Rachel, I guess since you did a dismeet with Dani, you are excused from being the best responder on her TR! :laughing:
Thank you, Karen! :laughing:
Oh you must post a photo of the pearl ring! I think you are right...I might have to make that one of my birthday gifts for myself! ;)

Can't wait to read more. With my own trip being SOOO close it's hard not to spend all my time over hear on the boards! :rotfl:

I mentioned the 4-parks-in-one-day idea to DH and he thinks I am completely crazy! However in the same breath he said it is MY trip so he'll just follow along! :rotfl: :rotfl: What a good husband! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Milojohnson! :rotfl: I can already tell from talking to you guys that Matt LOVES to pick on Milo!

Thinking about the head colds we had down there makes me feel gross. They were nasty. :mad: That coffee cake looks really good though. Matt is a good hubby for running down there. His croissant looks huge and really good as well.

Monorail shirt and lounging, good choice. :thumbsup2 WS ducks are just the best ducks ever. They'll eat out of your hand which I am obsessed with because I think it feels cool. :laughing: Not that I would um, ever feed Disney ducks because it clearly says not to, right? *wink, wink*

Pick a Pearl! It looked like so much fun. Lucky number one! Woot! Love that picture of you, it's so cute! The nastier looking, the better. That pearl is really pretty, and a perfect size! Why is WS so much hotter than FW when it's warm?!
That is a great experience for only $15! I cannot wait for anything remotely involving Blue Steel!! :)


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